Results for: sign up to vote

Voxsplaining: Oh My God, Did Vox Really Just Say This About Trump And The Electoral College…ox-really-just-say-this-about-trump-and-the-elector-n2500963
– ) July 16, 2018Clarification: Trump was able to win the election despite losing the popular vote because he clinched narrow wins in … Due to this, some on the right have been urging a National Popular Vote compact, which would guarantee a state’s electoral votes to … But first, enough states that can get the compact to 270 electoral votes have to sign on.…
Dozens of Congressional Democrats: We Demand a $32,000,000,000,000 Government Healthcare System…ocrats-its-time-for-single-payer-healthcare-america-n2501818
to sign on in the coming weeks. … Since we're going to end up having this argument at some point, I'm never going to stop making the following points about "Medicare … was the opposite), I'm not sure how they intend to convince tens of millions of Americans to pony up huge new sums of money to Uncle…
GOP Victory in OH-12: A Win is a Win, Despite Reasons for Concern
– The race came down to the wire, but the incumbent party ultimately prevailed.   … It could also have weighed on the minds of major conservative donors, who might be more inclined to close up their wallets in a hopeless-looking … Narratives and optics matter, and Republicans seem to have averted a nightmare on both fronts by hanging on to this R+7 seat.…
Ohio Barnburner: It Looks Like The GOP Gave Democrats A Black Eye In The Buckeye State…hold-the-line-in-final-special-election-before-2018-n2507800
– One way to kill that is by electing more Democrats to Congress. … Here's my latest estimate of what Danny O'Connor (D) needs in each #OH12 county to win today's special election (2-party vote share … Seems to me, though, that what's left in Delaware is now somewhat worse for O'Connor than what's in, based on the early vote tallies…
WATCH: The NRA Trolls Anti-Gunners During Their 'March On The NRA' Event...And It's EPIC…ers-during-their-march-on-the-nra-eventand-its-epic-n2506981
– — NRA (@NRA) August 5, 2018 Of course, in typical ironic fashion, David Hogg had to show up with armed security … Loving this sign! … The gun control advocates are totally self-funded, except for when it comes to...graphic design, signage, sign printing, social media…
More Winning: US Worker Pay Hits Highest Level in a Decade, Consumer Confidence Nears 18-Year Peak
– But the latest numbers point to an encouraging incline on this front, too: AP report on fastest wage growth since 2008: "...a signto percolate in the U.S. economy. … That brought the 12-month rate up to 2.8 percent, the highest level since 2.9 percent in the third quarter of 2008...However, the ECI…
Women Rise To Defy The Sleaze Slingers Against Kavanaugh…rise-to-defy-the-sleaze-slingers-against-kavanaugh-n2508464
– , provided honest and highly valued recommendations to prospective employers, and sometimes given a much-needed nudge to those of us … A liberal organization called UltraViolet, unable to come up with anything current, has demanded that the Judiciary Committee press … Forty-one Republicans voted to confirm Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993, even though they knew she was a sure vote to protect Roe…
Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings Showcase the Paranoia of the Resistance…on-hearings-showcase-the-paranoia-of-the-resistance-n2516549
– daughter and called security to avoid the interaction. … Now, Bash was able to effectively repel slander against her because of her background. … And with apologies to Chuck Todd, these dynamics in coverage work in only one direction.…
Elections Have Consequences
– And the mad dash to Election Day is here. … Maybe when candidates say they want to defund or dismantle ICE, that's exactly what they want to do. … whom to support.…
Screaming and Whining Aren't Strategies
– Women's March activist and terrorist sympathizer Linda Sarsour showed up to scream at Republicans; she was arrested. … Eugene Gu, a Twitter celebrity doctor, called the supposed sign a "national outrage and a disgrace to the rule of law." … With that in mind, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., should simply bring up Kavanaugh for a vote and end this circus. …
Here We Go: The High-Stakes Kavanaugh Hearings Are Here, and Democrats Are Already Pulling Stunts
– The sessions, which are often referred to as “murder boards,” have also featured faux protesters to make sure Kavanaugh stays cool … , to the administration's decision to withhold some documents from Kavanaugh's days as staff secretary in the George W. … The fact that a number of left-wingers want to boycott the hearings is a sign that they see the writing on the wall.  …
Total Meltdown: Kanye West’s Pro-Trump Twitter Threat Caused The Left To Lose Their Minds…trump-twitter-thread-shows-hes-been-duped-by-conse-n2474695
to everyone. … 101 and an insult to an entire slice of the electorate. […] Like every other demographic, African Americans vote their interests … By giving herself bonus points for voting her conscience while attempting to write off most of the black voters who vote theirs, Owens…
If You Want To Stop Liberal Bullying, Start By Telling Them To Buzz Off…liberal-bullying-start-by-telling-them-to-buzz-off-n2474441
– Never apologize to liberals. It’s a sign of weakness.      … This goes triple for liberals – SJWs are happy to eat their own if there are no Normals around to feed on. … We need more Kanyes and fewer Shanias, more people willing to stand up to the slobbering pack of Twitter social justice geebos who…
Harry Reid and the Liberal Voter ID Scam Exposed
– I guess they are thrilled to show it to earn a paycheck. Just not to vote. That would be “racist.”  … They want their voters to vote multiple times, with no questions asked. … They want illegals to be able to vote by the millions for Democrats.…
Witch Hunt: Majority of Americans Now Think The Russia Probe Is Politically Motivated…ans-now-think-the-russia-probe-is-politically-motiv-n2479005
– That happened to Bruce G. … Is there anything to this? … Manafort has pleaded not guilty to the charges. It’s maybe time to start closing up shop on this chapter of the 2016 election.…
Trump's Rejection of Iran Deal Puts America First
– Rushing to sign a bum deal with Iran was an awful mistake. … Let's not forget that the JCPOA handed over to Iran around $100 billion in sanctions relief in return for a pledge to merely postpone … Some Democrats were brave enough to stand up and vote their consciences, prioritizing the security of America over partisan politics…
Elizabeth Warren Claims 'Democracy Is Crumbling Around Us,' Citing Hillary's Popular Vote Win…umps-win-is-a-sign-democracy-is-crumbling-around-us-n2481357
– She cited Hillary Clinton’s popular vote win but general election loss as a sign of an unhealthy democracy. … Today I announced at #CAPIdeas that I’m sending $175,000 to organizations working to win back state legislatures and fight for fair … No, we have to promise real, structural change.”…
Mega-Reality Star Kim Kardashian to Meet With President Trump Today at the White House…n-will-meet-with-president-trump-at-the-white-house-n2485631
– According to a person familiar with the meeting, Kardashian plans to ask Trump to pardon a woman serving a life sentence without parole … @POTUS & @WhiteHouse support the bipartisan #FIRSTSTEPAct up for vote today. … Let’s work to sign this bill into law!…
The Fight over DACA Makes Home Hostile for Young Immigrants…t-over-daca-makes-home-hostile-for-young-immigrants-n2483299
sign the petition to reach 218 signatures. … In theory, if DACA expires, recipients would pack up and move back home. This very notion fails to appreciate who Dreamers are. … Although they may have been born in another country, DACA recipients grew up, went to school, and worked in the United States.…
Trump Flirts With Pardons and Prison Reform
– It would be nice to see Trump show as much sympathy for a convict who screwed up her life as he did for a conservative who screwed … up his campaign donations. … Trump has pledged to sign the bill. So what could go wrong? The U.S. Senate. Sen.…
Obama's Big Labor Cronies Are Still Hurting American Workers
– the board to overturn a 2011 Obama-era decision “that blocks workers from holding a decertification vote for up to one year after … Employees gained the necessary amount of signatures needed to hold a decertification vote to remove Teamsters Union Local 200 but are … Supreme Court view as inherently inferior to an NLRB-run vote.”…
Trump: I Will Not Allow America to Turn Into a Refugee Holding Facility…low-america-to-turn-into-a-refugee-holding-facility-n2491891
– If you look at what's happening in Europe, if you look at what's happening in other places, we can't allow that to happen to the United … "Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having -- because we cannot get them to sign legislation. … And it can be taken care of quickly, beautifully, and we'll have safety," he continued.The House is set to vote on two immigration…
Uh Oh: Manchin Accused of Using Taxpayer Dollars to Underwrite California Fundraising Trip…r-dollars-to-underwrite-california-fundraising-trip-n2491849
– He's currently the only Senate Democrat who has thus far declined to sign on to Sen. … To pick up a luxury yacht Manchin partially owned, called The Black Tie.   … What makes this flare-up even more entertaining is that it harkens back to another political problem McCaskill struggled with in the…
Trump WH: Actually, We Support Both Immigration Bills That Pretty Much Amnesties A Bunch Of Illegal Aliens
– Centrists had tried to use a discharge petition to force leadership to move on four different immigration proposals, including one … Study Committee telling The Hill they planned to vote "no" on the compromise. … Sorry for the mix up, folks.…
Trump White House: Why Yes, We Support Both Immigration Bills That Offer Protections To DREAMers…e-support-both-immigration-bills-that-offer-protect-n2490466
– Dreamers would have to reapply for temporary legal status every three years, according to McClatchy: BREAKING: House Rs will vote on … The agreement to vote ends — at least for the moment — a war between House Republicans over how to tackle immigration reform. … With such risk, why did the GOP decide to take this up?…
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