Results for: is the us at war with iran

More Communist Tricks From North Korea
– North Korea cut it during the tension in March. This is another benchmark in resuming production operations at Kaesong. … The formation of multiple "tracks" is a cottage industry in diplomacy with North Korea. … Iran-US-Iraq: The Wall Street Journal and other news outlets reported on Thursday that the US intercepted an order from an Iranian…
Reports: US Military Mission in Syria Expanding Behind the Scenes…litary-mission-in-syria-expanding-behind-the-scenes-n1693126
– Obama, officials said, is now determined to put more emphasis on the “degrade” part of what the administration has said is the goal … One of the implicit assumptions throughout much of the Syria debate is that the US would strike, the Assad regime would sustain a blow … Iran may also target US Naval vessels, just as pro-Assad Vladimir Putin's Navy arrives in the neighborhood. …
Is There More Than Madness to Obama's Methods?
– "The president is not asking you to go to war," Secretary of State John Kerry told Congress. … The buck stopped with Truman. For Obama, the buck is kryptonite. … is on the line.…
America is not for-hire mercenaries, Obama’s long term national security problems in Syria…bamas-long-term-national-security-problems-in-syria-n1691725
– One of the top reasons for 'doing nothing' in Syria is important is because the Muslim Brotherhood is this century's Nazi Party.  … What the Qataris especially want to see is the Muslim Brotherhood in control of Syria, but also Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey … Iran is our sworn enemy and hates the Brotherhood, and the Brotherhood hates them as well as us. …
Obama’s Middle East War on Progress
– While America is preparing to conduct limited strikes in Syria (with no intention of toppling the current regime, building a friendly … While US troops are expected to be reduced to 34,000 by 2014, the Taliban is slowly recovering the ground that is more-or-less abandoned … And so are the rest of us.…
Assad Speaks Out About Chemical Weapons
– He said the first and the greatest danger is that the situation will explode into a regional war. … As long as the US does not comply with or listen to the UN, we should not be reassured." … Syria, should the US attack Syria, to the extent it is able.…
Community Organizer Goes to War
– world laughs at us. … Not even close -- but may we ask why Kerry sneered at the war that removed such a monster as Hussein? … At this point, Assad is at least 49,000 dead bodies short of the good cause the Iraq War was, even if chemical weapons had been the
5 Reasons Not To Bomb Syria
– During the Cold War, America used to semi-regularly ally itself with some rather unsavory leaders and groups. … In other words, both sides are bad guys, but this bad guy would work with us instead of the Soviets. … Could they retaliate against us with terrorist attacks? That's certainly possible. Will they go after Israel to get at us?…
Democrat Economics Work Great if You're: 1) In Congress; or 2) Aren't Human…work-great-if-youre-1-in-congress-or-2-arent-human-n1688672
– What is it with liberals and the Koch brothers anyway? You guys are obsessed with them. … Today the Dow is at only 14,810. And Obama's term hasn't ended yet. … with Iran since the late 1970s?…
Obama's Bread And Circuses
The third interest of the US and its allies that is threatened by the war in Syria is to prevent Iran, Russia or al-Qaida from … Whereas the war going on in Syria pits jihadists against jihadists, the war that concerns the US and its allies is the war the … And Iran is the epicenter of that war.…
Kerry: “There is No Military Solution” in Syria
– “I believe it is important to discuss -- as President Obama does -- this with the American people,” he said. … mentioned Iran) would feel “emboldened” in the absence of action to pursue nuclear weapons with “impunity.” … “The American people are tired of war. Believe me, I am too,” he said with a sigh.…
Obama’s Military Action is Nothing But Show
– That is the lesson of Iraq's use of such weapons at Hallabjah against the Kurds and later against the Iranians. … As for ripple effects, Iran is so heavily invested in the survival of the government in Syria that US and NATO planners must plan … That means the feel-good notion of a coalition of the willing is actually a cover term for US military operations with minimal NATO…
Why 2014 Shapes Up to be Another Tea Party Year
– Not that George Orwell predicted any of this, like the part about being constantly at war, hurling missiles at other countries in a … The president who said he was elected to bring us peace, has brought us more war, and losing war at that. … At the same time, the number of independents who think the country is more respected fell to just 9 percent, down from 27 percent.…
Putin the Peacemaker?
– But the American people would have none of it, so now not even the Democrats are fully on board with Obama’s attempt to drag us into … It is Putin who is assisting Iran, likely the leading terrorist state in the world, with its nuclear weapons program while promising … When Putin is the man on the white horse riding in to save the day, it’s probably time to start looking for the four horsemen of the
The World is a Tough Town
At the end of his speech, Mr. … Syria is negotiating not with the U.S. or the UN, but with one of its strongest allies: Russia. … That means the United States is seen as, at best, tired and bewildered.…
Musings On Current Day America
with the news in the last few days. … At this point there is no simple answer in Syria although the nation has made it clear they want no part of that civil war. … On the other hand I think there are simple answers to the quagmire of the US economy that begins with a less tyrannical approach and…
Putin Forces Obama to Protect Israel
– But that is mainly in American eyes, looking at the American government. That is not how foreigners see the US. … Nobody outside of some people in the US makes the mistake of thinking the US is weak. … That is how others look at the US in the NightWatch experience.…
Syrial Losers
– of the war." … With British and American help, the shah's choice was installed as prime minister, and a friendly government ruled Iran. … The Iraq War turned every Middle Eastern despot into President Bush's bitch. But now Obama is their bitch.…
"This Has Been one of the Most Humiliating Episodes in Presidential History"…e-most-humiliating-episodes-in-presidential-history-n1697567
– Obama reversed course on congressional authorization at the last minute, after a private chat with his chief of staff, and to the surprise … WMDs in the middle of a civil war is essentially impossible.   … Even as they're threatening us, blowing kisses at Iran, and obstructing any meaningful action at the Security Council?  …
The Handshake Delusion
– Libya is collapsing into lawlessness and ruin, and Iran is edging closer to the nuclear threshold. … conflict is the most critical issue." … It is equally delusional to argue that a "two-state solution" is the way to settle that conflict — that the key to peace is for Israel…
The President's Mr. McGoo Mini-Munich Moment
– VDH is of course an accomplished historian, and the prediction he lays out at the end of our conversation is very, very sobering: … What’s the purpose? What’s the methodology? Is it commiserate with a purpose, and what’s the outcome? … Poor Martin Dempsey, the man who’s going to lead us, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, his problem is he’s an honest man and he can…
Wrong and Liars Too: 6 Tricks God Has Played on Liberals Since November…6-tricks-god-has-played-on-liberals-since-november-n1696770
– Not that George Orwell predicted any of this, like the part about being constantly at war, hurling missiles at other countries in a … The president who said he was elected to bring us peace, has brought us more war, and losing war at that. … At the same time, the number of independents who think the country is more respected fell to just 9 percent, down from 27 percent.…
Only DC Wants a US Attack in Syria
– Comment:This is the sixth large landing ship that Russia has deployed to the Syrian coast. … Russia does not want a naval engagement with the US, but might not be averse to a non-shooting confrontation. … The inclusion of Adana in the order provides a little insight into the US war plan.…
Syria and History
– Given our experience with Iran and Iraq -- and the increased likelihood that growing instability in Afghanistan, Libya, possibly Egypt … The Middle East is imploding and if the U.S. continues with the fiction that it can make things better, or that freedom "is the hope … The war we are in has less to do with Syria than with transnational forces like the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaida.…
Obama, the Great Passer of the Buck, Makes Syria Congress’ Problem…eat-passer-of-the-buck-makes-syria-congress-problem-n1695106
– Where in the world is America, as Syria descends into utter carnage? This is the question nations are asking of us. … By now Obama should have exerted his executive power under the War Powers Resolution, which gives the president the authority to take … This is the presidency of Barack Obama.…
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