Results for: sign up to vote

Answering 20 Questions Liberals Wanted to Ask a Conservative…20-questions-liberals-wanted-to-ask-a-conservative-n2278438
– Should we want people who are getting government assistance to vote? Should we want people who’ve committed felonies to vote? … Should we want people to vote who pick the candidate they support based on which one is taller? … we should kill the families of terrorists followed up by him promising that no soldier was going to be allowed to disobey his direct…
Why Do Democrats Fear Trump’s Probe of “Fake” Voter Fraud?
– This will include “those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even those registered to vote who are dead (and … According to a 2012 Pew Center for the States report, 1.8 million dead Americans were registered to vote. … How many on the Left who attack Trump on this issue would sign up to have their votes erased by invalid ballots?…
Women’s March on Washington: A Feminist Goose Step Toward Irrelevancy…ashington--a-feminist-goose-step-toward-irrelevancy-n2277190
– The most marginalized females of all are the ones who can’t speak up, stand up, or defend themselves and you’d rather pay to have those … To throw your lot in with them (well, you’re made up of them) is to subscribe to fascism, hate, violence, rape, racism, sexism, pedophilia … If you want to put down the uterus sign and join us liberty-loving folks, you’re welcome to do so.…
Golden Symbols of Decay and Self-Destruction
– Declines of great empires are easy to see; for some reason, they are too difficult to stop. … He doesn’t need Steve Job’s charisma or Jack Welch’s charm, but he must learn how to talk the stock up the way Jeff Bezos was able … Someone needs to get Cook to say as much.…
Montana’s ObamaCare Expansion: Over Budget On Day 1.
– the floor for a vote. … Expansion supporters have been quick to spin this enrollment explosion as an early sign of “success.” … The state share will go up to nearly 8 percent next year and nearly 13 percent in later years, assuming the federal government actually…
What Are Elections For?
– fight the Obama administration's policies-- and then caved when crunch time came for Congress to vote. … The spectacular rise, and persistence, of Republican voter support for Donald Trump in the polls ought to be a wake-up call for the … But smug know-it-alls can be hard to wake up.…
Think Trump’s Bankruptcies Make Him Unqualified? That's Foolish…mps-bankruptcies-make-him-unqualified-thats-foolish-n2111401
– He gave up $1 billion in personal investments and half of his equity in the business to satisfy his personal guarantees. … Business people set up corporations to protect their family from unexpected market turmoil such as experienced in the Financial Crisis … Don’t wish to vote for him for any other legitimate reason? That makes you an American.…
Polling Average: Trump Now Leads Cruz in Iowa By More Than Six Points
– Two-and-a-half weeks ago, Ted Cruz seemed to be putting daylight between himself and The Donald in Iowa, surging to nearly 32 percent … But Newt had been dominating the South Carolina polls in the weeks leading up to that primary election, only to be overtaken by Mitt … It's of course possible that Trump's support is overstated and that many of his nominal supporters won't show up and vote.…
Tinder Bans Bernie Sanders Supporters Who Were Campaigning on the App…sanders-supporters-who-were-campaigning-on-the-app-n2115408
– Robyn Gedrich, 23, said she sent messages to 60 people a day for the past two weeks trying to convince them to support the U.S. senator … receiving updates from the Sanders campaign, as well as a link where they could sign up and volunteer. … She has been unable to sign back into Tinder since logging off on Thursday.…
Lessons from Iowa…The Good, The Bad, and The Really Ugly
– This positions him well to emerge victorious from the primaries and the national campaign to follow. … easy to conclude it was impossible for him to lose. … Moreover, his second-place finish was closer to third than first; a clear sign that Trump is more vulnerable than his incessant blustering…
Britney Spears Endorses Hillary Clinton, Then Deletes Tweet
– This woman had an intense presence and I felt very honored to meet her!!! … This was the tweet I linked to. … do with politics up until now.…
Sanders Had A Tremendous Night, But Clinton Is Probably Going To Trounce Him In The End…clinton-is-probably-going-to-trounce-him-in-the-end-n2117496
– Peggie Greenough, a New Hampshire voter who came to the party along with her husband and three sons, said she wouldn’t vote for Clinton … This is a sign of things to come. … You must be a registered Democrat to vote in the Nevada caucuses, though you can register as one the day of the election.…
Tremendous: SCOTUS Blocks Obama's Carbon Rules On Power Plants
– In that decision, the court refused to stay the implementation of the carbon regulations, but agreed to hear arguments on the legality … take aggressive steps to make forward progress to reduce carbon emissions.” … wing — lining up against staying the rule.…
Obama's Climate Change Legacy to be Determined by Next President…te-change-legacy-to-be-determined-by-next-president-n2126614
To grant the stay, the Supreme Court must have found that there was a ‘fair prospect’ that a majority of the Court would vote to reverse … sign for the regulations.” … That justice would be unlikely to vote to support the Clean Power Plan—but it wouldn’t matter, because no remaining Republican supports…
If Your Child Behaved Like Donald Trump Would You Be OK With It?…d-behaved-like-donald-trump-would-you-be-ok-with-it-n2126603
– In the fall of 2009 I had 200 people sign up—and a waiting list, because 200 was all the room would hold. … Do you want your children to grow up thinking the measure of a person’s worth is how much money they make? … What message does it send our children when we say it’s okay to vote for someone who is rude, abrasive and vulgar as long it’s directed…
Hillary vs. The Donald
– Folks who rely on government benefits are unlikely to rally to a party that promises to cut government. … , bring to the Clinton campaign? … Trump seems to have caught the wave, while Clinton seems to belong to yesterday.…
Sandoval Backs Out Of Supreme Court Consideration–And We May Have Dodged A Bullet (For Now)…onsiderationand-we-may-have-dodged-a-bullet-for-now-n2124754
– And Sandoval made clear to GOP legislative leaders that he wouldn’t sign bills that included popular measures to require voter ID at … There’s also no reason to refuse holding hearings*, or delay a vote, for Lynch since she’s already been heavily vetted. … , with a possible Senate majority, to pick Lynch again, or another hard core liberal, to replace Scalia.…
Hillary and Bernie Getting a Huge Pass on Abortion
– Planned Parenthood and abortion were brought up during other Republican debates, where candidates sought to define their own viewson … Why aren’t they duking it out on stage as to which one of them wants more late-term abortion facilities opened up or more loopholes … shut up about them when courting my grandma for her vote.…
My Warning to the Charlotte Mayor and City Council, February 22, 2016…e-charlotte-mayor-and-city-council-february-22-2016-n2123710
– And your policy opens up the door to heterosexual predators – or are you prepared to tell us how you can distinguish between a male … And how can you vote for a bill that claims that if a man simply perceives himself to be a woman then he is a woman. … [Please note that the AP report of the vote failed to mention the 250,000+ emails and the 20,000+ signatures.…
The Stakes in This Election
– That we nowadays depend on the Supreme Court to blunt assaults from the left is a sign of how low our view of citizen participation … We're supposed to vote for presidents and members of Congress who prefer liberty to most other goals, leaving the high court relatively … So, to get down to (legal) cases: Would a President Trump care enough about the Constitution to fill the Scalia vacancy (I am assuming…
February Clarifies Both Parties' Nomination Races
– This was identical to her percent share of the vote there against Obama in 2008. … Only 27 percent of the evangelical vote went to Ted Cruz, who has pitched his well-organized campaign specifically to evangelicals. … If he can pick up Bush votes and sideline John Kasich, he has the potential to break through Trump's floor and perhaps surpass whatever…
Flashback: Rubio Could Lose Key Early Voting States And Still Win…io-could-lose-key-early-voting-states-and-still-win-n2122963
– As Guy noted in his analysis, the time for the anti-Trump vote to coalesce around one candidate is rapidly closing: With Ben … He clinched the evangelical vote in South Carolina, whereas Cruz has some serious thinking to do for his future as the GOP primary … Bush’s exit would be enough to make tonight a win for Mr. Rubio, but Mr. Rubio’s share of the vote is impressive as well.…
Can Sanders Bern Through Clinton’s Firewall To Clinch The Democratic Nomination?…intons-firewall-to-clinch-the-democratic-nomination-n2122926
– They have a small sample of precincts and voters, and they simply were not devised to provide precise estimates of the Hispanic vote … The right-hand side is more crucial: It shows how the states might line up if the vote were split 50-50 nationally. … Since the Democrats’ delegate allocation is highly proportional to the vote in each state, that means Sanders will be on track to win…
Adrenaline & Pizza
– Again, much like this past Saturday when Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio divided the non-Trump vote, in 2008 Huckabee and Thompson split up … percentage of Thompson's vote would go to Huckabee allowing him to win South Carolina. … Thompson: "Remember when you said you wanted a clear sign whether to go forward or not? You have it. We're going home."…
First Impressions of a Not-So-Super Super Tuesday
– Has all reason fled to brutish beasts? Or is this just another of fate's whimsical jokes? … stir up the rest of us. … The only bright spots on the radar screen showed up down the ticket.…
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