Results for: House Democrat

What the Biden Admin Is Saying About Israel on the World Stage vs. Behind the Scenes Don't Match…tinues-attempts-to-prevent-israeli-invasion-of-gaza-n2630283
– While Biden speaks publicly about Israel's right to defend itself, a stance that has shown cracks as a result of polls showing Democrat … While the Pentagon and White House deny telling Israel what to do, it's clear they're — at the very least — telegraphing messages such … voters that have seemed to spook the White House.…
Pro-Hamas Dems Refuse to Listen to Republicans...So Maybe They'll Listen to Hillary Clinton
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Clinton explained — rather well, for once — the reality many Democrat leaders and voters now deny.  … demonstrations where the Hamas flag is proudly displayed in American cities, protestors dress up in Hamas garb without shame, and leftist Democrat … At the White House, even supposedly pro-Israel Biden's press secretary will turn questions about such a rise in anti-Semitism into…
Do House Democrats Have a Recruitment Problem?
– That being said, it may not be so easy for House Democrats. … One Democrat who filed hasn't even reported any fundraising.  … He ran as a Democrat last November against Gov. Ron DeSantis and lost by almost 20 points.…
VA Dem Candidate Who Got Busted for Sex Acts Might Have Also Committed Election Fraud…r-sex-acts-might-have-also-committed-election-fraud-n2630089
– Virginia Democrat Susanna Gibson’s bid for a seat in the state legislature took a broadside. … Gibson is running for a House of Delegate seat, and it’s not worth defending her porn shows for tokens. … Yet, she could also be facing another issue: election fraud (via Daily Wire):  The Democrat running for the Virginia House of Delegates…
A Squad Member's Stance on Israel Could Impact Next Year's Senate Race in PA…on-israel-could-impact-next-years-senate-race-in-pa-n2630103
– disarray over slowness from some members to call out their own for their anti-Israel and anti-semitic talking points comes as White House … Joe Manchin (WV), if he even decides to run for reelection and as a Democrat.…
The GOP Is at War With Its Base
– He was the co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus and has served admirably as the House Judiciary Committee Chairman. … For example, in the latest House Speaker vote, every Democrat voted for their nominee, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).  … The most powerful Democrat is U.S.…
Smart > Dumb
– Look at the House of Representatives. However, some people aren’t willing to accept the reality. … We should’ve had a huge majority in the House, considering the historical trends and the political climate in 2022. … They’re very mad that a minority of the House – Democrats plus RINOs – outvote conservatives.…
My Record Stood Out!
– Since I’m not a Democrat, I actually find it amusing – I suspect it will ultimately be self-destructive to Democrats as donors and … My complete contempt for everything Democrat Party would, in that case, make me a slightly better and more active Democrat donor than … My record stood out, then the entire house of cards collapsed.…
Another Congressional Staffer Assaulted in DC…l-staffer-assaulted-as-dc-crime-hits-grim-milestone-n2630201
– whose leader asserted earlier this year that there is no crime crisis in the district -- clearly needed adult supervision, but most House … Criminals feel historically emboldened and act with impunity in this exclusively Democrat-run city, striking brazenly, even in 'nice…
How Does the Progressive Socialist Left Define Incitement and Insurrection?…e-socialist-left-define-incitement-and-insurrection-n2630210
– Madonna talking about how she dreamt of blowing up the White House. … The Democrat Governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, issued a state of emergency because Republicans in the State legislative houses…
Oh, So That's Who Funded the Pro-Hamas 'Insurrectionists' on Capitol Hill
– We were told by the language police that any and all criticism of Democrat mega-donor George Soros, a Jewish-born Holocaust survivor … Capitol complex, where a mob of allegedly violent Hamas sympathizers infiltrated the Cannon House Office Building rotunda, resulting … House resolution condemning "religious hatred."…
This Democrat Is Ready to Thrown His Hat Into the 2024 Race Against Biden…llips-plans-to-launch-a-bid-against-biden-next-week-n2630182
– The report said that Democrat consulting firm Fletcher Ridge obtained a permit for the State House Plaza next Friday morning for the … move would be a dramatic leap into the national spotlight for the three-term congressman from Minnesota, who stepped down from his House … He's also told fellow House members that he plans to launch a challenge to Biden.…
Would You Rather Be Governed by Totalitarians or by Fools?
– There is no such thing as a “good Democrat,” not in political office.  That is a contradiction of terms, an oxymoron.   … I wasn’t disappointed that Kevin McCarthy was removed as speaker of the House.   … But neither am I surprised at the current bungling, in-fighting, spite, and downright—stupidity—of the Republicans in the House as…
No Speaker? No Problem!
– You see a lot of “news” stories and editorials these days lamenting the “chaos” infesting the House of Representatives, which is without … Of course, many of these crocodile tears are being shed by Democrats and leftists, who abhor the work that the Republican-led House … for the Speaker of the House, who would be, and will be, in the fullness of time, a Republican.…
Another Democrat Is Facing Heat For Being Pro-Palestine…ived-donations-endorsements-from-pro-palestine-reps-n2630118
Democrat Yadira Caraveo (D-CO) is under fire for receiving donations and endorsements from pro-Palestine Colorado representatives.  … The progressive Democrat argued that “violence begets violence” in her pro-Palestine stance.  Start your pursuit of knowledge. … Colorado House Speaker Julie McCluskie and House Majority Leader Monica Duran have spoken out against Hernández for failing to denounce…
Democrat Threatens to Call Cops On Reporter Rather Than Just Answer Tough Questions…cops-on-reporter-rather-than-answer-tough-questions-n2630086
Democrat Congressman Rep. … Earlier this week, Allred tried to intimidate a citizen journalist with jail time after he questioned the Democrat about his support … of the House and Senate office buildings."…
We've Got an Update on Jim Jordan's Speaker Bid
– After "moderate" Republicans refused to back Congressman Jim Jordan's bid for House Speaker on two rounds of ballots Wednesday, the … Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries could assume the position or at the very least, increase Democrat power over the legislative process … Any deal w/ Dems for Speaker Pro Tem will require concessions to @RepJeffries & put Dems in charge of governing House.…
Jim Banks Sure Has a Lot to Say About Move to Empower Acting Speaker Pro Tempore McHenry…sure-has-a-lot-to-say-about-move-to-empower-mchenry-n2630106
– With the House in chaotic disarray without a speaker, the move at one point on Thursday looked to be to empower Acting Speaker Pro … House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) remains the Republican nominee for speaker, after he earned the votes last Friday in conference … , but failed to earn enough votes in the House on the first two rounds.…
Rashida Tlaib Facing Condemnation From All Corners of Capitol Hill
– This happened the same day that protesters demanding a ceasefire stormed the Cannon House building. … coverage from National Review's John McCormack — some deafening silence when it comes to Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House … Elissa Slotkin, a fellow Democrat and Michigander who is running to replace retiring Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI).…
Joe Biden's '60 Minutes' Interview Needed a Disclaimer: 'The President Is Tired'
– "Late Thursday, we met President Biden at the White House. It had been a rough week, and we could see it on him. Mr. … answer and was so weakly and apologetically asked that it was a JOKE which should be considered a campaign contribution to the Democrat
What's Going on in Washington Is Not a Disaster
– I wasn’t disappointed when Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House.   … It was going to be business-as-usual as long as that man was overseeing the House of Representatives. … Did any Democrat “break ranks” and vote for Jim Jordan?  Not one.  …
Scalise Voted for Jordan, but Will He Do More to Help Him Become Speaker?
House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), who earned the Republican nomination for Speaker of the House last Friday, failed to earn … House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), nominated earlier by House Democratic Conference Chair Pete Aguilar (D-CA), received … No House Democrat broke ranks. There were 20 House Republicans who voted for others.…
Montana Sure Looks to Be Another Senate Race to Watch
– Joe Manchin (D-WV) decides he's running for reelection, regardless as to if he remains a Democrat or runs as an Independent. … this month: National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Steve Daines, a fellow Montanan, has urged Rosendale to stay in the House … obtained by TheMessenger, Rosendale revealed that "when a lot of people, unfortunately, were voting to have a 270, 280 Republican House
GOP Defections Keep Jordan From Clinching Speaker's Gavel on First Ballot
House of Representatives failed to elect a Speaker of the House on the first ballot Tuesday afternoon as more Republicans than expected … The 432 members of the House — missing just Rep. … Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) received 212 votes while 20 Republican members of the House voted for other individuals.…
One Blue State Is Running Out of Shelter for Illegal Immigrants…vernor-tells-migrants-they-cannot-guarantee-shelter-n2629955
– This comes as thousands of illegal immigrants have been sent from the southern border to Democrat-led states to “share the burden” … their families who booked hotel rooms for the upcoming Army-Navy football game in Massachusetts had their reservations canceled to house … company that operates hotels near Gillette Stadium, where the game is being held, confirmed that the rooms were “taken back” to house
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