Results for: Republican National Committee

Trump's Transition in Disarray, But GOP is Soaring
National Committee, and Stephen Bannon, the fiery nationalist provocateur who ran the controversial Breitbart News website, and who … at any other time in the history of the Republican Party." … "In 24 of the 32 states with Republican-controlled legislatures, voters have also elected Republican governors, compared to only six…
The Worst Excesses Of The Left
– After the election, Noam Chomsky, the left's conscience, declared the Republican Party "has become the most dangerous organization … Shortly after the election, at the Democratic National Committee, a staffer named Zach began yelling at the interim DNC Chairwoman,…
The 2018 Senate Map Is Beautiful
– He lead the 2016 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. … However, Florida did just elect a Republican president and overwhelmingly voted for Republican Marco Rubio by an almost 8-point margin … Trump won the largest margin in Ohio than any Republican in the past five elections. Republican Sen.…
Dark Horse Picks For Trump: Joe Lieberman And Ted Cruz
– I am a proud Jewish Republican. The Jewish people are the perfect candidates for conversion to the GOP. … He served 24 years in the Senate, taking a leading role in foreign affairs and national security. … Joe was the architect of the Dept. of Homeland Security and served as Chairman of that Committee.…
Democrats Remain Stuck On Stupid
– Soon, they will name a new Democratic National Committee Chairman, and the leading candidate is radical Congressman Keith Ellison ( … Since 2010, Democrats have lost three national elections, with their only victory coming in 2012 when voters returned President Obama … On Saturday December 10, it will get even worse for Democrats as Louisiana voters will almost certainly elect Republican State Treasurer…
Here's How Many Manufacturing Jobs We've Lost Since Obama Took Office…anufacturing-jobs-weve-lost-since-obama-took-office-n2253843
– The Republican National Committee says that is going to change under President-elect Donald Trump, who has already brought 1,000 of…
Chris Christie for RNC Chair?
Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus will be joining the Trump Administration as the incoming White House chief of … When the Republican Party controls the White House, the president can nominate his/her pick for RNC chair. … However, the nominee must be approved by the 168-member committee.…
Donors on Hillary Blowing The Election: We Basically Lit Our Money on Fire…ing-the-election-we-basically-lit-our-money-on-fire-n2253273
– Supporters of Hillary Clinton are still licking their wounds after her epic and unexpected loss to Republican Donald Trump.  … loss in the presidential race feel like they just set their money on fire.The sore feelings are a huge problem for the Democratic NationalCommittee (DNC), which is trying to rebuild its image and reinvigorate a defeated party in time for challenging midterm elections…
Democrat Challenger to Darrell Issa Isn't Taking Defeat in Stride
– It appears Democrats’ reluctance to accept defeat has disseminated from the national level and has trickled down-ballot. … The Republican congressman officially won 51 to 49 percent. … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) added him to their Red to Blue program.…
The Left Continues to Self-Destruct
– Rather than learn some valuable lessons from the resounding electoral victory of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, it appears … (Remember that we’re talking about the Washington Post, not the National Enquirer.) … As noted by Fred Lucas on the Stream, “The leading candidate to be the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Rep.…
2018 Crystal Ball: Senate Democrats Are 'Very Exposed'
– (Trump is the most pro-gay rights Republican ever elected by the way) for Clinton’s loss. … Second, a sizable number of Democratic-held 1970 Senate seats (13) were up in states that Republican Richard Nixon had just carried … Everyone knew that Kirk, a Republican Senator from Illinois who was recently defeated for re-election by Rep.…
Nevada Legislators To Consider Abolishing The Death Penalty…egislators-to-consider-abolishing-the-death-penalty-n2259787
– Tick Segerblom, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Assemblyman James Ohrenschal, the second-ranking Democrat on the lower … house’s Judiciary committee, are both requesting legislative language ending capital punishment. … In the past few years, we have seen repeal legislation from state Republican legislators in 12 different states.…
Pelosi Clings to Power, to Her Party's Detriment
– After the Republican avalanche of a victory in last month's elections, there was still more good news for the Grand Old Brand New … The defectors were particularly riled by her management or lack of it at the Democratic National Campaign Committee, which took sides…
Tom Perez Joining Race For DNC Chair
– Labor secretary Tom Perez is entering the race to become the next chair of the Democratic National Committee. … The incoming announcement is great news for the Republican governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan.…
Democrats Admit Tax Reform Bonuses Are a Good Thing, But...
– tax catastrophes included: AT&T is giving bonuses to hundreds of thousands employees, the Darden restaurant group, which owns national … Democrats can't ignore the good news, according to Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Ahrens.…
RNC Takes Democrats To The Woodshed Over Government Shutdown Theatrics…to-the-woodshed-over-government-shutdown-theatrics-n2437033
– Democrats have acted like the keepers of government in these battles, saying how irresponsible it is to close the government, so the RepublicanNational Committee decided to play their greatest hits on a loop.…
CNN to Dems: Why Did You Vote to Shut Down the Government?
– He and other Republican leaders insist they can still work out a deal on DACA before the March deadline. … Should the government close, the Republican National Committee has already given it a name: the Schumer Shutdown.…
The Media's Year of Trump Hating
– In 2009, then-NBC host Matt Lauer badgered Republican Party strategist Karl Rove on the stimulus-package vote. … Instead, NBC anchor Lester Holt sounded like a Democratic National Committee press release when he said: "Unable to repeal and replace…
– You have 218 (assuming you can hold them all) and you get to elected the Speaker, the Chair of every committee and subcommittee, you … They ask, "If the election were held today would you vote for the Republican or the Democrat?" … But, just like the Presidency, we do not have national elections. In the U.S.…
Report: Two Senior FBI Officials Review Controversial GOP Memo, Find Zero 'Factual Inaccuracies'…ials-find-no-inaccuracies-in-controversial-gop-memo-n2441862
– current job. — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 30, 2018 ORIGINAL POST -- To recap, the House Intelligence Committee … They've drafted their own private memo, which the committee voted unanimously to make available to all House members -- but not the … Here's something else to consider: Are Democrats riled up over the prospect of the Republican memo getting out because it contains…
President Trump Wants Damning FISA Memo Released; UPDATE: House Intel Could Vote Today; UPDATE: FBI Reviewed Memo
– Devin Nunes (R-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, a letter stressing that releasing the memo would harm national security … Committee Chairman Rep. … The committee, which has posted a business meeting for 5 p.m.…
WSJ Columnist: FBI/DOJ Are Trying To Drop A Depth Charge On Trump, House GOP In FISA Memo Fight…depth-charge-on-trump-house-gop-in-fisa-memo-fight-n2440373
– But Republicans on the committee may be sticking to the plan. … review it and “advise [the committee] of the risk of harm to national security.” … The head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Republican Chuck Grassley (Iowa), co-authored the memo with fellow Republican Sen.…
Trump Rescues Pro-Life Docs and Nurses
Republican lawmakers are also responding. … Yet the Democratic National Committee is blasting Trump's latest initiative as a "license to discriminate" against women and "rip away…
Democrats Using Same Strategy Republicans Tried in 2013…crats-using-same-strategy-republicans-tried-in-2013-n2437180
– Back in 2013, Obama called it the "Republican shutdown" -- and he was right, even if his party controlled the White House and Senate … Across town, the Democratic National Committee sent out a press release with the headline, "Republicans Created the Trump Shutdown. … During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen.…
Trump Decides Not to Declassify the Democratic Rebuttal to the FISA Memo
– Trump reviewed the rebuttal just as he did the Republican-authored memo, but decided against making it public because of national security … White House counsel Donald McGahn notified the House Intelligence Committee in a letter Friday. … He also accused Nunes of "secretly altering" the Republican draft of the memo without his colleagues' knowledge.…
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