Results for: is the us at war with iran

Why The Donald Got Fired
– He cracked a few jokes, reminded a lot of us of how much better he would’ve been at negotiating the Iran deal than President Obama, … When Trump gets bombastic, it’s because he is at war with an enemy, one he perceives that provides a sufficient threat. … Not because she agreed or disagreed with my answers, but rather because it is the job of the journalist to find the inconsistencies…
It Depends on What the Meaning of 'Crazies' Is
– But he's the one playing footsie with those America haters. Projection is a beautiful thing. … Instead of accusing us of being crazy and making common cause with the hard-liners, perhaps Obama should explain why he is doing their … According to The Weekly Standard, once the deal is in place and the sanctions are lifted, Iran "could launch long-term (say 20 year…
The Iran Deal
The deal was worked out with Iran (of course) plus the five permanent members of the U.N. … Germany is not a member of the UN Security Council because it had the bad grace to start and then lose World War II. … The fact is it is not at all clear that the Senate will reject the deal, if only because the GOP will not be able to produce 60 votes…
The D.C. Idiocracy: Remember The Really Dumb Kids In School? They're Now In Charge Of Your Life…mb-kids-in-school-theyre-now-in-charge-of-your-life-n2043283
– Setting aside the fact that it doesn’t do that, Iran is holding four American hostages. … Sorry, you must be hearing the TV show I’m watching in the background.”) This is the tragedy we live with in America. … Our country is headed full steam toward an iceberg and the people steering the ship are imbeciles. God help us all.…
GOP Should Worry Less About Trump and More About Itself…should-worry-less-about-trump-and-more-about-itself-n2043208
– They have the power of the purse. They didn't have to forfeit their constitutional power on the nuclear arms deal with Iran. … Trump is standing up, shaking his fist at the Beltway elite and saying he is tired of the intentionally managed decline of America … In contrast with much of the GOP ruling class, he is high-energy, is in your face, has no tolerance for excuses and is vigorously proud…
Is Trumpism the New Nationalism?
– Indeed, with Marxism-Leninism dead, nationalism is the Communist Party's fallback faith. … He is going to build a wall on the border that will make us proud, and Mexico will pay for it. … To Trump, the world is not Davos; it is the NFL.…
Non-Interventionism is America’s Best Policy
– U.S. foreign policy shifted to intervention with the 1898 Spanish-American War, signaling the U.S.’s foray into imperialism, albeit … the next world war, that is. … Since the end of the Cold War and with the rise of Radical Islamic terrorism, American foreign policy has struggled to find its anchoring…
Our World: Senator Gillibrand’s Iran Gamble
– Parroting the administration’s talking points, Gillibrand argued that the deal, while imperfect, is the only means, short of war, for … of the former at the expense of the latter. … The retiring senator is trying to decide if he wants a nuclear Iran as his legacy.…
AP: Sorry Lefties, Our Reporting on the Iran Agreement's Secret Side Deals is Accurate…n-the-iran-agreements-secret-side-deals-is-accurate-n2042149
– of Iran's private agreement with the IAEA, to which the US and other Western negotiating nations were not party: An AP report has … It says "Iran will provide" the agency with environmental samples. … As Dan noted earlier, a new CNN poll is the latest in a string of public opinion surveys showing majority opposition to the deal, with
Wow: AP Confirms Secret Side Deal Allows Iran to Inspect Itself at Key Nuclear Site…l-allows-iran-to-inspect-itself-at-key-nuclear-site-n2041113
The Associated Press is now confirming that the IAEA has agreed to allow Iran to effectively inspect itself at the controversial Parchin … The revelation is sure to roil American and Israeli critics of the main Iran deal signed by the U.S., Iran and five world powers in … U.N. agency has found itself in the middle of a game of diplomatic tug of war as lawmakers in Washington wrestle with the Iran nuclear…
Restoring Peace Through Strength
The American military today is smaller than it was before the “Pearl Harbor” of Sept. 11, 2001 – with more shrinkage on the governmental … understand the paradox implied: The best way to avoid war is to prepare for war and to convince your enemies you are not afraid to … than the Cold War is underway and that unilaterally disarming is precisely the wrong response.…
Senate Dem Slams Deal: 'If Iran is to Acquire a Nuclear Bomb, It Will Not Have My Name On It'
– ' foreign policy, the New Jersey Senator's Iraq War comparison is cutting and savvy.   … the Iraq war, contra Schumer. … President Obama likes to say that "99 percent" of the world favors the Iran nuclear agreement, which is a ludicrous assertion.  …
The Arrogance of Powerlessness
– To hear our president tell it, the nuclear deal with Iran that he's pushing so assiduously is a great bargain. … Middle East -- as the bloody debacle at Benghazi would soon confirm. … "It is worth keeping all of this in mind when assessing Obama's airy assurances about Iran and the wonderful future he foresees…
By the Way, Americans Now Oppose Obama's Iran Deal By 30-Point Margin
– bombs to the Israelis: If I was at table, what would I have led with. … What in the hell is going to make us they aren’t going to cheat again?” … … The president recently said that the people that supported the Iraq war are the same people that are in alliance with the Ayatollah…
The Deadly Peril in Appeasement
– To demonstrate his commitment, he cancelled the missile shield the US had promised to install in Poland and the Czech Republic. … As for the deal Mr. Obama has negotiated with Iran, it will enrich and empower the Islamic Republic’s rulers. … Instead, under the Iran agreement, billions of dollars will be released to the rulers responsible for the slaughter.…
Endgame: Iran Deal Opponents Concede They Lack Votes to Overcome Veto…s-concede-they-dont-have-the-votes-to-overcome-veto-n2045112
– That is a far cry from the 67 votes in the Senate needed, along with two thirds of the House, to overturn an expected presidential … of the nuclear agreement with Iran.   … White House spox Earnest calls @realDonaldTrump @tedcruz anti-Iran deal rally 9/9 "a big pro-war rally on the steps of the US
Iran: Wisdom Calls for a Tough Policy
The problem with Iran does not derive from the policies of Democrats or Republicans. … The correct policy toward Iran begins with rejecting the status quo and pursuing change. … In the quest for a robust policy on Iran that stands with Iranians and their cry for freedom and change, the US Congress has a mandate…
The Media's Weird Iran 'Victory' Bandwagon
– Instead, the top-right headline in capital letters read "DEMOCRATS HAND VICTORY TO OBAMA ON PACT WITH IRAN." … "In a major win for the Obama administration, the nuclear deal with Iran now appears unstoppable," gushed NBC anchor Lester Holt. … When asked if America should go to war if Iran violates the deal, 64 percent picked "yes."…
Memo to Mitch: You Have Until Thursday to Save the World…mitch-your-time-to-save-the-world-runs-out-thursday-n2052300
the matter is that Iran will be and should be a regional power,” he said. … Our president is more than happy to see Iran dominate the Middle East. And Obama is an expert in the Middle East. … So the Democrats in the Congress have committed America to a treaty with a nation that has already told us it will lie to us.…
The Establishment Birthed Trump
– But the establishment meets these perils with barely disguised indifference.Islamic terrorism is overrunning the Middle East and has … With Congress' help, Obama bypassed the Constitution's treaty clause and entered into a reckless, non-verifiable nuke deal with Iran … If Trump is a monster, the establishment is Dr. Frankenstein, so please spare us the lectures.…
Video: Iranian Regime Threatens to 'Humiliate' US Military in War…n-regime-releases-video-threatening-to-humiliate-us-n2051741
The video from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, entitled "If any war happens...," begins with President Obama stating that the U.S. could "knock … Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism in the world.   … The regime is also ghoulishly familiar with coffins draped in American flags; Iranian bombs killed approximately 500 US soldiers during…
On 9/11: What Jimmy Carter Started Obama Completed
– On the anniversary of 9/11, an attack aimed at the financial infrastructure of the country, it’s important that we don’t forget the … That is also what is going on in Afghanistan, but the mechanism is slightly different. … The fighters in Anbar are part of the same group that the US had supported in Syria.…
A Prayer for 5776
– Today, every Arab society is either in danger or at war. … Ever since he overthrew the US-supported Muslim Brotherhood regime two years ago, the US has kept him at arm’s length. … As far as securing our relations with the US is concerned, we must take every opportunity to strengthen those who fight against identity…
Remembering September 11, 2001 and 2012
– This Wednesday, there will be a massive rally at the US Capitol against the JCPOA. … Spare us the rhetorical explanation that the only alternative is war – history dispels that assertion. … Regardless, we shall all be deemed as “the crazies” if at the time when we remember 9-11 we enable the Islamic Republic of Iran to…
Why the Left Loves “Change” Left-Right Differences: Part VIII…e-left-loves-change-leftright-differences-part-viii-n2049151
The problem therefore, is not change; it is change for the sake of change and changing what has been proven to work well – artistically … In a serious TED talk, a professor at the University of Manchester explained Cage’s intent: Cage is “a bit sick and tired of the same … Without traditional standards, all you have to do is push the envelope. 2. The “new” is inherently exciting.…
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