Results for: Barack Obama Website

Get Ready for Denials
– Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera accused Matt Drudge's website of "the worst kind of jingoistic rhetoric ever" for carrying news … as a "humanitarian crisis" and hint that congressmen who want to make securing our border our No. 1 priority are, as President BarackObama says, "mean."…
The Peace President
– Nevertheless … President Barack Obama was elected largely based upon his opposition to the Iraq war. … Earlier this summer, President Obama said that a first principle of his foreign policy is "Don't do stupid stuff." … (let's take the President's ISIL - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - construct) according to a blog on the Washington Post website
50 Things Barack Obama Has Done Wrong
– Why would anyone dislike Barack Obama? Could it be because of what he’s done in the White House? … Not only were all of those lies, Obama knew they were lies when he made those promises. 23) Barack Obama has broken the law repeatedly … The Obama Administration has made it clear that it doesn’t intend to finish it during his presidency. 49) Barack Obama is deliberately…
Fighting Without Silver Bullets
– In an interview with NRG website, Yael Paz-Lahiany, a mother of three young children from Kibbutz Nahal Oz just across the border from … After the deadline for reaching a permanent nuclear deal with Iran ran out last month, US President Barack Obama bought himself and … And Obama can pretend for four more months that he is going to achieve a nuclear deal that will prevent Iran from developing nuclear…
Why Obama's Majority Can't Govern
– “Barack Obama supporters will continue to use the tools to collaborate and interact.” … This time, it might really last and help Obama govern. … Sure there were a slew of polls showing Obama with a comfortable lead.…
I Can Destroy Your Reputation and Career in Two Minutes…n-destroy-your-reputation-and-career-in-two-minutes-n1885724
– Busta Troll explains the scheme on his website and how all the names involved are fake. … Someone wants to kill Obama? Someone is a white supremacist? Someone hates gays? Photoshopped sex photos? … Another solution is to set up a website where these incidents can be exposed and debunked.…
Obama's Blame Game Underscores U.S. Intelligence Problem
– President Barack Obama spoke of his director of national intelligence, James Clapper, the way a manager at a fast-food joint would … "Our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clapper," Obama said in an interview with "60 Minutes," "has acknowledged that I think … There is no way that Obama can feasibly claim to have underestimated the rise of Islamic extremists in Syria when his administration…
Random Thoughts
– The biggest issue in this fall's election is whether the Obama administration will end when Barack Obama leaves the White House or … Who says the Obama administration is not transparent? … His website is…
Epidemic: New York Times, SEIU Now Snagged in Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Scandals [UPDATE: Eight Women Accuse Charlie Rose]…ficials-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-and-harassment-n2411956
– The labor website Payday Report reported last week that Pedro Malave, a former assistant director at 32BJ SEIU District 615, was fired … SEIU assembled an external panel that includes Cecilia Muñoz, former director of the White House domestic policy council under BarackObama.…
The Grinchy Washington Post
Obama, Christmas was somehow under siege. … To be sure, it's not just Obama. It's his acolytes on the left, and that includes Erik Wemple and the Washington Post. … But it's a "lie" that Obama-loving liberals offer a pushback to Christ and Christmas. Perish the thought. L.…
Cultural Winners and Losers of 2017
– Everyone knows how the country would have greeted anyone "artistically" holding up a severed head of former President Barack Obama … As the Roger Ebert website summarized, the movie was "so completely devoid of wit, style, intelligence or basic entertainment value…
Israel’s Peace Fantasists In Action
– In a clear vote of no-confidence in US President Barack Obama’s leadership, Saudi King Salman led several Arab leaders in blowing off … Obama has destroyed Washington’s credibility. Salman views its gentleman’s agreements as worthless. … Institute for National Security Studies, gave expression to this popular assessment in an article he published on the institute’s website
Eat Your Mealworms, Hillary!
– On his website, Annan proudly shares an article describing how “His friend Bill Clinton” went to bat for him when he felt attacked … Kofi Annan, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton rake in awards like the Nobel Peace Prize while pushing so-called universal healthcare…
Clinton Echoes Sanders' Economic Policies
– When Republicans took full control of Congress in their triumphant 2014 election, it was clearly the beginning of the end of BarackObama spent nearly $1 billion on similar "shovel-ready" programs. Neither worked. … Now Hillary Clinton is running, along with a clutch of other Democrats, to succeed Obama in the White House.…
Blacks Must Refuse to Accept Form Over Substance
– President Barack Obama said the N- word in a comic’s podcast but what was the point? Where was the substance behind it? … Obama has the power to take substantive action; he could commute the inordinately harsh sentences of individuals imprisoned under Bill … started out as an opportunity to do something constructive for young black men and boys has fizzled into an essentially dormant website
Supreme Court May Have Saved Obamacare, but It Doomed Young Americans’ Health Care Options…e-but-it-doomed-young-americans-health-care-options-n2020759
– backs of hardworking, healthy young Americans,” said Ashley Dobson, the editor of Red Alert Politics, an online news and opinion website … This hasn’t stopped young people from supporting the ACA or Obama, but this is largely because many Americans simply aren’t aware of … to do it is to spend as much time as possible reaching out to young Americans to make them aware of the policies imposed by the Obama
Heroes, Villains
– The website estimates how many lives scientists save. … We get the William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building, George Bush High School and Florida's President Barack Obama Parkway.…
Socialist Sanders Gains in Polls and Declared a "Real Threat" to Hillary for the 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominaton
– It seems unlikely that the little-known Vermont senator can overtake Clinton, the most famous Democrat on the planet next to BarackObama. … Hillary Clinton's campaign should be worried about recent polls showing her highest unfavorability ratings in years," the Politico website
Complacent Majority Not the Answer
– After supporters raised $109,000 on GoFundMe to defend the Kleins, the crowd funding website shut down the page to appease the forces … The Complacent Majority twice helped elect Barack Obama and may help elect Hillary Clinton. …
Unasked Questions in the LGBT Wars
– DeYoung has taken to the Gospel Coalition website to pose over 40 questions to Christians who consider themselves supporters of gay … Wouldn't it be fascinating if one, just one, reporter would ask: "Do you think Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were motivated by personal…
Cowbells, Dog Whistles and the Grand Old Party
– Starting with Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, the Democrats demonstrated a winning use of Facebook (back then the new rage … When Barack Obama used Facebook to announce that he wants the government to pay two years' tuition for everyone attending classes at … engages viewers in a fresh way, he says, and 95 percent of those who watched their Taylor Swift messages were newcomers to the website
Incidental Chaos
– The bigger issue, one which seems to permeate the federal government and certainly the Obama administration, is one of chaos. … President Barack Obama answered Russian strongman Vladimir Putin's flirtations with assembling some version of the defunct Soviet Union … out more about Matt Towery and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Where’s Obama on Ebola?
– Where is President Barack Obama when you need him in a crisis? … What does President Barack Obama do? … Thursday, the day after Duncan died, Obama attended a celebrity-studded, money-grab hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow.…
Democrats' New Obamacare Strategy: Lowering Expectations
– The Obama administration vastly oversold how well Obamacare was going to work last year. … Sobered — and burned — by last fall’s meltdown of the federal website, the administration is setting expectations for the second Obamacare … A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research may help explain why President Barack Obama faces such…
Rocking the Vote to the Left
– What's completely, transparently fraudulent at this late date is Rock the Vote announcing on the FAQ section of its website that the … The ads clearly explain which causes of "social change" they favor, and President Obama would embrace their leftist agenda. … Ayeroff has a list as long as your arm of Democratic donations -- to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Boxer…
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