Results for: insights and issues

Will North Carolina Become The GOP’s Unicorn For 2014?
– In the more right-leaning poll by American Insights has Hagan’s lead by 9-points–and the first recent poll showing her leading with … As for social issues, those might not be the issues that will galvanize voters to lean towards Tillis. … On the other hand, American Insights found that “faith driven” voters make up one-third of the North Carolina electorate–and they’re…
Christmas Books
– Behind her stinging wit and take-no-prisoners style, there is a lot of factual research and deep insights that cut through the pious … It takes on some of the controversial issues of our times and offers a fresh, in-depth examination with hard facts, clear logic and … sharp insights.…
New MSNBC Talking Head: Michael Steele
– “It’s an honor to contribute and engage in the dialogue on MSNBC,” Steele says in a statement. … “I look forward to engaging a diverse audience to share insights and analysis about the people, issues, and events shaping America’ … I’m sure our discussions will be both informative and a bit spirited!” Steele continued.…
Majority of Democrats Than Republicans Believe Biden Is Dividing America…ats-believe-biden-is-divid-america-than-republicans-n2613091
– In a new Issues & Insights/TIPP poll, a shocking more number of Democrats view Biden’s anti-MAGA speech as a way to threaten freedom … of speech and divide the country even more than it is now.  62% of Americans believe Biden's comments about Trump and his MAGA followers … Even more shocking, is that far more black people and Hispanics (70 %) viewed Biden’s hateful words as “divisive” than white people…
Poll: Is the US on the Road to Becoming a Socialist State?
– statement, “The U.S. is evolving into a big government socialist state,” 51 percent of Americans agreed, while 31 percent disagreed, and … Today, a majority of Americans agree that the sudden, rapid growth from COVID-related spending and burgeoning top-down control over … Majority Says ‘Yes’: I&I/TIPP Poll — Issues & Insights (@InsightsIssues) January 18, 2023 A related question…
GOP Criticizes Emanuel as Chief of Staff
and liberal social issues. … "That experience, combined with his service on the committees on Ways and Means and Banking, have given Rahm deep insights into the … challenging economic issues that will be front and center for our Administration."…
John Kirby Just Got a Promotion
– , particularly since the Hamas attacks on Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel's subsequent attack on Gaza. … (Reuters) Kirby's "decades of high level national security experience and his clear, strategic insights make him a deeply valued communicator … and adviser on this team,” senior Biden adviser Anita Dunn said in a statement, Reuters reports. …
Poll Showing Oz in the Lead After the Debate With Fetterman Wasn't a One-Off
– Four polls conducted since the day of the one and only U.S. Senate debate in Pennsylvania have showed Dr. … Oz is the better bet for Pennsylvania" and explaining why, "[i]n a race on which much depends and little is certain, Mehmet Oz has … shown he is better equipped to lead and deliver for Pennsylvania."…
100 Female Leaders from Alaska Urge Murkowski to Vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett…urge-murkowski-to-vote-for-judge-amy-coney-barrett-n2577259
– would be an important contribution to our country at a time of turmoil, confusion, and uncertainty.” … Signers include business owners, corporate professionals, retired and practicing attorneys, veterans, nurses, retired and current teachers … , CPAs, realtors, nonprofit directors and employees, and women representing other professions.…
Democrats Can't Hide Their Concern About Joe Biden's Health
– In a new Issues & Insights/TIPP analysis survey, a vast amount of Democrats are worried about Biden’s mental health.  39 percent of … On the contrary, 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of Independents are uneasy with the idea of Biden running the country due … Over the last year, Biden has been caught mumbling his words, walking around aimlessly and making odd gestures. …
Poop Nazis
– I appreciate his insights on a number of issues. … run and hide. … the false claims to get authorities to intervene and restore their sense of comfort and safety on campus.…
Floyd Brown’s New Book Takes a ‘Counterpunch’ at the Left’s Dismantling of Society…a-counterpunch-at-the-lefts-dismantling-of-society-n2624057
– Brown’s lengthy experience in politics has given him knowledge and insights in this realm that few others have. … Brown is one of those skilled writers who actually connects the dots and gives you the full historical background behind issues and … The book is full of intriguing insights and solutions.…
Trump Takes Executive Action to Prevent Veteran Suicide
– stress disorder and mental health issues that could be indicators of suicidal thoughts.Officials hope to use the Department of Energy … These data offer important insights to help VA to build effective networks of support, communication and care that reach Veterans where … they live and thrive.”…
Proof Minneapolis Is Having Second Thoughts About Defunding the Police…enly-decide-defunding-the-police-is-a-terrible-idea-n2584713
– The shortage was due to a combination of issues, including a number of officers retiring early, quitting or going on an extended medical … Before the city council voted on the request, Mayor Jacob Frey and Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said the department's hiring practices … What those divisions are and what they entail, however, is unknown.…
Abortion Is Bad for the Economy
And that alone, she asserts, should motivate citizens to cherish and support abortion. … They bring unique insights and wisdom, adding to the diversity of the fabric of life. … on all life issues.…
Poll: Biden Losing Support Among Democrats
– Reuters/Ipsos released a new poll on Wednesday, and the results are less than kind to President Joe Biden. … It's not merely the economy either where Biden faces issues with his own party. … ," "Environment" and "Immigration." …
Wait...These Are the Top Three Concerns for Democratic Voters? Yes, It's Insane.…three-concerns-for-democratic-voters-yes-its-insane-n2585316
And Democrats’ top concerns are issues that won’t help a single person in America. It’s selfish. It’s detached. … It’s richer, more educated, coastal, and urban-based. The professional elites have taken over and it shows. … 24, 2021Of the issues we asked ONLY of Republicans, illegal immigration, lack of support for police, taxes and liberal media bias…
Complicating the Obvious
And everybody knows what the words "on" and "off" mean. … It was "Issues and Insights." … I wish someone would issue some insights to engineers designing computerized products and services. …
China: Economic Growth isn’t Expanding Freedoms’t_expanding_freedoms
– “Kidnapping and buying and selling children for adoption increased over the past several years, particularly in poor rural areas.” … change crisis, and the security crisis.” … There’s no question that economic issues are crucial. China is a major trading partner and investment destination for the U.S.…
The NSA Unmasked Tucker Carlson and Now the Inspector General is Investigating
– The OIG is examining NSA’s compliance with applicable legal authorities and Agency policies and procedures regarding collection, analysis … , reporting, and dissemination activities, including unmasking procedures, and whether any such actions were based upon improper considerations … She could clear this up today and call for full prosecution of the leaker.…
The Real Obama Part II
– Seemingly unrelated things can give important insights into someone's outlook and character. … Why was their attention not confined to "the real issues" between the United States and the Soviet Union? … Because one of the biggest and realest of all issues is the outlook and character of the President of the United States.…
By These Standards, Biden Himself Said He Shouldn't Be President…andards-biden-himself-said-he-shouldnt-be-president-n2598869
– At the time, he placed his trust in masking and testing.  … I would make sure that we set up national standards as to how to open up schools and open up businesses so they can be safe and give … (Issues and Insights) “Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America…
Terra Infirma
and invest more. … and emerging equity ideas. … and emerging equity ideas.…
Randi Weingarten Gets a New Gig in the Federal Government
– “The Homeland Security Academic Partnership Council’s insights into strategic research, innovation, career development, and partnership … The HSPAC offers “actionable recommendations” to Mayorkas on key issues where homeland security and education intersect. … of violence and terrorism, and funding opportunities. …
Ron Paul Warns of Riots in the Streets
– One of the biggest issues is that there is a direct correlation between dependence on government and the loss of personal responsibility … The role of government should not be to continually grow and expand, but to enact policies that will create jobs and stimulate the … continues to polarize the nation and dismantle the middle class.…