Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

LIVE BLOG: Iowa Results, Campaign Reaction, Tweets
– . — Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) February 2, 2016 We also project that Hillary Clinton is the winner of the Iowa DemocraticCandidates are making the rounds and doing their best to change minds at the very last minute. … Surrogates are also hard at work promoting their candidates.…
What In God’s Name Happens During The Iowa Caucus?
– There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa, where a projected 250,000 Iowans from both parties hold meetings to select delegates for the presidential … aspects of the process as well, noting that the meeting begins with the selection of a permanent chair and secretary followed by candidates … The information for this critical preference poll is then sent to the respective Iowan Democratic and Republican parties.…
We Need "Constitution Strong", Not "Christie Weak"
– It’s Republican presidential primary "game time", and where the party’s candidates stand on the proper role of judges in our representative … The Republican candidates all also share the same view of the judge’s role in our system of government. … Considering the starkly different kind of justices and judges that Democratic presidents – and, too often, Republican presidents –…
One Day to South Carolina: Cruz v. Rubio Reaches Fever Pitch…to-south-carolina-cruz-v-rubio-reaches-fever-pitch-n2122022
– On Thursday night, competing town halls on MSNBC and CNN allowed viewers to hear from the candidates once more before they vote on … Clinton, meanwhile, insisted she would put immigration reform at the top of her 100-day presidential agenda. … The two Democratic contenders are neck-and-neck in Nevada: Clinton, 48, Sanders, 47.…
Our Foreign Policy Problems Go Well Beyond Iraq
– On the Democratic side, there's a lot less nuance. Sen. … What's missing is a presidential commitment to implementing them. But ISIS is just one of our problems. … And yet, the gravity of the situation has yet to enter into the presidential contest in a serious way.…
Clinton Campaign Is Facing Fierce Headwinds
– Hillary Clinton's struggling campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination is collapsing faster than you can say "Bernie Sanders … managed to barely eke out a tight win in the Iowa caucuses that for all intents and purposes was a virtual tie between the two candidates … The talking heads on the political news shows are full of predictions about who will or won't win the presidential nominations this…
Schadenfreude? Not Everyone In Socialist America Is Feeling the Bern–Some Want Him to Fail…st-america-is-feeling-the-bernsome-want-him-to-fail-n2120970
– A Green presidential candidate has never been on the ballot in all 50 states (in 2000, Nader appeared in 43). … But socialist groups that don’t field their own presidential candidates, such as Socialist Alternative and the Democratic Socialists … Party, unfortunately, they die in the Democratic Party.”…
Two Days to South Carolina: Trump v. The Pope, Gowdy v. Cruz
– On Wednesday night, competing town halls on MSNBC and CNN allowed viewers to hear from the candidates once more before they vote on … He also defended his presidential chops after a voter asked how he can be commander in chief with so little foreign policy experience … Democratic Primary Hillary and Bernie are neck-and-neck in Nevada. Clinton, 48, Sanders, 47.…
'Tragedy': GOP Candidates React to Obama's Upcoming Trip to Cuba
– Some of the 2016 GOP presidential candidates are not pleased with Obama’s planned excursion. … He listed a whole host of other destructive aspects of the Cuban government, including their repressing any kind of democratic vote…
It Just Got Real
– His passing also adds a new dimension to the fall election for which no one, not candidates or the public, was prepared. … Liberal justices are reliable votes for the expansion of government and whatever the Democratic Party side happens to want. … It’s anti-democratic.…
Double-Digit Odds We Have Four-Way Race in November.
– The Democrat candidates are mostly and wisely sitting on the sidelines watching the Republicans destroy each other and their party. … It was the first presidential election in which the candidate who received the most electoral votes, did not become President.  … The single national party in power at that time had been the Democratic-Republican Party. …
Antonin Scalia's Successor
– scenario that would present itself if the political dynamics were reversed and a Republican president were in the White House with a Democratic … The Senate should push the hold button and let the presidential candidates take it to the people to decide in November.…
Justice Scalia's Untimely Death Should Wake Up Congress…tice-scalias-untimely-death-should-wake-up-congress-n2119875
– Nearly all the Republican presidential candidates urged the Senate not to allow a lame-duck president to fill that vacancy. … It's fine for the Republican presidential candidates to point out that a vacancy on the Supreme Court is part of the upcoming election … While some presidential candidates promise to work with Congress, none of them promise to rein in the Supreme Court in the absence…
Americans Can’t Afford Obamacare’s 165 Million Hours of Paperwork or $45 Billion Cost…s-165-million-hours-of-paperwork-or-45-billion-cost-n2119858
– Opponents of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Barack Obama’s signature law, including the entire field of Republican presidential … Former secretary of state and current Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is pledging to protect ACA from proposed … changes offered by Republicans and some Democrats—including presidential candidate Sen.…
Analysis: Senate GOP Can and Should Prevent Obama From Replacing Scalia…can-and-should-prevent-obama-from-replacing-scalia-n2119606
– As several GOP presidential candidates accurately noted at Saturday's debate, it has been more than eight decades since a Supreme Court … vacancy arose and was filled in a presidential election year.   … It is true that Obama won back-to-back presidential elections.  …
Spin Room: Rep. Meadows Questions Bad Blood Between Cruz, Rubio…rep-meadows-questions-bad-blood-between-cruz-rubio-n2119456
– Cruz spoke at the Faith and Family Presidential Forum in Greenville on Friday, where he questioned Rubio’s sincerity in wanting to … The Democratic debates haven’t even touched the topic. … Even some people who have endorsed other candidates have mentioned the fact that Sen.…
The Obama Economy and the Election
– Yet out on the campaign trail the Democratic candidates (there are two) led by a self-proclaimed socialist, Bernie Sanders, and apparently … In the meantime, the economy is faltering even as the Democratic candidates promise their fantasy policies that somehow are supposed … He has staked out several successful political positions as a presidential candidate.…
Not the America I Knew
– That perfectly characterizes the entire political philosophy of the Democratic progressive left. … Listening to presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, I often hear the principles I grew up with and practiced being…
Moderators Have Still Not Asked Democrats One Question About Abortion…ill-not-asked-democrats-one-question-about-abortion-n2118392
– Marco Rubio’s best moment at the Feb. 6 Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire didn’t come in the form of an answer, but a … He exposed an obvious bias: The debate moderators so far have asked the GOP candidates about their anti-abortion views, particularly … Even pro-abortion activists want to hear the candidates’ perspective on what they term “reproductive freedom.” …
Pro-Growth Legislation Awaits a Republican President
– A menacing black cloud is looming over our economy, one that should make the 2016 presidential election a slam-dunk for Republicans … Obama and the rest of the Democratic gang fiercely oppose this legislation. … All of the GOP presidential candidates are proposing tax incentives to grow the economy -- from Donald Trump to Ohio Gov.…
Political Establishments Getting Kicked Where it Hurts
– There's nothing like the warm, satisfying sound coming out of American presidential politics these days: The sound of Democratic … But about half the voters in each party loathe the establishment candidates. They've had enough. … The candidates are chosen like fine horseflesh, the idea being to find the one you can ride to the gold. Voters know this now.…
The Middle Sprint
– The field has narrowed, down to two viable candidates on the Democratic side -- Clinton and Sanders -- and five on the Republican side … The transition from net to full court in a presidential campaign is fast and furious. … According to an article titled, "Which Presidential Candidates Are Winning the Money Race," published on February 1 in the New York…
Bloomberg vs. Trump?
– primary, Donald Trump, being interviewed on "Morning Joe," said that he would welcome his "friend" Michael Bloomberg into the presidential … Third Party candidates have played crucial roles in presidential politics. … Now only would Bloomberg lose the Big Apple, his statewide vote would come mostly from the Democratic nominee, giving Republicans the…
Oh My: Did Trump Tell NYT Editors He's Bluffing on Immigration?
candidates for president and some of the Republicans attended. … The meetings, conducted partly on the record and partly off the record in a 13th floor conference room, give candidates a chance to … In his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr.…
Seven Things to Look Out For This Week
– Twelve states take to the polls, and there are 1,004 Democratic delegates and 595 Republican delegates up for grabs. … last week when it was announced that Rubio would be skipping the event, but he'll be there on Saturday along with the other GOP presidentialcandidates.…
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