Results for: they are all going to jail

Hidden in Plain Sight: A Peek Into a Suburban Pedophile Empire
– "Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to leave. We're going to have to ask you to delete your footage. … But, going up to random people and asking what they think about what happened here [...] … (Nor are they compelled to divulge if there are any registered child-sex offenders living nearby.)…
There Was One Major Detail Missing From the Hunter Biden Indictment…e-major-detail-missing-from-hunter-biden-indictment-n2632233
– How they managed to keep the president's name out of there, as Ferguson asked, is thanks to the DOJ and how they've been not only " … He's going down. He is doing jail time.' And they've made the decision to throw Hunter Biden overboard. … "If they were going to try to cover up for Joe Biden, this is what they would do.…
One Republican Presidential Candidate Says He Won't Sign a Six-Week Abortion Ban
– Can't we all agree that doctors and nurses who don't believe in abortion shouldn't have to perform them? … And, can't we all agree that we are not going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?” … "They didn't just send it to the states only. It's not a states-only issue, it's a moral issue."…
Ignoring the Details Behind a Riot
– 11.27.23 Artisanally-Crafted Narratives – WASHINGTON POST There's this thing going on, but more important is who is behind it all! … It is rather striking how little interest there is in the cause and the desire to elide those details, as the rioters are clearly and … repeatedly called out for who they are.…
Threats of Radical Islamic Terrorism Are Rising...and the FBI Goes After These People Instead…would-rather-hunt-these-people-down-than-terrorists-n2631046
– It’s not like I didn’t know this was going to happen. … say it was a campaign finance violation that warrants jail time, Smith’s team could’ve made the case for insurrection, and they couldn … If they can find these J6 people, they can track all of these terrorists roaming our streets.…
Does This Candidate Have the Answer to the Republican Party's Abortion Problem?…he-answer-to-the-republican-partys-abortion-problem-n2631051
– So when we’re looking at this, there are some states that are going more on the pro-life side. … s flip-flopping on the issue, Democratic candidates are coached to discuss abortion in the misleading ways that they do, and they have … As Matt covered on Thursday, Ann Coulter ripped pro-life Republicans in a post where she insisted, in all caps, "PRO-LIFERS ARE GOING
Here's What Hillary Clinton Fears About 2024…d-of-our-country-as-we-know-it-heres-what-hrc-fears-n2631003
– would go along with him and they stood up to him. … And so now he’s going to — if he were ever near the Oval Office again — find people who have no principles, no conscience, who areto shut this down, we're going to throw these people in jail,' and they didn't usually telegraph that.…
The Pro-Hamas Rally in DC Yesterday Turned Into a Little Insurrection…rally-in-dc-devolved-into-an-insurrection-yesterday-n2630792
– Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT!” … BREAKING: Pro-Palestine protesters appear to be threatening to storm through the White House fences and are threatening Secret Service … Will years-long jail sentences be handed down? You know the answer to those questions.…
Relieved Residents of Texas Illegal Immigrant Town Love Gov. Abbott’s New State Police Surge…igrant-town-love-gov-abbotts-new-state-police-surge-n2630033
– and that anyone out driving a vehicle who decides they’re going to drink and drive knows with some degree of certainty that they’re … likely to be stopped and possibly face jail time.” … They did not respond to my request for comment about the surge.…
Jim Jordan: Here's the Real Reason Why Crime Is Ravaging Democrat-Run Cities
– If they know there are less police on the street to stop them and they're not going to get prosecuted if they do get caught, they do … "There's a second-guessing as to whether or not they want to engage in the positive, proactive policing that they used to engage in … "The DA told me that they had to take into account their resources [...] and that they would plead this down to attempted assault with…
Who Will Win Control of Virginia's State Legislature Next Month?
– While many are looking to 2024 elections on many fronts, from the chaos on the world stage to the emergence of Robert F. … Smith was sentenced to 10 days in jail, though the sentence was suspended, contingent on a year of good behavior.  … Millions have come pouring in for what are surely to be close races.…
The Liberal Media Reaction to the New Israel-Hamas War Was Something Else
– Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to turn all Hamas hiding spots in Gaza into rubble, warning civilians to flee. … What are you going to do? Are you going to re-occupy the Gaza Strip? Repopulate it with settlements? … Are you going in there to try to kill every Hamas leader?…
Virginia Democrats Double Down on Extreme Position Defending Abortion Until and After Birth…efusing-to-protect-babies-born-alive-from-abortions-n2628969
– how they are extreme on this issue. … Virginia Can’t Wait to reject this far-left agenda that tries to earn votes through fear-mongering," he added, going on to highlight … I will work to expand access to adoption and provide mothers the resources they need to support their children.…
House Judiciary Hearing Highlights Surging Violent Crime in Chicago
– We have to change that immediately…law and order is the only way we’re going to change the situation here in the city of Chicago,” … So all they’re going to do is retaliate and threaten and at worst, maybe kill some of these re-victims – they’re going to basically … warn other communities about some of the early things that they would want to rebuff so that their streets aren’t turned over to the…
If This Happens During Trump's Trials, the Left Is Bound to Go Insane
– First, the trials that legally pose the most danger to Trump are years off. … There’s no way this Georgia election probe is going to trial by next March. … Liberals are dying to get the ‘lock him up’ chant going.…
Here's What Trump Will Be Doing Instead of Attending the RNC Debate
– In order for candidates to qualify for the debate stage, they must first meet donor and polling criteria. … They must then also sign a loyalty pledge to support the nominee. … stage, he’s going to sign that pledge," pointing out he signed such a pledge to get on the South Carolina ballot.…
The Big Guy
– Hunter tried to please his father. On that, we all agree. He brought in millions of dollars from dubious sources. … Can you imagine if Hunter ends up going to jail? If he does, he will have to clean up his act. … His photographs with the joint in bed particularly come to mind. But maybe the Bidens are the exception.…
Media Blackout in Hawaii, Press Demands DeSantis Family Details, and Trump Is to Blame for Media Hysteria…y-details-and-trump-is-to-blame-for-media-hysterics-n2627145
– 08.16.23 1st Amendment Strike Force – FOX NEWS Shutting down the press is only going to add to the conspiracy speculation. … And they tried to censor us and shut us down. “West Maui is a media free zone.” … Then she and the co-hosts were all agreeing that television is a dying medium and that those on television are not willing to admit…
TN Sheriff's Warning to Memphis Criminals: We're Not Going to Coddle You!…phis-criminal-you-commit-crimes-here-you-go-to-jail-n2627106
– , they are going to spend time in jail. … us we are going to bring it back at you! … If you think we are going to let you run back to Memphis, or anywhere else, without any've got us confused.…
Joe Biden’s Double Election Interference
– minimize and suppress public dissemination of the serious allegations about the Biden family was a grave disservice to all American … The same Biden DOJ offered a get-out-of-jail-free misdemeanor plea deal to his son several weeks ago that collapsed immediately once … The only question remains, are House Republicans going, in Biden’s words, “to do the hard work to ensure that equal justice under law…
Disgraceful Political Theater in Georgia
– Democrats fear they cannot beat Trump at the ballot box, so they are trying to throw him in jail on bogus, politically motivated charges … Again, how can Donald Trump expect a fair process when timing leaks and indictments are posted prior to Grand Jury votes. … The end goal for these leftist prosecutors is quite clear: put Donald Trump in jail so they do not have to face him in 2024.…
The Highly Dangerous Georgia Indictments
– But even that discussion is premature: The Georgia case, along with all the other indictments against Trump, are going to lock him … And there has yet to be a single piece of data suggesting that Americans are driven to vote for Trump because of his legal troubles … Prepare for a future in which running for office carries the legal risk of going to jail -- on all sides.…
Dan Goldman Sure Has a Funny Definition of What 'True Independence' Means…finition-of-what-stayed-out-of-investigations-means-n2627007
– His takes are tone deaf at best, and at worse, even serve to hurt the Biden family. … In late June, Garland claimed that Weiss "was given complete authority to make all decisions on his own," not speaking to whether or … So when they say this is a sweetheart deal, they are blowing smoke, because they have no idea," Goldman said. …
Ted Cruz Describes Just How Far Biden Family Corruption Went
– "It seemed the shadier they were the better," Cruz went on to explain. … foreign business entities who are hostile to America." … The allegations against Joe Biden are damning.If they are true, Joe Biden should be impeached, not for high crimes and misdemeanors…
Hindu Pres Candidate Targets Ukraine Neocons, Censorship, and Racism
– It really does not have a position against any other religion—it really is very open and allows for biases that are out there to kind … “These nonprofits … shouldn’t have tax-exempt status if they are going to be political organizations of this sort,” he asserted. … just based upon their racial [or] ethnic background to be allowed out of jail after committing a crime—law and order need to be equal…
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