Results for: voted to

Trump Ignites White Working-Class Revolution
– You have to make it fall." … Bernie Sanders is too old to play Guevara, and he was never serious enough as a candidate to actually make it to the Oval Office. … He urges them to follow the British who voted for Brexit to take back their future, too.…
Brexit Shows Us The Future -- And It's Great
– That truth was evident last week when the British voted to leave the European Union. … Even many of those who voted to remain wanted the EU to make major changes. … It gives us hope that the global trend to decentralization will shift even more power to ever more people.…
‘Outrageous’: British MP Slams CNN For Their Biased Coverage of Brexit That Painted Them as Racists…ery-exchange-between-probrexit-mp-and-cnns-amanpour-n2185997
– Hannan refused to put his earpiece in to listen to the biased coverage. … The MP went on to composedly explain that Britain voted to become a sovereign nation because the EU is in decline and they want to … In terms of immigration, it can be up to Parliament to determine who can and cannot enter the country, he added.…
Wow: Democratic FEC Bureaucrats Sought to Punish Fox News for Debate Coverage…sought-to-investigate-fox-news-over-debate-coverage-n2186023
– It is the first time in history that members of the FEC voted to punish a media outlet's debate sponsorship, and it follows several … Commissioners Petersen and Hunter and I voted to free Fox News' editorial judgments from the FEC's regulatory jurisdiction under the … Much to the chagrin of some elected Democrats and their appointed henchmen, Fox is thriving: Congrats to @FoxNews & to our…
Capitulation? Sources Say Speaker Ryan To Hold Gun Control Vote Next Week…er-ryan-says-gun-control-vote-will-happen-next-week-n2185990
– This announcement comes a week after House Democrats staged a 24-hour sit-in to pressure Ryan and House Republicans to hold gun control … The Democratic effort to bring such votes to the floors of the Senate and House started by Sen. … All gun control amendments eventually were voted down along party lines. On June 22, Rep.…
Run, Don’t Walk to the Nearest Brexit
– How the Brits voted in June doesn’t tell us much about who Americans are likely to choose on November 8. … When a constitution for the EU was voted down in 2005, Brussels decided to enact the same thing via the Lisbon Treaty. … When Irish voters turned that down, they were pushed to vote again until they voted the right way.…
John Kerry Doubts Brexit Will Actually Happen
– However, Boris Johnson, one of the possible candidates to succeed Cameron, said he would not consider holding a second vote to confirm … Kerry also claimed that British Prime Minister David Cameron was reluctant in his move to allow the vote to take place. … Kerry also asserted that "most of the people who voted to do it" didn't know how either.…
Nigel Farage: Trump Would Be Better For The UK Than Obama's Been
– Christine wrote about how UK Independence Party’s Nigel Farage really let the European Parliament have it after Britain voted to leave … Or are you not going to take sides at this early stage?” Quest asked. … It’s almost as if she feels she has a sort-of divine right to have that job.” Mr.…
Would the Gipper Endorse the Donald?
– But back to Reagan. … moderates to win enough votes to defeat truly liberal Democrats. … Before winning a stunning victory to become Governor of the Golden State, his first step to the White House, Reagan had to defeat former…
The Sunday After Brexit
– its journey to London -- on the Sunday after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. … The people of the United Kingdom voted to retain one of their greatest traditions: the right to govern themselves. … to do.…
Will This Become the Worst Financial Crisis of the Postwar Era?…ecome-the-worst-financial-crisis-of-the-postwar-era-n2184968
– Last Thursday, Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, by a decisive 62% in favor of staying. … that the British would have to go to “the back of the queue” for any trade deals with the U.S. if they voted to leave the EU on June … to Remain in the European Union (EU) suddenly turned into 52-48 to Leave the EU.…
Boehner: Guys, I'm Totally A Conservative
– What’s the best way to handle Terrell Owens? Is it to send him home to do situps in his driveway to teach him a lesson? … Or is it to get him the damn ball? … levers to be used.…
Radical Muslims Murder And Radical Liberals Go Mad
– So, you know, religious fundamentalists of all stripes and of nationalities have this penchant to say, we want to be able tell you … Back to MSNBC once again, host Alex Wagner, in response to Bates claimed that, “we focus very specifically on Islam, because it is … Ironically, if any of these groups had the slightest ties to Christianity, the same liberals wouldn’t hesitate to call them Christian…
The Year in Quotes
– Fred Shapiro, editor of "The Yale Book of Quotations" and another word nut, had to make a last-minute addition to his list of the year's … For all concerned, which turned out to be many of us. … His brief farewell address would be mirrored by protesters coast to coast, including some who marched to the chant of another embarrassing…
Confirmed: Barbara Boxer to Retire
– Boxer made her intentions official in a playful-ish YouTube video to supporters: "I am never going to retire. … A lot of pieces would need to slot into place for this to play out properly: Namely, a crowded Democratic field packed with prominent … serving in that capacity (see: Senator Santorum, Governor Romney, etc), will it be more acceptable to refer to Boxer as "ma'am" after…
A Family Conversation
To make his point, Boehner had two of the 25 Republicans who voted for someone else kicked off the very influential Rules Committee … To make his point, Boehner had two of the 25 Republicans who voted for someone else kicked off the very influential Rules Committee … But, when the Committee met to assign the rules for the early bills that were to come to the Floor, there were only 7 Republicans.…
Obama Will Veto Legislation Restoring The 40-Hour Work Week…ill-veto-legislation-restoring-the-40hour-work-week-n1939704
– Under the healthcare law, companies have cut hours in order to avoid reaching the Obamacare threshold requiring businesses to provide … In campaign after campaign we have put boots on the ground, gone door-to-door to get out the vote, run phone banks and raised money … to secure this vision.Now this vision has come back to haunt us.Since the ACA was enacted, we have been bringing our deep concerns…
Anti-Gun Activists Trying To Emulate Success Of Marriage Equality Movement…ng-to-emulate-success-of-marriage-equality-movement-n1939468
– rights, anti-gun activists have decided to take their fight to your local neighborhood. … The courts have mostly ruled in favor of Second Amendment rights, even in courts that aren’t historically known to be friendly to conservative … mayhem, and it’s reported to the authorities, then the police officers tasked with investigating should be allowed to ask the person…
Another Strong Entry in the Least-Sympathetic-Victim-of-Obamacare Contest…ry-in-the-leastsympatheticvictimofobamacare-contest-n1939553
– We now have a new group to add to the list. … Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the heart of the 378-year-old university, voted overwhelmingly in November to oppose changes … to a pay cut.…
Single Tear: Harvard Faculty Upset Over Obamacare's Impact
– Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the heart of the 378-year-old university, voted overwhelmingly in November to oppose changes … “Indeed, they have come to our front door much later than to others.” … on to employees.…
It’s Time to Endanger the Endangered Species Act
– , capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct.” … Cone also allowed the local Boy Scouts to camp free of charge on his land and sold deer hunting licenses to the locals only to reduce … After DOI fails to respond to each one within the statutory 90-day deadline, the Center gets to sue the Interior and collect attorney…
BREAKING: John Boehner Re-Elected as Speaker of the House
– Opponents need to cobble together 29 dissenting votes to force a second ballot.   … health care law “is prompting many” small businesses “to hold off on hiring and even to shed jobs in some cases,” CNBC reports. … forces businesses to hold hours down to 30 per week or face a penalty.…
Judgment Day for John Boehner
– In order for Boehner to get even close to losing his speakership, he would need at least 25 members to vote against him in order to … push voting to a second round. … come up with enough votes today to cause a problem. …
LIVE OPEN THREAD: The State of the Union Address
– If this sounds to you like a fate worse than, well, this, rest assured that you're not alone; feel free to skip the speech as a matter … Team Townhall is absolutely on board -- stone sober, no less -- because it is our job to be up for such things.   … offer any policies that appeal to women" -- which may come as news to the 48 percent of women who voted Republican last fall.  …
Selma, 50 Years On
– Pascal went to Rev. Sharpton to seek absolution, which could prove expensive. … change, and that Pascal has "committed to this." … Only two Republican Senators voted against the VRA.…
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