Results for: center left libertarian

Will Chile’s Politicians Ruin the Latin Tiger?
– There aren’t any nations with pure libertarian economic policy, but there are a handful of jurisdictions that deserve praise, … Since 1990, successive governments, most of them left-leaning, oversaw business-friendly policies that turned it into the region’ … Though I suspect the answer is that previous left-of-center governments haven’t done anything bad, while the recently ousted right-of-center
America's Budding Tyrants
– movement at the Berkeley campus of the University of California, a movement that played a vital role in placing American universities center … : How the government created a federal hunting license for the far left" ( … Azusa Pacific University, a private Christian university, canceled a planned address by distinguished libertarian scholar Charles Murray…
How to Fight Back Against the GOP Establishment’s Worst Treachery Yet…against-the-gop-establishments-worst-treachery-yet-n1856222
– We are now debating existential questions as a people that are beyond the traditional left-of-center, right-of-center debate the two … Meanwhile, the base of the GOP is growing more conservative and libertarian in response to this new ideological threat. … We recognize we cannot negotiate with the New Left, but must defeat it.…
Libertarianism and the Proper Meaning of Patriotism
– But I’m a libertarian, and we’re different than most people (some would even say needlessly ornery). … Now let’s review some new data from the Pew Research Center, as reported by Byron York of the Washington Examiner. … Fifty-nine percent of the faith and family left say they often feel pride; 56 percent of both the next generation left and young…
Great Moments in Government
– But using a libertarian definition of waste (i.e., money that the federal government should not spend), we can easily calculate that … It seems that our friends on the left no longer think that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” … But it is also reprehensible for folks on the left to make accusations of racism simply because they disagree with someone.…
Why Romney Lost
– Interestingly, the disenchantment with the GOP that has overcome ever-growing numbers of the conservative and libertarian-minded is … For those in the center and on the left, it is primarily Republicans’ rhetoric that frightens them.…
Late-Night Comics Becoming more Balanced
– Much of this humor is left leaning, but I can appreciate good jokes even if they’re at my expense. … made by Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, Craig Ferguson and Jimmy Kimmel, according to an analysis released Monday by the Center … But it appears that I shouldn’t have singled out Leno for being a closet libertarian. Jimmy Fallon may deserve that honor.…
Could Today's Libertarian Be Tomorrow's Liberal?
– The legalization of Marijuana is one of the more polarizing Libertarian issues. … In fact, in a recent poll released by the left leaning Pew Center in April, 50% of Americans said that smoking marijuana was not a … These are just two issues in which Libertarian beliefs run parallel to Progressives.…
Conservatism, Texas Style: Latinos Are Making Their Home in a Welcoming GOP…le-latinos-are-making-their-home-in-a-welcoming-gop-n1690658
– It’s not out of the question that one civic-spirited conservative or libertarian philanthropist could step forward and write a $10 … How sad for the left, so close to victory, to have it snatched away.  … For those of us, however, who stand in opposition to the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: the Munisteri Model demonstrates how to win the…
Tea and Talk: Conservative Radio a Rallying Point for the Besieged Conservative Groups…rallying-point-for-the-besieged-conservative-groups-n1601603
– Talk radio did become more popular and influential, enough so to send much of the left into fits. … Bill Clinton talked about how dangerous talk radio can be in a speech to the Center for American Progress. … The crux of the book was that the nation’s core values were worth fighting for against the left.…
Chasing (the Next) Reagan
– They won’t be “the next Reagan” but rather the ones that will pick up where he left off, just as Reagan did for leaders in the past … Reagan did it by doing something no one has been able to successfully do since he left the national stage: successfully coalesce the … Since Reagan left the national stage, we haven’t had a candidate for national office (who didn’t have personal baggage) that possessed…
Land of Confusion
– Once the locusts devour the target the insatiable swarm then becomes intent on devouring whatever is left, even if what’s left is who … As a result of post-modernism, this is no longer a center-right country as we on the Right believe, nor has it become a center-left … country as those on the Left believe.…
Palin’s Provocative Proposal: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Conservatives Leaving the GOP…stbenefit-analysis-of-conservatives-leaving-the-gop-n1632357
– Ronald Reagan once famously said “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me.” … The two most viable right-of-center 3rd Parties -- the Libertarian and Constitution Parties -- still don’t have consistent ballot access … Instead of reinventing the wheel, why not encourage members of the Constitution and Libertarian Parties to infiltrate the GOP?…
Interview with Peter Thiel, the Popular Contrarian
– I've wondered to what a degree the right, or the Libertarian right-would you safely consider yourself somewhere in that vicinity? … Peter:"Yeah, I'm basically on the libertarian right." Jerry:"Alright. … So, libertarians [or] free market economists in general have this long-running argument with Malthusians, on the left largely (although…
Subsidized Terrorism Insurance: Another Example of Unjust Corporate Welfare…surance-another-example-of-unjust-corporate-welfare-n1928683
– Politically connected corporations now treat Washington like a profit center, making “investments” in politicians in exchange for … Every so often I find some left-wing political satire that is genuinely clever and thoughtful. … There’s my collection of anti-libertarian humor (including an article about libertarian law enforcement), some good leftist tax cartoons…
Jeb Bush: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Waterboy
– Allow me to unite America's left, right and center in just three words: No, Jeb, No. … The libertarian Cato Institute notes that Florida general fund spending "increased from $18.0 billion to $28.2 billion during those … Jeb Bush's agenda is neither left nor right. His agenda is the agenda of the D.C. headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.…
Fox News Hosts Ask Bernie Sanders A Question That Left Him A Bit Tongue-Tied…s-a-question-that-turned-him-into-a-tonguetied-mess-n2544885
– It’s time for the Left to move on; you’re not going to find anything that you can weaponize to impeach President Donald Trump. … Don’t offend anyone means tolerating the intolerable now on the Left. … The town hall took place in a cultural center in the shadows of a former steel mill here, in a Pennsylvania county that voted for Trump…
A Plea to the President: Renewing America Is Really Not That Hard…president-renewing-america-is-really-not-that-hard-n2570079
– It was left to Abraham Lincoln, a founding father untimely born, to continue the unfinished work.   … Christian Josi is a leading communications advisor, author, and a veteran of center-right/libertarian politics and non-profit management…
Stop The Socialist Power Grab, Deal with Supreme Court Disappointments Later…grab-deal-with-supreme-court-disappointments-later-n2585858
– Elections have been center-stage for two weeks, starting with the Supreme Court’s abdicating its duty to resolve serious problems … Frustrated constitutional conservatives are left asking: What must be done to get originalists on the Supreme Court who are unafraid … of the Left and will do their job?…
You Know It's Bad When Bill Maher Is the Left's Voice of Reason…ts-bad-when-bill-maher-is-the-lefts-voice-of-reason-n2587037
– As the radical and extreme "mainstream" Left in America lurches, voices like Maher's will be more and more critical. … It's the extremists on the Left who have now decided to fully reveal their nature and their divisive ideas. … right-of-center voice of reason. …
The Battle Against the Biden Administration Begins
– The point is that right-of-center bloggers and writers, even those with a libertarian streak, were against the Obama agenda. … The other side "won" because they sided with the Left.…
Final Stretch: Who's Winning in Georgia?
– Democrats are sounding publicly bullish, citing claims that they're turning out tens of thousands of new left-leaning voters who didn't … Perdue would have crossed 50%, but for a Libertarian candidate and Loeffler very well could have passed 50% had she not had to fight … The explicit Republican candidates got over 49% in the Loeffler-Warnock race and the explicitly right-of-center candidates topped 50%…
Dylan Mulvaney Claimed It Should Be 'Illegal' to Misgender Him…vaney-claimed-it-should-be-illegal-to-misgender-him-n2622602
– That’s not surprising because at the center of transgender ideology is the beating heart of authoritarianism. … We are so far past the “we just want to be left alone” framing used during the gay marriage debate that it seems like an eternity ago … It’s not enough for a person to take a libertarian approach to transgenderism.…
Still Against the 'Dead Consensus'
– Trump ran to the "right" of his median competitor on some issues, such as immigration, but he ran well to the "left" of his median … The upshot: Those who lean "right"-of-center on social/cultural issues comprised a 51.6% majority, but those who lean "right"-of-center … one, but many of his would-be successors have fundamentally botched his legacy, retconning the Gipper as some sort of obstinate libertarian
California Bar Seeks to Disbar Trump Attorney John Eastman for Nothing…s-to-disbar-trump-attorney-john-eastman-for-nothing-n2618894
– Last year, the left filed a bar complaint against one of the top conservative legal minds in the country for representing President … Supreme Court, and the States United Democracy Center (SUDC) filed a complaint with the California Bar. … Some of the top legal minds in the country support him, including self-described “left-libertarian” Harvey Silverglate, author of Three…
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