Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

With Trump Impeachment Push, It Looks Like Cocaine Mitch Could Suffer an Overdose…t-looks-like-cocaine-mitch-could-suffer-an-overdose-n2583553
– Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was a grim reaper on Democratic legislative action items. … One thing is clear: the base is done with the inside the beltway elite and operative class that generated milquetoast presidentialcandidates.…
So, What Do Never Trump Republicans Do Now That We Told Them to Screw Off?…p-republicans-do-now-that-we-told-them-to-screw-off-n2584327
– The genius of the Democratic Party is that they know conservatives adhere to principle like a barnacle and will go down with the burning … that elected Biden together “will be a challenge in and of itself,” said Evan McMullin, who mounted a conservative third-party presidential … Can we find moderate candidates to run, is that the best thing to do? Is the best thing to do to be more helpful to Biden?…
Time to Move on from Anger
– In my home state of Georgia, which Trump narrowly lost, the two Senate seats went to the Democratic candidates in the Jan. 5 runoff … The Democratic candidates, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock (now both U.S. senators), each trailed by more than 47,000 votes in the general … The Democrats focused on getting out the votes, while the Republicans vented their anger and ran against the Democratic candidates
Red States Can be Blue, Too
– After supporting Barack Obama in his campaigns, Ohio and Florida have voted Republican in the past two presidential cycles. … Two other states, Nebraska and Maine, have awarded electoral votes in the same year to both major party candidates.  … On the other hand, Kentucky which has voted for Republican presidential candidates since 2000, has one of the most underfunded public…
It's Funny How There's Only One Group of Folks Who Constantly Benefit from the Anti-Trump GOP…ttempt-to-create-an-antitrump-party-by-exgop-clowns-n2584592
– There is nothing Republican or conservative about becoming prostitutes for the Democratic Party. Period. Also, why? … The plan would be to run candidates in some races but also to endorse center-right candidates in others, be they Republicans, independents … Evan McMullin, who was chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and ran as an independent in the 2016 presidential
How Trump Helped Make Conservatism Much More Appealing
– If there is one thing Republicans have struggled with the past couple of decades, it has been how to sell their policies and candidates … While in the past the Democratic Party has produced presidential candidates such as Barack Obama, known as one of the most charismatic … Regardless of the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump has aided the Republican Party for decades to come. …
Biden Transition Team Announces Anti-Israel Radical Will Be Deputy White House Press Secretary…named-as-bidens-deputy-white-house-press-secretary-n2580839
– At the time, MoveOn also ran a campaign pushing the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates to boycott the AIPAC conference. & the list … of 2020 presidential candidates who have made the decision to #SkipAIPAC continues to grow. … Omar and Tlaib; and proudly promoted the “cancel culture” by bragging she convinced Democratic presidential candidates to not attend…
There's One Endorsement President Trump Says He Regrets Making
– making deals like this character in Georgia who’s a disaster," Trump said of Raffensperger, who has defended the integrity of the presidential … Mike Kelly (R-PN) and a handful of other GOP candidates challenging what they consider to be unlawful changes made to absentee ballot … In Iowa, GOP House candidate Mariannette Miller-Meeks holds a mere six vote lead over her Democratic opponent following multiple recounts…
'Never' and 'Infrequent' Voters Vote Democrat
– According to TargetSmart, a Democratic voting analytical firm, very. … The remaining third are registered as independents or with a minor party -- a group that tends to favor Democratic candidates." … Democrats want statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico because this would produce four new Democratic senators.…
People Noticed How Different USA Today Covered Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Andrew Cuomo…sexual-harassment-allegations-against-andrew-cuomo-n2581523
– "Democratic presidential candidates are calling for Brett Kavanaugh to be impeached after The New York Times published an essay containing … Democratic presidential candidates are calling for Brett Kavanaugh to be impeached after The New York Times published an essay containing…
Biden's Concession on 'Defund the Police' Spotlights Ossoff and Warnock
– As his presidential transition is underway, Joe Biden made a major concession with respect to his party’s messaging on the movement … Biden’s comments put an even bigger spotlight on Democratic Senatorial candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, ahead of his campaign … Both candidates have entertained the radical movement to “defund the police,” to different degrees.…
Republicans Are Blowing It in Georgia, and We May All Pay the Price…blowing-it-in-georgia-and-we-may-all-pay-the-price-n2581388
– The second step would involve adding new, reliably Democratic states to the Union. … The Democratic candidates in Georgia are surging and ahead in most recent Georgia polling. … The choice now is between the candidates we have, however imperfect, and a potentially radical Democratic agenda.…
Virginia School Board Votes to Remove These Founding Fathers' Names from Buildings…ve-thomas-jefferson-and-george-mason-from-buildings-n2581285
– I know this is a non-partisan board, but I hold political views and those views are affected by my values, just as were the presidentialcandidates’ views affected by their values. … I was proud that in Falls Church City the Democratic candidate, whose views favor equity and inclusion, won with over 81 percent of…
Ossoff Receives Support from Former Presidential Candidate with Radical Immigration Stance
– Julián Castro made national headlines when he advocated for the repeal of Section 1325 during a Democratic presidential primary debate … “I want to challenge all of the candidates to do that,” Castro said at the time. … Castro was among the most radical in the Democratic primary on the issue of immigration.…
Our Upside-down Postelection World
– Such a breach of trust would be almost as bad as a turncoat anti-Biden mole seeking to resist presidential directives. … The old idea of right-wing billionaires pouring money into candidates' political campaigns was supposedly a dangerous practice. … Like the ties between a Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee and a suspected Chinese spy?…
Guess Which Democratic Presidential Candidate Is Preparing to Run for NYC Mayor?…dential-candidate-is-preparing-to-run-for-nyc-mayor-n2582072
– The tech entrepreneur saw the Democratic crop of presidential candidates in 2019, crowded and uninspiring, and threw himself in the … presidential race. … After poor showings in the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary, Yang ended his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination…
Andrew Yang Has a Really Scary Idea for Showing Proof of Coronavirus Vaccinations…barcodes-should-worry-all-freedom-loving-americans-n2581837
– Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang published an alarming tweet on Friday calling for Americans to show barcodes … Yang's comments are even more concerning given that Biden appears to be awarding cabinet positions to the Democratic candidates who…
Kamala Harris to Campaign in Georgia for Ossoff and Warnock
– Harris will travel to Columbus and Suwanee, Georgia to stump for Democrat Senatorial candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. … The two candidates hope to unseat incumbent GOP Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler as the Senate majority is on the line. … Presidential advisor and First Daughter Ivanka Trump will travel to the Peach State on Monday as well, to campaign for Loeffler and…
Sen. Romney's Misguided Lament
– "Trump will continue to have a substantial influence on the party" and that those other than Trump who are rumored to be GOP presidentialcandidates in 2024 "are trying to appeal to kind of a populist approach." … Why can't he grasp that the public's genuine distrust of the election's legitimacy imperils the democratic process infinitely more…
New (Rare) Georgia Runoff Polls: Both Races Too Close for Comfort, But Republicans Narrowly Lead…orgia-runoff-polls-both-races-too-close-for-comfort-n2581651
– Mix in some of the notable margin misfires in the presidential race and the widespread failure of House-level polling, and a picture … -elect Jamaal Bowman's pitch on Georgia Dem candidates on Justice Democrats' recruitment call: "They're not the most progressive, I … salt, another new poll -- Emerson this time -- shows both Republicans holding identical three-point leads (51/48) over their Democratic
Georgians Should Vote Like Everything Is At Stake, Because It Is…ould-vote-like-everything-is-at-stake-because-it-is-n2582483
– Even with the filibuster intact, a Democratic-majority Senate means Republicans would hold - count ‘em - ZERO levers of power in D.C … That means no ability to call shots, set agendas, investigate election fraud and inevitable Democratic wrongdoing, or block some of … Are these candidates perfect? Of course not. Do most Republicans suck? Yep.…
Vote-Integrity Legislation a Must for 2021
– Assuming that Democratic candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock win the Georgia elections, and that Joe Biden is inaugurated on … Millions of Americans believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and fear that we will never again have a free or fair…
Poll: President Trump and John James Lead in Michigan
– A new poll of likely voters in Michigan shows a slight shift in both the presidential and senate race. … Gary Peters is one of more vulnerable Democratic Senators up for re-election this year, and James continues to outraise his incumbent … Both GOP candidates have managed to close much of the gap in polling, and will likely see an even bigger momentum bump following the…
Scott Presler Doesn’t Want to Be Another T-Shirt Merchant…t-presler-doesnt-want-to-be-another-tshirt-merchant-n2575237
– America’s most dangerous and dirtiest cities picking up trash in an act of love” and to register first-time voters for Republican candidates … I wasn’t an active participant in our democratic republic.” The solution? … There’s a caveat to Presler’s work: He isn’t employed by the Republican National Committee nor Trump’s presidential campaign.…
Wisconsin Dems Suppressing Green Party Voters
– That passionate defense of Wisconsin election law apparently doesn’t apply when there’s a threat to Democratic candidates.  … The Wisconsin Supreme Court this week ruled to keep the Green Party presidential candidates off the November ballot, with a narrow … majority opinion (three liberals and one conservative justice), opining that adding the candidates at this stage of the game would…
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