Results for: is the us at war with iran

Whose Job Is It to Kill ISIS?
– It lost the battle for Kobane on the Turkish border to the Kurds; it is bleeding under U.S. air attacks; and it is stymied in Iraq. … to the war on ISIS, and instead prod the Americans to send their troops to eradicate the Islamic State. … With this outrage, ISIS has thrown down the gauntlet to the Sunni Arabs. The new Saudi king calls the burning of Lt.…
Blaming the Victims
– Too often, I think, we worry about the wrong ones. Start with some of the most powerful politicians of Argentina. … with the Taliban but has since made common cause with the Islamic State. … Give credit where credit is due: At least he didn’t put forth some invented claim of victimization to justify the slaughter.…
Memo To The GOP 2016 Field: Speak Out When The President Won't, Especially On ISIS And Iran…when-the-president-wont-especially-on-isis-and-iran-n1952696
with the mullahs pending conclusion of the investigation into the assassination of the Argentinian prosecutor which has "Iran" written … second front in the battle with Islamist extremism, the one with Iran." … Every day the ongoing international crisis with Islamist radicalism is in the news --which is close to every day-- the individuals…
Defense Stocks Tell All We Need to Know About Unstable World…tocks-tell-all-we-need-to-know-about-unstable-world-n1959178
– Whether it is terrorism in the form of ISIS, nuclear saber-rattling from Iran, cyberattacks from nation states and rogue criminals, … And if it is not at war, much of the world is at least preparing for it. … The proof is in the pudding, teaching us that under this dovish president, it's smart to put your money with the very industries he…
Reliving the 1930s
– World War II was the most destructive war in history. What caused it? … In the manner of the Allies in 1938 at Munich, they prefer instead to charm Iran, in hopes it will stop making a nuclear bomb. … Putin, the Islamic State and Iran at first glance have as little in common as did Germany, Italy and Japan.…
President Obama, America's Nero
– To use a sports analogy, is he trying to "run out the clock" and leave office before terrorist fires consume us? … That would be a worthy goal if ending a war could be done unilaterally, but if one side is still fighting the war isn't over. … There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.…
Kill ISIS, Don't Coddle It
at the time of the first Gulf War. … My policy is that when threatened with death I take the threat at their word. … It’s like the saying at the French zoo: “This animal is wicked. When it is attacked, it defends itself.” Iraq was stable.…
The Ultimate Enemy of ISIS
– But about whether ISIS is an "existential threat" to us, or if this war is really our war, there is no agreement. … Hateful as it is, ISIS has a vision. Hezbollah, Iran, Assad, the Houthi rebels, all Shiites, understand this. … But it is the Sunni Arabs, the royals on the Arabian Peninsula and the sheiks on the Gulf, to whom this should be a fire bell in the
Obama's Quest for a Grand Bargain With Iran Seems Unwise…as-quest-for-a-grand-bargain-with-iran-seems-unwise-n1956676
– It is a promise he has striven to keep, with Russia initially and Cuba more recently, but most of all to the Islamic Republic of Iran … "a grand bargain with Iran" has been and remains the central goal of Obama's foreign policy. … Bush had largely ignored the December 2006 recommendations of the Baker-Hamilton commission, including engagement with Iran, and ordered…
Report: 20,000 Foreign Fighters Descend on Middle East to Join ISIS
– Britain's M15 chief is sounding the alarm of "mass casualty attacks" in the works by Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists.  … Yemen has been in crisis for months, with Iran-linked Shiite Houthi rebels besieging the capital and then taking control. … Oh, right: Yemen is also home to what US officials describe as the most dangerous active branch of Al Qaeda.  …
Worse Than No Strategy
– as the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism: the Islamic Republic of Iran. … not of the existential nature we confronted during World War II or the Cold War.” … Is the lesson of that day, as Dr.…
The Squabble Over Bibi's Speech
– nuclear talks with Iran. … It works the other way, too: Israelis are intensely pro-American, whether the US president is one they adore (e.g., Bill Clinton and … Immensely more important is the lethal threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.…
The Cartoon President
– There is only one field at which liberals suck at as much as they do the economy: That’s everything else. … Saddam Hussein was still at war with the United States and, more importantly, the United Nations. … The UN is the sole arbiter of the interpretation of 1441, and thus far NOT ONE COUNTRY has challenged the US interpretation of our…
There's Nothing Unpatriotic About Challenging Obama on Iran…nothing-unpatriotic-about-challenging-obama-on-iran-n1963026
The Obama administration values a future relationship with Iran more than it values the historic relationship it has with Israel. … Unless there's a reversal in the reported deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, all the superficial talk about this extraordinary … The fact is that the alliance with Israel has never been much of a partisan issue in the United States. Not until now.…
GOP Platform: War Without End
us into a new war in the Middle East, they are succeeding. … Which is where Bibi wants us. To him, Iran is the Nazi Germany of the 21st century, hell-bent on a new Holocaust. … And what would war with Iran mean for U.S. interests?…
Putin’s Rules
– Diplomacy is not the path to conflict resolution; it is war by other means. … At the conclusion of World War II, there were two great powers: The United States and the Soviet Union. … With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the US accepted the burden of global leadership.…
Perfect Democrat Crime: Feelings...They Get Them, You Do Not
– It is in the hands of the people of the Arab states—and Islamic states, like Pakistan and Iran too—to decide if a war that you are … “Welcome or unwelcome, such decision is probably coming, and will soon be upon us, unless the power of the political dynasty at present … That with slavery removed the cause of the war would cease.…
Jeb Bush's Empty Indictment
The danger lies with politicians who mistake the slogans for reality. … The terms Bush uses are loaded but intangible, anesthetizing the brain with their lack of specificity. … The United States is a superpower that has been at war for 13 years, has brought about regime change in multiple countries, and is
Free Speech is the Best Weapon to Combat Extremism
at war with Islam. … Unfortunately, more than a decade of war has taught us that military action abroad and surveillance at home is not enough. … blasphemy at the same time.…
Obama’s ISIS Policy: “Above US Only Sky”
– As heinous as KONY is, the leader and his gang of outlaws cannot begin to compare with decades-long terror campaigns waged by al Qaeda … FDR’s son Elliott told Winston Churchill at the first summit meeting ever held “my father is a very religious man.” … The whole world is watching. All the while, Islamist Iran is moving closer to the Bomb.…
Munich, The Sequel
– And the war came. The most terrible of wars in man's history. … "And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. … This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery…
Time for a Military Man in the White House?
– A president who understands the military, listens to the military and has good relations with the military -- the opposite of the Obama … And Perry draws attention to how Team Obama has backpedalled on a number of Iran-deal issues, with the result that Iran could be allowed … He says: No, the U.S. should not normalize relations with Iran until Iran ceases to support terrorist groups that ultimately will target…
The Truth In What Netanyahu Didn't Say To Congress
War is upon us. Much of what the Prime Minister had to say proves that point. Common sense proves that point. … Iran is the state sponsor of terrorism. … Fort Hood and Benghazi are reminders that we are at war with terrorism, its surrogates, and with the States that sponsor this barbarity…
Why Obama’s Deal with Iran Cannot Be Trusted
– In the case of Obama negotiating with Iran, if they are able to come to an agreement, it is highly likely it cannot be trusted. … The simple reason on its face is that we are negotiating with a partner who has not complied with agreements or international norms … If we ever see the deal with Iran that was negotiated by Obama and his team, the details will be hidden.…
Captain Rick Perry
– A president who understands the military, listens to the military, and has good relations with the military -- the opposite of the … And Perry draws attention to how Team Obama has backpedalled on a number of Iran-deal issues, with the result that Iran could be allowed … He says: No, the U.S. should not normalize relations with Iran until Iran ceases to support terrorist groups that ultimately will target…
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