Results for: Republican National Committee

Haiti Needs Electricity. Hillary Gives Them a Sweatshop, Foundation Gets a New Donor…gives-them-a-sweatshop-foundation-gets-a-new-donor-n2239611
– But new emails which were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the Republican National Committee and then shared…
Sleazy ‘Scam PACs’ Hurt GOP Candidates Again This Cycle With Fake Fundraising…p-candidates-again-this-cycle-with-fake-fundraising-n2238974
– behind the scam organizations appeal to the conservative base with long-shot candidates who have no chance at toppling powerful Republican … That was the campaign committee for Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District.” … He quoted Democratic strategist Pat Caddell speaking at CPAC in 2013, “[T]he Republican consultant class is taking the party down the…
The High-Tech Lynching Of Donald Trump
– When Thomas was finally given a chance to address the committee, he responded with justifiable anger. … You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.” … This show of outrage allowed Thomas to turn the tables on the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.…
Project Veritas and WikiLeaks: Doing the Job the FBI and DOJ Won’t…as-and-wikileaks-doing-the-job-the-fbi-and-doj-wont-n2238255
– According to legal expert Andrew McCarthy at National Review, the crime is “conspiracy to obstruct justice and congressional investigations … These foul-mouthed Democratic National Committee (DNC) hirelings, consultant Bob Creamer and his mini-me Scott Foval, are just too … You implement it across every Republican held state. “  The richest environment for voter fraud, he says, are the states with the…
Liberal Super PAC Spending Big to Oust Rubio
– Earlier this week, liberal groups were fuming that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) had redirected millions of … Despite national Democrats waiving the white flag in the Florida senate race, there’s no surprise liberals are very eager to unseat … They see him as a rising star who has strong potential in a future national election.…
NPR: Too Many Democrats Focus On The Cities And They'll Be Left Out In The Cold If That Remains…ties-and-theyll-be-left-in-the-cold-if-that-remains-n2244189
– In March of 2016, National Public Radio touched upon how the Democratic Party was slowly being eaten from the inside, especially at … Mo Elleithee, a former Democratic National Committee official, says Democrats have never put enough effort and resources into state … because Democrats only focused on their voters, while mocking and viewing with scorn those who aren’t like them, we now have the Republican
– The Republican Party must address this simmering sentiment if it hopes to win future presidential elections. … This fact unlocks a massive opportunity—and warning—for the Republican Party going forward. … Thanks to WikiLeaks, young people knew the Democratic National Committee rigged the presidential nomination process to favor Clinton…
All Eyes on Trump’s Cabinet Picks
– Trump will rely on them and a cadre of other supporters,” she added of Bannon, Trump’s campaign CEO, and Priebus, chairman of the RepublicanNational Committee (RNC).…
What Was the Election All About?
– In fact, Trump did better among minorities than any Republican since Ronald Reagan. … When voters hear speaker after speaker at the Democratic National Convention list all the groups they are for – blacks, Hispanics, … Today’s crop of writers at the Times churn out material that looks like talking points written by the Democratic National Committee
Obama's Legacy: The Total Destruction Of The Democratic Party
– So, we have a united Republican government heading into January. … Ellie Hockenbury of the Republican State Leadership Committee had the full report for the GOP gains in these elections, which included … Mike Parson, an Army veteran and current state legislator will succeed Republican Lt.…
RNC Chair: The Left Needs To Accept They Got Beat And Clinton Won’t Be President…accept-they-got-beat-and-clinton-wont-be-president-n2244491
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus spoke with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos (who is also a former Clinton operative…
Trump's Stunning Victory was Rebuke of Obama's Record
– Chris Christie, who chaired the National Governors Association. … National Committee, who maintains close ties to all of the GOP's elected officials. … There is no way a Republican Congress is going to enact trade tariffs, another form of taxation, that would hit consumers in their…
A Blow to the Non-Elite Elite
– Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reportedly asked the Democratic National Committee to provide him with anti-Trump research. … A Trump victory, along with a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, is a repudiation of the Obama administration's legacy…
Politico: RNC Predicted A Total And Complete Disaster For Trump…c-predicted-a-total-and-complete-disaster-for-trump-n2243457
– Should he win Michigan, a state that hasn’t gone Republican since 1988, he would nab 306 electoral votes. … party committee weren’t forecasting a victory is a testament to just how much the outcome confounded conventional metrics. … Kurtz once in office with a Republican Congress, he’s not going to launch nuclear weapons, and he’s not a Putin puppet.…
GOP House Election Highlights
– As expected, a few Republican districts did fall to Democrats. … However, it was by all accounts a good night for Paul Ryan and the National Republican Congressional Committee. … Republican Hurd looked to be in trouble at the beginning of the 2016 election.…
When Cheaters Are Caught Red-Handed
– Brazile, who became the chair of the Democratic National Committee in July, had gone seamlessly from Democrat political operative to … Bernie’s supporters are still justifiably sore that WikiLeaks revealed how Clinton backer and then-Democratic National Committee Chair … National Committee have urged citizens to volunteer for poll watching, it amounts to “a campaign of voter intimidation.”…
Liberty Loving Latinos Should Embrace the Only Candidate Who Embraced America’s Most Forgotten Families…idate-who-embraced-americas-most-forgotten-families-n2242598
– Party establishment's own volunteer Hispanic committee advisors. … Trump invites families to share national stage. … Trump, which included speaking on stage on opening night of the Republican National Convention.…
WaPo: The Working Class Broke For Trump Because They Thought Clinton Cared More About Bathrooms Than Jobs…use-they-thought-clinton-cared-more-about-bathrooms-n2249226
– John Kasich may have won Ohio’s Republican primary as a favorite son, but Trump whipped him in more than a dozen counties along the … In fact, Betras had to kick 18 members off his own Democratic central committee for crossing over to back Trump. … The point is that let’s hope Trump and the Republican Congress can right the ship.…
Trump Assembles His ‘Dream Cabinet’
– State in Kansas, Kobach has been a conservative leader on immigration and other issues for more than a decade and served on the Republican … platform committee every convention since 2008, adding strong language for Second Amendment rights. . … Reinstatement of the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS) would insure that “all aliens from high-risk areas are…
Howard Dean: Steve Bannon Is A Nazi
– If Howard Dean is trying to drum up support for his return as the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, then calling a top … National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Bannon, respectively. … But since Friday, those same networks have been blind to the controversies surrounding the top candidate for Democratic National Committee
Report: Fox News Host Talking to Trump Team About Possible Commerce Job…sideration-for-commerce-gig-in-trump-administration-n2248788
– Lew Eisenberg, the Republican National Committee finance chair, is considered a frontrunner for the position of Secretary of Commerce…
The Fault, Dear Brutus
– We bounced around in that minority situation even in the face of two Executive Directors of the National Republican Congressional Committee
Romney Had ‘Far-Reaching’ Conversation With Trump, With Marine Corps General Eyed For Defense Secretary…ith-marine-corps-general-eyed-for-defense-secretary-n2247990
– were also set with Chicago Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts; anti-poverty advocate Bob Woodson; restaurant executive Andy Puzder; RepublicanNational Committee finance chair Lew Eisenberg; and biotechnology billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, according to transition officials … senator from Missouri; Stephen Hadley, former national-security adviser under President George W.…
They Have Learned Nothing
– One shining example came when Martha Coakley lost to Scott Brown, a Republican in the blue state of San Francisco, er, Massachusetts … Barack Obama is the best thing to ever happen to Republican get-out-the-vote efforts. … Given the names being floated to head the Democratic National Committee – the rehash of Dean and radical Congressman Keith Ellison…
BREAKING: Trump Chooses Senator Jeff Sessions For Attorney General…jeff-sessions-offered-position-as-attorney-general-n2247600
Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, a strong illegal immigration opponent, has been selected by President-elect Donald Trump to serve … Sessions, who backed Trump early on in the Republican primary, served as the U.S. … He currently sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee and has been a harsh critic of Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch…
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