Results for: cable ratings

The Right Can't Defend Trump's Behavior
– Other examples might include recent controversies over everything from inaugural crowd sizes to Arnold Schwarzenegger's ratings on … This is a particularly popular talking point among his talk radio and cable TV boosters.…
Retaining America's 'Hard Power'
– However, Heritage supported its ratings with analysis. … Heritage included ratings of threats to U.S. vital interests. … That could-be conflagration doesn't receive a lot of chatter time on cable television, but it would set South and Central Asia aflame…
ABC's Huge Gay Propaganda Flop
– Nightly ratings were cracking just below three million viewers. The cable network FX drew far larger numbers for its O.J. … Those are obscure cable channels next to ABC.         … The gay magazine The Advocate grumbled at gays in a story headlined "When We Fall in Ratings, We Fail Our Movement."…
Fox's Sex Appeal Problem
– I started doing television back in the early '80s, appearing regularly on cable and broadcast news as a guest, as a commentator and … been selling female sex appeal, as well as news, for years now, with dozens of beautiful women in cocktail dresses helping drive ratings
Roger Ailes Ruined Monica Lewinsky?
– liberal media suddenly had a counterweight, and, much to their horror, this uppity network soon had surpassed all of its rivals in cable … A pull quote read, "Roger Ailes built a ratings juggernaut by exploiting me." … Ailes to head the new cable news network, my relationship with President Bill Clinton became public. Mr.…
For First Time Ever, MSNBC Beats Fox News in Weekly Primetime Ratings
– In terms of individual programs, "The Rachel Maddow Show" at 9 p.m. continued its ratings roll, finishing as the most-watched nonsports … program for the week in all of basic cable.  … It was the most-watched cable news network among basic cable for the first quarter of 2017, and 2016 was its most-watched year in its…
Donald Trump Is Good for Business -- the Trump-Bashing Business…ump-is-good-for-business--the-trumpbashing-business-n2330344
– "The View's" ratings are also soaring thanks at least in part to the frequent Trump bashing by the show's liberal women who pose as … According to recent ratings, MSNBC was the most-watched cable news network in weekday prime time in the advertiser-coveted 25-54 year … Ratings for "SNL" this year have hit a 22-year high.…
The Genius of Roger Ailes
– Together, Ailes and Murdoch built a media behemoth that continues to lead all of cable TV in ratings and profits.…
Wasting Away Again in Weiner-Ville
– A regular pontificator and scuffler on Cable TV, he was likely one day to be a contender . . . and perhaps the mayor of the Big Apple … Fast-forward to 2016 and what was already an incredibly bizarre presidential election between two candidates with the highest negative ratings
When Beating Up the Press Gets Physical
Cable news talk show hosts and guests are a different breed (as are opinion writers), and their biases drive ratings, but MSNBC and … CNN are no more biased than Fox News Channel, and the latter has benefited in ratings for years from biases conservatives crave.…
The CNN 'Scholar' Throwing Excrement
– In reaction to the May ratings report showing MSNBC as number one in weeknight prime-time viewership in the prized 25-to-54 age demographic … CNN should be viewed as "the one nonpartisan cable news network," presumably unlike MSNBC, and certainly unlike Fox News. … uncorking these vicious and profane tirades, CNN cannot plausibly keep this man on the payroll and say it's "the one nonpartisan cable
What If Donald Trump Doesn't Sink the Republican Party?
– You can try and grasp at moral victories, of course, as I saw a number of liberal pundits on cable television trying to do yesterday … As high as Trump's unpopular ratings remain, and as constant a theme in the media as it is, elections are still a choice. … For instance, Congress's low ratings as an institution are a mirage.…
Tuning Out the Fake News Media
– phony scandal involving the president, his family or his administration fizzles into nothing and is replaced by another, TV and cable … biased reporters to bash Donald Trump.No wonder everyone's I meet is bummed - especially those who watch nothing but the FNM's TV and cable … deter their mission to destroy Trump.They only care that the bogus Russian stories and their other Trump bashings bring them higher ratings
The Netflix Revolution
– About a third of these households have dropped cable and satellite programming completely. … In such a world, presidential speeches earned massive ratings (over half the country tuned in). … But as soon as cable networks like ESPN, HBO and others gave people a choice, ratings for presidential speeches declined dramatically…
CNN Is Losing Evening Ratings War...With Nick-At-Nite?
– It’s because the story is great for ratings. CNN commentator Van Jones also called the whole Russia story a “big nothing burger.” … HtNpk7sAl8 — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 6, 2017 Over at The Federalist, Sean Davis noted how CNN’s ratings … According to cable ratings from the week of June 26-July 2, CNN’s viewership of its primetime shows was ranked significantly lower…
The ‘Fakestream' Media
– CNN's ratings have taken a nosedive in the last couple of months indicating that their viewers are exhausted. … In fact, CNN isn't even in the top ten in cable programming falling behind number eleven “Nick-at-Nite.”…
CNN, MSNBC Can't Make a Profit Off the Murders in Chicago…msnbc-cant-make-a-profit-off-the-murders-in-chicago-n2365937
– and exploited and whose anger and hate can then be turned into a commodity which can be sold to advertisers in the form of higher ratings … In the world of cable news, if you can get just one-half of one-percent of the nation to watch your network – about 1.6 million people … Huge ratings and massive profit. But at what expense?…
Despite MSM Ridicule, New 'Trump TV' Draws Millions of Views
– That's right, cable news fans, it's Kayleigh McEnany -- whose appearances on the network have become conspicuously scarcer in recent … With so much star power on that show, it's amazing it never gained real traction in the ratings.…
How Race Relations Got Worse
– This is now: Fox News star Bill O'Reilly, whose show has had the highest ratings in cable news for over a decade, responded to Michelle…
More Viewers Tuned In to Watch Trump's Speech Than Clinton's…ewers-tuned-in-to-watch-trumps-speech-than-clintons-n2200007
– His acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention had higher TV ratings than Clinton’s at the Democratic National Convention … Thursday at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, 34.9 million people watched the Republican nominee across broadcast and cable … As far as ratings among broadcast and cable news networks, Fox News surpassed CNN, NBC, and MSNBC when it came to coverage for the…
Changing at the Speed of Light
– No matter how powerful Ailes was in creating a network that elevated women to the equal status of men and soared ratings, the Svengali … of Fox cable television was trapped in a time warp of his own making, thinking the male executive could continue to dictate as a predatory…
Fox News Appoints Two To Replace Roger Ailes
– a significant source of profit for its parent company, 21st Century Fox, and the Murdochs would prefer smooth operations at the cable … channel during a tumultuous election season that has resulted in record ratings.…
Someone’s Gonna Have Some Splainin’ To Do
– His “preaching to the choir” act may be good for ratings – they’ll always come back to hear more gospel – but it doesn’t grow the flock … If it’s Trump who loses, cable news will quickly cast off the sub-par surrogates they’ve scrambled to sign to provide “balance.”…
When the Suspect Is an Armed Black Man -- and the Cop Is Black…suspect-is-an-armed-black-man--and-the-cop-is-black-n2206637
Cable news reporters seem oblivious to rates of offending. … In the case of the media, it must be ratings. But it's also something else.…
Because Famous Liberal Women Are Special, You Peasants
– not help it when she outed herself as history’s worst babysitter, nor when her HBO show became the only series in the history of cable … television to lose ratings because of too much nudity.…
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