Results for: "poll" "college" "voters"

The Numbers Show Voters Don't Want an Eight-Year Presidency…bers-show-voters-dont-want-an-eight-year-presidency-n2640757
– But there is a sharp change in poll numbers from the 2016 and 2020 cycles. … here are consistent with national polling showing increased Trump support from non-college-graduate Hispanics and Blacks. … The 2020 exit polls reported that 19% of voters in Arizona and 17% in Nevada were Hispanic and that 29% of voters in Georgia were Black.If…
Young Voters Leaving Democrats and Biden
– attention is being given to support being picked up by Donald Trump among non-white voters.But the change taking place among young voters … 36%.However, a new Quinnipiac poll shows Trump leading Biden by one point among voters 18-34.Per Gallup favorability/non-favorability … , still almost twice the percent of those voters ages 18-29 identify as Democrat, 27%, compared to Republican, 15%.…
New Survey Shows Where Nikki Haley Stands in Her Home State
– Nikki Haley in her homestate of South Carolina by double digits, a new Emerson College survey released Friday shows.  … age groups.Haley performs stronger among voters with postgraduate degrees: these voters split between Haley at 40% and Trump at 39% … Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, said in a statement.…
New Poll Shows ‘Warning Signs’ for Democrats Ahead of the Midterms…ws-warning-signs-to-democrats-ahead-of-the-midterms-n2614149
– In July, the poll reported his approval rating at 36 percent. … As for voter turnout, the poll found that white, college educated voters who likely vote Democrat are among the most engaged voters … The groups mostly likely to say they were very interested were white college graduates, especially men and older voters.…
DeSantis Leads Biden In Hypothetical Poll While Trump Trails Behind
– Ron DeSantis (R-Fla) holds a slight lead over President Joe Biden among Georgia voters in a hypothetical poll.  … According to a new survey from Emerson College Polling, DeSantis has a four percentage point lead over Biden after Georgia voters were … Meanwhile, a separate poll found that Biden and DeSantis are tied when it comes to voters generally deciding who they would want to…
Here's What the Polls Are Saying About the Virginia Gubernatorial Election Less Than A Month Away…ginia-gubernatorial-election-less-than-a-month-away-n2597078
– The poll was conducted October 1-3, with 620 Virginia likely voters. … While many of the polls do remain close, it's worth referencing a poll from late last month from Roanoke College, showing McAuliffe … "Roanoke College Poll Has McAuliffe +7, Ayala +5, Herring +10, But…Take This One with a Large Grain/Pillar of Salt," cautions a blog…
New Poll Shows Trump Defeating DeSantis, Haley in 2024 Primary
– Emerson poll,” the write-up noted.  … among Republican voters. … According to the poll, Biden would beat DeSantis and Haley.…
How Do New Yorkers Feel About Pro-Hamas Campus Chaos? Here's What a New Poll Shows.…s-how-new-yorkers-feel-about-pro-hamas-campus-chaos-n2639385
– In a recent poll conducted by the Siena College Research Institute, the majority of New Yorkers expressed that they support police … Siena College surveyed 1,191 registered voters from May 13-15, asking them a series of 42 questions. …  The results of the poll also showcase how the voters are feeling heading into the presidential election.…
Poll: Swing State Voters Not Giving Obama Credit For Economic Recovery
– The Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters in Colorado, Iowa, and Virginia was conducted from February 5th through the 15th … Looking ahead, voters in all three states are also highly skeptical of Obama's free community college plan as well. … Colorado voters oppose the plan 49 - 46 percent, Iowa voters oppose the plan 55 - 40 percent, and in Virginia voters oppose the plan…
Parsing the CPAC Straw Poll
– The CPAC Straw Poll results are in, and the campaigns have already started spinning the results. … But rewarding someone with a straw poll vote, and voting for him (for real) is a different story.  … Some people are saying that Jim Gilmore did poorly because voters rejected the tone of his speech.…
Yes, Voters Are Starting to Blame Biden for the Price Spikes
– Quinnipiac is not a right-leaning poll. They gauged his approval at 38 percent. … Ann Selzer's poll also has Biden's approval in the 30s. … The most recent Grinnell College poll, conducted by legendary pollster Ann Selzer, shows Biden’s approval rating at 37%.…
New Swing State Polling Is Out. Here's What It Shows for Trump v. Biden.
– important swing states ahead of the 2024 election, Emerson College released a new poll Thursday with similar results. … voters,” Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling, said in a statement. … to 39%, while likely voters over 65 are evenly split between the two candidates: 46% to 46%.”…
Trump Closing in on Biden in Michigan
– on the abortion issue, and voters with a college degree. … He’s also favored by younger voters, men, White voters, and independents. … Meanwhile, an NBC News poll found that 76 percent of voters — with 54 percent of Democrats— had concerns about Biden, citing his physical…
Nikki Haley Won't Like This New GOP Primary Poll From Her Home State
–  According to the Emerson College/The Hill poll, Trump is up by 23 points over Haley, 58 percent to 35 percent, with 7 percent … .Haley leads Trump among voters whose highest degree is college, 52% to 48%, but trails among postgraduates 43% to 57%.Haley also wins … (Emerson College Polling)“South Carolina holds an open primary; there is a divide among Republican and independent affiliated voters
Trump and Biden Battle It Out In Key Swing State
–  On the contrary, white evangelical Christians (73 percent) are Trump’s strongest group of voters. … The former president also has an advantage with white men without a college degree (63 percent), rural voters (59 percent), and Gen-Xers … Meanwhile, 44 percent of voters said that they would vote for a third-party candidate.…
Biden Focuses on the Wrong Number in NYT Survey Showing Majority of Dems Want Someone Else in 2024
– President Biden remains convinced that voters want him to run for reelection, despite a recent New York Times/Siena College poll showing … prefer a new standard-bearer in the 2024 presidential campaign, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll, as voters nationwide … The poll showed that Democratic misgivings about Mr.…
Poll: More Terrible News For Anthony Weiner
– , the latest New York Times/Siena College poll finds. … The remaining candidates in the poll each drew less than 5 percent; 26 percent of the Democratic voters surveyed were undecided. … And while voters under age 45 are split between the candidates, older voters favor Mr. Spitzer.…
Republican Senate Candidate Holds Double-Digit Lead Over Democratic Opponent: Poll
– Fifty-one percent of likely voters in a new FOX 2/Emerson College Polling/The Hill survey said they will support Schmitt in the election … Six percent of voters said they were undecided. A majority of voters, 54 percent, said they have a favorable view of Schmitt. … “Since our last poll, Schmitt’s favorability has increased a couple of points.…
James Carville Said What About Female Voters?
– He torched Elizabeth Warren’s college debt forgiveness plan as a fool’s errand, noting the millions who worked through college—they …  Now, the vivacious Democrat from the bayou says that preachy female voters are what’s bleeding Democrats. … Single, college-educated women are what’s keeping this race from being a Trump landslide.…
Is Trump Really Making Gains With Young People?
– "While the poll reflects voters under 30 breaking for Biden by significant margins in 2020, 45% of voters under 30 support Trump in … Polling (@EmersonPolling) October 20, 2023 The poll included 1,578 registered voters and was conducted October 16-17. … Curiously, this Emerson College poll shows that 42.5 percent of this age group still approves of the job that Biden is doing, while…
Another Poll Has Good News About the Trump Years
– Trump: 48% / Biden: 38% - Key voter group standouts: College-edu women, married women, and black voters— … Barely a majority of female college-educated voters (51 percent) and black voters (54 percent) approve of Biden's job performance. … change since then with single male voters.The poll also asked voters which party they consider more extreme.…
Bernie Bro Backlash? New Maine Poll Has Trump Within Margin of Error
– This being said, perhaps this new poll, conducted by the Boston Globe and Colby College, isn't too surprising. … Also significant: The poll of likely voters, conducted last week by SurveyUSA, showed only a small portion of respondents, 5 percent … Clearly, these poll numbers are showing that a good chunk of these voters aren't making the leap to Clinton.…
Possible Errors in Exit Polls Suggest More Election Surprises Ahead…in-exit-polls-suggest-more-election-surprises-ahead-n2177624
– They say that only 15 percent of voters were under 30, not 19 percent as in the exit poll, and that 61 and 62 percent were 45 or older … , not 54 percent as in the exit poll. … Assuming these data are correct, Cohn estimates that 34 percent of Barack Obama's voters in 2012 were non-college whites, not the 25…
Voters Are Turning Against This Democrat Governor…against-their-democrat-governors-kathy-hochul-poll-n2640739
–  It’s not just Hochul that voters are frustrated with. … White voters are evenly divided. … And while Biden has a commanding lead with non-white voters, Trump garners support from 29% of Black and 26% of Latino voters.”Despite…
Biden Is Only Narrowly Leading With Young Voters
– A New York Times/Siena College survey in December found Trump (49%) leading Biden (43%) among voters under 30. … An NBC News poll in November showed Trump ahead of Biden by four points with voters under 35.Newsweek on Tuesday also published no … less than two articles covering Trump's support with Gen Z voters according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll released Monday.…
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