Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Obama Non-Foreign Policy
The immigration debate is case in point. Why does everybody in the world seem to want to live here? … The United States has never had such a non-foreign policy as it has presently, which is perhaps why so many American tend to gaze at … We had to press the "reset" button with countries such as Iran and Russia. What did it mean to press the reset button?…
Then What in Syria?
– Arab and Muslim peoples have been at war with other nations and each other for centuries. … The "infidel" West can't help settle any of this and is more likely to unite the warring factions against us, as it has in the past … The president wants credit for withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, but with Syria he is involving the U.S. in another…
Even Comrades Can't Make This Up: Unions Exempt from Extortion Laws…cant-make-this-up-unions-exempt-from-extortion-laws-n1620930
– There was no way the Afghanistan war was going to ever end in anything other than defeat the way Obama went at it. … Personal income distribution has remained about the same: In fact, the Gini curve associated with the fine PIDs is a constant near … Most of us on the right are pretty consistent about our disappointment with the GOP on spending issues.…
Iran's Meaningless Presidential Elections
The Islamic Republic of Iran is holding its eleventh presidential election on Friday. … To insure that the supreme leader’s will is done, there is the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the roguish militia known … They took to the streets shouting, “Death to the dictator!” and asking President Obama, “Are you with us or against us?”…
Our Guardian Angel Big Brother?
The CIA was created in 1947; the National Security Agency in 1952, with its headquarters at Ft. Meade in Maryland. … at 70,000 feet above Mother Russia, was providing the agency with some interesting photographs. … While this power is extraordinary, it is still not of the same magnitude as the 50,000 nuclear weapons we had 50 years ago, at the
Obama's War of Bad Ideas
– Obama only has one card he is willing to play with Iran: appeasement. And so that is the card he plays. … Obama is slashing the US nuclear arsenal, and Snowden reportedly just gave the Russians and the Chinese the US's revised nuclear war … After the September 11 attacks, the US pledged to wage a war of ideas in the Muslim world.…
Obama Speaks Giddy Gibberish in Berlin
– idea, White House officials say, is to tap into the energy and legacy of those great Cold War moments, calling for the kind of effort … And ABC News is not about to question the ridiculous assertion that “climate change” is a top, perhaps the top, challenge facing us … As Iran and North Korea prepare for a time when they can hurl nuclear weapons at the US and its allies; as radical Islam spreads across…
Obama Should Pass on Intervention in Syria
– Unfortunately, as so often is the case with our President, he is flip-flopping. … So the US is left in the classic “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” position. … If there is no economic reason for the US to intervene, then there must be a strategic reason.…
10 Core Issues Liberals Should Start Protesting
– Clothes from 1776: Since the Tea Party is as dangerous as Islamic conservative candidates in Iran, then they must deal with immediately … Sperm: Male sperm is at the root of all evil in the word. … Math can tell us that things are impossible, and nothing is impossible when two or more are gathered with a few protest signs.…
Obama Administration's Chemical Weapons Claim Looks Dubious…dministrations-chemical-weapons-claim-looks-dubious-n1624549
The more we learn, the more we see the President's intervention in the Syrian conflict for what it is: a fool's errand. … To this criticism, the Administration counters that it can reliably track these weapons -- Fast and Furious reminds us this is easier … With US-Russian relations growing more frigid by the hour and Iran's nuclear program plugging ahead despite its change in leadership…
'We Win, They Lose'
– meeting on the verge of World War Act II at Geneva or Munich. … No one now dares call it the War Against Terror, at least not in this president's circle. … At the end of the lecture, Gov.…
The Spreading Stain of Obama's Incompetence
The Taliban is boldly flying the flag of the "Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan" (the name of the country when they controlled it before … Is he longing to revisit or even rewrite the history of the Cold War? … Would the world have been safer? What about the little detail that we won the Cold War?…
Islam, Violence, and Civil War
– “The war continued with Ali’s son, Hussein, leading the Shia. … ‘Hussein rejected the rule of the caliph at the time,’ says Vali Nasr, author of The Shia Revival. … In Iraq, many of the suicide bombings involve Muslims blowing up other Muslims, while the terribly costly Iran-Iraq war in the 1980…
Israel's Reviled Strategic Wisdom
At this point it is hard to know what the balance of power is between the Islamists who won 74 percent of the vote in the 2011 parliamentary … Wednesday's overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood government is a total repudiation of the US strategy of viewing the unrest in Egypt … In a Middle East engulfed by civil war, revolution and chronic instability, Israel is the only country at peace.…
Obama's Midterm Report Card
The Middle East has exploded into civil war. … The Gallup Poll Thursday showed Obama is fast losing popular support here at home, too, with 47 percent saying they disapprove of … kick off the new health care law with a massive, nationwide promotion campaign that is just now getting underway in the states.…
What American Defeat Looks Like
– and MI6 toward the end of the Cold War. … More recently, he took to the airwaves to tell us American Exceptionalism might require us to intervene militarily in the Syrian civil … Our president might have offered the Kremlin’s boss this challenge: If you don’t think America is exceptional, then tell us: When the
The GOP’s Argument In Ten Points: What The Key Republicans Need To Be Saying Everywhere, All The Time…publicans-need-to-be-saying-everywhere-all-the-time-n1717100
– Putin, and he will negotiate with the happy face of the killer regime in Iran, President Rouhani, but not with Republicans over issues … We know most of the MSM is with the president and protecting his childishness from full scrutiny. … The Speaker is the single man representing the People's House, and the president should be working with him, not taunting him in public…
Iran’s Rulers and the Art of the Deal
– Obama touted the progress his team has made negotiating on Syria and the opening of talks with Iran, the nation’s nemesis for two generations … The world has negotiated with Iran; it has balanced the pain of economic sanctions with the promise of reward if Iran unambiguously … Issuing fatwas is a mechanism for guiding individual believers, not binding the umma (the community of Muslims) . . . let alone Iran
The Bottom of the Barrel at the George Soros Institute for Internet Trolling…at-the-george-soros-institute-for-internet-trolling-n1712412
– What is it with liberals and the Koch brothers anyway? You guys are obsessed with them. … Today the Dow is at only 14,810. And Obama's term hasn't ended yet. … with Iran since the late 1970s?…
The Other Long War
– There also is the experience of Iran, which has hardly become democratic since voting there began shortly after the 1979 revolution … Finally, there is this: No matter how many “good decisions” Westerners recommend, at the end of the day, it will require Muslim democrats … - See more at:…
Israel's Blind Watchmen
– It is notable that the same day Erdogan welcomed Mashaal to Turkey, the Obama administration announced it is scaling back US military … The official launch of the initiative took place at the US-Turkish Global Counterterrorism Forum last month in New York. … They claimed that an apology would enable the US to restore Israel’s strategic alliance with Turkey, and that the alliance with Ankara…
The Slick Salesman from Teheran
– Now the West, and the world, is being treated to another verse of the same siren's song -- how Iran is interested in nuclear power … And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. … usually is, that is, not at all.…
Mr. Netanyahu and the End of Days
– Our pundits assure us that either Iran does not need and thus want a bomb, or that Iran at least could be contained if it got one. … Iran can test a nuclear bomb -- that the Iranian leader is a duplicitous "wolf in sheep's clothing." … Again, ask the Tutsis of Rwanda. The disastrous idea of a preemptory war to disarm Iran seems to us apocalyptic.…
Goodbye OPEC, Hello Independence
– America was the dominant player in the energy market—supplying 63 percent of the world’s oil at the beginning of World War II—and had … While the U.S. is less reliant on the Middle East due to the increasing production of our domestic resources—with our crude oil production … How does energy security give the U.S. “foreign-policy flexibility?” One example is Iran.…
It’s Time to Reassess Israel’s Strategic Assumptions
– a European economic war is dependent on continuing the negotiations with the PLO. … In other words, the viability of our economy is dependent on the PLO’s willingness to sit at a table with us. … Since 1968, the conviction that a strong Israel is consonant with US global interests has guided US policy in the Middle East.…
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