Results for: voted to

Are Trump Voters Really Victims?
– agreements that have sent their jobs to Mexico or China. … Victims of a Republican establishment that promised to get rid of lots of things they don't like and then failed to deliver. … Economist Gordon Hanson writes that without the ability to move lower-wage jobs to Mexico after NAFTA was ratified in 1993, "there…
Dangerous Donald Trump
– This leverage might enable Trump to gain a majority of the delegates needed to become the party's nominee. … Delegates get their first opportunity to choose a candidate by voting according to the way their respective primary voters voted. … We cannot afford to repeat that mistake.…
The Real Difficulty with Filling Scalia's Seat
– Scalia responded, “I would not like to be replaced by someone who immediately sets about undoing everything that I’ve tried to do for … criminal justice to Obamacare in order to show how his views honor the Constitution drafted by our nation’s founders. … He steadfastly defended the constitutional rights of criminal defendants and even voted to protect a flag-burning protestor from prosecution…
CA Minimum Wage Needs to Take a Hike
– What is happening to California? The country?! … To their credit, a minority of Democrats voted against this stupid, immoral, and unethical move: Central Valley Democrats (Republicans … Perhaps this latest foray into economic stupidity and political arrogance will induce voters to tell California Democrats to take a…
The Real Difficulty with Filling Scalia’s Seat
– Scalia responded, “I would not like to be replaced by someone who immediately sets about undoing everything that I’ve tried to do for … criminal justice to Obamacare in order to show how his views honor the Constitution drafted by our nation’s founders. … He steadfastly defended the constitutional rights of criminal defendants and even voted to protect a flag-burning protestor from prosecution…
Doing the Right Things
– It’s how he represents us to each other, to our children, and to the world. … For this reason alone, the most important, right thing for Trumpers and all other Republicans to do right now is not to vote for Trump … Want to win? Then, do all the right things—right.…
No Copyright on Hypocrisy
– Neither political party can lay claim to purity when it comes to hypocrisy, but Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, … We are asked to give advice and consent, or to deny advice and consent." … "You get to use the rules."…
Britain Balks At Naming Ship "Boaty McBoatFace"
– Last month, I wrote about a contest to name a new Arctic research vessel in the United Kingdom. … "There is a process now for us to review all of the public’s choices," Science Minister Jo Johnson told the BBC Monday, per Newsweek … not going to go with the internet's decision, it's still a little bit disappointing.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Trump and Clinton Expected to End Victory Drought in NY…p-and-clinton-expected-to-end-victory-drought-in-ny-n2151014
– The congressman announced that he voted for the Ohio governor on Tuesday. … When the DJ asked if she was just trying to pander to black voters, she asked, “Is it working?” … to convince voters she is still the Democratic frontrunner.…
US Senate: Shredding the Second Amendment Is Not Your Job!…nate-shredding-the-second-amendment-is-not-your-job-n2150485
– It is this: “My job is to support and defend the Constitution, not to confirm a Leftist nut whose ‘swing vote’ will feed the Constitution … Thus, while ROTC students like me were preparing and expecting to be shipped off to Vietnam (without justification, in my case), Garland … All Republicans need to do is pull the handle and get out of the way.…
Black Americans Are Becoming Smarter and Wiser About Their Vote…ans-are-becoming-smarter-and-wiser-about-their-vote-n2150360
– It is in my view, illogical for us to continue to support one party overwhelmingly as if we’re a monolithic group because we are not … The question that I ask to Democrats and to the black community is, are we better off? … In fact, prior to the end of the 1940s African Americans voted primarily Republican and though some identified as Democrats, being…
Lifting the Burden of an Expansive Regulatory State…lifting-the-burden-of-an-expansive-regulatory-state-n2150354
to said land. … They are passed on to people who struggle to pay their electric bill, to family farms burdened by the EPA’s war on water, and to small … Last month the House voted to authorize House leadership to file an amicus brief in support of Texas, arguing that the President is…
House GOP Takes Fight Against Obama's Executive Actions on Immigration to Supreme Court Today…utive-actions-on-immigration-to-supreme-court-today-n2150220
– He'll have 15 minutes to make the House's arguments. … "If we're going to maintain the principle of government by consent of the governed, then the legislative branch needs to be writing … So I am prepared to make our case."…
Seven Things to Look Out For This Week
– Here are seven things to look for in the upcoming week: 1. … Brazil's lower house voted in favor of impeachment, and the vote now moves to the senate. … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to use against Clinton.…
D.C. Mayor Calls For Citywide Vote to Decide D.C. Statehood…ayor-calls-for-citywide-vote-to-decide-dc-statehood-n2149075
– “It’s going to require that we send a bold message to the Congress and the rest of the country that we demand not only a vote in the … Then, Tennessee residents voted to ratify a constitution. However, the path to statehood would not be an easy one. … To do so, the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution would have to be repealed, and Article 1 would have to be examined as well.…
The Donald/Bernie Show: Shades of Hugo Chavez
– The show was his platform to preach, to rage, to cajole, and, above all, to entertain. … According to, he pays interns only $12 per hour. … There are shortages of everything from flour to toilet paper.…
Why Does Your Congressman Want to Psychologically Profile Your Children?…ssman-want-to-psychologically-profile-your-children-n2148674
– ’s poised to make things even worse. … Nothing to worry about there. … SETRA would require grantees to do that.”…
Clinton and Sanders Square Off in New York: Bernie Questions Hillary's 'Judgment'
– "I question a judgment which voted for the war in Iraq." … ask me to be the Secretary of State." … Clinton: Obama "trusted my judgment enough to ask me to be Secretary of State" #DemDebate…
Europe Demands Referendum Ban After Immigration Policy Rejected…ds-referendum-ban-after-immigration-policy-rejected-n2148573
– British voters go to the polls on 23rd June in a referendum on whether to stay in the EU. … Fraser Cameron is not the first senior European to demand an end to referenda. … If you want to make Europe collapse, you only need to hold more referendums."…
Oversight Chairman Discusses Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Documents Released By Obama…cusses-fast-and-furious-documents-released-by-obama-n2148560
– Holder was held in contempt for stonewalling and failing to turn over the documents to the House Oversight Committee. … Now, some details about the documents are beginning to emerge, showing the Department of Justice only partially responded to subpoenas … "We had to pry these out of the administration.…
Even MSNBC Is Noting Clinton's Recent Struggles With The Black Community…clintons-recent-struggles-with-the-black-community-n2148253
to explain her campaign's strange decisions. … Wednesday night, he insisted his campaign is ready and willing to respond to their needs. … Clinton, who already has a difficult time attracting Millennials to her campaign, can't afford to lose another demographic.…
A Simple Fix to Arkansas’ Obamacare Hostage Crisis
– , which was scheduled to end in December. … Legislators shouldn’t be forced to vote to fund an Obamacare expansion that hurts the truly needy in order to fund existing DHS services … Desperate to save Obamacare, they have resorted to sequester-style scare tactics, announcing potential cuts to the state’s fragile…
Congress Still Wasting Taxpayers' Money
– We'll wait to see if that happens, but based on past experience Congress doesn't like to let go of money, even borrowed money. … Voters should tell politicians how much of our money we will allow them to spend and on what. … It's our money, not theirs and politicians ought to live within our means.…
Will He Use Trumped-up Colorado Lies as Excuse for Third-Party Run?…rumpedup-colorado-lies-as-excuse-for-thirdparty-run-n2147776
– At State, I voted for Cruz delegates running to go to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. … poll victory went to Ron Paul and another year to Rick Santorum, neither of whom made it to the finals. … vote to choose their delegates.…
Campaign Lies
– The more fundamental question is whether this was some trick cooked up to deprive Donald Trump of the delegates needed to win the Republican … With so many primary election rules that vary from one state to another, some of these rules are bound to work out to one candidate's … The success of campaign lies depends ultimately on how willing the public is to be stampeded without bothering to stop and think.…
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