Results for: sign up to vote

How the Republican Party Should Fight Planned Parenthood…he-republican-party-should-fight-planned-parenthood-n2058087
– the Republican Party, could not deliver the vote to defund Planned Parenthood. … Making an effort to reallocate funds away from Planned Parenthood and then losing a vote to the pro-abortion party of America, the … After the Republicans fail to win the vote, we have no legal process in our system to override the wicked desires of the Democratic…
What The Hell Is An Angry Conservative Supposed To Do?
– We can throw caution and conservatism to the wind and sign on with the super outsiders, Trump or Carson. … I’ve seen him up close in the past and he seems to lack charisma. … Stop sucking up to the media.…
Boehner 'Cleans The Barn,' Debt Ceiling Raised Until March 2017
– Yet, it might be something that places Democrats in a bind, as some won’t vote for any deal that calls for cuts to entitlements. … to vote against it in protest. … And we’ve succeeded in forcing President Obama to sign our Hire More Heroes Act, and Brett Guthrie’s bill to protect millions of Americans…
Winning the Debt-Limit Fight
– the years to come. … Debt is expected to drift up closer to 100 percent of GDP over the next 24 years. That's a danger zone for sure. … A three-fifths vote of both houses of Congress would be needed to modify the reductions.…
Citizens Against Virtually Everything
– Things are up to date in Kansas City — politicians are going about as far as they can go. … Just weeks ago, this same rambunctious, dream-killing mob of retirees turned in enough signatures to force a vote of the people regarding … sign petitions, then forcing poor uninformed voters to decide complex issues better left to their betters.…
Eight Glaring Issues With Christine Blasey Ford's Allegation Against Kavanaugh…istine-blasey-ford-testifies-here-are-the-eight-gla-n2522856
– The committee vote is going to be held on Friday. … The letter attests to her honesty and integrity. “Why didn’t her parents and brothers sign the letter?” … It’s meant to delay. Republicans know this. Yes, hear her out, but schedule the vote for tomorrow, GOP.…
Eliminating Election Fraud
– the vote. … explicitly instructed them to vote for specific candidates, and then collected the ballots. … Remind me again: Who’s trying to suppress the vote here? You can find examples like these in every state.…
BREAKING: Deborah Ramirez Refuses to Testify. Here's Her Response to the Senate Judiciary Committee.…eres-her-response-to-the-senate-judiciary-committee-n2522555
– “Our counsel repeatedly tried to reach him,” Kennedy said. … Ramirez has a sign outside of her Boulder, Colorado home saying she will not speak to the press. … “It would sure clear up all the questions, wouldn’t it?”…
The Luckiest Man in America
– "One year later, I became second mate, did that for two years and moved up to then chief mate, and now captain. … for a day last year when he was called to Washington for a vote; he drove there without his staff, who still participated. … The band strikes up again as Sabatini pours two Smithwick's for a young couple and recounts how he worked his way up to executive director…
First Ohio Gov Debate Paints Stark Contrast Between DeWine, Cordray
– “When I go to the ballot, I will cast my vote yes.” Marijuana wasn’t the only drug issue debated.  … When pressed to take a specific position on whether he’d sign a heartbeat bill, DeWine said he would.  … The race is currently a toss-up, with Cordray up 1.6 points, according to RealClearPolitics’s average of polls.  …
Serious Does Not Mean Credible
– Contrary to the spin Democrats are putting forward (another sign the claim is fiction), the Senate Judiciary Committee offered to let … They tried fear and hysteria and waited until just before Kavanaugh's confirmation vote to spring this trap. … But to wait until days before Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation vote -- over 35 years after the incident -- to suddenly blame him is not…
Midterm Madness
– raising the question of whether they'll turn up at the polls." … Democrats will attempt to use the nomination fight as a means to push women away from Trump and Republicans, thereby leveraging the … Trump was up nine points among men who had registered to vote, with 53 percent approving compared with 44 percent who disapproved,"…
It's Official: Judge Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed To Supreme Court After Hellacious Nomination Battle
– Jeff Flake (R-AZ) sided with Democrats to delay the final vote for a week so that the FBI could conduct an investigation into these … today’s vote. … And hopefully those wounds can be sewn up when he continues to serve with distinction on the bench.  …
Trump's 'Compromise' on Border Wall
– "But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again," said President Donald Trump. … "I'm not going to do it again." … Six days after this tweet, the Republican leadership brought their minibus-continuing resolution up for a vote in the House.…
Investigate the Senate Democrat Wrecking Machine
– Chuck Schumer handed out passes to protesters for the Obamacare repeal vote. Sen. … Their ability to sign for passes should be curtailed. When they go low, the taxpaying public has a right to know. Leaky Sneaks. … Various media outlets that picked up the story point to other Democratic offices as possible sources for the privacy breach, since…
RESIST: Democrat Senator Filed An Injunction To Block Final Kavanaugh Vote…or-to-file-injunction-to-block-final-kavanaugh-vote-n2521237
– Jeff Flake (R-AZ) decided to muck up the works by voting to advance the nomination, but only if they delay the final vote until after … Across the aisle, prior to the Trump White House being forced to sign off on a weeklong investigation, Sen. … Jeff Merkley (D-OR) decided to go even further, filing an injunction to block the final vote.…
So Much Winning: We Have A New NAFTA Deal
– The Trump administration already formally notified Congress at the end of August of its plans to sign a new pact and faced a deadline … by the end of November — a date that would also satisfy Mexico, which is eager to have current President Enrique Peña Nieto sign the … Now, the Trump White House needs to get back in the trenches and shore up votes for Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination…
Democrats Are Lying, Cheating, And Assaulting Their Way To Election Day In California…assaulting-their-way-to-election-day-in-california-n2529086
– A vote by mail voter who is unable to return the ballot may designate any person to return the ballot to the elections official from … It’s a service; I’m just trying to pick up your ballot and show you how to do it if you don’t know.“ If you don’t know how? … Who doesn’t know how to fill out a ballot? Dubious, the woman asks, “You came here to pick up my ballot?”…
Trump May Be Inching Toward Broad Criminal Sentencing Reform…be-inching-toward-broad-criminal-sentencing-reform-n2528060
– He sounded baffled as to how Johnson could have been sentenced to prison for the rest of her life with no possibility of parole, even … Trump went on to support reform to address the inherent unfairness in federal sentencing. … The law-and-order president is on to something.…
WATCH: Parody Song Mocking a 'Scary Time' for Men is What's Wrong With America – And Feminism…ng-a-scary-time-for-men-is-whats-wrong-with-america-n2528209
– It's time for women to rise up, to use our collective voice.The day to vote is November 6th. Is this girl for real? … I don't understand why feminists are all about building women up, wanting to empower women to be independent and self-sufficient yet … Or does the man have to walk around with a bright pink p*ssy hat and a sign in hand to prove that he's "pro-woman?" …
Alaska GOP: We're Looking Into How To Punish Spineless Lisa Murkowski…looking-into-how-to-punish-spineless-lisa-murkowski-n2527173
– Of course she did. she kept hoping she'd be spared from ever having to vote at all. — Kimberley Strassel (@ … KimStrassel) October 5, 20181) Just to be clear on what @lisamurkowski voted for today:--to legitimize and sign off on the most despicable … Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the lone Republican to vote against this nomination? She should’ve voted yes. Sen.…
Boom: New Polls Show 'Kavanaugh Effect' Boosting Republicans in Crucial Senate Races
– For him to be at 50 and leading by six in the CBS poll is certainly another a welcome sign for his campaign.   … They failed, but Donnelly contributed a valuable vote to their effort, as did Jon Tester (whose Montana race just got shifted to "toss … There are ample pick-up options if Republican voters mobilize in targeted red states.  If the data continues to show that Sen.…
Casey’s Case: How the U.S. Justice System Became Politicized
To become well-known, and move up the pecking order. Today, it takes a long time to get into court if you have a complaint. … I urge readers to sign the petition to have Ross pardoned and his record expunged. … People don’t vote according to their philosophy, even if they have one. They vote their pocketbooks.…
WATCH: Sen. Cory Booker Darts Into Traffic as a Way of Getting People to Vote…rts-into-traffic-as-a-way-of-getting-people-to-vote-n2535420
Sign waiving on Election Day is a normal occurrence. It's a great way to remind people to vote if they havent' done so already. … Cory Book (D-NJ) took it a step further when he darted into on-coming traffic with his "vote today" sign. … Don't forget to vote today!…
Who Falls For The Democrats’ Message?
– If you’ve been unlucky enough to find it necessary for work purposes, like me, to sign up for campaign emails, or if you did it because … That’s why you need to vote tomorrow, and drag anyone who is inclined to vote for Republicans along with you. … And don’t forget to subscribe to my daily podcast, it’s free!…
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