Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Ouch: Pro-Abortion Emily's List Just Lost a Bunch of Elections…abortion-emilys-list-just-lost-a-bunch-of-elections-n2157059
– More from Roll Call:  Katie McGinty won Pennsylvania’s Senate Democratic primary last week thanks in part to a major investment from … to win nominations in their Democratic primary races. … EMILY's List candidates, including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, refuse to detail what, if any, restrictions should be placed…
Blessed by a Contested Convention
– Since 1980, women outvote men in presidential elections. … They can discern candidates who are committed to party principles. … Donald Trump has said he can act “presidential” when he needs to. Is there evidence of that?…
Sanders Wants to Debate Hillary in California
– The last time Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton faced off in a debate, fireworks flew for a full … Now, the Vermont senator who has shaken up the Democratic race wants to meet Clinton on the stage once more before the important California … candidates [sic] opinions."…
Wait–Trump's Working Class Voter Support Is A Myth
– The 2016 presidential election has awakened their political power and reshaped the course of the campaign. … Their anger -- which has brought millions to the polls, particularly on the Republican side -- has prompted the candidates to focus … She’s also flip-flopped on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, also opposed by most in the Democratic Party, including labor unions.…
Report: Romney Wooing Non-Trump Independent Candidate to Enter Race…endent-trumpalternative-candidate-to-jump-into-race-n2163455
– Details: A band of exasperated Republicans — including 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney, a handful of veteran consultants … and members of the conservative intelligentsia — is actively plotting to draft an independent presidential candidate who could keep … John Kasich, who withdrew from the Republican presidential race May 4.…
Trump’s Biggest Decision
– For most presidential candidates, it has been said their biggest decision is choosing their vice president. … Some names that would stand out (in other years) are Rubio, Cruz, Christie, Kasich and Walker, all former candidates. … He has climbed the Democratic ladder because of being a Hispanic, but with very few accomplishments other than expanding Pre-K in San…
New Ad Warns Senate Dems That Hillary Is Their 'Burden to Bear'
– "Democratic Senate candidates: She is your burden to bear." … Clinton's long list of scandals has made her one of the most unpopular presidential candidates in recent history. … The NRSC argues that the presumed Democratic presidential nominee controversial history leaves Democrats with one question: "Can they…
Listening to the 'Unity' Buzz
– Dooley, humorist Finley Peter Dunne's fictional party regular, always brought brass knuckles to a Democratic unity meeting. … Every administration, Democratic or Republican, spins reporters. It's what administrations do. … book "Presidential Campaigns."…
Will the Trump Nomination Change Our Polarized Partisan Patterns?…p-nomination-change-our-polarized-partisan-patterns-n2162217
– Perhaps they just haven't seen the need to in years when presidential nominees and congressional candidates have been closely aligned … Republican candidates could be hurt if Trump depresses Republican turnout. … But as he has pointed out, accurately, Republican presidential primary turnout has been up this year, while Democratic primary turnout…
Slow Walking Our Embrace of Trump
– A third party bid also would undermine Republican congressional and state candidates. … In the past, Americans supported third party candidates who ran either to win or promote a cause. … Yet every dollar and vote denied Trump is essentially one given to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.…
2016 Offers Bleak Hope for Solving the Millennial Generation’s Student Loan Crisis…ving-the-millennial-generations-student-loan-crisis-n2161230
– The 2016 presidential candidates have also jumped into the fray. … On August 10, 2015, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton announced a plan that would pump $350 billion into the already bloated federal…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: New Polls Don’t Flatter Hillary, Cruz Jumping Back In?…new-polls-dont-flatter-hillary-cruz-jumping-back-in-n2160999
– Both former presidential candidates had choice words for the businessman last summer as the 2016 campaign was just getting underway … Flashback: Trump refused to support the eventual nominee at the very first presidential debate. … Democratic Primary Hillary Clinton: Polls were not nice to Hillary Clinton on Tuesday.…
Maine Democrats Vote To Essentially Eliminate Superdelegates…ocrats-vote-to-essentially-eliminate-superdelegates-n2160888
– Starting in 2020, superdelegates from the state will be bound to the results of the state's Democratic caucus or primary. … The Maine Democratic Party also called for a complete end to the "superdelegate" system that the party has used since the mid-80s. … certain candidates in order to maintain the outcome of the statewide vote.…
And Now, Behind Door No. 3
– This weekend, the Libertarian Party is holding its presidential nominating convention in Orlando, Florida, close to Disney World — … Libertarians have never come close to winning any state in any presidential contest. … But Johnson faced much more popular major party candidates in Romney and Obama.…
Watch: Democrats' Ads Link GOP House Candidates To Trump
– House Democrats have released expensive ads connecting their Republican opponents to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) made a five-figure investment in a video campaign ad titled "Building Blocks … "Donald Trump’s ascension as the Republican presidential nominee means House Republicans will be on the Trump ticket in November, a…
Disney CEO: Hey Bernie Sanders, How Many Jobs Have You Created?…o-hey-bernie-sanders-how-many-jobs-have-you-created-n2169488
– Disney CEO Bob Iger was not happy with Democratic presidential candidate Sen. … In a private Facebook message on Tuesday, Iger, a supporter of Sanders’ Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton, wrote: … At least one poll shows the two candidates are nearly tied.…
Look Who's Crying Now
– After all those months of worrying and complaining about having too many candidates, the GOP finally found its 2016 presidential candidate … Meanwhile, it's the Democratic Party that's gone to war with itself. … He's got the money, the troops and the rage to make the Democratic convention an ugly battle scene.…
A Better Way to Run for President
– The frustration of many voters over the way presidential candidates are selected has come to a head with Hillary Clinton and Donald … Beginning with the 1796 election, presidential candidates were selected by their respective congressional parties, or a party caucus … and since 1832 the national convention has been the preferred mechanism for nominating presidential candidates.…
Trump Train Going in the Wrong Direction
– With the exception of perhaps the 1980 election; Republicans have made the presidential race about beating the Democrats. … Party is now playing the liberals game, in many cases our presumptive nominee lands on common ground or even to the left of both Democraticcandidates.…
Hillary Caught In a Mix-Up: "You Should Be Willing to Debate Anytime, Anywhere"…in-you-should-be-willing-to-debate-anytime-anywhere-n2168016
– Hillary Clinton just can't seem to shake off Democratic rival Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary.   … However, eight years ago while she was running against Barack Obama, she adamantly expressed that presidential candidates should be…
Failed Republicans Want to Rewrite the Constitution
– Surely all those candidates know that it's impossible to restart a presidential campaign once it's been suspended. … Trump, plus 16 candidates whose presidential campaigns were "suspended" but could remain in business for many more years. … What's the future for a "suspended" presidential campaign?…
Failed Republicans Want to Rewrite the Constitution
– Surely all those candidates knew that it’s impossible to restart a presidential campaign once it’s been suspended. … Trump, plus 16 candidates whose presidential campaigns were “suspended” but could remain in business for many more years. … What’s the future for a “suspended” presidential campaign?…
Democrats in Disarray - Even in California
– Today, the disillusionment of the Democratic base may serve as harbinger for the Democratic Party. … The Nevada Democratic Party Convention was a disaster. The bigger medial fail? … Senate candidates in the general election.…
Bernie Sanders Goes After Big Banks -- in Theory
– A man who hailed Sanders as his "hero" asked the Democratic presidential hopeful to pose for a photo. … After all, how often do San Franciscans have a chance to see one of the three top remaining candidates in a presidential race mingling … Supporters didn't have to pay $250 to $27,000 for a ticket that would put them in a banquet hall with front-running Democratic presidential
Bezos, The Washington Post and Two Dozen of Their Muckrakers Are Going After Trump…two-dozen-of-their-muckrakers-are-going-after-trump-n2165597
– WASHINGTON - Ask the average voter what do they really know about the presidential front-runners, and their likely answer is probably … They are a die hard Democratic newspaper that, with rare exceptions, supports liberal Democrats. … But the 2016 presidential election is still a bizarre work in progress, with many unexpected twists and turns ahead of it. …
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