Results for: voted to

BREAKING: State Department Declares ISIS is Committing Genocide Against Christians in Iraq and Syria
to US military strategy," according to Yahoo.Yahoo News reported last year that the US "has historically been reluctant to invoke … resources to do so. … Last week the House voted unanimously 393-0 to declare the actions of ISIS against Christians a genocide.…
Obama to GOP: Do as I Say, Not as I Did
– in deference to the "Biden rule." … not to mention younger. … But if Republican senators want to hand the Supreme Court to the Democrats, then why would Republican voters support them?…
The TOP Gospel
– I only know one person who voted for Nixon.” … financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us,” and “We were old sinners -- but when we came … to Christ we are not sinners anymore.”…
Hey Kerry, ISIS Is Now Burning Bibles
– With the State Department set to make a determination on whether ISIS’s persecution of Christians in the Middle East is genocide, … Now, that number has plummeted to roughly 275,000. … On Monday the House voted unanimously to label ISIS’s extermination of Christians genocide.…
Judge Merrick Garland Doesn't Appear to Be Friendly To Second Amendment Rights…nt-appear-to-be-friendly-to-second-amendment-rights-n2134869
– supported the legality of gun registries: Back in 2007, Judge Garland voted to undo a D.C. … Moreover, in the case mentioned earlier, Garland voted with Tatel to uphold an illegal Clinton-era regulation that created an improvised … Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor to say that this nomination is nothing more than a way for the president to politicize the…
Is Garland Really 'The Most Conservative' SCOTUS Nominee Ever Made by a Dem President?…rvative-scotus-nominee-ever-made-by-a-dem-president-n2134766
– , specifically in regards to his plans for D.C. v. … From 1978 to 1979, Garland clerked for liberal Justice William Brennan.  … The American people deserve a chance to make the decision, he continued.…
Obama SCOTUS Nominee Says Judges Must Follow the Law, Not Make It…minee-says-justices-must-follow-the-law-not-make-it-n2134799
– Court of Appeals Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. … Pivoting to this professional career, he talked briefly about his time at the Justice Department, where he was sent to Oklahoma City … Still, seven current GOP senators voted to confirm Garland, and Democrats are sure to level charges of hypocrisy against them if they…
Florida Governor Needs to Sign Landmark Alimony Reform and Shared Parenting Bill…n-landmark-alimony-reform-and-shared-parenting-bill-n2134813
– He has 15 days to sign the bill, and there is a concern he is just sitting on it to eventually veto it. … One woman told me she was ordered to pay lifetime alimony to her ex-husband based on a 14-year-long marriage. … Carbone voted for Hillary Clinton and calls herself “a proud Democrat who has never voted for a Republican.”…
Senate Judiciary Committee: We're Still Not Giving Obama's SCOTUS Nominee a Hearing…were-not-holding-hearings-for-obamas-scotus-nominee-n2134775
to hold hearings or to confirm the nominee. … the Supreme Court is granted to the President and authority is given to the Senate to provide advice and consent.  … And it is necessary to go even further back — to 1888 — in order to find an election year nominee who was nominated and confirmed under…
BREAKING: Obama Nominates Federal Appeals Judge Merrick Garland To Supreme Court to Replace Scalia…upreme-court-nominee-wednesday-from-the-white-house-n2134746
– And it is necessary to go even further back — to 1888 — in order to find an election year nominee who was nominated and confirmed under … our constitutional authority to withhold consent on any nominee to the Supreme Court submitted by this President to fill Justice Scalia … UPDATE: Republicans have voted for Garland in the past.  7 current GOP Senators voted to put Merrick Garland on DC Circuit back in…
Many GOP Primary Voters Would Consider Third-Party Candidate if Election Comes Down to Trump v. Clinton…candidate-if-election-comes-down-to-trump-v-clinton-n2134700
– As the Associated Press put it after Tuesday’s results came in, both math and momentum now point to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton … But the thought of the general election coming down to a matchup between the billionaire businessman and the former secretary of state … According to exit poll results from states that voted on Tuesday: In another sign of anti-Trump sentiment among some Republicans…
If You Broke it, You Own it
– Congress refused to put the most anti-military U.S. president ever in charge of a new theater of conflict and voted against it.  … An unnamed administration spokesman made a boast to the press which will, like Powell’s “pottery-barn” comment, live on to serve as … marched them out to the beach and beheaded them on camera for all of the world to see.…
What’s Wrong with ‘Democratic Socialism?’
To see where democratic socialists want to take us, it’s instructive to peruse websites such as … Sanders has voted against every bill to strengthen border security, while supporting the 2013 amnesty bill to help “undocumented immigrants … to gain a type of legal status that set a clear path to citizenship.”   …
House Unanimously Votes to Declare ISIS Extermination of Christians a Genocide, State Department Drags Its Feet…eclares-isis-extermination-of-christians-a-genocide-n2134088
– Republicans and Democrats in the House voted unanimously late Monday night to officially declare the extinction of Christians by ISIS … That ISIS purports to permit Assyrian Christians to pay a jizya tax to avoid conversion, execution, or displacement does not preclude … The State Department is supposed to decide by Thursday whether to agree with the House's genocide declaration on behalf of the Obama…
The Supreme Court Vacancy: A Criminal Who Doesn’t ‘Leave Fingerprints’ Is Still a Criminal…l-who-doesnt-leave-fingerprints-is-still-a-criminal-n2132206
– In particular, opposition to Watford centered around his opposition to the death penalty and his opposition to Arizona's anti-illegal … On the 9th Circuit, he voted to strike down Arizona's law automatically denying bail for illegals. … to "executive actions").…
It's Only Trump
– white vote -- and the media are trying to convince the GOP that he's right. … It's as if we're only allowed to divvy up the pile of voters from 2012. Unless you voted in 2012, you can't vote in 2016! … Trump may be wrong, but it's insane to say that it's impossible for him to bring out new voters.…
National Border Patrol Council Endorses Donald Trump…ational-border-patrol-council-endorses-donald-trump-n2141019
– usually shies away from endorsing a candidate during the primary cycle, it broke with its tradition this year and felt it necessary to … As an organization we expect our elected officials to aggressively pursue the interests of the country. … Texas and Arizona, two states that share a border with Mexico, have already voted. Sen.…
Friendly Reminder: Obama Is Winning The War On Coal
– The regulations will force states to abandon reliable coal-fired power plants and reconfigure their electrical systems to reduce U.S … A Morning Consult poll found that by more than 2-to-1 Americans support SCOTUS’ action. … Not to mention scores of local communities ravaged thanks to ineffective and egregiously expensive alternative energy methods adored…
Brussels and the Border
– When Hillary Clinton was campaigning in Arizona on the eve of that state’s Democratic primary, she bragged that “I voted to secure … refugees” (he still plans to import another 100,000 Muslim refugees) and he vowed to “reject any attempt to stigmatize Muslim-Americans … Obama is eager to accommodate the religious freedom of Muslims who want to move to our country from the Middle East, so why won't he…
Does Social Connectedness Explain Trump's Appeal?
– Only 14 percent of Utah Republicans voted for Trump. … listening to Howie Carr on talk radio. … , or whether the socially connected will rally to reject him.…
Sanders Supporters Demand Change in 'Undemocratic' Superdelegate Process…demand-change-in-undemocratic-superdelegate-process-n2139831
– “To be able to have these delegates that have no accountability to the Democratic Party members seems to me to be a tad undemocratic … Sanders himself has sounded off on the imbalance of superdelegates, but notes they may be starting to switch their support to him as … "I think a lot of the superdelegates are now beginning to look at which Democratic candidate is the best place to defeat Donald Trump…
ICYMI: NBC's Guthrie Hit WH Chief Of Staff On President Obama's Supreme Court Hypocrisy…ident-obamas-hypocrisy-on-supreme-court-nominations-n2135578
– Regardless, prior to the St. … GUTHRIE: But, Denis, President Obama voted to filibuster Justice Alito, which is another way of saying not bring him to the Senate … That filibuster was stopped and he was voted on to the court.…
Weekend at Bernie's Great Weekend
– about any corner to get a vote. … From the rainy, to the snowy, to the tropical, the Independent-turned-Democratic Socialist has become a force to be reckoned with, … Sanders is sticking to his socialist guns (since he voted for the right to keep and bear arms almost as much as the Republicans during…
Dear NYT Editorial Board, The AR-15 Does Not Fire In 'Rapid Bursts'…torial-board-the-ar15-does-not-fire-in-rapid-bursts-n2129305
– liberals to litigate the gun manufacturers out of existence. … To make things more embarrassing, the Times used semiautomatic and rapid bursts in the same sentence. … There’s simply no real room to maneuver.…
A Vote for Kasich Is a Vote for Trump
– The other lesson is relevant to those planning to vote in the 18 Republican primaries and one caucus between now and June 7. … Trump needs about 59 percent of these to win. … to a candidate who could actually be nominated.…
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