Results for: Republican National Committee

Trump Announces a Press Conference and a ‘Viable Path to Victory’
– Donald Trump announced Thursday morning his election attorneys will hold a noon press conference in Washington, D.C., from the RepublicanNational Committee (RNC). … And this is what happened last night: The Democrats on the committee said, 'You know what? We will do an audit. We promise you.…
Biden to 'Racist' Trump Voters: 'Let's Heal'
National Review wrote: "Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified to Congress on Wednesday that he would not have signed … Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham asked Rosenstein during his testimony. … to disappear, according to the analysis, then America would think and vote like any region that voted around 56-43 percent for Republican
James Harden and Russell Westbrook Reportedly Want to Leave Houston Rockets Because Team Owner Supports Trump…e-houston-rockets-because-team-owner-supports-trump-n2580323
– Rob Parker that Fertitta’s support of Trump has led to a player "revolt," saying: I’m hearing that Tilman Fertitta’s strong Republican … party campaigns - from the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) to the Republican Party of Texas and the Trump Victory … National Committee; and $35,000 in July to the NRSC.…
More Georgia Counties Finds Batches of Uncounted Ballots During Recount…finds-thousands-of-uncounted-ballots-during-recount-n2580286
– . — Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) November 17, 2020 Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the discovery of two…
House Republicans Elect Leadership Slate After Making Historic Gains on Election Night
– Tom Emmer (MN) was also reelected for another term as Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). … House Republicans have elected Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) as our Republican Leader for the 117th Congress! … predicted for Democrats, House Republicans cut Speaker Pelosi's majority in the lower chamber to a historic low, and thus far, no Republican
Watch: California Liberals Mock Georgia Voters as They Try to Influence Runoff Elections
– Activists from California and other blue states are preparing to descend on Georgia as national Democrats wage a full-fledged effort … Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokesperson Paige Lindgren said that the activists from deep blue states are trying to "impose … their agenda" on voters in Georgia: "Voter fraud concerns aside, it's incredibly problematic that left-wing national Democrats believe…
Active Lame Duck Sessions of Congress Undermine Democracy…lame-duck-sessions-of-congress-undermine-democracy-n2580188
– It is fundamentally undemocratic for Congress to address issues that are not a national emergency during a lame duck session, because … Accountability is the center-piece of our democratic republican form of government. … One has to ask why this committee waited until after the election to schedule a vote on these bills.…
'Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up…rst-checker-was-incorrectly-calling-votes-for-biden-n2580198
– A Republican National Committee monitor in the Georgia recount efforts came forward claiming he witnessed a counted wrongly calling…
WATCH: GOP Senate Arm Ties Ossoff and Warnock to Violent Protests…p-senate-arm-ties-ossoff-and-warnock-to-dc-violence-n2580182
– With both of Georgia’s runoff Senate elections underway, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released a new video tying…
Yes, Democrats and Media Are Hypocrites On Stacey Abrams and the Sanctity of Accepting Election Results…about-stacey-abrams-and-accepting-election-results-n2580123
– The facts are not on her side, including this one: The margin of her loss to Republican Brian Kemp in Georgia (54,723) was substantially … not to mention ongoing baseless claims about Russian 'collusion' by figures ranging from television anchors to powerful House committee … In 2006, a national poll showed a majority of Democrats claiming to believe that President Bush was complicit in 9/11, an insane, evidence-free…
Police Report Details 'Uncooperative and Disruptive' Behavior From Raphael Warnock During Abuse Investigation
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) echoed calls for transparency from Warnock, and also pressed Jon Ossoff to weigh…
The NRCC Fails To Silence Conservatives Like it Fails At Everything Else…ence-conservatives-like-it-fails-at-everything-else-n2573244
– Take the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) – please. … Remember, all those Lincoln Project dorks were once “Republican” campaign consultants too. … And I was warned that I should lay off the NRCC because it has collected only half the dough the Democrats’ congressional committee
Freedom of Speech and the Press
– The hallmark feature of a republican government is public influence over implemented laws. … The Bill of Rights was a product of the republican style of input our founders anticipated. … He is a member of the House Judiciary Committee. Rep. Buck is the author of the upcoming book, Capitol of Freedom. …
The Real Collusion Scandal of the 2016 Campaign
– week, the leftists at WikiLeaks tried to ruin the Democratic convention by posting a trove of emails exposing how the Democratic NationalCommittee blatantly favored Hillary Clinton and tilted against Bernie Sanders. … CNBC anchor Becky Quick -- who helped moderate the atrocious CNBC Republican primary debate in 2015 -- made a promise to Podesta after…
BREAKING: Trump Makes Major Announcement About RNC Convention
– The announcement comes after the Republican National Committee moved the convention from Charlotte, North Carolina to Jacksonville…
Spending As If There Is No Tomorrow
– I am not in the habit of quoting leftist Noam Chomsky, but this line seems relevant when one considers our growing national debt: … One of the common characteristics of the fall of past empires and superpowers is massive national debt. … Earmarks are spending added to bills that have not been authorized, approved by any committee, or voted on by members.…
NRSC Raises $35M in Quarter Two in Fight For Senate Majority
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) broke another fundraising record for the second fiscal quarter, and outraised their … counterparts at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC).  … Doug Jones’ (AL) re-election is rated as “Lean Republican,” and Sen.…
Trump Choosing Main Street Over Wall Street Shows in Campaign Contributions…wall-street-has-effected-his-campaign-contributions-n2573877
– The contributions were made directly to the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee, or the large political action committees…
National Democrats Endorsed Congressional Candidate Who Referred to Women as 'Breeders'
– The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) threw their support behind Hoadley leading up to the primary election. … A handful of other national Democrats also endorsed Hoadley’s bid, including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), Sens. … Since the deleted blog posts surfaced, national Democrats including the DCCC have yet to comment on Hoadley’s gross behavior.…
Biden to Skip In-Person DNC Acceptance Speech
– Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, is reportedly skipping the Democratic National Convention … is undecided about the location of his acceptance speech but said that he will “probably” formally accept the nomination from RepublicanNational Committee (RNC) at the White House: "I'll probably do mine live from the White House," President Trump says of his convention…
Biden Backers Terrified of Debates
– Darcy quoted Biden national press secretary T.J. Ducklo's spin. … On July 26, MSNBC host Joshua Johnson interviewed Democratic National Committee boss Tom Perez and revealed Democrats' inner panic. … This is especially true of the debates, which will have massive national audiences, and where gaffes might be immediately exploited…
Big Tech Completely Unprepared for Next Four Years No Matter Who Wins Presidency…d-for-next-four-years-no-matter-who-wins-presidency-n2573414
– Some who are national security conservatives worry that Big Tech is tougher on American citizens than on China. … Jim Jordan (R-OH) encapsulated the Republican position in one sentence – “Big Tech’s out to get conservatives. … Liberals on the committee are desperate to use the power of antitrust law to break up these companies.…
Are We Really Shocked Rashida Tlaib Is Refusing to Endorse Biden?
– Leftists might hope Trump wins again, and then hope that party fatigue after eight years of a Republican in the White House, plus a … Also, there’s the Medicare for All fiasco that’s brewing ahead of the Democratic National Convention (via WSJ): Democrats rejected … The document, approved Monday by the party’s platform committee, aligns closely with presumptive nominee Joe Biden’s campaign proposals…
Monmouth GA Poll: Trump and Biden Tied, Loeffler and Perdue Lead in Senate Contests
– Loeffler has the backing of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and a substantial portion of establishment Republicans…
Claire McCaskill Admits to Pushing Misinformation About Locked Mailboxes, Shrugs It Off…aught-pushing-misinformation-about-locked-mailboxes-n2574502
– . — Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) August 17, 2020 When National Republican Senatorial Committee Senior Adviser Matt Whitlock said it…
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