Results for: sign up to vote

Publishers Release Flood of New Books to Generate a Blue Wave Even as Trump Saves Their Industry…new-books-to-generate-a-blue-wave-even-as-trump-sav-n2576049
– Leading up to the upcoming election there is a literal flood of books coming out focused on the president -- after initial research … I had to stop looking when I gathered close to three dozen titles being released since the summer up to the vote in November.  … With the exception of a handful of titles these releases are almost uniformly negative in the approach to the president, a sign that…
Expect Democrat Shenanigans, But Don’t Panic
– Work to get out the patriotic American vote. … They fully intend to try to leverage voting by mail to 1) get China virus paranoids and their usual lay-about voters to vote instead … The simple idea is to make up any deficit in the in-person voting tallies by coming up with ballots out of the blue cities to overturn…
Another October Surprise Executed Early? Timing of Liberal Media's New COVID Panic Push Is Beyond Transparent…cuted-early-timing-of-liberal-medias-new-covid-pani-n2575913
– The polling is slowly starting to reflect what we’ve already known: the race is tightening up—big league. … And now, with COVID mostly being ignored by Americans because we’re sick of this little virus, they’re trying to gin up more panic … The new revelation about what Trump was saying privately come as the president tries to convince the American public to vote in November…
The Silent Majority Isn’t So Silent, If You Just Listen
– And there is one Trump sign. … Look for a “Trump thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to vote!” narrative, though it was Trump who pardoned Susan B. … Leave it to those Republicans to torch a bowling alley while chanting “Death to America.”…
AP: Here's the One Problem with Mail-In Ballots in Battleground States…legrounds-states-will-be-plagued-with-come-november-n2575851
– "If ballots are rejected at the same rate as during this year’s primaries, up to three times as many voters in November could be disenfranchised … Common reasons for ballots being rejected: voters failed to sign the envelop, the signature on the envelope doesn't match the one election … Election officials are encouraging voters to mail back their ballots as soon as possible, to give them time to alert voters to potential…
Two Polls That Shatter the Liberal Media's Propping Up of Joe Biden…want-to-update-your-trash-national-polling-surveys-n2576699
– If Joe Biden is up seven-to-ten points over Donald Trump, then, why are a slew of battleground states a dead heat? … It’s ticking up, folks (via the Hill): President Trump's job approval has ticked up to 48 percent in a new Hill-HarrisX poll, a 1 … matched his national vote percentage: 51%.The last 9 days Trump has been in the 50s in Rasmussen Reports.If this keeps up or dips…
This Democratic Congressman Has a Shocking History of Sexual Harassment…ressman-has-a-shocking-history-of-sexual-harassment-n2576777
– quitting Congress in the middle of his fifth term to head up the NAACP, where he said he could do more for civil rights than he could … sign confidentiality agreements about the things they knew about Mfume at the time of his resignation, according to the Sun. … Now Mfume is hoping to keep his scandal in the past and depend on that automatic Democrat vote so many residents have provided for…
WATCH: Even Michigan Teamsters Are Showing Up to Support the President…up-in-southwest-michigan-to-show-support-for-trump-n2576707
– "We like all of his policies but the job security, putting an end to NAFTA, bringing manufacturing jobs to the United States, that's … could sign before and after work.  … 2016, decide to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket.…
Popcorn: Don Lemon Has a Total Meltdown Over Trump Filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg's SCOTUS Seat
– UNHINGED: CNN’s Don Lemon: “we’re going to have to blow up the entire system” — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest … have to blow up the entire system" because minority GOP have a voice. — Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro … Sucks to suck.…
Ranked Choice Is the Wrong Choice
– So the next-to-last candidate, Lively, would have been dropped from the tally. … "Democracy is supposed to be majority rules," say Falchuk and Yes on 2. … Want to read more Jeff Jacoby? Sign up for "Arguable," his free weekly email newsletter.…
Fat Chance Arizona Picks Biden
– Many undecideds may vote for him due to the tragic shooting of his wife, former Rep. … Mormons make up five percent of the population in Arizona, and they vote in high numbers. … with two percent more of the vote but still lost due to losing the electoral college.…
What Biden Campaign Staffers Said About Their Michigan Ground Game Should Make Some Democrats Nervous…mocrats-nervous-about-joe-bidens-michigan-operation-n2576430
– Determined only to cast a vote for a candidate he believed in, he left the top of his ballot blank in the 2016 presidential election … There needs to be someone out there Biden-izing. People don’t even know where to volunteer for Biden.” … Doesn’t sound like a guy who’s up seven-to-ten points national, huh? But that’s what these polling experts say.…
Madness: Marching Band Votes to Dissolve 'Racist' Institution, Sorority Leaders Demand Greek System Abolition…fdissolves-over-racism-cultural-oppression-misogyny-n2576292
– In order to avoid these organizations going “underground,” PHA urged NU in the statement to take action to protect its students by … Good on the student for refusing to resign. — Robby Soave (@robbysoave) September 13, 2020 The first sign of … Someone needs to stand up to these sorts of people. Many of the "adults" seem incapable of doing so.…
Oh, So That's Where Silicon Valley Bank's Ex-CEO Fled to After Its Collapse…icon-valley-banks-ex-ceo-fled-to-after-the-collapse-n2620866
– Are we numb to this sort of behavior from the wealthy and well-connected when they get caught screwing up? … pick up the pieces.  … You already know the answer to that.…
Everyone Be Sad Because Conservatives Are Mean to Jerks…yone-be-sad-because-conservatives-are-mean-to-jerks-n2620589
– See, we were mean to her. … The idea is that Trump had his company pay Michael Cohen $130,000 to pay Stormy Daniels to sign a non-disclosure agreement about their … Yeah, these dimwits would take out the guy the rest of the Democrats are chomping at the bit to run against, the guy with a low vote
Dems in Disarray Over How National COVID Emergency Looks to Soon Finally Be Over
– a vote to end the COVID-19 national emergency declaration," he also pointed out. … If Biden were not to not sign the bill, the national emergency would end on May 11, a date which was announced on January 30, as Spencer … vote to repeal.…
The Destruction of the U.S. from Within Is the Fault of Republicans, Conservatives, and People of Faith…lt-of-republicans-conservatives-and-people-of-faith-n2621629
– It is their nature to be civil.  It is their nature to turn the other cheek.  It is their nature to mind their own business.   … In his mind, who’s to stop him? Newsom knows what you’re afraid to admit to yourself.   … I am happy to read that Mr. Whitlock does realize that every vote does count.  That getting involved does matter.  …
Nikki Fried, Head of Florida’s Democrats, Is Arrested, and the Idiocy Unspools From There…rats-is-arrested-and-the-idiocy-unspools-from-there-n2621531
to the polls.  … do so would lead to arrests. … Are they expecting to see the mayor stand up and take action using none of the influence he does not possess on state matters?…
Expel Them Again
– The vote to expel two Democrats from the Tennessee House of Representatives last week reminds us of one of the immutable laws of politics … We'll try to remember to bring it tomorrow. … In bafflement, Wallace asked, "Why did they have to be expelled? Why did this come to this?" Idea: Show the video, Nicole! Rep.…
Oh: Expelled Tennessee Democrat Was Previously Banned From Capitol For Assaulting GOP Speaker
– All of this seems like meaningful context to the expulsion vote: As an activist in 2019, Jones threw a hot cup of coffee at two Republican … but couldn't be bothered to meet with the families of the innocent people who were slaughtered by a trans shooter in the run-up to … Silencing those who disagree with us is a sign of weakness, not strength, and it won’t lead to progress. — Barack Obama (@BarackObama…
Nevada Proves that Automatic Vote by Mail Is the Worst Way to Run an Election…ic-vote-by-mail-is-the-worst-way-to-run-an-election-n2621758
– Other reasons cited for rejection could include that the voter forgot to sign the ballot. … Nevada needs to add safeguards to its vote by mail system. … Luckily, Governor Joe Lombardo has stepped up and proposed election reforms to the state legislature. …
Almost a Year After Dobbs Leak, Justice Alito Shares His Thoughts…after-dobbs-leak-justice-alito-shares-his-thoughts-n2622616
– This is the same Totenberg who tried to stir up debunked controversy on masks between Justices Neil Gorsuch and Sonia Sotomayor.  . … Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who as minority leader threatened Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch in 2020 not to vote a … was supposed to speak to law students at George Mason University in Arlington, Va., but when they showed up, he wasn’t there.…
DeSantis Set To Sign Bill Allowing Him to Run For President While Remaining Governor…wing-him-run-for-president-while-remaining-governor-n2622620
– Ron DeSantis (R-Fla) is expected to sign a bill allowing him to run for president while still governing the sunshine state.  … On Friday, the Florida House passed a bill in a 76-34 vote that would alter the "Resign to Run" law, making it easier for DeSantis … Trump's campaign team accused DeSantis of violating the "Resign to Run" law, accusing him of not willing to give up a paycheck. …
Are Die-Hard Trump Supporters Looking to Turn the Page?
to DeSantis to take up the mantle:  The Bucks County businessman and GOP committeeman has fiercely defended former President Donald … He plans to vote instead for Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., for the Republican nomination for president.  "Why? … They were fun years, to say the least. But then, with DeSantis coming up and reading everything that he's doing for Florida.…
Biden Bizarrely Claims He's All About Freedom
to take on those bedrock freedoms. … All while making it more difficult for you to be able to vote." … Then there's the typical trash about "making it more difficult for you to be able to vote." As in what?…
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