Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Seven Things to Look Out For This Week
– Twelve states take to the polls, and there are 1,004 Democratic delegates and 595 Republican delegates up for grabs. … last week when it was announced that Rubio would be skipping the event, but he'll be there on Saturday along with the other GOP presidentialcandidates.…
How Did It Get This Bad?
– Yet Republican candidates are not in much better shape.  … If nobody cares about behavior, there is no standard to hold candidates to.   … No wonder we can’t find a true leader amongst the candidates.  …
Trump is the ‘Anti-Establishment’ Candidate Who Has Surrounded Himself with the ‘Establishment’…e-who-has-surrounded-himself-with-the-establishment-n2125545
– If Trump wins the GOP nomination, it will be the first time in over 100 years a major U.S. party’s presidential nominee could call … Joe Lieberman (I-CT), former Democratic Sen. … Chris Dodd from Connecticut (of the hated Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act), Democratic Sen.…
Commentary: To Stop Trump, A Rubio/Kasich Ticket, and Justice Cruz
– Over recent weeks and months, I haven't been shy about voicing my opposition to the presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump.   … I've also harbored immense respect for several others, whom I'd have gladly supported in a general election against the Democratic … Over the last few weeks, that roster has filtered down to two viable candidates: Cruz and Rubio.  …
Not All Elections Are Democratic
– Iran's system, despite the facade of elections, is anything but democratic. … Council approves a five-member team to consider the eligibility of candidates. … presidential election.…
US and Europe Should Reject Ayatollahs’ “Election” as a Sham…europe-should-reject-ayatollahs-election-as-a-sham-n2124419
– The American presidential election season so far has been simply amazing. … Its unpredictability, liveliness and sometimes profoundly rancorous debates, are integral parts of our democratic system, something … The dreadful theocracy that has been imposed on Iranians by draconian ayatollahs bears no similarity to our democratic system.…
The Tough Choices of Overseas Intervention
– The current presidential candidates are refighting the Iraq war of 2003. … More than 60 years after the U.S. saved South Korea, thousands of American peacekeepers still help protect a democratic and successful…
Where Do The Candidates Stand on Social Security?
– Many serious issues remain undebated as the national dialogue around the 2016 Presidential campaign focuses on silly distractions … So where do the candidates stand? … That will probably sell in a Democratic primary and it could conceivably buy seniors’ votes in a general election.…
Earth To Bloomberg: You Can’t Win The Presidency
– It’s because you cannot win, even if it’s a Trump/Sanders battle for the White House: Only if the self-avowed Democratic socialist … Bernie Sanders were to cop the Democratic nomination and square off against reality-TV star Trump could these would-be Bloomberg supporters … Then again, Rothenberg does mention that a Bloomberg candidacy would serve as the Democrats’ Perot, siphoning more Democratic voters…
“I Can’t Believe He Said That!” It’s Political Theater, People!…believe-he-said-that--its-political-theater-people-n2122844
– All the world’s a stage, and that is particularly true during a presidential campaign.   … Trump’s apparent embracing of various Democratic ideals is an attempt to win over left-leaning Independents.   … The candidates are what they’ve always been, and their record demonstrates it.…
Red Flags For Cruz After Palmetto Rumble
– It would be akin to a Democratic presidential candidate who could not win the state of Washington or a Republican who could not win … (Those 12 or 11 electoral votes wouldn’t be decisive, but those candidates would be quite unlikely to win Ohio if they weren’t winning … Yet, Cruz seems to forget the fact that the Gipper did have friends in Congress, and was able to persuade millions of Democratic voters…
A Truly Indebted Nation
– The Democratic presidential candidates have made student loan debt as fundamental feature of their campaigns. … On the Republican side, very few candidates talk about student loan debt.  Carson says “no free college.” Good for him. … Presidential candidates shouldn’t offer more “solutions.”…
A Growth Message, Not Catfights, Will Propel the GOP to November Victory…t-catfights-will-propel-the-gop-to-november-victory-n2122185
– In the week leading up to the New Hampshire primary, a few GOP candidates put forth strong, positive, optimistic messages of economic … Instead, the race has become a huge catfight: Candidates snarling at each other. Charges of lying and dirty tricks. … Even Democratic economists are attacking the high-spend policies of Bernie Sanders.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Rumors Circulating Ahead of Miami
– With these questions hanging over the candidates’ heads, expect another entertaining GOP presidential debate tonight in Miami, FL. … Ted Cruz: After earning the endorsement of former presidential rival Carly Fiorina, Cruz gained the support of popular conservatives … Democratic Primary Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton battled it out in a Democratic debate Wednesday on CNN.…
Conservatives Without a Home
– That’s the question the average American asks of our presidential candidates every election cycle. … Our front-running candidates are falling over themselves to tell us with much bravado how they will be the most forceful, effective … Even the “moderate” candidates in this primary are significantly more conservative than Republican candidates and Presidents of previous…
The Action Is Not All in Washington
– Today the campaign for the Democratic nomination is entering an eerie stage. … Because over in the Democratic race there are only two candidates, one with a hippie past and a very timid present. … I think things will look very different in the Democratic race by the summer.        …
Loretta Lynch to White House: Take Me Off The SCOTUS List
– Moreover, it could have galvanized black and female voters, which lean Democratic in presidential years–general election maneuvering … The candidates under consideration include two judges who joined the influential U.S. … Even one of the moderate candidates, administration officials think, could significantly shift the balance of the court after Scalia…
Unelectable: Trump's Unfavorable Rating Spikes to 67 Percent Nationally…unfavorable-rating-spikes-to-67-percent-nationally-n2130349
– Hillary race, I'd contend, given the universal familiarity both candidates "enjoy" among the electorate. … But if you're inclined to disagree with that analysis, let's turn once again to Trump's underlying standing as a presidential candidate … upside down on the 'presidential temperament' question.  …
Hmmm: Rubio Trails Trump By Only Five Points In New Florida Poll
– Marco Rubio by five points (via Miami Herald): A new poll by an anti-Donald Trump group has found a narrowing Republican presidential … The Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling found Trump ahead by 20 percentage points, Quinnipiac University by 16 points and Associated … About a quarter of those polled were still looking at several candidates.…
After Sunday's Long Lines and Confusion, Maine May Abandon Caucuses…long-lines-and-confusion-maine-may-abandon-caucuses-n2129645
– Today, we saw an unprecedented turnout of voters in Portland who are passionate, energetic and fired up to participate in our democratic … We need to have a conversation, once again, about the best way to nominate our presidential candidates, and ensure the process is easy…
If You Support A Third Party Candidate To Dump Trump, You’re Voting For Hillary Clinton…date-to-dump-trump-youre-voting-for-hillary-clinton-n2128784
– The question of electability is gone, and the candidates who were supposed to win have left the race. … As for Hillary and the Democrats, Conway noted that the Democratic primary skewed towards women (58 female/42 percent male), while … Yes, Rubio’s tone has been un-presidential, but the most electable in the three-man race; Ohio Gov.…
Trump's Spectacular Success With Flimflam
– Success in presidential politics is now all about outrageous performance. … He was "a new democratic midget," exposing the pretensions of his day. … Donald Trump's fans lap up his insults of other candidates, claiming that Trump is necessarily exposing pretenses.…
Why I Will Never Vote for Trump
– Some will stay home on Election Day; others will go to the polls to support down-ticket candidates in important races. … I was still a registered Democrat -- but one who had only voted for the Democratic presidential nominee in a single presidential election … The GOP can survive another presidential loss, but it cannot survive a Trump presidency.…
General Election Message and Manner
– On the Democratic side, 2,383 delegates are needed to clinch the nomination. Hillary Clinton has 1,000. … Republican candidates need 1,237 delegates to secure the nomination. … When asked about their preference for whether presidential candidates have experience inside Washington or outside Washington, 73 percent…
Trump Wins "Disavowal" Game, Then Super Tuesday
– David Duke doesn't speak at Republican national conventions; Sharpton was given a prominent speaking slot at the Democratic National … David Duke is invited to give a prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, maybe the media can ask Republican candidatesDemocratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis was endorsed by Willie Horton, a vicious murderer, who, after being released by Dukakis…
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