Results for: mueller comey close trump

The Gop’s Silver Linings: Pelosi and Clinton
– While this controversy begins to heat up, the Mueller investigation rolls on with a subpoena of documents from the Trump organization … Trump by a 20% margin in the last election. … For good measure, Hillary also insulted the women who voted for President Trump.…
Analysis: Trump Still Shouldn't Fire Mueller, But He's Right to Reconsider His Enthusiasm for an In-Person Interview…ller-but-he-should-reconsider-an-inperson-interview-n2469598
– Keep in mind: If Mueller had such a witness, he would not have told Trump’s lawyers that Trump is not a target. … No, to prove Trump’s state of mind, Mueller needs testimony from Trump. … Trump firing special counsel Robert Mueller would be "a big problem": "You can't fire the special counsel.…
'This is War:' How Big of a Deal Are the FBI Raids Targeting Trump's Longtime Personal Lawyer?…l-is-the-fbi-raid-of-trumps-lawyers-home-and-office-n2469320
– Trump’s presidential campaign to have a Trump Tower built in Moscow. … @BillKristol thinks the FBI raiding Trump attorney Michael Cohen's office "shows that we are very close to the end game" regarding … But what should trouble Trump allies more than anything today is the likelihood that Mueller has some very specific and compelling…
Comey, Stephanopoulos like Varys and Littlefinger in 'Game of Thrones'…ulos-like-varys-and-littlefinger-in-game-of-thrones-n2472147
– One was the gossipy silkiness of their voices, Comey and Stephanopoulos cooing at each other, eviscerating President Donald Trump like … Instead, Comey and Stephanopoulos feasted on salaciousness about Trump. … "He had impressively coifed hair, it looks to be all his," Comey said of Trump, who fired Comey for leaking and whom Comey loathes.…
Never Trumpers' Whining About Principles Was Just An Act…r-trumpers-whining-about-principles-was-just-an-act-n2472106
– You don’t hate Donald Trump because he feels he can ignore your glorious principles o’ convenience. … You hate Donald Trump because he feels he can ignore you. … You’ve talked and talked and talked about principles, but as James Comey and Robert Mueller and your gal Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit…
Trump Prosperity: Economy Sets New Record on Jobless Claims, Manufacturing Optimism Approaches All-Time High
– Lost in the cacophony of last week's hyper-drive news cycle, consisting of Comey, Mueller, Cohen, Ryan and Syria, was another boomlet … , with close to eight-in-ten Americans rating their personal financial conditions as 'excellent' or 'good.'   … Our short-term economic picture is rosy, with much credit due to Trump/GOP policies.  …
Mr. President: Fire Them Before They Fire You
Mueller is “The Jackal” because he is trying to politically terminate the presidency of Donald Trump. … Cohen is very close to Trump and has vowed to “take a bullet” for the President if necessary. … In the case of former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, Mueller charged him for activities related to his lobbying work with the…
Hmmm: Is Mueller Preparing to Wrap Up His Probe in the Coming Weeks?
– Now that Trump is, shall we say, very disinclined to grant that face-to-face after all, Mueller can wrap things up based on what he's … Cohen, who served for a decade as a lawyer at the Trump Organization and is a close confidant of Trump’s, was known to store the conversations … It would be truly insane and mind-glowingly stupid for Cohen to have hung onto a bunch of recordings of Trump while Mueller and multiple…
Mueller at the Crossroads
– After almost a year, Mueller has offered no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. … Three, Mueller could continue to investigate anyone close to the Trump campaign for another year. … If Mueller calibrates the release of his findings to the fall midterm elections, he will be hailed by Trump opponents as a crusading…
House Judiciary Dems Demand IG Horowitz to Investigate Barr After DOJ Drops Case Against Flynn…investigate-barr-after-doj-drops-case-against-flynn-n2568491
– Under a generous plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Mr. … Let's face it, the only wrong that happened here occurred when President Trump, and his allies, were spied on by likes of Comey, Clapper … Any argument or assertion otherwise just stinks," a senior GOP official close to the Judiciary Committee told Townhall.…
WSJ Columnist: After This Flynn Fiasco, There Must Be a Full Review of the Mueller Russian Collusion Probe…ted-its-own-policy-in-order-to-entrap-michael-flynn-n2568046
– And yet, the anti-Trump DOJ still went after him. … other top DOJ officials about using the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump, appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to … The latter report was based on the FBI using the so-called Trump dossier to secure a spy warrant on a former Trump campaign official…
After Michael Flynn Entrapment Fiasco, It's Time for a Massive Purge at the DOJ/FBI…on-needs-a-healthy-dose-of-institutional-colon-blow-n2568187
– This was the document that was cited to secure a FISA spy warrant on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. … That counterintelligence probe into Russian collusion morphed into the Robert Mueller probe after Trump fired Comey in 2017. … Oh, and let's not forget that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign. That's what happened.…
Mueller Has a Reputation...
– None had donated to the Trump campaign. … Comey replied that he was "absolutely certain that it was Hatfill." … In addition to "honorable," another way of describing Mueller is: "Too Corrupt for Eric Holder." …
Judicial Watch: James Comey Kept Memos About Conversations With President Trump at His House…t-memos-about-conversations-with-trump-at-his-house-n2550976
– "Comey was fired by Trump on May 9, 2017. … The FBI documents also revealed that Comey recalled writing two other memos after conversations with Trump that he claimed were 'missing … “These extraordinary FBI docs further confirm that James Comey should never have had FBI files on President Trump at his home and that…
Liberal Law Professor: No, It's Not a Scandal That Bill Barr is Actively Aiding the Investigation Into Russia Probe Origins…aiding-the-investigation-into-russia-probe-origins-n2554045
– If that's all Trump had done, there would be no Ukraine story.   … fired FBI Director James Comey. … This is anti-Trump forces' version of all-caps 'WITCH HUNT!' ranting. …
Secret Court Slaps FBI Down Over Portions of Its Foreign Surveillance Program…n-over-portions-of-its-foreign-surveillance-program-n2554376
– We have two top officials, James Comey and Andrew McCabe, being fired for cause for their actions during the Trump administration. … Comey’s memos from meetings he had with the president were given to a close friend with the expressed intent of leaking them to the … It was not verified based on the glaring inaccuracies in the Trump dossier and yet cited as credible.…
Fact Check: CNN Gets Slapped Down Over False Claim About Whistleblower Protections
– Oh, and what about the story that Trump knew about his son’s meeting with the Russians at Trump Tower in the summer of 2016? … Not even close. … As Trump would say, “wrong.”…
Did Trump Make the Right Play or Did Trump Get Played?
– But is it totally clear that Trump got played? Naturally, the liberal media and the Democrats bashed Trump. … What if, in the end, Trump will be found not guilty of collusion by Mueller? … Trump will quote Don Corleone: ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’…
No, Democrats, Brett Kavanaugh Doesn't Believe Presidents Are 'Above the Law'…vanaugh-doesnt-believe-presidents-are-above-the-law-n2502621
– This is nonsense, designed to whip up their febrile base by implying or outright stating that Kavanaugh would protect Trump by ruling … against Bob Mueller.   … Trump critic and close friend to James Comey, Benjamin Wittes, explains: Kavanaugh’s writings on the subject of special counsel investigations…
Analysis: Why a 'Bombshell' NYT Story About the Mueller Probe Actually Looks Relatively Exculpatory for Trump…obe-actually-looks-relatively-exculpatory-for-trump-n2511154
Comey, and Mr. … Trump has fought with Mr. … The information McGahn shared with Mueller included testimony that was both "potentially and favorable" to Trump; plus -- and this…
Giuliani Rips Comey in Sean Hannity Interview
– Former New York City Mayor and current President Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani ripped James Comey a new one in an interview with Fox … Trump may still interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, Giuliani said, but he said he would direct Trump to sit for only two … “Sessions should step in and close it.”…
Hmm: Have Republicans Caught James Comey in a Bald-Faced Lie?
– , I noted a number of strange responses Comey offered to certain questions.   … "Not true," Comey told NBC's Chuck Todd.  "I don't know where that's coming from," Comey told ABC's George Stephanopoulos. … If the potential Trump interview issue is resolved in relatively short order, it would be useful to hear from Mueller sooner rather…
'Flood Is Coming': FBI Front Office Discussed Trump Dossier With CNN…g-fbi-front-office-discussed-trump-dossier-with-cnn-n2483034
– by Trump, but the eventual appointment of Department of Justice (DOJ) special counsel Robert Mueller. … Hours before Comey briefed Trump, FBI chief of staff James Rybicki e-mailed staff that Comey “is coming into HQ briefly now for an … “trigger” of the CNN story, which was the fact that Comey and Trump had discussed this document. …
No, Really: How, Why, and When Did the Feds' Russia Probe Into Trump Associates Actually Begin?…unterintelligence-probe-into-trump-associates-begin-n2486939
– Trey Gowdy's significant public comments last week regarding the "spy gate" controversy surrounding the Trump campaign informant with … whom the FBI worked during the early stages of the Russia/collusion probe Mueller inherited.   … team now acknowledges Trump “dictated” son’s misleading statement about Russian lawyer meeting.…
Nose Dive: After A Year, Support For The Russia Probe Has Plummeted
– Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a damning report that justified President Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey … The two had an extramarital affair, sent tens of thousands of texts that were anti-Trump, and discussed how they would stop Trump. … And with no evidence to support a Manchurian Candidate-like plot, maybe it’s time to close up shop.…
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