Results for: voted to

2016 RACE ROUNDUP: More Fallout From ‘Unfair’ Colorado Convention…oundup-more-fallout-from-unfair-colorado-convention-n2147421
– Hillary Clinton has been touring New York, responding to Sanders' direct attacks, while her husband seems to be hurting more than helping … It requires organization & attn to grassroots to win. Cruz had it. Trump didn't. End of story."  … Cruz is expected to tour Buffalo on Thursday.…
Liberals Seem To Be Freaking Out About Nothing Over North Carolina’s Bathroom Bill…bathroom-bill-because-you-obviously-havent-read-it-n2147448
to be anti-LGBT, which mostly relates to who can use a bathroom. … Answer: The bill was passed after the Charlotte City Council voted to impose a regulation requiring businesses to allow a man into … So, this is why “The Boss” decided to tell his North Carolina fan base to screw off? Looks like weak sauce to me.…
As Ukraine Collapses, Europeans Tire of U.S. Interventions
– According to these people, U.S. government personnel who handed out cookies and even took the stage in Kiev to urge the people to overthrow … In fact, the neocons still consider it a "conspiracy theory" to suggest the U.S. had anything to do with the overthrow. … Is a Ukraine in chaos to be considered a Washington success story? This brings us back to the Dutch vote.…
A Civics Primer for Fifth Graders (and Donald Trump)
– take the time to find out what the rules are before they decide to run.) … On the first round of voting the delegates are legally bound to vote according to the way their states voted or caucuses decided. … Some of them are trying to control nearly everything about your life - from where you go to school, to what you can eat, to the whether…
The Rule: First Candidate to 1,237 Wins
– know he has to attend to details in every aspect of this campaign. … That some are receptive to this is a testament to the effectiveness of all the previous slanders against Lion Ted Cruz. … Many Trump supporters seem to think they have an exclusive claim to angst against the ruling class.…
The “Establishment” Is sSow to Learn; Senate Republicans Pushing for More #GreenPork
– In an InfoWars video, reporter Richard Reeves, at the University of Texas in Austin speaks to Wyatt, a young man who’d just voted for … our deep opposition to the proposal. … Republicans who give in to cronyism, who give in to profligate spending… they get nothing in the end.…
Even Without Trump, Republicans Still Have A Hard Electoral Map This Year…publicans-still-have-a-hard-electoral-map-this-year-n2145681
– The Democratic nominee needs to win only 28 additional electoral votes to get to 270 and be elected president. … The Supreme Court is bound to swing to the left for the next generation. … sure have to scale the political equivalent of Everest to clinch a win.…
Accelerated Disillusion
– Clinton leads more than 40 to one among those super delegates who have pledged to either candidate. … It behooves the parties to find ways to listen to the voters, so as to win elections. … That is, he urges Republicans in convention to assert their rights as Americans, to freedom of association.…
Missouri Looks to Join Constitutional Carry Club
– Idaho recently became the ninth state to adopt constitutional carry, which gives law-abiding citizens the right to conceal carry their … Missouri seems to be making their intentions known to become the tenth state, as the state legislature recently voted to grant their … The measure goes to the Senate.…
Cigarettes Cause Cancer
– There is no reason to pretend otherwise. … The smokers do not seem to be inclined to stop smoking cigarettes. … We told you not to smoke cigarettes.…
Donald Trump Isn't the 'Presumptive Nominee' -- Not Yet, Anyway…trump-isnt-the-presumptive-nominee--not-yet-anyway-n2155037
– He must win about 56 percent of those yet to be chosen to get to the 1,237 majority necessary for the nomination. … It was as if many Democratic voters wanted neither one to clinch the nomination. … Members of the "Never Trump" group may imagine a candidate who combines Cruz's appeal to hard shell conservatives and Kasich's to upscale…
Fight Club: Cruz Supporter Tears Into Pro-Trump Commentator, ‘Do You Have Any Integrity At All?’…otrump-commentator-do-you-have-any-integrity-at-all-n2155122
– Well, this was bound to happen between the Cruz and Trump camps. … does to “put their own personal aspirations first.” … CNN’s Brooke Baldwin chimed in to remind Deace to keep it professional. “I am keeping it professional, responded Deace.…
Establishment: Team Trump's Strange New Respect for Boehner, McConnell
– Then they'll turn around and applaud bona fide establishment fixtures -- from Rudy Giuliani, to New Gingrich, to Boehner and McConnell … House Republicans have voted to repeal Obamacare in its entirety and on a piecemeal basis literally dozens of times. … , using the very same tactic Harry Reid used to pass the law in order to get a repeal bill onto the president's desk.…
Garland Nomination Would Fulfill Obama’s Pledge to ‘Transform’ America…on-would-fulfill-obamas-pledge-to-transform-america-n2154758
– liberty exists only to protects private belief, unelected government agencies are given carte blanche to impose regulation on businesses … to leave such an important decision to the next president. … He voted to reconsider an important gun rights decision that had struck down Washington, D.C.’s gun ban.…
ESPN Fires Curt Schilling -- What About Liberal Offenders?
– bigot who needs to die!" … party to ISIS. … do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. ...…
Why Felons Should Be Allowed to Vote
– Some of us worry that they will head to the nearest courthouse and register to vote. Last week, Virginia Gov. … So adding them to the rolls would penalize Republicans. … We don't permanently strip criminals of freedom of speech or religion, the right not to be subjected to unreasonable searches or the…
Uh Oh: Sanders Plans To Let Go Hundreds Of Campaign Workers
– His campaign says they plan to go all the way to Philadelphia: Senator Bernie Sanders is planning to lay off “hundreds” of campaign … So what we are going to do is allocate our resources to the 14 contests that remain, and that means that we are going to be cutting … Sanders said he planned to move a number of staff members to California, where he hoped to hold rallies for “hundreds of thousands”…
Polls: Trump Down 11 to Hillary Nationally, Trails Millennials by 36, Losing in Arizona…y-trails-millennials-by-36-points-losing-in-arizona-n2153960
– He needed to win 63 percent of the remaining bound delegates to secure a majority and stave off a contested convention. … Forty-one percent say it should be "left up to the delegates" if that scenario comes to pass. … to defeat Hillary Clinton. …
Open the Door to Christian Refugees From Syria
– It would permit up to 10,000 Christians and members of other religious minorities in Syria to be admitted to the United States as refugees … The House of Representatives voted unanimously last month to declare that the Islamic State is committing genocide against Christians … Will they now find no way to allow Middle Eastern Christians fleeing that genocide to find refuge in our land?…
Ted Cruz 'Educates' Woman On Complicated Delegate Process: 'I Don't Control the Rules'
– During a campaign stop on Monday, Ted Cruz was confronted by a Donald Trump supporter who asked how he can justify his strategy to … “In Colorado, 65,000 people voted,” Cruz answered. … “The people that voted are the grassroots activists, the exact opposite of the establishment.”…
Why the Left Loathes Western Civilization
– Stanford students rejected the proposal 1,992 to 347. … I am referring to the left, not to liberals. The latter generally venerates Western civilization. President Franklin D. … And leftists don't want to be judged.        …
Ethnicity Still Matters in the Politics of 2016
– That's sometimes a useful thing to do. … Trump is likely to do well in next week's Northeastern primaries from Rhode Island to Maryland, if only because most Italian-Americans … Its registered Republicans tend to be relatively old, offspring of the Midwesterners who thronged to the West Coast in the decades…
The Obama Administration Is Vociferously Anti-Science
– 1934 landline telephone law - on to the internet. … But these things matter not to the Luddites. … This power grab had to happen - to set the table for a whole host of subsequent anti-science attacks.…
Cruz Dominates Trump in Weekend Delegate Fight
– The Texas senator won the state’s GOP caucus last month and was supposed to get 12 delegates, with nine going to second-place finisher … Trump and two going to Ohio Gov. … The governor said in response to the delegate distribution that the Cruz campaign had reneged on a deal to “put up a unity slate that…
Brits Slam Obama For 'Bullying' Voters Over Brexit…trending-on-twitter-after-president-bullies-voters-n2152716
– Mr Obama flew 4000 miles to warn that Britain would face consequences if it votes to leave the EU. … He went on to say that the Prime Minister had “begged on bended knee” for the president to come to London and save the ‘remain’ campaign … to leave the EU.…
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