Results for: sign up to vote

The 7 Dumbest Things That Offended Liberals
– Sometime on Sunday night, someone had the audacity to scribble “Trump 2016,” “Vote Trump,” and “Trump!!!” … sign up for the cause of gay rights. … Not referring to your wife as your wife “offers up the opportunity for more inclusive conversations.” 5) The Word “Man” Being…
Surprise: 'Non-Existent' Voter Fraud Strikes Again, in Four States
– and intimidated residents of Martin in the run-up to the 2012 election, in which Robinson was seeking re-election. … Rivera pleaded guilty to one count of providing illegal assistance to a voter and was sentenced to one year of probation and a $500 … , according to Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf...Monroe will serve up to a year in jail, in addition to
Learning the Right Lessons
– yes men to stroke Trump's ego. … Though willing to vote for him, he was not willing to march for Trump. … As a result, pro-Trump conservatives walked away from him and cheered his defeat as a sign of what would happen for disloyalty to Trump…
Liberals Are The Sort Of People Who….
– even as they put up a yard sign for a woman who would be the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent President in American history. … You want to know how to make a liberal Democrat mad? Tell him the truth. … Not the sugar coated, “We don’t want to trigger anyone,” happy talk that liberals are used to, but the real truth.…
Black Democrat Who Criticized FBI For Investigating Her Slush Fund Loses Primary…fbi-for-investigating-her-slush-fund-loses-primary-n2212485
– WFTV 9: She faces up to 357 years in prison. … agent [sic] and we ended up with 50 people dead,” a reference to the Pulse nightclub shooting in June. … Well, her time in Congress is up, as voters decided to boot her in light of her indictments (via Politico): Democratic Rep.…
Buckeye Beatdown: Ohio Senator Rob Portman Has A Huge Double-Digit Lead, As GOP Senate Hopes Rise…as-a-huge-doubledigit-lead-as-gop-senate-hopes-rise-n2218213
– Nevertheless, she added that Ohio’s electorate seems to be more reflective of what we saw in 2004; a good sign for Republicans (via … "It is very difficult to say today who will and who will not show up to vote on Election Day. … that they’re not going to be able to seal the deal.…
Libertarian Ticket Will Appear on All Fifty State Ballots
– For the first time in 20 years, voters in all fifty states and the District of Columbia will have the option to vote for a third-party … The commission would seemingly have to bend over backwards to do so, however. … The threshold required to make it to the debates is an average of 15 percent in polling.…
Trump: Hey Ladies, How'd You Like Six Weeks of Federally-Mandated, Paid Maternity Leave?…ix-weeks-of-federallymandated-maternity-leave-sound-n2217247
– Of course, Trump's stand-up-and-salute brigade will call this a brilliant and necessary bit of outreach to a major demographic among … According to Trump aides, Ivanka Trump has encouraged her father for weeks to detail policies that would appeal to parents who feel … I just don't think conservatives need to accept the Left's premises and adopt their ideas to do so.…
Yes, there Is Scouting Life after the Scouts
– Chartered in 2013, shortly after the Scouts held a Soviet version of a national delegates vote to open their ranks to openly homosexual … Trail Life is open to all boys, including those with different faiths or no faith, but adult leaders must sign a faith statement and … Ah, if only they’d had that in Boy Scouts when I was trying to rack up 21 badges for the Eagle award.…
Hmm: Trump Wishes Clinton Speedy Recovery, Axelrod Needles Clinton Secrecy…know-whats-up-with-hillarys-health-but-best-wishes-n2216402
– and to leave criticisms of her reflexive secrecy to others. … will vote to replace with Biden. … She'd have to be much sicker than she is, and there's no credible reason to believe that to be the case.…
Fed insists Rate Hike Still On the Table Despite Recent Poor Jobs and Economic Reports…table-despite-recent-poor-jobs-and-economic-reports-n2216107
– have yet to materialize. … The British Pound reached its high of the year at around $1.50 prior to the Brexit vote then fell to around $1.30 after the vote and … The Fed has managed to make it the focus of attention leading up to its meeting later this month.…
September 11 Victims’ Families to Demand Accountability On Capitol Hill This Weekend…demand-accountability-on-capitol-hill-this-weekend-n2215254
– Peter King (R-NY) said House Speaker Paul Ryan is ready to sign the bill if it reaches his desk. … The loved ones of those who perished on that day are coming to Capitol Hill this weekend to urge Speaker Ryan and Congress to pass  … Reports confirm it will at least get a vote before Sunday. President Obama, however, is fully expected to veto the measure.…
This Poll Should Make Hillary Clinton Very Nervous
– These numbers are a good sign not only for the Republican Party's hopes to maintain control of the House of Representatives, but also … is likely going to gain from the 2nd district (and possible additional two votes if he winds up winning the state) could swing the … Additionally, conservative Mainers who may not be fully on the Trump train just yet could be motivated to go vote to defeat a Bloomberg-backed…
Countering the Left’s Lies about Election Reforms
to register to vote. … Mandatory Voter Registration – Progressives want to sign up everyone automatically without affirming citizenship or an opt-out. … Here’s why it’s a bad idea: -- Not everyone wants to be registered to vote.…
New Poll Has Trump Tied In...Maine?
– "Yeah, I think Maine will be a toss-up state this year," said nobody ever.* As if anyone needed proof that the 2016 election … Maine should not be a toss-up. Neither should Georgia. Yet, here we are, for precisely opposite reasons. … their allegiances to Clinton for the general elections, and I believe this poll is another sign that Maine is going to be a much tougher…
Pelosi: Those Damn Third Party Candidates Are Ruining Clinton
– Clinton has time to win these people back—and it’s dubious if these fall away Democrats are jaded enough to vote for Trump Over the … to younger voters who polls suggest are not warming up to Clinton. … So I will vote for Hillary Clinton and I strongly encourage others to vote for her as well.”…
Obama To Black Voters: If You Don't Vote This Election, It's An Insult To Me And Everything That I've Done…on-its-an-insult-to-me-and-everything-that-ive-done-n2219958
– President Obama shames black voters to actually vote this election season. … The president’s hyper emotional plea for Democrats, especially nonwhite Democrats, to vote this November is just another sign that … In all, Obama ha sunk to say that not voting is an insult to him. Folks, these people need to work for your vote.…
Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election?
– Gessler's office uncovered upwards of 12,000 noncitizens registered to vote. … citizenship documents from people who register to vote at motor vehicle offices. … they had never registered to vote in the first place, they were ignored.…
In An Election About Character, Trump and Clinton Are Beyond The Pale…out-character-trump-and-clinton-are-beyond-the-pale-n2226879
– The major parties have coughed up nominees so tainted that to vote for either one would amount to a betrayal. … A vote for a candidate as dishonorable as Trump or Clinton is a vote to trash that inheritance. … For Americans to elevate anyone so reprehensible to the presidency would be to humiliate themselves before the world.…
Conservative Support for Gay Marriage Is Growing
– adjust its attitudes, for two reasons I like to sum up as "math and manners." … to a 2015 CNN/ORC poll. … After the lecture one young woman came up to me and said: "I want to thank you. Last year, my younger brother came out.…
Hot Scoop: CBS Affiliate Blows the Lid Off of Random Woman's Facebook Post…te-blows-the-lid-off-of-random-womans-facebook-post-n1985773
– If this is a sign of things to come, the next 18 months are going to be even more excruciating than expected.  … to random commenters on their social media posts: “And now to you, Senator Cruz. … You'll be happy to know that this "report" has since shot up to 27,000 Facebook shares, plus more than 1,200 retweets on Twitter.  …
Unanimous: Senate Foreign Relations Defies Obama Veto Threat on Iran, 19-0…eign-relations-defies-obama-veto-threat-on-iran-190-n1985267
– Obama would be willing to sign it. … Lawmakers would then be able to vote to approve or disapprove the deal or take no action. … Third, and most importantly, consider the whip-count dynamics of this:  Congress will have an opportunity to vote up-or-down on the…
"It's The Economy, Stupid!" Here Is What Could Really Hurt The Republicans In 2016…e-is-what-could-really-hurt-the-republicans-in-2016-n1984596
– There wasn’t one goddamn vote in it, Carville shouted at me—a warning he had delivered, a little more respectfully, to his contrite … When James put up his famous sign in the war room—“It’s the economy, stupid!” … — it was not just an admonition to the strategists and to the staff, but to one very smart former Rhodes Scholar named Bill Clinton…
The War for/on Democracy
– ’s the weirdo) a majority of citizens must vote to approve any change to the foundational contract of that government: the state constitution … upset when people actually stand up, democratically, to assert that power. … While off seeing to the sick and needy, people continued to see the petitions in her office and sign them — including, for instance…
Clinton Restoration Could Be in Jeopardy
– It's hard to boil down the Times' deeply detailed account, but the broad brushstrokes are as follows: A Canadian business wanted to … Yes, Clinton Inc. needs money, but the money is likely seen more as tribute than bribery, a bit of coin offered up as a sign of loyalty … to the coming Ozarkian Restoration -- a restoration that may just have to wait for Chelsea.…
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