Results for: is the us at war with iran

Iraqi Officials Give Up on Most of Iraq
– This is the familiar pattern of a government that is losing the battle. … Iran: "The United States is trying to portray this as a sectarian war. … But what is happening in Iraq is not a war between Shiite and Sunnis," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a statement carried by the state-run…
Oliver North…a Conservative Warrior Against the Death Penalty?…rtha-conservative-warrior-against-the-death-penalty-n1854595
The event is so iconic that the now retired Lt. … Due to the statistics at play, the role of race in the administration of justice and sentencing is often brought into question. … North also looks at the Death Penalty through the prism of what our Federal Government is doing to prosecute the war on terror.…
Iraq is Looking More, And More, Like Syria Everyday
– "This grave situation that is storming Iraq carries with it the signs of civil war whose implications for the region we cannot fathom … Comment: Analysts have interpreted Saud's statement as a warning to Iran and possibly to the US. … Therefore, it is clear that this is a tribal revolution, but the government is trying to force us all to wear the robe of the terrorists…
Questions for Obama
Iran pulls Assad's strings, and it is Assad who released the leadership of ISIL from his jails precisely to radicalize the opposition … Iran is also the chief sponsor of Nouri al-Maliki, the failed Iraqi leader whose disastrous leadership has helped propel Iraq to this … Iran created the Al-Quds force that killed countless Americans in the Iraq War, assisted terror attacks in India and South America,…
Dr. Strange-gov or: "How I Learned to Stop Worrying Because I'm a Libertarian"
– I don’t smoke, and drinking is done on board the LionHearted, at Harbor Island-- cognac and spiced rum-- not at the VFW or the Elks … All that is new is the extent at which we have polluted our oceans. Many studies have already been done. … And the march of freedom that YOU are benefiting from, where we can pretend that things across the water don’t affect us, is largely…
North Korea Counts on South Korean Youth for Propaganda Effort…counts-on-south-korean-youth-for-propaganda-effort-n1859806
– (Note: this means stop all military exercises aimed at North Korea, especially with the US.) 2.The north and the south should … (Note: this means stop consulting with the US.) 3.The north and the south should seek reasonable reunification proposals supported … Comment: This statement is aimed at the South Korean people, especially those born after the Korean War.…
The Skies Over Iraq Are About to Get Interesting
The third item is about Sunni cooperation. … With the arrival of US Apache gunship helicopters, four air forces will be flying missions in Iraq, including the Syrian air force. … The plan is to train the additional personnel within the next six months.…
They Lost China, and Iran, and Iraq, and Libya, and Afghanistan and Pakistan and...
– And this is part of the reason why the Obama administration is so obsessed with spying by the NSA. … “Just tell me where the gold is. Yes, the gold, the f---ing gold, or the oil, or uranium. Something. … Jesus Christ, something out there for us to be here.” Well, the gold is now at home.…
Iraq - the State of Play
with the Iraqi government that would have allowed us to leave, perhaps, 15,000 troops there. … According to the Post, the Iraqis are negotiating with Iran for the return of "more than 100 Iraqi jets, including Soviet-made Sukhoi … Thus, we might be looking at the two major terrorist organizations going to war with one another.…
Obama Is Crushing the Reagan Link, and Putin Knows It
– We also know that Russia is fighting a proxy war with the U.S. in Ukraine, and that Russian special forces are leading the terrorist … We can add to this the proxy war fought by Russia in the Middle East, with its main ally Iran, and the fact that Russia is engaging … As I testified this week before the congressional Joint Economic Committee, at 2.1 percent average real growth, the U.S. is lagging…
Timmerman On "The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi"…man-tells-the-truth-about-what-happened-in-benghazi-n1863607
– presidential elections, and there were 3 million people in the streets of Iran holding up signs in English: “Obama are you with us … I went to defectors for the Iranian terrorism organization, for example, to ask the fundamental question: “Was Iran engaged at all … world, that appears to have been authorized, or at the very least explicitly tolerated, by John Brennan, who at the time was the president…
The Brazil of North America
– Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the USSR. At the end of the Cold War, with freedom, all three came apart. … The Kurds seek to carve a nation out of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. A Sunni-Shia sectarian war impends. … The world is boiling with racial, tribal, cultural and moral conflict. People carry in their hearts the seeds of these conflicts.…
Is Obama Waging Jihad?
Is he afraid Americans can't take the truth? Let's start with the Marxist part. What defines a Marxist? … observance at the Pentagon “is nothing short of an effort to stamp out Christianity from the military.” … Is he afraid Americans can't take the truth? Let's start with the Marxist part. What defines a Marxist?…
Our Unwillingness to Defend Ourselves
The money losses from identity theft pale in comparison with the costs of paperwork, time and inconvenience imposed on the larger society … The U.S. alone has the power to tell Iran to permit unimpeded inspection of the country's nuclear facilities, with the threat of bombing … The West, led by our country, is doing exactly what it did in the run-up to World War II.…
Ron Paul, Obama: Different Guys, Same Foreign Policy
– Email Ransom, above The trouble in Iraq didn’t start in 2003, or in 1990—the First Gulf War—or with the toppling … The lesson now continues: History is littered with dumb rulers. … Butting into others' conflicts with force is not a good example, and is not following the Golden Rule.…
Is Obama To Blame for the World's Crises?
– Iraq is under siege from Islamic radicals, the Taliban is rebounding in Afghanistan and civil war grinds on in Syria. … The 9/11 attacks, the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan are still fresh in our minds. … Even at the height of our post-Cold War power and influence, nasty events happened all the time, and we couldn't stop them.…
Rand Paul vs. Rick Perry on Foreign Policy: A 2016 Preview
– of Reagan’s foreign policy exploits at the time. … in Libya, urged Reagan to lift the Cuban embargo, and said “the invasion of Grenada is hardly the victory the American people were … In a column for Politico with the not-so-subtle title “Rick Perry is Dead Wrong,” Rand says “with 60,000 foreign children streaming…
Is Putin Worse Than Stalin?
– guarantee to Kiev, potentially bringing us to war with a nuclear-armed Russia? … Translation: The U.S. and NATO should go to war with Russia, if necessary, over Luhansk, Donetsk and Crimea, though no U.S. president … Who is the real problem here?…
How Our World Fell Apart
War frontier in Ukraine to the South China Sea to our border with Mexico— our world appears to be falling apart. … The simple answer is, yes. … “The thing with Obama is that he can’t be bothered, and there is no hand on the tiller half the time,” she complained to a group of…
In the Middle East, a New Alignment Being Born?
– It is an outburst that has not been seen since the 1970s. His only reaction is mere rhetoric, sometimes no rhetoric at all. … that calls us the Great Satan? … They call for "stability" in the region, and live in wonder of what the United States is doing conjuring with the greatest force for…
The Hashemite Kingdom is Threatened by the Islamic State — and the Islamic Republic…ened-by-the-islamic-state--and-the-islamic-republic-n1865021
– Why is Iran simultaneously working to develop Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that can reach the United States? … starting with Iraq (at least its Shia areas which, due in large measure to the sectarianism of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki … One asks if it’s true that some in the U.S. view Iran as a “stabilizing force” with whom the U.S. could ally against the Islamic State…
North Korea Looks to Joseph Stalin for Foreign Policy Guidance…looks-to-joseph-stalin-for-foreign-policy-guidance-n1864840
– Thus, the focus is on the message from the Commission. The first point is a brief tutorial on terms of art. … Comment: It is difficult to take the government account at face value after almost four months of secession by the separatists in Donetsk … The US narrative is one theory of the case, not proof.…
The Day of the Hawk
– Today, Vladimir Putin, with an indictment being drawn up against him, is blaming Ukraine for the war out of which the tragedy came. … The Day of the Hawk is at hand. … And should Ukraine, with U.S. arms, win its war in the east, what is to stop it from sending troops to recapture Crimea, which would…
Who Owns the Future?
At the end of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama famously wrote that our world may be at the "end of history" where "Western liberal democracy … Our democracy seems to be at war with itself. Now there is talk of impeaching Obama. … Is Western democracy approaching the end of its tether, with the seeming success of authoritarian capitalism in China and Russia?…
'Death to Israel, America' Should Warrant Death Sentence
– So let’s use the proper one: Hamas is a front group for Iran, a country that wishes both Israel and the United States didn’t exist. … The not-so-secret dream of all Iranian governments is the violent demise of the Jewish state, Israel, along with the painful death … The cry of “I want to kill you,” in the real world, would at least warrant a drive-by with a police cruiser.…
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