Results for: voted to

Broken Regulatory Process Turns Democracy Upside-Down
To the contrary, none of them had enough support to pass even one house of Congress, but were imposed by an administration stretching … Senate did in fact vote to stop them, but President Obama used his veto pen to backstop his regulations, effectively governing with … That's the way our system is supposed to work.…
Why the Left Hates Referendums
– Doesn't it claim to represent "the people"? Isn't "power to the people" one of the most popular sayings of the left? … To the left nations are archaic constructs, impediments to the left-wing ideal of a world without national identities. … That is what the people of California did when they voted to amend their state's constitution to define marriage as the union of one…
After Brexit, a Trump Path to Victory
– While Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU, England voted for independence. … Not only does the EU appear to be breaking up, countries appear about to break up. … The Donbass seeks to secede from Ukraine.…
Can We Harness the Worldwide Populist Movement?
– It is hard to deny that there is a worldwide impulse against elitism, globalism, unaccountable regulatory bureaucracies and illegal … That certainly proved true in the Brexit vote, in which working-class areas voted to leave the EU while the establishment and mostly … affluent voted to remain.…
Brexit Stuns the Globalists
– Britain's decision to "leave" the European Union (EU) ended the career of Prime Minister David Cameron, who had campaigned hard toTo wit, this newspaper." … Among the British people who voted to leave the European Union, the biggest reason was the EU's complete failure to control the flood…
The Fraud Goes On
– Odegaard," the Court voted 5 to 4 that this particular case was moot, which spared the justices from having to vote on its merits. … Douglas, could not stomach affirmative action in 1974, and voted to condemn it, rather than declare the issue moot. … But now, in 2016, the supposedly conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy voted to uphold the University of Texas' racial preferences.…
Brexit Earthquake Hits Britain
– If you look at the map of the results, you see that Scotland, which voted 55 to 45 percent against becoming an independent country … He looks likely to be voted out as leader, with no stellar alternative in sight. … Johnson and Gove propose instead a point system like Australia's, to limit intake to those with high skills.…
– There are many reports of people saying the voted to exit the EU as a protest vote which they never would have cast had they though … I’m not sure anyone wants to go back to the Articles of Confederation, but it is not hard to see that at some point continuing to cede … golf course provide a diver to get it back once you realize you have to putt with your three wood the rest of the round.…
From the Brexit, a New Birth of Freedom
– The British people voted with their ballots, no bullets needed, and shouted “F-U!” to the EU. … He fled to France. … statists out to suppress their true identity and legacy: “We will govern ourselves, respond to our own laws, and respect our judges…
Baiting Millennials to Bankroll Obamacare
– Federal officials admitted they plan to use this list to target Millennials with emails and enticements to pressure them into joining … We all need to help educate Millennials so they know they have legitimate alternatives to being used as political pawns. … No wonder Brits eagerly voted to exit the EU last week! They’re tired of a broken and corrupt political system.…
From ‘Never Trump’ to ‘Maybe Trump’
– While Great Britain just voted to reclaim its national sovereignty, a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to completely relinquish our … Trump gave the strongest indication yet that he intends to be an unwavering ally to Israel. … His roundabout reaction to these questions was to punt to the Supreme Court, which tells me he still needs education on the false notion…
The Redcoats Opt for Independence
– The people of the United Kingdom have decided to go it alone, narrowly voting 52 to 48 percent last Thursday to leave the European … Still, it seems clear to me that Britain was wealthy and prosperous before it voted to join the EU in 1973, and will almost undoubtedly … Just to forestall how far we might go.…
Dems' Selective Outrage About Lenient Sentences
– Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky sentenced Brock Turner, 20, to six months in jail -- he's likely to serve a mere three months -- … to allow felons to vote in jail. … It applies to other approaches to dealing with criminal behavior as well."…
With Brexit, A Lot Seems To Be Grounded In Immigration
– The UK voted to leave the European Union last Thursday—and many Britons have had it with their inability to govern themselves as a … flow: Britain voted to leave the EU in the month we learned that last year’s net migration to the UK was a record 335,000 people … Again, immigration seems to be a substantial factor: After the votes were counted, Britain voted 52/48 to leave…
Paul Krugman’s Democratic Party
– But Republican groups tend to not want anything from government. More often than not they just want to be left alone. … Democratic groups tend to base their loyalty to the party solely on what political favors the party can deliver to the group. … The party is always seeking opportunities to take from Peter and give to Paul. Paul can be rich or he can be poor.…
Bye Bernie Voters?: DNC Platform Committee Just Voted Down $15 Minimum Wage
– Keith Ellison (D-MN), a Drafting Committee member, urged his colleagues to vote for his amendment to ensure Americans have a "livable … for Clinton as she tries to draw progressive voters to her campaign. … "Hours before the platform committee voted it down, Bernie Sanders said his 'goal' was to get the DNC platform committee to adopt a…
Seriously? After Voting to Leave, Brits Were Googling What the EU Is…o-leave-the-british-are-now-googling-what-the-eu-is-n2183104
– "Even though I voted to leave, this morning I woke up and I just — the reality did actually hit me," one woman told a local news station … "If I'd had the opportunity to vote again, it would be to stay." … If your country is voting on a major issue, it’s probably best to do all your research before you head to the polls.…
It's Working: Blue Cross Exits Obamacare Market, GOP Rolls Out Replacement Proposal…exits-obamacare-gop-rolls-out-replacement-proposal-n2183088
– Republicans do not, which is why they've voted to repeal Obamacare on numerous occasions (with some successes), finally getting a full … The Affordable Care Act attempted to solve that problem by requiring healthy people to buy insurance. … no further action needs to be taken to get them to do it...People who had not maintained continuous coverage, who do not have an employer…
The House Might Take Radical Islam Sitting Down: We Shouldn't…e-might-take-radical-islam-sitting-down-we-shouldnt-n2183101
– When America voted to enter World War II; there was only a single vote against entering the war.  … Trying to use the system to push gun control in America, is a lot like trying to tighten a bolt with a hammer.  … If the Federal Government wants to stop domestic terrorism; the last thing they ought to do is limit our right to bear and keep arms…
Donald Trump: Brexit a 'Declaration of Independence'
– In the early hours of Friday morning, just hours after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, Donald Trump gave a press … They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 24, 2016 America is proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder w/a free & ind UK.…
Brexit Fever: Leaders in Other EU Nations Now Calling for Referendums…fever-the-next-european-nations-to-call-for-a-vote-n2183042
– Many feared if the UK voted to leave the European Union it would signal the end of the EU as we know it. … Last week she said the EU was to blame for high unemployment and failing to stop the influx of “smugglers, terrorists, and economic … "As quickly as possible the Dutch need to get the opportunity to have their say about Dutch membership of the European Union."…
Trump on Brexit Vote: 'I Hope America Is Watching'
– not listen to him. … They have declared their independence from the European Union and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and … They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by…
America Should Embrace the Brexit Spirit
– Britain surrendered latitude over lawmaking on matters from the environment to transportation to consumer rights.  … And that’s before we even get to borders. … Now Britain has voted to kiss this folly goodbye, along with its massive net costs and few net benefits.…
High Court Not Yet an Armageddon
– In 1997, the Texas Legislature passed a bill to guarantee automatic admission to the state university system to any Texas resident … This was, regrettably, the first time Kennedy voted to uphold race as a factor in college admissions. … In each of these cases, conservatives and liberals were able to come together, albeit with some punting to the lower courts to decide…
Has Trump Found the Formula?
– She lied to the families of victims of the Benghazi massacre by implying the atrocity was a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamic … To substantiate his charge of incompetence, Trump notes that Clinton as Senator voted for arguably the greatest strategic blunder in … Trade and tax policies will be rewritten to provide incentives for companies to bring jobs and factories here.…
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