Results for: sign up to vote

Obama's Legacy: 70 Percent of Americans Dissatisfied With Our Country's Direction…americans-dissatisfied-with-our-countrys-direction-n1989616
– I guess Obama didn't have anything on his schedule to occupy his day, so he flew down to Florida to grudgingly admit, "Yes, this winter … The vote is uncertain in the House where many GOP lawmakers are reluctant to give the president any more authority than he already … And they mean to bring it up for a vote before the 2016 elections as a sign of their determination to strengthen the U.S. economy,…
Bush-Sandoval 2016: The Left’s Tax Hike Dream Team
– In fact, spending went up. … In fact, his camp refuses to answer the question of whether he would even make a general verbal commitment promising not to sign a … Twice he was proven to be a liar. His refusal to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge now makes sense.…
Don't Know Much About History
– If American schools did a better job teaching about history and government, students most likely would grow up to be more engaged adults … affect the decisions they make at the polls -- or (whether) they think it's important enough to show up." … The very fact that Los Angeles is thinking of dangling a cash prize to entice citizens to vote says it all.…
Harry Reid's Plan To Block Trade Deal Met With Bipartisan Frustration
– “He’s going to have to work around me and the caucus.” … He added that he will vote to break a filibuster on the fast-track bill. … Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) has yet to make up her mind. Still, Sen.…
Hawaii Raises Smoking Age to 21
– Last week, Hawaii became the first state to raise the smoking age to 21. … Let’s see, now, you can vote and go to war for your country but you can’t pick up a cigarette? … “You can sign up and be in the military and basically give your life for your country. You can vote,” she said.…
We Shouldn’t Need Deadlines to Make Iran a Priority
– While the Obama Administration has been clumsily stumbling from one negotiating deadline to the next, Iran has been working hard to … years of compliance would we ask Congress to vote to terminate sanctions, and only Congress can terminate legislative sanctions.” … When the time comes to sign an agreement, the President and Congress will face substantial pressure from those who argue that walking…
Free Speech in All its Peaceable Glory
– "But someone has to speak up to defend our Constitution." … "No hablo Ingles," she said to me. The Spanish anti-nuclear-bomb woman read the ninjas' sign. … We have the right to stage revolutions. All we have to do is vote.…
Trump the Future Democrat?
– Last week we repeated the sound advice we've frequently given him but which he regularly refuses to take - know when to shut up and … It seems he's doing everything he can to get his base to vote Republicans out of power in 2018. He wants to get rid of Flake. … to be asking him not to sign legislation to help us, but to help us by vetoing it.…
The Progressive War Against the Dead
to Robert E. … Do they tally up the dead's good and bad behaviors to see if someone makes the 51 percent "good progressive" cutoff that exempts him … Or is it a sign of raw power and ego when activists force authorities to cave to their threats and remove images and names in the dead…
Poll’s Warning for GOP: Back the Trump Agenda or Face Defeat in 2018…or-gop-back-the-trump-agenda-or-face-defeat-in-2018-n2378797
– likely to vote to re-elect a Member of Congress. … , 68% of Trump voters, and 66% of Republicans overall less likely to vote to re-elect a Member of Congress.Eighty-five percent of likely … The Trump phenomenon is not just a fluke, but is instead a sign that the sleeping giant of mainstream America is waking up and demanding…
What Has Trump Done That a White Racist Wouldn't Do?
– It was easy to get confused trying to guess what Donald Trump would do about the young people brought to this country illegally as … Whites who dislike interracial dating were no more likely to vote Republican than Democratic before Obama. … He has lived up to their expectations, and his order to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program didn't disappoint.…
How The Republicans Beat Campus Censorship
– Back in January of 2016, I sent a letter to UNC-Wilmington President Jose Sartarelli, which was copied to all 16 members of the Board … Arguably, to the extent that UNCW had “disagreements” with FIRE, the university should have deferred to their judgment. … When the bill got to the higher education committee all the GOP had to do was show up and outvote the Democrat opponents.  …
ICYMI: Facebook Has Been Drawn Into The Russian Collusion Saga…book-has-been-drawn-into-the-russian-collusion-saga-n2383174
– race issues to immigration to gun rights.” … that then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had to clear up during his testimony to Congress. … @mkraju) September 21, 2017Facebook says it's "reached out to congressional leadership to agree on a process and schedule to provide…
Coping with Hurricanes
– They caused Spanish galleons around the coast of Florida, including the Keys, to sink two to three centuries ago. … For the creation was subjected to frustration…”  In the meantime, we need to do what we can to help alleviate the suffering of those … outdoing FEMA, according to USA Today.  …
WH: With Time Running Out, Trump is 'All In' on the Latest Obamacare Replacement Plan…all-in-on-grahamcassidy-obamacare-replacement-plan-n2383734
– , the House will follow suit -- but that the House will not take up a bill that merely props up Obamacare with more bailout-style money … healthcare available to their citizens in a way that works for their own particular states...I’d like to thank Senator Graham and … That's not exactly a full-throated endorsement, but it aligns with previous reports that McConnell has committed to calling a vote
Are Senate Republicans Just One Vote Shy on New Obamacare Replacement Bill?…ans-one-vote-shy-of-50-on-new-obamacare-replacement-n2382175
– A follow-up to Leah's post on the Graham-Cassidy bill we've been telling you about over the last week or so: As we noted earlier, … if and when they get to 50.   … If they're able to meet or surpass that elusive threshold, McConnell said he'd call a vote, and under reconciliation rules, Vice President…
Oh My: NYC Mayor Pretty Much Comes Out Against Private Property
– In July, a local woman, Vickie Paladino, ran up to the mayor to scream at him, asking why he was letting the NYPD down while de Blasio … You’re unwilling to commit to endorsing him. No, I’m literally not willing to talk about 2018 right now. Period. … I was down one day on Varick Street, somewhere close to Canal, and there was a big sign out front of a new condo saying, “Units start…
Sports’ Golden Gods Proving Themselves Just Brass Asses
– Celebrities wail that they have a duty and a right to use their high paid posts to effect political change; and the hubris to think … In no rational universe is the ability to throw an air-filled pigskin sack 60-yards down a field a sign of any greater understanding … of dollars to catch balls, and team owners laugh all the way to the bank.…
Relentless Left, Retreating Republicans
– reform legislation that owns up to their promise. … President Trump continues to rail, rather simplistically, just send me something to sign, and everything to President Trump is a good … According to Senator McCain, he wants to see more, hmm, bipartisanship.…
Conservative, Inc., Is Being Replaced By Us Militant Normals…vative-inc-is-being-replaced-by-us-militant-normals-n2385943
– I guess now we’re not supposed to be fighting culture wars anymore – man, it’s so hard to keep up with these ever-changing new rules … He’s the guy the establishment designated to lose to Barack Obama in 2008, and he was sure up to the task. … But we’re not giving up, and we’re not going to sit back and just take it.…
Democratic Strategist: Trump Is On The Road To Re-Election
– The majority of the country thinks Donald Trump is unfit to serve as president and his approval ratings aren’t solid. … Democratic operatives are sounding the alarm early: the underwater approval ratings are not a sign of electoral success and if you … Current surveys continue to understate his support.…
SBA List Poll: Majority of Voters Support 20 Week Abortion Ban in States Key to Senate Dems in 2018…te-battleground-states-support-20-week-abortion-ban-n2391415
– It also found that 55 percent of those surveyed said they would be less likely to vote for their Senator if he or she voted to allow … up in 2018 to either stand with their pro-life constituents and vote for this bill, or stand with the extreme abortion lobby and vote … President Trump has promised to sign the legislation if it makes it to his desk.…
House Republicans, Pro-Life Leaders Celebrate Passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act…age-of-the-pain-capable-unborn-child-protection-act-n2390342
– He also thanked his colleagues, noting that it was wonderful to see so many of them lining up to testify about the importance of the … In his speech on the floor just prior to the vote, McCarthy emphasized that “we should care for the marginalized—for those who have … However, the bill will first have to be taken up and passed by the Senate.…
Republicans Are Blowing It
– Books that represented years of work were published to offer up roadmaps for a Republican president to implement conservative ideas … It’s easy to vote for Obamacare repeal when you’re certain it’ll never become law. … And voters know if Hillary Clinton were president she would have had to have vetoed at least two straight-up Obamacare repeal bills…
Hmm: Are Democrats Starting to 'Panic' Over the Virginia Governor's Race?
– are expected to win both contests.   … I doubt Ralph Northam would sign up to trade places with Ed Gillespie three weeks from election day, but do Old Dominion Dems have … With just a month to go before the vote, Democratic operatives working on the race and those closely following it are more openly panicked…
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