Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Yes, Hillary, the Media Did Help Trump Win. So Did You
– Former Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is back doing what she does best: selling books. … "The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates … "In this scenario, we don't want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more 'Pied Piper' candidates who actually…
Heading For The Cliff: Democratic Operatives Deliver Brutal Assessment of Party’s 2018 Hopes…ives-tear-apart-the-partys-current-strategy-for-201-n2381001
– The Democratic agenda is falling flat with voters outside of their base. … the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election. … Their advice to candidates afterward: Drop the talk of free college.…
Pelosi Won't Endorse Single-Payer Bill, Says It's Not A Litmus Test…dorsing-singlepayer-bill-says-its-not-a-litmus-test-n2380519
– Pelosi also rejected the notion of single-payer as a Democratic party “litmus test.” … Pelosi seems to be generally opposed to the notion of Democratic party litmus tests for candidates, rejecting the idea of the abortion … “This is the Democratic Party.…
Oh My: NYC Mayor Pretty Much Comes Out Against Private Property
– Would you vote for him in a presidential primary? It’s not 2020. Ask me in 2020. Is he a plausible president? … Again, I’m not here to do punditry on the next presidential race, which is three years away. I’m just not going to get into it. … The Democratic primary is Sept. 12, and de Blasio is heavily favored to defeat his challengers, including ex-Councilman Sal Albanese…
The Elephant in the Blue Room
– The democratic process passed down to us by the Founding Fathers has long ensured that American voters have their voices heard, via … candidates.  … While New York’s urban centers may be traditional Democratic hotspots, a quick look at the map of results from the 2016 presidential
Wait–Are Black Women Leaving The Democratic Party?
– It makes sense; these are some of the most reliable and politically active voters in the Democratic base. … For starters, one in five say that the Democratic Party doesn’t best represent them, while there’s been an 11-point drop in black female … In the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, black women voted at higher rates than all other race and gender groups.…
Trump and Moore: Agents Of Change
– Someone who challenges everything the Democratic Party represents. Liberal pundits also are beside themselves. … Moore’s success, they fear, could trigger a wave of copy-cat candidates. What is worse than Roy Moore in the Senate? … Ken Blackwell served as a Domestic Policy Advisor to the Trump Presidential Transition Team.…
Both Parties' Extremists Seem Determined to Lose the Next Elections…tremists-seem-determined-to-lose-the-next-elections-n2391094
– In 1992, Bill Clinton ran on a moderate Democratic Leadership Council platform and, after the implosion of Hillary Clinton's health … This week, according to Politico, vice presidential aide Nick Ayers has been urging donors to stop funding congressional Republicans … Thus, 16 Democratic senators, including some mentioned as possible 2020 nominees, have endorsed single-payer health care, a policy…
How the Religious Right Chose the Most Unusual Candidate in 2016…ious-right-chose-the-most-unusual-candidate-in-2016-n2390122
– The immorality of his prior life alone set him apart as an American presidential candidate. … He promised to “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment that prevented clergy from supporting political causes and candidates. … In his 2004 Democratic National Convention speech in Boston, he declared, “We worship an awesome God in the Blue States.”…
Keep Walking: Gov. Scott Walker Announces He's Gunning For A Third Term In Wisconsin…announces-hes-gunning-for-a-third-term-in-wisconsin-n2396808
– term have been well known, as he's been raising money and taking steps to mount the campaign ever since he dropped out of the presidential … The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel provided the names of the potential Demcoratic candidates: A number of Democrats are lining up against … Kathleen Vinehout of Alma; political activist Mike McCabe; and former state Democratic chairman Matt Flynn.…
How Trump Is Improving Health Care
– Trump’s tweet was followed by a series of presidential actions that offer substantial relief for middle-class Americans hurt by Obamacare … Unlike Barack Obama’s executive actions that were justifiably criticized by conservatives, President Trump’s use of the presidential … With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell backing failed candidates as he did in the recent Alabama primary, and criticizing the…
Hillary On Russian Interference: What Happened To Me Was A 'Cyber 9/11'…an-interference-what-happened-to-me-was-a-cyber-911-n2395945
– Recently, the former first lady and two-time presidential loser said that what Russia did during the 2016 campaign was the equivalent … You didn’t campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, despite calls from Democratic colleagues, like Rep. … Defeating Rick Lazio and NY GOP candidates is not really a test of political skill.…
As Goes Pennsylvania's Congressional Delegation, So Goes Congress…sylvanias-congressional-delegation-so-goes-congress-n2396004
presidential nominee. … Do they give room for anti-abortion and pro-gun candidates to compete for these seats? … candidates could get elected in places where one might not expect," Kondik says.…
Clinton Denies Weinstein Gave Her 'A Lot' of Money
– Congressional Democrats, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and potential 2020 presidential contender Sen. … lawmakers, candidates and their allies, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. … (AP) The former Democratic presidential nominee also denied knowing the rumors about Weinstein, even though he is a friend.…
The Free Beacon Did Nothing Wrong Hiring Trump Dossier-Linked Research Firm; It Was A Different Project…othing-wrong-hiring-trump-dossier-linked-research-f-n2402188
– Remember, it was a Democratic oppo researcher (who also happened to be Jimmy Carter’s grandson) who tipped off Mother Jones to the … presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton. … It still remains a Democratic effort, funded under the auspices of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC.…
Special Counsel Stacked With Democrat Donors Rolls Out Indictments…stacked-with-democrat-donors-rolls-out-indictments-n2402106
– If things were fair and just, some in the Democratic National Committee would be locked up too. … presidential primary.” … election by orchestrating hacks of Democratic Party email accounts.”…
Hillary, Your Party—Not the GOP—Is Imploding. Here’s Why!
– Sullivan slams these stances from the Democratic Party’s regarding immigration: 1. … Their next votes may fall to Republican candidates! … What's next, will the Democratic Party denounce being American as racist, too?…
Daily Caller: CNN Has Very Close Ties To Trump Dossier Research Firm
– We found out that Marc Elias, a lawyer with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, hired research firm … Even The Washington Post admitted this—while former Bush aide Ari Fleischer added that this could be construed as collusion; a Democratic … Also, they wanted opposition research from multiple GOP presidential candidates, not just Trump.  …
We're About to Find out If Democrats Really Care About Russian Interference…if-democrats-really-care-about-russian-interference-n2400890
– If we found out that Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the Republican National Committee had paid a firm working for the Russians … engaged in a national conversation about the responsibility journalists have to avoid broadcasting questionable information about candidates … Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, had hired the Washington, D.C., firm Fusion…
Both Parties Trying Even Harder to Defeat Themselves
– Sixteen Democratic senators now back Bernie Sanders' plan for government-run single-payer health care. … Support from Democratic voters, Pew says, has increased from 33 percent in 2014 to 52 percent this year. … voters explicitly and Democratic officeholders inferentially.…
Former NPR CEO Actually Talks to Conservatives, Has a Change of Heart…y-talks-to-conservatives-makes-shocking-discoveries-n2398782
– Spurred by a fear that red and blue America were drifting irrevocably apart, I decided to venture out from my overwhelmingly Democratic … found an America far different from the one depicted in the press and imagined by presidents (“cling to guns or religion”) and presidentialcandidates (“basket of deplorables”) alike."…
Domestic Migration (Mostly) Explains a Generation of Partisan Changes…on-mostly-explains-a-generation-of-partisan-changes-n2223720
– (Comparing Democratic percentages produces almost identical results, since minor candidates got only 1 or 2 percent in those two elections … As a result California is safe Democratic and Texas safe Republican. … The biggest puzzle is, no surprise, Florida -- a must-win for both candidates.…
Johnson-Weld the Ill-Libertarian Joke
– I really have to hand it to journalist Benson for not letting the presidential candidate getting away with treating illegal immigration … Following key word associations, we learned how these Libertarian candidates felt about the President and the other Presidential candidates … By the way, William Weld loves assault weapons bans and playing nice with the Massachusetts Democratic Kleptocracy.…
Trump Defies Political Gravity Even For Down-Ballot Republicans…s-political-gravity-even-for-downballot-republicans-n2232134
– However, looking at polling performances of candidates in swing states, it may not even be completely necessary. … The Nevada race essentially hasn’t changed since this summer – despite the ups and downs of the presidential race. … We see similar trends in other swing states where Trump is losing but Republican candidates are winning.…
Stronger Together? Podesta Blasts Sid Blumenthal In Leaked Email…ether-podesta-blasts-sid-blumenthal-in-leaked-email-n2232112
– Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta blasted the Democratic candidate’s close confidant Sidney Blumenthal in a leaked … Secretaries of state, presidential candidates and presidents should not be spending their time on this kind of minor league stuff,”…
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