Results for: voted to

Santorum: You Know That Cruz And Paul Are Really Just ‘Bomb Throwers,’ Right?…ow-that-cruz-and-paul-are-total-bomb-throwers-right-n1942037
Voted to increase tobacco taxes to pay for Medicare prescription drugs Voted to increase tobacco taxes to fund health insurance … Voted to allow gas tax revenues to be used to subsidize Amtrak. … Voted to increase NIHnding by $700 million Voted to for a $2 million earmark to renovate the Vulcan Monument (AL) Voted for…
An Open Letter to Cecile Richards (Please Stop Killing the Dream)…er-to-cecile-richards-please-stop-killing-the-dream-n1945096
– make central to its mission. … Women obviously voted in “Sanger’s America”. … Hopefully, American public is beginning to awaken to your perversion of justice and human rights.…
Obama's Tax Plan
– "To everyone who voted," Obama said, "I want you to know that I hear you. … hours available to them over the course of a year to vote. … pass assets to heirs."…
“I Have a Pen,…..and a Bad Attitude”
– The president has made no secret of his intentions to veto any legislation that he doesn’t personally like sent to him by the Republican-controlled … Now it looks like the next two years promise to be more of the same that we’ve had for the past six years, a country ground to a halt … “fundamental transformation” of the United States into something unrecognizable to Americans, or to most of our allies around the…
Mitt Should Walk Away -- Not Run
– Now that Bush seems ready to brave the ring, however, Romney still feels a need to do the deed. Again. … Romney won the GOP primary in 2012, only to lose to a vulnerable incumbent. … Supporters note that Romney can raise billions from big donors, but he never managed to work that money to appeal to alienated working-class…
Is There A Romney-Bush War Looming?
– The family that once said “no” to a 2012 presidential run (Mitt voted no) has seemingly warmed up to the idea of another Romney run … to the family said. … Do we want to defend that again to the liberal media?…
Mexican Government Making It Easier For Illegal Immigrants to Take Advantage of Obama's Executive Amnesty…rants-to-take-advantage-of-obamas-executive-amnesty-n1943512
– The Mexican government is making it easier for those living illegally inside the United States to obtain documentation necessary to … As Conn reported yesterday, the House voted to defund Obama's executive action on illegal immigration by stripping funding for the … prior to November 20.…
School District to Stop Interrogating Christian Homeschool Kids…ict-to-stop-interrogating-christian-homeschool-kids-n1943169
– the board to ascertain if a home schooled child really wants to be home schooled so that they, ‘can be given the opportunity to go … force the Pruiett family to do what they had been ordered to do. … The school board heard the will of the people and voted to repeal the policy.…
Boehner: Obama's Executive Amnesty 'An Affront to the Constitution Itself'
– Of course, Republicans have already voted to fund the entire federal government through the fall; this bill increases overall DHS funding … Democrats are all in favor of keeping families together when it comes to allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the United States … to impose DACA).…
The Problem with Romney Nostalgia
– connection to Abraham Lincoln. … I don't want them to run for president either. … On "shares my values," Romney won 55 to 42. He won on "is a strong leader" 61 to 38.…
Romney Leads Nascent Iowa Field With 21%, Bush at 14%, Walker 10%
– “The question is whether he will use or let the chance pass to others.” … After two years of dampening expectations, Romney—spooked by Bush's momentum—is now working to the phones in order to put the band … While Romney decides what to do, the GOP race revolves around former Florida governor John E.…
In the Wake of Selma Movie Reviews, Confusion Abounds
– than "popcorn farts" as Johnson used to say. … Lyndon Johnson's door was always open to anyone willing to "pay to play" and there were many such opportunities for that. … As soon as that was beginning to dissolve into the dustbin of history—thanks to Johnson's maneuvers to have other wealthy friends take…
Bobby Jindal Leads the Saints in the Greatest Game Ever Played…l-leads-the-saints-in-the-greatest-game-ever-played-n1941980
– Prior to New Year’s Eve, Jindal sent a letter to 100,000 pastors to “discuss the importance of raising up the next generation of leaders … “Our 40th president used to remind us that every generation has to choose for itself to renew those principles of freedom. … But we need to turn to God in prayer for that to happen.” One can hope.…
Boehner Re-elected Speaker . . . And You Got Played
– In Arizona, the most conservative members of the delegation all voted to retain Boehner: Rep. David Schweikert, Rep. … Schweikert to get to the bottom of it. He told me the vote was largely ceremonial. … After that, it was too late to persuade most members to change their minds, deals had been made.…
We Could Be Heroes, Me and You
– —despite a clear voter mandate for reform in the 2014 midterms—many Republican representatives voted to re-elect Obama’s golfing buddy … those who voted for Boehner ought to ask themselves. … I prefer to die than to live like a rat," Charbonnier once explained to ABC News.…
The Friday Filibuster: Mitt's Out, Who's In?
– it to 26. … to Common Core. … Take a minute to get to know them—it’s worth it.…
BREAKING: Keystone XL Pipeline Passes Senate, 62-36
– It is now heading to the White House. Stay tuned for updates. … Barack Obama's promise to veto it because he thinks the decision should remain up to the executive branch. … : Here are nine the Senate Democrats who voted for Keystone: 1.…
Poll: Americans Want Congress to 'Fix' Obamacare Flaw if SCOTUS Sides with Conservatives
– Or was the idea that subsidies should apply only to exchanges created by the individual states, as an economic incentive to encourage … Obama and the Democrats would have to decide whether they're willing to reject the fix they're vociferously demanding in order to kill … popular additional "fixes" to the law.…
The Shameless Hackery of Harry Reid
– on amendments to the Keystone bill alone.   … its pledge to respect an "open amendment process" by trying to place some limits on endless offerings.   … to near 50 (update: the revised number is closer to 40).  …
Is The Border Secure? Answer: We Really Don’t Know
– Texas today to begin with? … There is no way to know for sure the answers to the bigger questions: How many individuals cross in total? … But, compared to a high-water mark in 2000 when more than 1.6 million immigrants were caught, the border appears to be far more secure…
Archbishop Gomez: 'No One Has Right to Decide Who Can Live and Who Can Die'
– Politicians in both parties need to listen to the answer Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles gave to this question Saturday as he … foundation to defend anyone's human rights." … witness to their right to life -- is not worth paying.…
Choose To Refuse: Say "No" to PARCC/SBAC Testing
– Then, be prepared to go to court. PJI will help. … Here in Colorado, the State Board of Education voted this month to allow districts to opt out of PARCC testing. … ' due to parental refusals to test."…
Democrats' Opposition to Keystone Pipeline is Hard to Fathom…ts-oppostion-to-keystone-pipeline-is-hard-to-fathom-n1949123
– On a largely party-line vote Monday, 53 senators, most of them Republicans, voted to go forward with the bill. … But 39 senators, all Democrats, voted against it, blocking the measure which, under Senate rules, needs 60 votes to get it to a final … Durbin and the Democrats who voted to kill this jobs bill should know a lot about part-time work because those are the kind of infrastructure…
Obama And Democrats Declare All Out War On Keystone Pipeline Jobs
– On a largely party-line vote Monday, 53 senators, most of them Republicans, voted to go forward with the bill. … But 39 senators, all Democrats, voted against it, blocking the measure which under Senate rules needs 60 votes to get it to a final … Durbin and the Democrats who voted to kill this jobs bill should know a lot of part-time work because those are the kind of infrastructure…
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