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Planned Parenthood Boasts They're 'Done Making Excuses for Our Founder' Margaret Sanger. Don't Be Fooled…re-done-making-excuses-for-our-founder-margaret-san-n2588103
– We need to reckon with ourselves. Yesterday, our federation voted to affirm that health equity requires race equity. … @alexismcgill writes for @nytimes: “We don’t know what was in Sanger’s heart, and we don’t need to in order to condemn her harmful … In the name of political expedience, she chose to engage white supremacists to further her cause.…
Murkowski Primary Challenger Off to an Impressive Fundraising Start…y-challenger-off-to-an-impressive-fundraising-start-n2588102
– a primary challenger to Sen. … In the three remaining days of the reporting period, she managed to raise $214,844, according to Must Read Alaska. … Murkowski voted to convict in his second impeachment trial, was predictably thrilled to hear of the possibility. …
Biden Administration Rescinds Ban on Using Aborted Fetal Parts for Research…cinds-ban-on-using-aborted-fetal-parts-for-research-n2588090
– All scientists should reject the administration’s attempts to prey on fears related to the pandemic to advance the practice of harvesting … Are the pro-lifers who voted to elect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris listening? … What do they have to say for themselves now? I hate to say I told you say, but I told you so. …
Well, It Looks Like Ocasio-Cortez Flipping Out at Joe Biden Over an Immigration Issue Worked…on-a-trump-immigration-initiative-which-only-shows-n2588069
– Blinken notified Congress on Feb. 12 that the administration planned to allow up to 62,500 refugees to enter the country in the fiscal … Biden promised to welcome immigrants, and people voted for him based on that promise.Upholding the xenophobic and racist policies of … So, I guess we’re going to have to build more concentration camps, right?  “This isn’t who we are.”  It’s a circus.…
Biden Angrily Demands Gun Control…e-sticks-by-his-support-for-gun-control-legislation-n2588084
– many Americans who voted for you about the legislative progress on gun control and police reform, having to wait while we pursue infrastructure … But it's not a question of my being able to set the agenda as to what you can move to first. … I continue and strongly, strongly urge my friends in Congress who refused to bring up the bill to bring it up now," he said.…
Former Democrat With a 'Liberal, Corrupt Tenure' to Challenge Georgia Governor Brian Kemp
– Jones, hoping to rally Trump supporters, claimed that Kemp was “unwilling” to fight for election integrity. … to ensure voter integrity. … mob, but Jones chose not to.…
Just Who is Behind the Radical Court Packing Agenda?
– also will be... we need to not only eliminate the filibuster to pass democracy reform, and to pass voting rights, but we need to pass … add four seats to the Supreme Court.Here's what you need to know about why we need to add four seats to save our democracy. … "Because we have to."…
Tribalism Breaks Our Bond With Truth
– One council member said she voted to fire the city manager not because he deserved it but because of what the mob would do to the councilwoman … had she not voted to fire the manager. … We have an obligation to the truth that must outweigh our obligations to our tribes.…
Exclusive: Rep. Jim Jordan Warns Left is After 'Pure Political Power' with Court Packing, Will Rig the System
– One Republican response to legislation to pack the Court comes from Rep. … We cannot allow it to fall victim to partisan attempts to pack it with far-left radicals," Rep. Biggs said in a statement. … his state of Ohio, where the state legislature voted to limit the governor's powers.…
Biden's UN Ambassador Shamelessly Throws America Under the Bus…ambassador-shamelessly-throws-america-under-the-bus-n2588014
– @tedcruz) January 28, 2021 Such a hesitancy to boldly stand up to the CCP seems to be a trend when it comes to the Biden administration … And even more important, we have to shape the global solutions to these challenges, to ensure they are just. … It means engaging trailblazing groups like yours to teach, to grow, to include, to improve.…
You Can ALWAYS Count on Mitt Romney to Do the Wrong Thing...ALWAYS.…ith-senate-democrats-to-destroy-over-a-million-amer-n2587971
– He voted with Democrats to convict Trump in both of their impeachment efforts. … , Romney confirmed to HuffPost on Wednesday. … go from there,” Romney said, referring to a bipartisan group of 20 senators who are hoping to find ways to make the Senate function…
No Charges to Be Filed Against Capitol Police Officer Who Shot and Killed Capitol Hill Rioter…ice-officer-who-shot-and-killed-capitol-hill-rioter-n2587938
– I know some folks were wondering what was going to happen with the Ashli Babbitt shooting. … The Department of Justice is said to have combed over the situation for months and finally decided that the officer who shot and killed … She had voted for Obama. In these tense times, people act drastically different.…
The Gaslighting of the American People
to control the political process. … I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that, if it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out," Chester … Referring to CNN, he said that "So, like whenever a new story comes up, they're going to latch onto it.…
Heh: To Protest Georgia's New Voting Law, Hollywood Film Shifts Production to...A State With Stricter Laws
– their opposition to such efforts.   … “Regrettably, we feel compelled to move our film production work from Georgia to another state.”  … Has anyone even bothered to ask him?  …
Watch What Happens When James O'Keefe Confronts CNN Technical Director Over What He Admitted About Network's Goal
– I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out…I came to … CNN because I wanted to be a part of that,” Chester revealed. … And when the pandemic is over, be ready for CNN to pivot to climate change.…
Police Crack Down on Rioters as Brooklyn Center Enters Third Night of Unrest…inue-for-a-third-night-police-crack-down-on-rioters-n2587890
– It appears the officer who shot Wright, Kim Potter, used her sidearm when she meant to use her taser. … Moments ago the council passed a motion 3-2 to give command authority over our Police Department to my office. … I appreciate the other councilmembers who voted to approve this motion — Mayor Mike Elliott (@mayor_elliott…
The Press Is Infrastructure for Biden
– One obvious explanation for the Biden strategy is his tendency to insert his foot in his mouth. … about 99.96% of them surely voted for him in November. … Its goal was to remove Trump -- as early as it could. Everyone on its side was Team Democracy.…
Transgender Travesty by Dems
– In merely one day the governor was repudiated by his own legislature, which voted in a landslide to override his veto. … The reality, of course, is the opposite in competitive sports, and it is unfair to allow male-bodied athletes to invade female sports … Gavin Newsom began requiring the state prison system to ask every individual entering its custody to specify their personal pronouns…
CNN Technical Director Admits What We All Knew What That Outlet Was Doing Throughout Trump's Presidency…got-trump-out-of-office-and-thats-why-i-joined-the-n2587857
– I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out…I came to … CNN because I wanted to be a part of that,” Chester revealed. … Chester explained to the Veritas journalist how CNN engaged in “propaganda” when covering Trump’s health compared to Biden’s health…
Brooklyn Center City Manager Fired Hours After Calling For Due Process
– "All employees working for the city of Brooklyn Center are entitled to due process with respect to discipline," Boganey said. … "I will continue to work my hardest to ensure good leadership at all levels of our city government." … ) April 12, 2021 That decision came "shortly after the Brooklyn Center city council voted to give the mayor command authority over…
Hypocrisy: Teachers Union Boss Posts Shameless 'Self-Own' Photo
– returning to in-person instruction. … continue to use outdated distancing recommendations as an excuse to keep classrooms closed, or to hire more faculty to accommodate … The incumbent was voted out.…
With Mixed Up Priorities of Boycotts, Biden Administration Fails to Protect Human Rights Abuse Victims…tration-fails-to-protect-human-rights-abuse-victims-n2587745
– And we need to be able to do a few things:  We need to be able to bring the world together in speaking with one voice in condemning … The standard go to non-answer has been to pass it along to "our allies and partners."  … He’ll inevitably be asked why a law seeking to balance voter access with ballot integrity in an American state that voted for him in…
'Fox News Sunday' Host Chris Wallace Did Not Mince Words Calling Out Sec. Buttigieg's Lies…did-not-mince-words-calling-out-sec-buttigiegs-lies-n2587736
– It sounds to me that Sec. Buttigieg just didn't know what to say to that.  … The host even got Buttigieg, to both their credit, to say he "should have been more precise" when it comes to how many jobs would be … It's going to create 19 million jobs and we’re talking about economic growth that's going to go on for years and years.…
The Sabbath – A Gift from God
– We violate the principle to our own detriment. … The company was able to attract some of the best and brightest personnel in the fast food business to work for them. … It’s sad enough to see commerce on Sunday; it is sadder to see it on Easter Sunday itself.…
Why an MSNBC Panel Defended Using a Race-based Slur Against Tim Scott…tt-doesnt-know-racism-but-mayor-pete-does-also-what-n2588780
– Tim Scott’s (R-SC) rebuttal to Joe Biden’s snooze fest of a speech to Congress last night. … on reality” and then said it’s fair to say Scott has “sold out” to his race by being a Republican.  … It’s almost suicidal for those in the LGBT community to be conservative or say they voted for Trump; nearly 30 percent did in 2020.…
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