Results for: is the us at war with iran

Iran: Withdraw The Welcome Mat For Rouhani At The UN
At this shocking pace, Iran is set to exceed 1,000 executions for the year, far surpassing the total number of executions recorded … Iran is one of the 10 countries listed as the worst persecutors of Christians. … Misogyny is at the heart of the regime’s theocratic rule.…
When Did Calling Obama a Muslim Become a Slur?
The Associated Press's former Washington bureau chief, Ron Fournier, said President Bush "lied us into war in Iraq." … The charge is dangerous because it can take on the air of historical fact -- with potentially dire consequences." … But the really right answer is, what if he is?" What if he is?! It was the current president of Egypt, Gen.…
The Purpose of Vacuums
– As I write this missive, it is Monday morning and I am in New York City at the Roosevelt Hotel. … The intended purpose for vacuums is to clean, pick up dirt that we cannot often see with the naked eye. … And in the past three years, look at the dust balls that have gathered under the furniture with this vacuum.…
Rand Paul Offers a Desperately Needed Alternative to the GOP's Mindless Militarism…needed-alternative-to-the-gops-mindless-militarism-n2055576
– Paul's sudden conversion on the merits of war with ISIS made me worry that, in catering to Republican primary voters, he would lose … "We have to learn (that) sometimes the interventions backfire," he said. "The Iraq War backfired and did not help us. … "Sometimes both sides of the civil war are evil, and sometimes intervention makes us less safe. ...…
How Many Effing Cubans do These People Think There Are In the United States…o-these-people-think-there-are-in-the-united-states-n2053997
The wording of her tweet resembles the title of this article but with “Jews” in place of Cubans. … "Challenge the Cuba Lobby at your peril. … This was reported right here at Townhall. Reminder: The world came closest to nuclear war because of one regime.…
Insanity on Steroids!
– Under the Obama-Iran nuclear deal, the mullahs will get $100+ billion to expand their proxy terror war on Israel and the West. … “Not only in the summer, but in the winter the [Bering Sea region] was free of ice, sometimes with a wide strip of water up to at least … And all that assumes CO2 is the culprit in climate change.…
Friday Filibuster: The GOP Showdown
The consensus is that Carly Fiorina won the main debate, which she had to fight to be at, making enemies along the way. … On the left, a ‘draft Biden’ official was overheard saying the veep is ‘100 percent’ running. … And the Iranian regime issued their own threat: to ‘humiliate’ the US military in war. …
Syria Just One of Obama's Foreign Policy Failures
– It's winning the war in Syria, which is why the Iranians and the Russians are now racing to the regime's aid. … Some defenders of the Iran deal argue that the real point was to open an era of engagement with Iran. … The ongoing meltdown in Syria and the migrant crisis it is fueling will be at the top of the agenda.…
Three Types of People
– During the period of 1936-1939 the great Western Powers were still reeling from thewar to end all wars,” World War I. … President Obama ridiculed him with laughter and stated, “the 1980s is calling for its foreign policy back, the cold war is over.” … The sheep tell us that the only alternative is war – and the sheep do not want war, so we must acquiesce to the No. 1 state sponsor…
Iranian Exiles Have Suffered as We Have Ignored Tehran’s Expanding Influence in Iraq…we-have-ignored-tehrans-expanding-influence-in-iraq-n2061866
– Much of the world’s attention remains focused on Iraq today, nearly four years after the official end of the US-Iraq War. … But for all that the media talks about Iraq, there is too little discussion about the destructive role that Iran plays in keeping its … at the hands of these agents.…
War Party Targets Putin and Assad
– But when did Congress authorize the president to go to war with Syria? … Is a Republican Congress really willing to give Barack Obama a blank check to take us to war with Syria, should he choose to do so? … Is that our experience with these folks? Today, the U.S. is conducting strikes on ISIS, and the al-Qaida affiliate.…
I Wish Nobody Was Bombing Syria
– How is it that the president of a country 6,000 miles away has the authority to decide whether another leader belongs in office or … The neocon solution to this failure to overthrow Assad and "degrade and destroy" ISIS is to increase the bombing and lead a ground … Russian president Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the United Nations criticizing the U.S. policy of partnering with one set of…
The Greatest Assassination Plot in History Comes to Life in New Book, "Operation Long Jump"
– ’s capital and assassinate all three at the same time, winning the war for Hitler and drastically changing the course of world history … Another aspect that they don’t teach us in school about World War II is this German presence in Iran was such that the British and … that curbed that and took Iran out of the potential part of the war, the Iranians, the pro-German Iranians totally expected that the
At YAF Conference, John Bolton Recommends That John Kerry Should Resign Over Iran Deal…mmends-that-john-kerry-should-resign-over-iran-deal-n2060772
– One is that Iran gets the nuclear weapons; the other is that military strikes prevent that from happening. … Yet, this is the consequence of 35 years of diplomatic failure with Iran. … Iran already has the capability to deliver nuclear payloads to Israel.…
Israel's Risk Aversion Problem
– Finally, there is Iran’s war with Israel and the US. A nuclear-armed Iran is a direct threat to both countries. … The more Iran is seen as fighting Israel and the US the more legitimate it appears to Sunni jihadists. … At an early stage of the war our leaders recognized that aside from the Kurds, who have no shared border with us, there are no viable…
Obama’s ‘Haste Makes Waste’ Approach to South Sudan
The road to nationhood was not easy. Years of war ended with a 2005 peace accord that called for democratic elections. … A half-decade of negotiations, cooperation, and international support—with the United States at the lead—set the stage for an unprecedented … working with the United States during the George W.…
Putin in Syria: So What?
– He has reached an intelligence-sharing agreement with Syria, Iran and Iraq. At the U.N. … The only thing better than defeating Islamic State is getting someone to do it for us. … The assumption is that anything Putin seeks in the Middle East will come at our expense.…
The Iran Deal Makes War Inevitable
– bill to reject the Iran deal passes Congress and Obama’s veto is overridden, the die is cast. … The bazaar is now open. … The Israelis cannot preserve the world as it is. It is rapidly becoming a world with a nuclear Iran. The die is cast.…
An Emboldened Iran: The Other Side of the Nuke Deal
– Putting aside the debate over whether Iran, under the proposed nuclear deal with the US, will have the ability to create nuclear weapons … An emboldened Iran, aligned with the US through its nuclear deal and new role as the rebuilder of the Middle East, would instigate … the surrounding Sunni countries into a full blown sectarian war with a more powerful Iran, and quite possibly, a Nuclear Iran.…
Obama at UN: Iran Deal Ensures Iran's Nuclear Program Will be 'Peaceful'
with Iran in the vein of 'international togetherness.' … “The result is a lasting, comprehensive deal.” “A potential war is averted,” he said. “Our world is safer. … The president is likely to expand on this topic when he meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the meeting of the nations later…
To End Wars -- Trump vs. Sanders
– And what is the balance sheet now on Operation Iraqi Freedom, the bloodiest and most costly American war since Vietnam? … Rather, they want us to repudiate the nuclear deal that the five permanent members of the Security Council and Germany negotiated with … But if ISIS is the enemy with whom we cannot deal, why do we not partner with Putin, the Iranians, the Syrian army of Bashar Assad…
Why Turkey is Now a Target and a Tinderbox
at least a strategic partner -- of the Islamic State? … On the one hand, the government had been negotiating with the PKK, a Kurdish separatist group that the U.S. and the European Union … President Obama recently argued that the conflict in Syria is not a “proxy war between the United States and Russia.”…
Abbas Must Be Stopped
The fact that Abbas has ordered his men to work with the IDF has convinced the generals that he is a positive actor. … At some point though, the government is going to rein in our insubordinate generals. … The Palestinian terrorist onslaught now raging against us is not spontaneous. Abbas has incited it and is directing it.…
Missing the Real Problem on Benghazi
the committee wants to know whether Hillary Clinton had enough guards at the facility in Benghazi on the night of the attack? … Because the leadership of both parties wanted the war. … The problem is the ideology of interventionism, not the management of a particular intervention.…
A Call For President Obama to Reconsider the National Defense Authorization Act…o-reconsider-the-national-defense-authorization-act-n2071267
The need for this bill is clear when you consider the current global instability. … Russia is threatening our allies in Eastern Europe and expanding its alliance with Syria and Iran. … Anything less than this is a failure to stand with our sons and daughters who are serving us in uniform.…
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