Results for: sign up to vote

Trump’s Momentum Is Back
to cast their vote for the president. … These are the shy Trump voters who, once inside the voting booth, are free to vote “Kiss my Schumer” to the fascist libs with a vote … You know what you have to do – vote, and get others to vote. If you do, we win.…
New Poll on Amy Coney Barrett’s SCOTUS Nomination Is All Bad News For Democrats
– At that time, 37 percent of voters said the Senate should vote to confirm Kavanaugh to the court, compared with 29 percent who said … it should vote to deny his nomination. … chamber should hold a vote on Barrett’s nomination have yet to sway public opinion.…
Multiple States Had Record Breaking Numbers of Early In-Person Voters. Here's Why That's Important.…rson-voting-means--and-its-not-about-the-candidates-n2578030
– The general feel of the stories was that people are enthusiastic to vote President Trump out of office. … "Nonwhite voters are seven times more likely than white voters to wait in line for more than an hour to vote, according to a 2017 study … Democrats argued for months that people wouldn't feel safe going to vote in-person.…
Here's How One Grassroots Group Is Saving the Electoral College…and-packing-the-court-will-strip-us-all-of-liberty-n2577627
– force it to rubber stamp the popular vote result. … reach the 270-vote threshold.  … England said with their surge of support and donor dollars, the NVP movement was able to sign states at a crushing rate.…
Fact Check the Left: Are Long Lines on First Day of Early Voting in Georgia a Sign of Voter Suppression?
– They claim voter identification laws and efforts to clean up voter rolls amount to voter suppression, and, well, pretty much any other … Why do Americans have to wait in lines this long? This is the line in Suwannee Georgia today to vote.” … Day holiday, experts and officials said, with many people possibly choosing to vote because they were off work.…
California Democrats Try to Dunk on GOP, Accidentally Point Out How Unethical Ballot Harvesting Is…ntally-point-out-how-unethical-ballot-harvesting-is-n2577928
– How many more instances before we realize we need to drop off our ballots directly to the election center or better yet, vote in person … Gonzalaz said the measure was meant to give people the right to vote who had previously been unable due to limiting laws on how to … There is no distinct difference between a box with a paper sign and a political operative coming to your house to collect your ballot…
Analysis: Trump Keeps Undermining His Own Re-Election Chances
to keep saying no.   … He's practically holding up a giant sign that reads, "blame me."  There is no leverage play here.   … I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy?…
What a Liberal Voter Reportedly Did to Her Conservative Dad Is Just Deplorable
– I can’t tell you how much it drives me up the wall to see all of these young liberals berate their families, threaten to never talk … To be honest, my advice to those beleaguered families with unhinged left-wing clowns among them is if they want to avoid you, let them … Seriously, dad is dying, so let’s exploit that weakness to get another Biden vote.…
Joe Should Have Stayed In His Basement
sign Alaska back to the Russians. … That’s why today a bunch of media mediocrities are mad at Welker and mad at Biden for showing up and giving Trump a chance to talk … What he wanted to do was give wavering people cover to vote for him, and he did.…
Data From Trump Rallies Show He's Not Just Bringing Out His Base…trump-rallies-show-hes-not-just-talking-to-his-base-n2578566
– 14,257 sign-ups? 26.8% were NOT Republicans? 19.9% were Democrats? 22.5% did not vote in 2016? … 24.1% did not vote in 2016Thank you! — Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 18, 2020Nevada is fired up for @realDonaldTrump!? … Responses ranged from he's a "real patriot" to stories of living paycheck to paycheck prior to Trump and now having money in the bank…
Random Thoughts On and Around Election Night
– What happened to the smirks over at CNN? The confetti and balloons appear to be on hold over at CNN and MSNBC. … It is a sign of racial progress that "race relations" in contemporary America are now reduced to this: How Black people feel about … announced his intention to vote for Donald Trump.…
Biden Won Virginia, But Trump's Showing in the Northern Part of the State Was...Surprising…mps-showing-in-the-northern-part-of-the-state-was-s-n2579394
– Yet, something was up last night. … ) November 4, 2020Virginia has about half of its precincts reporting and Trump is up 12 points. … Follow the Townhall live blog for up to the minute results and commentary.…
Hmm: Are Dems Right to Be Nervous About Pennsylvania?
– "There are a lot of people who are too afraid to put up a sign [for Trump]," he said, explaining that his neighborhood, more than an … for Trump in 2016 but plan to vote for him this time.  … A lot of people are afraid to speak up."…
What Trump Has Already Won
– The demographic make-up of registered Republicans has shifted from the country club to the beer hall. … These voters didn't bother to show up, let alone fly a flag and join a parade for a Republican. … Let Democrats drag out Lady Gaga and Stephen Colbert to make fun of normal Americans while they try to get out the vote.…
Is The Market Signalling The Election Winner?
– (Chemical Products)"Sales continue to be strong — up 4 percent this September compared to September 2019. … (Transportation Equipment)"Increased production due to stores stocking up for the second wave of COVID-19." … If you haven’t already voted, make sure you go out to vote today!…
Here’s How and Why Trump Will Take the Electoral College…s-how-and-why-trump-will-take-the-electoral-college-n2579213
– bothering to vote for Trump. … At first, they appeared to be favoring Democrats, because so many Republicans chose to wait and vote in person this year rather than … And traditionally, more Republicans than Democrats choose to vote on election day. …
Las Vegas Oddsmaker Announces Final Prediction: Trump Electoral Landslide Coming…s-final-prediction-trump-electoral-landslide-coming-n2579146
– At this moment, if you're not blind, deaf or very dumb, it's clear that in these final days up to the election, a majority of American … It's all adding up to a Trump electoral landslide. … Who'd be dumb enough to vote against that record? Thirty-three percent economic growth?…
Florida Democratic Organizer Issues a Warning That Should Worry the Biden Camp…mocratic-organizer-that-should-worry-the-biden-camp-n2579084
– It’s starting to worry Democrats in the Sunshine State. … “We’ve got to stop the bleeding,” Geise said. … It’s a sign the party is exhausting its high propensity voters — and the hard-to-motivate voters are tough to turn out.…
The Catholic Case for Supporting Trump
– Soon after, the administration also implemented new rules to keep Title X funds intended for family planning from going to abortion …  sign these into law. … But two other critical matters strongly incline me as a faithful Catholic to vote for Trump.  …
The Propaganda War
– It would then be much easier to calculate the number of votes Biden would need to capture the lead. … It's implausible that anyone high up in the Democratic Party or the major media planned last summer's riots in reaction to the death … If the ongoing challenges to state vote tallies reveal widespread fraud -- even if it is not enough to change the election results…
Even California Rejected New Leftist Policies
– a setback to proponents hoping to raise more money for local governments and schools. … Great to see Californians reject the state’s job killing gift to union bosses, known as #AB5.It’s time to keep up the fight and restore … up more than 10 seats.…
Joe Biden's Majority Doesn't Work Full Time, Stay Married or Go To Church…doesnt-work-full-time-stay-married-or-go-to-church-n2579871
– Is it a good sign for the long-term well-being of the United States that the popular-vote winner in our presidential election was preferred … The Associated Press VoteCast survey interviewed about 140,000 voters on Election Day and the days leading up to it. … The result: The more often a voter attends church or religious services, the more likely they were to vote for Trump.…
After Georgia, GOP Needs to Focus on 2022
– presidential vote and up-ending the Democrats’ hoped-for congressional “blue wave.” … sign into law anyway). … spot by making it difficult for them to vote “No.”…
Data: Yes, There Were 'Shy' GOP Voters, Driven Underground By Progressive 'Cancel Culture' Bullying
to Oklahoma City to Charleston. … a 5-point win for Joe Biden, the largest swing to Mr. … As with past waves of immigrants throughout U.S. history, Hispanic voters are beginning to vote a little closer to the rest of the…
Paper Warned About the Software Company at Center of Ballot Glitches in Swing States; UPDATE: MI SOS Responds…g-a-software-company-at-the-center-for-ballot-glitc-n2579664
– "In order to report unofficial results, county clerks use election management system software to combine the electronic totals from … KnowInk, which makes electronic poll books to sign voters, also created an update. … “My understanding is that the system was hanging at certain points in processing adjudicated ballots due to a workstation set-up issue…
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