Results for: white house debate response

The One Click By Trump That Can Send Our Nation Into Hysteria.…ick-by-trump-that-can-send-our-nation-into-hysteria-n2141959
– In his response he asserted that many people get outraged and question his tweets as a result of jealousy. … Do we believe it's a bad idea to react to foreign affairs or political debate through tweets, retweets and posts? … In a Trump White House, it’s imaginable that a lot of events would play out in real time on Twitter. …
Looking Back On How Donald Trump Beat Hillary Clinton
– Can you imagine four years of this, of her in the White House nagging us for four years? Naggin’ Hillary! And Crooked Hillary! … Hillary initially refused to debate Trump. … Hillary finally agreed to a debate, and it was a disaster.…
Senate Passes Zika Funding Bill
– Following a 68-30 vote, the Senate amended a larger appropriations bill that is still under debate. … The House approved $622 million in its own funding bill, drawing the disapproval of both House Democrats and senators. … The White House threatened to veto it this week, declaring it "woefully inadequate to support the response our public health experts…
ICYMI: Syrian Refugees Pushed Sweden’s Welfare State To The Brink Of Collapse…d-swedens-welfare-state-to-the-brink-of-destruction-n2172850
– Mike Rogers (R-MI), who served as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. … Yet, that’s no longer the consensus as Taub writes, and integration usually forms the crux of the debate. … But she could barely raise these questions in political debate.”…
Hillary's Habits of Haughtiness
– The last time she lived in the White House, Hillary Clinton was in charge of a health care task force that met in secret under a veil … was defeated, in no small part because of the perception that it had been written behind closed doors without public input and debate … Her response to the email controversy shows why.…
Interview With Donald Trump
– DT: President Obama has been an unbelievable divider of this country, whether it's rich and poor; white and black. … Bush and (House Speaker) Paul Ryan tried to do it they got demagogued by Democrats. … Do you have people like that, and would you in the White House?…
'Sit-In' Theater: The Issues Preening Democrats Want to Avoid
House Democrats have sent thrills up the legs of media figures and many left-wing activists with their "sit-in" protest stunt … , the ostensible purpose of which is to force gun control votes in response to the Orlando terrorist attack. … House ignored and manipulated while dismissing ISIS as "jayvee" amateurs who'd been "contained."…
May Free Speech Reign and Scientific Inquiry Prevail
– Senators sent a letter to Lynch demanding that: “the DOJ immediately cease its ongoing use of law enforcement to stifle private debate … In response to the “retreat,” Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology said: it … , but the possibility of harm to the current administration in the White House.…
The Friday Filibuster: Obama's Great Mistake
– Paris Unity Rally, Obama’s Absence, & the White House’s Response Led by dozens of world leaders, more than a million people marched … But the White House promised that President Obama would veto the House-passed DHS funding bill, should it reach his desk. … Lindsey Graham is considering a White House run. At the state level, California Lt. Gov.…
Obama Sends Wrong Message By Not Marching In Paris
– WASHINGTON -- It should be painfully clear by now that no one of authority is in charge at the White House, least of all President … We saw it again this week in the repeated apologies from the White House when the president didn't send a high-level official to Paris … The White House press corps wasn't content to accept his answer that the administration had simply made a little mistake, as they peppered…
Surreal: Obama Demands 'A Better Politics,' Lectures Nation on Demonization
White House aides promised a "defiant" 2015 State of the Union Address, and the president delivered.   … A better politics is one where we debate without demonizing each other; where we talk issues, and values, and principles, and facts … Joni Ernst's GOP response: Solid, unmemorable job from likable woman performing thankless task.…
The Media, Republicans, and Vaccinations: A Study in Double Standards…ions-and-gay-marriage-a-profile-in-double-standards-n1951838
– When Chris Christie waded into the (highly visible, these days) mandatory vaccinations "debate" this week, he detonated a political … House that sounds an awful lot like, "it's up to the parents."   … Why is the media all over Christie, but not Obama, for delivering something other than an authoritative "must vaccinate" response?  …
Worse Than No Strategy
– Indeed, the Islamic State rose in response to the extension of Iranian power in Baghdad after America’s withdrawal from Iraq, coupled … Doran cites evidence that in the first year of President Obama’s first term, there were more White House meetings on Iran than any … This is a debate worth having.…
Giuliani Was Right, Of Course President Obama Doesn't Love America…right-of-course-president-obama-doesnt-love-america-n1962240
– Giuliani said "I do not believe that the president loves America" at a dinner featuring Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker last week, my response … If the GOP stands a chance of winning the White House in 2016 they'll need to learn to reframe the left's messaging. … Right or wrong, in the political arena whomever frames the debate and controls the messaging typically wins the argument.…
CNN, DHS and SPLC's Blame-Righty Hit Job
House summit on Don't Say Islamic Extremism. … But CNN's report was new (and conveniently timed to coincide with the White House agenda of talking about every other kind of terrorism … No response.…
Freakout: The Media's Breathtaking Double Standards on Patriotism and 'Civility'
– Say no to Rudy — Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) February 20, 2015 As Conn reported on Friday, the White House press corps was also … Also allowed under this Civility Code of Conduct: (1) White House spokespeople calling Republicans suicide bombers, kidnappers and … (3) House Democratic leadership branding Obamacare critics "un-American." (4) Nancy Pelosi calling House Republicans "unpatriotic…
White House Press Corps Asks Five Questions About Giuliani, One On Clinton Foundation…questions-about-giuliani-one-on-clinton-foundation-n1960410
House press corps from letting one single sentence from Giuliani dominate the entire White House press briefing Friday. … House press corps asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest no less than five questions about a single statement Giuliani made … Any reaction to that from the White House? MR. EARNEST: Well, Josh, I don’t have a direct response to Mr.…
Obama White House Knew Of Clinton’s Private Email Account…In August UPDATE: They Emailed Clinton Using Her Private Email Address…use-knew-of-clintons-private-email-accountin-august-n1966880
– Yes, it seems the Obama White House knew about the Clinton’s private emails–and knew it would be a huge problem–but decided to defer … White House, State Department officials, and members of Hillary’s entourage knew that House Republicans had stumbled upon this information … Their decision was to remain tight-lipped about it (via Politico): The White House, State Department and Hillary Clinton’s personal…
Way To Not Keep That Pledge About Disclosing Your Donors, Hillary…ep-that-pledge-about-disclosing-your-donors-hillary-n1973613
– Clinton just keeps hitting icebergs in its long voyage to White House. … The finding could renew scrutiny of Clinton's promises of transparency as she prepares to launch her widely expected bid for the WhiteHouse in the coming weeks.…
Hillary Column Triggers Trigger Warning
– When I wrote my recent Townhall column, “Hillary Will Be President Of Nothing,” I expected that the response from the foam-lipped … House on the strength of her X chromosomes. … They don’t want to debate Clinton’s competence. They want to shut down all debate, about Clinton and everything else.…
Obama's Hypocritical Attack on Netanyahu
– But the White House pointedly reproached Netanyahu for his distasteful words. … ," as he did in a speech last week, an unruffled White House brushes it off as "intended for a domestic political audience." … "We cannot simply pretend that those comments were never made," says the White House witheringly about Netanyahu.…
Campus Liberals Have Lost Control of the Frankenstein They Created…have-lost-control-of-the-frankenstein-they-created-n2282845
– with demands that “trigger warnings” be given to any content that might make students uncomfortable; and speech seen as overly “white … ,” “straight,” or “patriarchal” is derided as “privileged,” and not worthy of debate, much less First Amendment protection. … This is why President Trump’s response should follow that of then-Governor Ronald Reagan, who acted swiftly and forcefully to stop…
One Word That Describes Opposition To Trump's SCOTUS Nominee: Splintered…atic-opposition-to-gorsuch-will-be-hard-to-maintain-n2280602
– With Trump occupying the White House, there is no doubt that Democrats regret going nuclear on those rules in 2013, with some Democrats … MSNBC’s Kristen Welker took a different approach, asking White House Communications Director and Press Secretary Sean Spicer how they … House “if Trump stops doing all the other things he’s doing.”…
What ‘Mostly American’ Former KY Governor’s Rebuttal To Trump Showed Is That Democrats Are In Deep Trouble
– supermajority in the Kentucky House in 2016 with a 64-36 makeup, its largest GOP House majority in state history. … Beshear is an old white guy, and Democrats need the old white guy vote to make some headway in the 2018 and 2020 elections. … And the Democratic base doesn’t appear to be patient when it comes to taking on the Trump White House, even if their representatives…
Trump Warns Hesitant Republicans: Pass Our Healthcare Bill, or the Midterms Will Be a 'Bloodbath'
– When the White House says the administration is "all in," this is what they mean.   … Trump ran on “repeal and replace” and House Republicans united around the “Better Way” plan. … In other words, the House bill is the only heath-care show in town.…
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