Results for: sign up to vote

As Senate Race Looms, House to Vote on Keystone Pipeline Friday
– Their calculus, however, may be changing: The House of Representatives plans to vote on a bill to approve the Keystone XL oil … to the U.S. … But even if her opponent's bill does make it all the way to the president’s desk, would he actually sign it into law?…
Feminist Writer Can’t Stand Republican Women
– lives – they’ve never had to. … evenly, 49 to 49 percent. … … [T]hough the right to choose is incredibly important to people like me and Ann Friedman, it’s not as important to a good…
GOP Leaders Shouldn't Forget That They Won Because Obama Sucks, Not Because They're Great…ey-won-because-obama-sucks-not-because-theyre-great-n1915796
– and gave the base a reason to vote when our “leaders” were letting us down. … What’s so tough about living up to what the Party says it’s going to do? … So are Republicans in leadership going to live up to the promises that were made to the American people on the campaign trail or are…
Big GOP Win a Rebuke of The President
– It wasn't supposed to be like this. In 2008, Obama was supposed to herald a new progressive era, the harbinger of a new New Deal. … That should have been a sign. … Hispanics didn't show up.…
Refuting 7 Lies Liberals Have Told Millennials About Conservatives…liberals-have-told-millennials-about-conservatives-n1923517
– The biggest reason young Americans tend to lean to the left is that they grow up immersed in liberalism. … What’s scientific about ignoring that basic fact or for that matter, offering up incredibly expensive, unworkable plans to fight it … Screaming “scientific consensus” while you hold up a “The End Is Coming” sign and telling sad stories about polar bears aren’t what…
Norquist Rallies Conservatives, Libertarians to Oppose Online Gambling Ban…vatives-liberatarians-to-oppose-online-gambling-ban-n1922220
– The House GOP leaders have also reached out to Reid to see if he wanted to make RAWA part of a massive clearing of the decks bill, … back to where it was Dec. 22, 2011. … Congress to ask you to vote against such legislation,” the letter said.…
Conservatives Must React to Obama Speech with Courage and Energy…must-react-to-obama-speech-with-courage-and-energy-n1921922
– If we’re going to stand on principle, let’s stand on principle. … The president surely believes he has Republicans right where he wants them— poised to whip up a fire of litigation and bellicose posturing … better president can actually sign.…
– Senate this week by one vote. It needed 60 votes to proceed to a final vote, but it got only 59. … There is no bad news attached to this vote. … So, Reid allowed Landrieu to introduce her bill to authorize the Keystone Pipeline and to allow it to come to a vote.…
Landrieu: Why Yes, "I Feel Very Comfortable" Keystone Will Pass
– Landrieu has been scrambling to attract at least 15 Democrats to join 45 Republicans to reach the critical 60-vote procedural threshold … But it's not clear who has agreed to provide the final vote or whether Landrieu's comments simply reflect optimism. … Landrieu was aggressively vote whipping several Senate Democrats to support the measure.…
Democrats To Pelosi: Lady, You And Obama Totally Screwed Us Over…o-pelosi-lady-you-and-obama-totally-screwed-us-over-n1920051
– Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), a disabled war veteran expecting her first child soon, won’t be allowed to cast her vote since she can’t … travel back to Capitol Hill. … The vote has led to some bitter feelings on both sides of the dispute.…
North Dakota Democrat Top Of Trump's List For Agriculture Secretary, Gives GOP Another Senate Pick Up Opportunity…cretary-give-gop-another-senate-pick-up-opportunity-n2258478
– Neither the Republican nor the Democratic candidate in the Bayou State was able to get a majority of the vote on election night, so … The special election that would be held to replace her would most likely end with a GOP pick-up. … Whether it was due to the possibility of a special election or gearing up for the 2018 midterms wasn’t specified in the piece written…
The Millennial Mentality Has Taken Over
– However, with Hillary’s popular vote tally continuing to rise, a new victory cry has overtaken social media. … This generation knows what to do. Stage a protest, create a hashtag, and sign a petition. … A taste of reality, so to speak, to go along with the caffe latte grande and cranberry orange scone.…
GOP Congress Prepares to Pass Tax Cuts
– The Dow Jones industrial average and Standard & Poor's 500 index shot up Wednesday to their strongest gains since the presidential … in the White House ready to sign it into law next year. … Bill Richardson of New Mexico who talked about how he had cut taxes in his state to build up its economy and better compete with his…
TIME: Democrats Shouldn't Pay Taxes Because Hillary Lost
– laid to rest. … According to Weston, “Appeals to fairness have not persuaded them [Republicans] of the need to amend the Constitution to establish … According to Weston, the real “beauty” in his plan is that those who sign the pledge “almost certainly” wouldn't have to follow through…
Fighting Until The Bitter End: Protesters Disrupt Wisconsin Electoral Vote…ter-end-protestors-drisupt-wisconsin-electoral-vote-n2261564
– (@politico) December 19, 2016 “We’re all going to go to war and die thanks to you,” one woman shouted. … She went on to say that the electors “had no right.” … Another social justice warrior held up a sign and kept repeating the line "no Putin" over and over in a last-minute effort to persuade…
Hollywood Sign Vandalized To Say "Hollyweed"
– On New Year's Day, residents of Hollywood awoke to see that some creative vandals had changed the iconic "HOLLYWOOD" sign to read … This is not the first time the sign has been vandalized to say "Hollyweed." … #hollyweed — Keegan Allen (@KeeganAllen) January 1, 2017 California was one of four states to vote to
Corrupt Politician Exposed: Citizens Demand Sanctuary in Their Own Country…osed-citizens-demand-sanctuary-in-their-own-country-n2266088
– Yes indeed, illegal aliens are registering to vote, especially now that California residents can register to vote online or receive … Sweaty and nervous, Trujillo sputtered that he had not expected so many people to show up. We all roared with laughter. … Five law enforcement officers showed up, then informed him that we had every right to question him.…
California Starts New Year Attacking Small Business
– In addition, you have to sign a form, under the penalty of perjury, that you meet this rules and are exempt. … I worked my way up to the head underwriter at one fairly sizable insurance company. … or have talked to does not see any benefit for them to the additional insurance.…
It's Time to Rein in Regulators
– The House is planning to take it up as one of the first orders of business in the new 115th Congress, and it is expected to pass, as … "I will sign the REINS Act should it reach my desk as President and more importantly I will work hard to get it passed," Donald Trump … It took a while to get to this point.…
8 Ways Trump’s Already Made America Great Again
– the stock market up to new records and increased consumer confidence. … Sure enough, during his Thank You Tour he spoke from a podium with a sign that read “Merry Christmas” attached to it and surrounded … pass, Trump has criticized the UN and vowed to stand up for Israel. …
Petty Partisanship From an Exiting Obama
– halt to the process. … And Obama made a trip to Capitol Hill to embolden Democrats to resist any GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare. … Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, he allowed the Russians to walk all over him for eight years.…
And the Message?
– I saw signs demanding equality and was concerned that those lady sign holders weren’t allowed to vote in the last election. … Perhaps they weren’t allowed to ride on public transportation with men. … The first thing is to actually decide what it is you are protesting and then make it clear to your listening audience.…
America To The Liberal Elite: “New Phone - Who Dis?”
– On our side, it’s time to say “Yes” to success. … It’s time to stop in-fighting on the right and start focusing on using this opportunity to crush our enemies, to drive them before … a vote.…
Save The Children
– , state by state and congressional vote by congressional vote. … If that's too frank a way to put it, there's nothing subtle about Planned Parenthood's aim, which is why it must go to such pains to … program was basically the same as that of any other abortion mill -- but on a much larger scale that requires a CEO and an extensive up-to-date…
Super Bowl LI: Hillary Clinton Plots Revenge
– Bowl” when they were up to win baseball’s World Series). … Brock—that she would advise him tosign up some top-notch litigators who would do pro bono work against Trump.” … up in droves to the polls to vote.…
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