Results for: Republican National Committee

The Shameless Sean Spicer Hitler Hypocrisy
– After the 2012 Republican National Convention, California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton said: "(Republicans) lie, and they … Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said of then-President-elect Trump, "His ... senior adviser (Steve Bannon … Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the newly elected second-in-command at the Democratic National Committee, compared then-President George W.…
The Democrats Lose Their S---
– On Wednesday, the Democratic Party got into a Twitter war with the Republican Party. … This is a takeoff on Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez's statements that Republicans don't give a s--- about people. … The Democrats no longer have a national message that resonates.…
MSNBC's Scarborough: The Democrats Failed In Georgia Special Election (And Retaking The House Is Still A Tall Order)…crats-failed-in-georgia-special-election-and-democr-n2315335
– The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee had eight staffers on the ground in February, which increased to 70 by Election Day … James Hohmann of The Washington Post, citing National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar, said that Democrats don’t have a message to sell to … Democrats need to win these types of diverse, affluent Republican districts to regain control of the lower chamber. … All told, it…
‘Political Malpractice’: Obama Couldn’t Understand Clinton’s Handling Of Her Email Fiasco…nt-understand-clintons-handling-of-her-email-fiasco-n2314895
– Moreover, it did present a possible national security risk that drew the attention of the FBI. … A presidential candidate, and member of one of the most successful and ruthless political machines, might have compromised national … at the Republican National Committee.…
Woman To GOP Senator: How Many Russian Spies Have To Infiltrate the White House Before You Investigate…russian-spies-have-to-infiltrate-the-white-house-b-n2314573
– Dean Heller (R-NV), the most vulnerable Republican senator running for re-election next year (and by the most, I mean the only), faced … Oh, and never mind the unauthorized and unsecure email server she used as secretary of state that possibly put our national security … Adam Schiff (D-CA)—the ranking member of the intelligence committee, sort of walked back on his remarks that there’s circumstantial…
Watch Crowd Boo New DNC Chair Tom Perez at DNC 'Unity Tour'
– New Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez picked up where his profanity-laced tirade left off last month at the DNC’s “Come … Sanders, for instance, said the DNC should have put more resources into the Kansas special election last week, where Republican Ron … back the following day, insisting they sent plenty of volunteers to Kansas and their ability to come within single digits of the Republican
Decision Day: Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Pushing Hard for Georgia Special Election Upset
– It may be a Republican district, but it's not a Trump district; the president barely eked out a one-point victory over Hillary Clinton … The conventional wisdom is that Ossoff's best chance at a win is right here and right now, with Republican support fractured across … Provocative subject lines are a staple of political fundraising, but this particular committee has really perfected 'give us cash' …
Are Conservative Democrats Going Extinct? We'll Know If Joe Manchin Survives Next Year…oing-extinct-well-know-if-joe-manchin-survives-next-n2295703
– He later endorsed the Republican in that race, Cecil Underwood, who won. … For starters, they give Manchin a 50-50 shot at winning re-election in a state that goes heavily Republican in national elections, … The Democratic National Committee has pledged to retake the ground they lost in rural America, but their vocal progressive base isn…
Real Clear Politics: No, The Kansas Special Election Wasn't A 'Warning Shot' For The GOP…s-special-election-wasnt-a-warning-shot-for-the-gop-n2314436
– At the same time, it’s hard to see the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee … (DSCC), or the overall Democratic National Committee apparatus endorsing anyone who supports gun rights or immigration enforcement … So, while this is a Republican district, it’s not one that’s enthused by the president.…
Grassley: Susan Rice Refusing to Testify on Russia Makes Her Look Like She's Hiding Something…on-russia-makes-her-look-like-shes-hiding-something-n2322188
– She was invited to do so by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and argues she was given little notice to prepare. … Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley isn't pleased with Rice's decision.  … The Committee will hold a full hearing next week about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.…
Rush Limbaugh To VP Pence: What’s The Point In Voting Republican If They Keep Voting For Democratic Spending Bills…ats-the-point-in-voting-republican-if-they-keep-vot-n2321899
– Vice President, why vote Republican? … Committee chairman Tom Perez was booed and heckled. … It’s hard to argue against that—and this bill should infuriate any Republican.…
UPDATE: House to Vote on Obamacare Repeal and Replacement Bill Tomorrow…to-gop-healthcare-bill-chances-of-passage-brighten-n2321780
– Those two defections -- from a former chairman of a relevant committee, and a generally pro-leadership rank-and-file member, respectively … No matter what form it ultimately takes, the Republican plan will necessarily have trade-offs, with an overarching goal of enhancing … Senior House Republican sources have told me that major carriers assured them that the ACHA surcharge mechanism would be sufficient…
Former Dem Congressman: Democrats Are Leaving the Party Over Extreme Abortion Views…s-are-leaving-the-party-over-extreme-abortion-views-n2320649
– As a way to bury the controversy over the Democrat National Committee campaigning with a Democratic mayoral candidate, Heath Mello, … And, these are people who voted, probably Republican until I ran.”…
Feeling The Bern: Pelosi Has A Primary Challenger
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez undertook last week. … With no chance that a Republican would win in this progressive bastion, a more vibrant, left-leaning representative could have taken…
Trump: Yes, Future SCOTUS Picks Will Be Drawn From the List I Released During the Campaign
– The list was an instant hit with conservatives and helped cement the candidate’s support among the Republican base. … According to national exit polling, Trump won voters for whom SCOTUS was "the most important factor" by 15 points.   … only nominee to federal district or appeals courts sailed through his confirmation hearing Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee
Revealed: Democrat in Montana Special Election Performed at Nudist Resorts, Misleads on Guns…ecial-election-democratic-nominee-facing-someissues-n2320353
– Ryan Zinke, a Republican who is now President Trump's Secretary of the Interior. … The more Rob Quist's past is laid bare, the more his claim to represent Montana values is exposed as another charade," National Republican … Congressional Committee spokesman Jack Pandol said in an email.…
Sen. Sasse Calls Out Perez’s ‘Bizarre’ Abortion Stance: No Room for Those Who Believe ‘A Baby in a Mom’s Tummy is a Baby’…those-who-believe-a-baby-in-a-moms-tummy-is-a-baby-n2319207
– Sasse brought up Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s recent demand that all Democratic candidates support abortion … “I care about a whole bunch of things far more than I care about the Republican party or the Democratic party,” Sasse emphasized, “ … and one of the fundamental ones should be that America exists to fight for the most vulnerable, that shouldn’t be a Republican or Democratic…
Trump's Biggest Achievement in His 1st 100 Days? Stopping the Left…t-achievement-in-his-1st-100-days-stopping-the-left-n2318730
– Staffers for newsmen Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer of CNN contacted the Democratic National Committee to seek questions they might put … to Republican presidential candidates. … Under Obama, we pulled out all the troops from Iraq, despite the objections of his foreign policy and national security and defense…
Will 2020 be Another 1972 for Democrats?
– Yet Humphrey almost defeated Republican nominee Richard Nixon, losing the election by just over 500,000 votes (43.4 percent to 42.7 … The November 1972 election proved one of the biggest Republican landslides in American history. … The newly elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, is a polarizing far-left figure.…
Kellyanne: Obama's Reemergence Proves Democrats Are Desperate for Leadership…nne-obama-reminded-me-how-divided-the-democrats-are-n2318102
– Is it Tom Perez who now actually has that title as leader of the Democratic National Committee but who was booed routinely through … Unfortunately, as the Republican National Committee documented in a new video, "100 Days of Obstruction," Democratic leaders have become…
DNC Chair: We Just Can't Slam Trump All The Time (Says Man Who Goes On Unhinged Anti-Trump Rants)…trump-all-the-time-says-man-who-goes-on-unhinged-a-n2326191
– Has Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez matured from his profanity-lace rants on the road? … He’s been caught trashing the Republican budget as “s***ty” and said that the GOP doesn’t “give a s**t about people.”…
Lester Holt: Trump Made a 'Fair Point' About Dem Hypocrisy
– The Republican National Committee also highlighted Democrats' shameless flip flop in a new video, which reminds us that just a few…
Another Resistance Fail: Democrat Loses Omaha Mayoral Race
– just short in a closely-watched election as Heath Mello lost the Omaha mayoral race on Tuesday after a fierce debate within the national … His loss was a setback for supporters who argued that the Democratic National Committee and abortion rights groups were wrong to attack … Republican Jean Stothert was re-elected to a second term.…
McConnell Rejects Calls for New Russia Investigation
– Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected that request, arguing that "too much is at stake" with the Senate intelligence committee … investigation already in progress, though some in his own party appear to leave the door open to such a process.The Kentucky Republican … serve to impede the current work being done to not only discover what the Russians may have done but also to let this body and the national
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