Results for: House Democrat

Senior House Democrat Announces Retirement
– Chair of the House Budget Committee, Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY), said Tuesday he plans to retire ahead of the midterm elections. … The Democrat was first elected in 2006. It's been an incredible journey since my first campaign in 2006 until now. … Even if he were to prevail, he would face the loss of his committee chairmanship if Democrats lost the House.…
Another House Democrat Announces Retirement
– Another House Democrat announced his retirement from Congress on Monday, the 26th Democrat leaving ahead of the 2022 midterm elections…
House Democrat Announces Cancer Diagnosis
– Democratic Rep. Raúl Grijalva of Arizona has been diagnosed with cancer, he announced Tuesday. “A few weeks ago, I sought medical treatment for a persistent cough which was initially diagnosed as pneumonia. After further testing and imaging, my physician discovered that I have cancer,” he said in a statement. “This diagnosis has...
The Next Democrat Speaker of the House?
– retirements and resignations of sitting House Republicans to 48. … The anti-Pelosi sentiment is not lost on her rank-and-file currently in the House. … Just this week, stories emerged that a senior member of the House Democratic Caucus, Rep.…
Another Vulnerable House Democrat Announces 2014 Retirement
– Like Utah Democrat Jim Matheson, Congressman Mike McIntyre (D-NC) bucked his party and voted against Obamacare in 2010 … The Democrat represents North Carolina's 7th Congressional district. … The Hill adds context: "Of the 34 House Democrats who voted against ObamaCare in 2010, just four may be running for reelection next…
House Democrat Comes Out Against Reconciliation Bill
– On Thursday, a House Democrat came out against advancing the reconciliation out of the Committee on Ways and Means. … Murphy said.She'll vote no on advancing it pass W&Ms. — Alex Ruoff (@Alexruoff) September 9, 2021 Murphy is reportedly the first Democrat
House Democrat to Leave Congress in June
– Democrat Rep. David Cicilline (RI) will leave Congress in June after serving in Congress since 2011, his office announced Tuesday.  Cicilline, 61, will leave his role to become president and CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation, which was first reported by The Boston Globe. “Serving the people of Rhode Island’s...
House Democrat: Secret Service Director Should Resign
– Last month, for example, a knife-touting lunatic ran roughshod around the White House (we didn’t find out until much later what really … Director Julia Pierson faced tough questions on the hot seat about these numerous breaches in security yesterday, and now a prominent Democrat
California House Democrat Will Not Seek Reelection
– Democratic House Rep. … In recent months, Townhall has covered how other House Democrats have announced that they will not seek reelection. … Virginia Democrat Rep.…
Former House Democrat Being Considered For Transportation Secretary…ocrat-being-considered-for-transportation-secretary-n2249954
– President-elect Donald J. Trump vowed to bring the country together, a tall order given some of his colorful remarks during the 2016 election. Yet, the campaign is over; now is the time to govern. So, it shouldn’t be shocking that he might have a Democrat or two in his cabinet....
House Democrat Calls Out Pelosi Over 'Failed Leadership'
– A house Democrat is calling for new congressional leaders in her party after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to call up legislation … Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) attacked Pelosi for a “failure of House leadership,” accusing her of shutting down the idea that would ban … “This moment marks a failure of House leadership — and it's yet another example of why I believe that the Democratic Party needs new…
Impeachment Backfire: House Democrat To Become a Republican…ing-sides-over-impeachment-will-become-a-republican-n2558012
– Impeachment is already backfiring on the Democrats even before the full House votes on two articles of impeachment. … A Democratic member of Congress is preparing to switch parties, joining Republicans amid the Democrat-led impeachment effort that has … Van Drew was one of two Democrats who joined with every single Republican in the House to vote against the impeachment inquiry resolution…
Democrat Congressman Protests Reading Constitution On House Floor!!
– Jay Inslee (D-WA), made a five minute stink on the House floor today protesting the newly Republican-controlled congress and their … Rep Louie Gohmert (R-TX), ends the clip with an intense and short response to Democrat Inslee.HT to my colleague Elisabeth Meinecke…
House Democrat Hit with Two Separate Ethics Complaints
– Democrat congressman Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) is facing ethical grievances for failing to disclose stock trades, which is a violation of federal law. Two different nonpartisan ethics groups, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) and the Campaign Legal Center both called on the Office of Congressional Ethics to launch...
House Democrat Who Had Just Won Reelection Dies
– Democratic Rep. Donald McEachin, who was reelected earlier this month, died Monday after “secondary effects of his colorectal cancer from 2013,” his chief of staff, Tara Rountree, said in a statement.  The 61-year-old represented Virginia’s fourth Congressional District since 2017. “We are all devastated at the passing of...
Another One: House Democrat from California Announces Retirement
– "After a decade in the House, Congressman Lowenthal’s passion and intellect will be deeply missed by our Caucus and the Congress," … Pelosi says: — Andrew Solender (@AndrewSolender) December 16, 2021 Lowenthal joins several of his Democrat … As Vespa summarized following November's election results, "Democrats only have a four-seat majority in the House.…
House Democrat: Obama White House ‘Royally ‘F**ked Up’ On Syrian Refugee Bill…white-house-royally-fked-up-on-syrian-refugee-bill-n2083526
– On Thursday, despite veto threats from the Obama White House, the House passed the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE … Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough met with House Democrats before … One House Democrat, who requested anonymity, said he went into the meeting with administration officials opposed to the bill but left…
Trump-District House Democrat: Loser Beto Is Not Cool
– Rep. Max Rose (D-NY), an Army veteran who represents Staten Island, did not hold back in his thoughts on the former congressman and current presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke. Speaking with New York Magazine, Rose said while he wants to maintain his  "centrist populism" approach in a district that went...
House Democrat Admits Why They Delayed the Impeachment Vote…achment-vote-because-it-was-too-late-for-tv-viewers-n2557957
– Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) admitted to CNN Friday morning that one of the reasons why Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee decided to delay voting on the impeachment articles is because it was getting too late for people to stay up watching television. Republicans and Democrats on the Judiciary...
Buh Bye: Another Vulnerable House Democrat Announces 2014 Retirement…vulnerable-house-democrat-announces-2014-retirement-n1778958
– Bill Owens, an endangered House Democrat from upstate New York. … For instance: In November, House ethics panel said Rep. … Bill Owens was 20th most moderate House Dem in 2012 (per NJ). He is 12th of the 20 to either retire or lose.…
Friday Fun: House Democrat Fumbles Apology Over "M-Word"
– Mediaite flags this excruciating stretch of unintentional hilarity from Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), who took to the House floor yesterday to tell the world how profoundly sorry he was for using the word "midget" in a previous debate:   Honest question for those familiar with the little person community: Does...
House Democrat: Let's Pass Amnesty Now While We Can
– And House Democrats know time is running out. … House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) shocking loss last night has changed the calculus in Washington. … No doubt House Democrats have lost a useful ally in Cantor.…
Montana Republicans Block Trans Democrat Rep From House Floor
– Zooey Zephyr after his threatening and deeply concerning comments on the House floor earlier today. … -32 to block Zephyr from the House floor for the rest of the legislative session. … Left-wing protesters bang on the doors to the Montana House Gallery.…