Results for: is the us at war with iran

A Hard Rain is Going to Fall
– So much for the peace dividend of the "Iran deal." North Korea is more than just delusional. … The problem is that there is no other "someone" (especially not the United Nations or the European Union) with the requisite power … The result is that at this late date, the tough medicine of restoring long-term deterrence is as almost as dangerous as the disease…
WH on ISIS Fight: 'In Some Ways, This is Just a War of Narratives'…pite-obama-claim-us-has-made-wire-transfers-to-iran-n2220515
– In recent weeks, critics have also blasted the administration for paying a massive cash ransom for US hostages imprisoned by Iran. … a banking relationship with Iran that we couldn't send them a check and we could not wire the money.” … This war of "narratives," that is: Josh Earnest just now on MSNBC, about ISIS's war on the West: "In some ways this is just…
In Afghanistan, a 15-Year Failure
– Even the rare item of good news is bad. … Only two-thirds of the country is under government control. Unemployment is estimated at 40 percent. … it is the system of governance."…
From Greek tragedy to American therapy
The Greeks gave us tragedy -- the idea that life is never fair. Terrible stuff for no reason tragically falls on good people. … during the Korean War. … All of that is nothing compared with the trauma of being called fat for not being able to fit back into the bikini that won her the
Clinton Won on Nonsense, Trump Won on Substance
– You walk down the street, you get shot. In Chicago, they've had thousands of shootings ... Is this a war-torn country? ... … "is the No. 1 threat we face in the world." … He said: "I agree with her on one thing: The single greatest problem the world has is nuclear armament. ...…
Funding Our Own Destruction
– Why did the Obama administration, according to top Iranian officials, sign a secret pact with Iran? … The pact pledged to lift sanctions off of two financial banking institutions that would now be able to openly do business with IranIs it necessary to reiterate that Iran is the number one exporter of terror?…
What the Debate Tells About How Candidates Would Govern…the-debate-tells-about-how-candidates-would-govern-n2225512
The more important question for the long run is how each of these candidates would govern. … On foreign policy Clinton endorses the Iran deal as a "lid" on its nuclear weapons program, rather than the roadway it is, and promises … But her main case here, one with some foundation, is the ignorance and possible recklessness of her opponent.…
Oh My: Graham Says Paul Is ‘Behind’ Obama And Hillary On Foreign Policy…paul-is-behind-obama-and-hillary-on-foreign-policy-n1987763
– Obama believes you can hold enemy combatants, unlawful enemy combatants at Gitmo, without a criminal trial because this is law-of-war … a conference call with Manchin to argue that cutting off the packages could have adverse effects in the region. … supporting a Democrat in a general election,” he said at the time.…
Does Tehran Mean What It Says? Oh, Yes
Iran was an early signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in 1970 and it signed a detailed safeguards agreement with the International … Cheat or don't cheat, the end is the same: The Lausanne deal paves Iran's path to the bomb either way. … They were telling the truth last November, when the Iranian Revolutionary Guards proclaimed that "the US is still the great Satan and…
Overreaching on Iran
The case against the U.S. nuclear deal with Iran is easy to make. … Second, it would mean a real live shooting war with Iran. Obama's critics, notably Sen. … Iran is not the only threat here. Our own hubris is equally dangerous.…
Appeasement and the Near-Sighted Visionary
The road to the Holocaust was paved with appeasement. … It is on display these days at the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. … It is likely that this ancient story was on Truman’s mind as he dealt with the Jewish-Palestine issue.…
The Case For Heresy
– By now, you should be familiar with the name Ayaan Hirsi Ali. … Sisi is an unlikely champion of a kinder, gentle Islam.For now, it is the jihadis who are on the march -- literally, in such lands … And then there is the Islamic Republic of Iran which is ruled by followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who led the Islamic Revolution…
– And it is on the global stage where we find our legacy suffering the most. … We sit at a table with the enemy while we dispatch campaign operatives to undermine our ally – as Spock would say, “fascinating.” … The legacy of President Kennedy was to challenge us to the greatness of putting a man on the moon.…
The Obama Doctrine
At the Summit of the Americas where he met with Raul Castro, the 83-year-old younger brother of Fidel, President Obama provided an … insight into where he is taking us, and why: "The United States will not be imprisoned by the past -- we're looking to the future … Obama is as rooted in the Third World as in the West, and his goal is to sweep out the clutter of a Cold War that "has been over a…
"It's The Economy, Stupid!" Here Is What Could Really Hurt The Republicans In 2016…e-is-what-could-really-hurt-the-republicans-in-2016-n1984596
– Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is hinting at a gross income tax, a super-tithe, to be paid by the poor as well as the 1%, even by … Central planning is unlikely to improve the fortunes of us workers here either. … Yet what really is dreadful about the GOP field’s current offerings is the “curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”…
A New Opportunity Mr. President
with neighboring Iran. … The residents had been guaranteed protection by US forces after the 2003 Iraq War and by the Iraqi government when the U.S. withdrew … Tragically the Malaki government acting with the encouragement and support of Iran repeatedly violated their agreement.…
Nuance: Obama Slams McCain for Taking Iranian Leaders at Their Word…ams-mccain-for-taking-iranian-leaders-at-their-word-n1984135
– John McCain Saturday over the Arizona Republican’s recent comments about the framework agreement with Iran about its nuclear program … McCain, in a Thursday radio interview with Hugh Hewitt, had called Kerry “delusional” with respect to the terms of the deal with Iran … Khamenei also calls for the annihilation of Israel; that genocidal fanaticism is not addressed in the nuclear framework, and the US
Confirmation Israel Is Not the Problem
with Iran. … Just substitute the brutal Assad regime in for ISIS and you have a quintet of deadly organizations with Iran at the center. … The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been laid bare for what it is at its core.…
Tom Cotton Challenges Iran's Foreign Minister to a Debate on The Constitution Via Twitter
The repeated provocative statements made by members of the Iranian leadership demonstrate why Iran cannot be trusted and why the President … Rather, they foreshadow the dangerous posture Iran will take and has taken repeatedly—including as recently as yesterday with the interception … I'll leave you with this: I hope @SenTomCotton takes the high road too.…
The New Government's Greatest Tasks
– Clearly, developing the means to cope with our deteriorating relations with the US is one of the most urgent issues on the agenda. … And this brings us to the second burning issue the next government will need to contend with immediately upon entering office: Iran … First, the US will not stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.…
Why Is Yemen Our War?
– And the United States has been an accomplice in the Saudi bombing of Yemen. Why? Why is Yemen's civil war America's war? … It is Hezbollah and Iran who have been backing Damascus with arms and troops in Bashar Assad's war against ISIS and the al-Qaida affiliate … Terrible as is the war that Assad is waging in his own country, is not his regime preferable to what ISIS in Raqqa and al-Nusra in…
Operation Storm of Resolve: Lessons for the US Iran Policy…ion-storm-of-resolve-lessons-for-the-us-iran-policy-n1988371
– Unlike the cases of Syria and Iraq, Iran has avoided any significant response and is yielding to the force of regional coalition. … the ruling clerics in Iran. … Adopting a clear and credible policy of firmness and resolve by the US is the only measure to confront the Iranian regime’s threats…
The Marshall Island's Cautionary Tale
– If the US allows Iran to get away with unlawfully seizing a Marshall Islands flagged ship it is treaty bound to protect, it will reinforce … Iran can do a lot with $50b. Iran is spending $3b. a month to finance its war in Syria. … Palestinians – until after the deal with Iran is concluded at the end of June.…
Why Jeb Bush Can't Be Trusted With an Army: His Reluctance To Criticize His Brother's War Reflects a Dangerous Desire To Forget the Past…war-reflects-a-dangerous-desire-to-forget-the-past-n2001215
– According to researchers at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies, the war in Iraq that George W. … That is why war should be waged only in self-defense, in response to clear and direct threats, and with the awareness that unintended … At a forum in Iowa on Saturday, the Kentucky senator said, "We have to question: Is Iraq more stable or less stable since Hussein is
It’s Hard to Continue to Support the War in Iraq after Obama Lost It…inue-to-support-the-war-in-iraq-after-obama-lost-it-n2000757
– who looked at the same intelligence reports Bush did drew the same conclusions. … In the run-up to the war, the Bush Administration really didn’t do much to prepare the public for the idea that we’d be spending blood … to come around to the idea of withdrawing troops, we still warned that it couldn’t be done at the expense of losing the war.…
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