Results for: sign up to vote

Trump Savages 'RINO' Gov. Who Vetoed SAFE Act: 'Bye-bye Asa'
– As I reported last month, the governor did sign the "To Create the Fairness in Women's Sports Act," which bans biological men from … And yet, for some reason, some Republicans still seem hesitant to stand up on this issue. But not Donald Trump.  … to protect our nation’s children.”…
Biden Officially Sets Another Gun-Grabbing Scheme into Motion
– that lack serial numbers — to undergo background checks, according to three people who have spoken to the White House about the plans … serial numbers and are harder to track, among other moves designed to make it harder for unqualified people to obtain dangerous weapons … Now, I could change my tune as this goes along, yes—but I doubt the most insane measures will ever make it to the floor for a vote.…
If Democrats Irrevocably Change the Rules, Will Conservatives Stop Playing the Game?…the-rules-will-conservatives-stop-playing-the-game-n2587025
– From baseball to gin rummy, there are and must be rules to every game. … Though there has been some clamoring to break up California, at no point have Republicans suggested, ‘hey, why not break up Alabama … Elections In their efforts to rid the country of every means to ensure that every eligible citizen gets one vote and one vote only,…
The Lib-Fascist Purge
– shut down the competition then people will sign up for NR’s cruises again. … Waters, whose mess I had to clean up when I mobilized for the LA riots (excuse me, “LA Rebellion”), is almost too funny – but to humiliate … does what she thinks she has to do to scramble up the ladder.…
'Banana Republic': It Sure Looks Like Biden's DOJ Is Engaging in Political Retribution…er-people-for-creating-maga-memes-no-im-not-kidding-n2583839
– designed to encourage supporters of one of the presidential candidates (the “Candidate”) tovote” via text message or social media … Vote from Home. Text ‘[Candidate’s first name]’ to 59925[.] Vote for [the Candidate] and be a part of history.”   … The fine print at the bottom of the image stated: “Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person.…
Justice Department Charges Twitter Troll Over Four-Year Old Meme About Hillary Clinton…man-for-his-fouryear-old-meme-about-hillary-clinton-n2583807
– deprive individuals of their right to vote. … Vote from Home. Text 'Hillary' to 59925."  The words, "Must be 18 or older to vote. One vote per person. … "There is no place in public discourse for lies and misinformation to defraud citizens of their right to vote," said Seth D.…
The Lincoln Project Sets a New Standard for Shameless Grift…oln-project-sets-a-new-standard-for-shameless-grift-n2583579
– The sum total of their being seems wrapped up in penning angry screeds against him to earn retweets from the #Resistance crowd. … Their whole strategy appears to have been to buy up provocative ads on Fox News (they must have single-handedly saved the channel amid … go to any length or sink to any low to get their jollies.…
The Case for Trump's Acquittal
– Without his appearance, the media will not be able to concoct an excuse not to cover his lawyers' presentations on the constitutional … You communicate those issues to voters in language carefully selected to minimize your opponent’s ability to twist your words into … But there was no third-party candidate in 2020 to pivot off of, so even though Trump used the phrase to refer to supporting police…
With Trump Gone, You Are the Enemy
– Keep the fences up; pretend the attacks are sure to come. … The left points to the increase in gun sales as a sign of a pending insurrection and the need for gun control legislation, but there … Such heavy-handed actions just motivate those attacked to look forward to the next opportunity to vote the scoundrels out.…
Sen. Manchin: Biden's Advisers Have Led Him Astray
– President Biden's call for unity in his inauguration speech has all but been forgotten the past few weeks as he continues to sign … The two of them have refused to join the Democratic effort to nuke the filibuster, the Senate rule requiring 60 members to end debate … deficit while doing little to get Americans back to work. …
McConnell to Vote Against Biden DHS Nominee
– Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Tuesday he will vote against President Joe Biden's nominee to become the next Department … “Today the Senate will vote on Alejandro Mayorkas, President Biden’s nominee to be Secretary of Homeland Security. … Up to this point, I’ve voted in favor of the President’s mainstream nominees to key posts.…
Larry Elder, Herschel Walker Destroy Arguments in Favor of Reparations at Congressional Hearing
– wouldn’t vote for a Mormon, and 42 were opposed to voting for a person as old as McCain would be upon entering office.  … and say to yourself ‘what could I have done to change the outcome?’”  … Do you go to 23andMe or a DNA test to determine the percentage of blackness?…
LISTEN: Don Jr. Urges Georgians to Support Perdue and Loeffler to Protect His Father's Accomplishments…and-loeffler-to-protect-his-fathers-accomplishments-n2580879
– The vice president is returning to the Peach State on Friday. … The New Georgia Project, where Warnock served as CEO until February, is one of four voter sign-up groups being probed for improper … register people in other states to vote here in Georgia."…
Former Trump Campaign Manager Explains What Went Wrong
– "We understood where the weakness is, where we need to pick up the votes. … "We had a plan to increase the Latino and black vote, which we did. We had a plan to try to keep the suburban housewives. … I mean, that's an obvious sign now that I was hurt. I didn't get a warning sign really that, no one asked me to change my plan.…
They Never Learn
– NR agrees: “There are legitimate issues to consider after the 2020 vote about the security of mail-in ballots and the process of counting … But they seem to think that it is better to lose like gentlemen that to make an unseemly fuss. … And if you want a signed paperback, use my super-secret email below and I’ll tell you where to send it and I’ll sign it.…
Liberals Want You Demoralized, So Don’t Be
– The next guy who tells me his sad feelz are so intense over the election that he’s not going to vote in Georgia or anywhere else ever … Man up. Or woman up. Or genderfluid up. … Whether Trump ends up winning or losing – the court battles continue – you’re going to support the Republicans in Georgia in January…
American Contractors Left Behind in Kuwaiti Prisons on Often-Trumped Up Drug Charges…in-kuwaiti-prisons-on-oftentrumped-up-drug-charges-n2580724
– then forced, in some cases, to confess to crimes they did not commit. … that they need to be protected similarly to soldiers, diplomats and others serving government abroad.   … Yes, they sign up for dangerous missions because of higher pay.…
'Dirty Work:' Former Aide Says Working for Cuomo Is 'Toxic,' Colleagues 'Deathly Afraid' to Speak Out…omo-is-toxic-colleagues-deathly-afraid-to-speak-out-n2581152
– I shudder to think what happens to others. … It pisses me off so much. — Lindsey Boylan (@LindseyBoylan) December 5, 2020 She added, "I did not sign whatever they told me to sign … County Supervisor @SheilaKuehl says the story we broke about her restaurant visit after her vote to ban outdoor dining is a “non story…
Trump Must Pardon Steve Stockman and Prepare for the Deep State to Come After Him, Too…nd-prepare-for-the-deep-state-to-come-after-him-too-n2581134
– , Democrats could keep Trump tied up in prosecutions for years until he was able to appeal to the U.S. … It will be easy to get many of them to turn on Trump and take a plea deal, unable to come up with millions of dollars to defend themselves … In a sign that conservatives are finally waking up to these kinds of successful tactics, five House Republicans asked Attorney General…
Send the Paris Climate Treaty to the Senate
sign. … to examine, discuss and agree to or reject this intrusive, destructive treaty. … Let the assembled Senators debate it, vote on it – and send it to history’s dustbin, where it belongs.…
Pelosi and Schumer Sound Off on Trump's COVID Relief Demands…agrees-with-one-part-of-trumps-covid-relief-demands-n2582020
– According to Schumer, Trump needs to sign the $900 Wuhan coronavirus relief bill and Congress will get to work to pass additional funding … "Trump needs to sign the bill to help people and keep the government open and we're glad to pass more aid Americans need," Schumer … : The Rule (process vote)The rule vote cleared the way for the bill to be brought to a vote so soon after text dropped.It passed, which…
Biden: Identity Politics and No Apologies
– Important election results seemed to refute the notion that Americans vote for their ethnic or racial identity. … On that count, the Biden administration is shaping up to be less radical than Rep. … Calls "to work together to give each other a chance to lower the temperature" are likely to prove unavailing absent a confession of…
Karl Rove Corrects Stacey Abrams on Georgia Mail-in Ballot Numbers
– They sign up for permanent mail-in ballots, so they’re counted as a request, but we don’t know whether or not they are actually going … to vote.” … to the finish and the Republicans are doing pretty good right now, they’ve got a long way to go,” he said.…
Based on Recent Results the USPS Is Only Part of the Problem with Mail-in Voting…usps-is-only-part-of-the-problem-with-mailin-voting-n2575268
– Clearly this is all being done to push forward the mail-in vote gambit. … In one New York district, where a victory was by a 3,700 vote margin, this led to 13,000 ballots being disqualified. … privilege to vote.…
Cancel Culture: Prestigious Restaurant Awards Axed Over Identity Politics, Vague Allegations…wards-axed-over-identity-politics-vague-allegations-n2575108
– Restaurant workers were taking to social media to denounce their bosses. … sign." … The mess continued: Lacking the time to investigate each case, the committee asked the foundation staff to follow up.…
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