Results for: they are all going to jail

Some Lives Are More Equal Than Others
– But if you start labeling crime “white supremacy,” then people are going to point out why that’s bullSchiff.  … We need to put criminals in jail and not tolerate violence by anyone. … I guess we’re all supposed to be freaked out, being the squares we are, but I’m too bored to be.…
Get Off My Property!
– "If I didn't allow them, I'm the one going to jail," says an outraged Fahner in my new video. "That is asinine." … "All those union people had access to (the motel rooms). They could knock on their door and talk to them about their agenda." … You should be going to jail for doing this."…
Christian Conservative Crowdfunding Site Under Attack…ristian-conservative-crowdfunding-site-under-attack-n2587396
they don’t think are worthy,  they are going to be a platform that provides hope, forgiveness and second chances. … Wells and Wilson tell me they are well-prepared for attempts to shut them down. … They are beginning to incorporate cryptocurrency.…
We Witnessed a Financial ‘Storming of the Bastille’ on Wall Street This Week…engulfing-wall-streetand-theyre-not-happy-about-it-n2583840
going to get reporters working for corporate media outlets to defend the hedge funds and they are going to get Biden and Dems to put … They should all be in jail. — Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) January 28, 2021AOC tweeted: "This is unacceptable. … to trade the stock as they see fit."…
Dave Portnoy Blasts Robinhood After Company Restricts Trading on GameStop, AMC, and Others
– /Xcvs4CdEmr — Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) January 28, 2021Somebody is going to have to explain to me in what world @RobinhoodApp … They should all be in jail. — Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) January 28, 2021Either @RobinhoodApp allows free trading or it’s the … Who is going to be the first to file a class action suit against @RobinhoodApp?…
Stop the Third Party Insanity
– We’re going to have to suffer the sissies forever. … The question is whether they run the party apparatus, or whether they are consigned to the fringes, scribbling in their blogs about … We are always going to have people near the center who frustrate us.…
Does The Nobel Peace Prize Mean Anything?
– "institutions are accountable to Beijing through an executive-led system of governance." … "Free HK" shirts to please China while going to extensive lengths to virtue signal to BLM and other social justice causes. … They have to fight an uphill battle for the right to speak their minds freely.…
A Twitter Thread That Boiled Down the Populist Uprising on Wall Street in One Sentence…he-populist-uprising-on-wall-street-in-one-sentence-n2584105
– Retailers are not allowed to squeeze shorts. … Retailers are not allowed to squeeze shorts. Only Wall Streeters are allowed to crush shorts. … All I can say is good luck, fellas. Stick it to them.…
Why the Sentencing of Kevin Clinesmith Is an Insult to America…tencing-of-kevin-clinesmith-is-an-insult-to-america-n2584039
– You’d be better off to just forget it. It probably isn’t ever going to happen. … Quite simply, they are hoping to avoid becoming shackled by exactly the type of tyrannical government from which our nation’s founders … they were raised to believe all mankind should entitled: i.e, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.…
Scarborough Says You Can't Compare BLM and Capitol Riots: Taco Stands Not as Important as Capitol…pitol-riots-taco-stands-not-as-important-as-capitol-n2584810
– "And while I am a fierce believer in people’s right to defend their private property, I’m not going to confuse a taco stand with the … "I’m not going to confuse the selling of tacos with actually moving through a constitutional process that is laid out in the United … at an all-time high due to COVID-19 restrictions.…
Sayonara! Deputy Biden Press Secretary Resigns After Sexist Blow Up with Female Reporter…y-resigns-after-sexist-blow-up-with-female-reporter-n2584736
– When you’re a top White House press aide dating a reporter assigned to covering…the White House, it’s going to be a news story. … Says it was with support from chief of staff and they are “committed to striving every day to meet the standard set by the President … This was supposed to be a new era—and it’s not. They had top press aides threatening reporters and using sexist language to boot.…
I Couldn’t Care Less About Democrats
– And every Democrat can’t shut up about how “devastated” they still are by that day, even when they weren’t there, like Rashida Tlaib … Gadot will show up before that $2,000 check Democrats promised to bribe voters with, but the people they say are going hungry and are … Everything about Democrats – from the fear they claimed to the urgency they declare – is a fraud.…
Teed Off in Los Angeles
– Unless you are on your way to doing something essential, like going to work at a grocery store, gas station or health care facility … I realize COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are going up, but lockdowns, social distancing and masks don't seem to be having … Because no matter what we do, it's a virus and it's going to behave like one.…
Congress Attacking Small Businesses in Lame Duck Session of Congress…g-small-businesses-in-lame-duck-session-of-congress-n2580887
– There are three ‘must pass’ bills in the lame duck session of Congress that are going to be addressed one way or the other, yet Congress … The amendment treats all small businesses like they are criminal enterprises that need to prove their innocence and the amendment imposes … In addition to treating all small businesses as if they have no right to privacy, the bill imposes a mandate that will cost millions…
As Lockdowns Kill Businesses in California and New York the Politicians Ensure that Hollywood Is Thriving…k-the-politicians-ensure-that-hollywood-is-thriving-n2581294
– As they declare ‘’science’’ as being behind the lockdowns we are lectured on how it is selfish and dangerous to want to join together … If we have family over for the holidays, or elect to attend church services we are said to be killing grandma. … How is a larger crowd watching a comedy show considered to be less risky, all because checks had been written for them to attend?…
Republicans Can Fight for Election Integrity AND Hold the Senate. If They Don’t, They’ll Lose It All…and-hold-the-senate-if-they-dont-theyll-lose-it-all-n2581135
– In another, he said Kemp is “clearly afraid of going to jail or threats of harm by Communists.” … But sadly, not all appear to be. … There’s a way to push for election integrity and also to do our part to win elections going forward.…
What Caused an Unhinged Ex-MSNBC Host to Rant About Trump Plotting a Military Coup
– Whether we like it or not, there’s going to be next to nothing regarding unity in this country. … Forget the GOP, I don’t think Joe is going to be able to hold the far-left wing at bay. … The extremes at both ends are ascending and I don’t think Joe at his age is going to be able to tread water. …
Will the Georgia Runoffs Be America’s Last Unsecure Election?…georgia-runoffs-be-americas-last-unsecure-election-n2581844
– as all eyes turn to January 5th.  … Lamb, who says he was moved by all the news reports regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election, started to research Kennesaw … breach networks from the outside, are able to uncover system vulnerabilities.…
A Special Kind of Crazy
– It’s the job of lawyers to make the case and they haven’t. … How did you know Scalia was going to die?   … Almost all the way to the top, apparently. “(3) These groups aspire to the goals of Communism.…
Holiday in Handcuffs?
– We are called to make sacrifices and be virtuous. … Are they not?  It’s true; I’ve participated in the propaganda-driven hysteria in order to navigate life in dystopian times. … We are all called to be saints, Bishop Fulton Sheen said.  Saints are guides to living virtuously.  …
Simple Ideas to Ensure a Trump Victory
– Woodward's job is to get people to tell him what they don't want to tell him. … Working-class people are busting their butts to keep you in office, while you go off and blather a lot of nonsense to Woodward to feed … Remember how there was going to be a two-week shutdown to "flatten the curve"? Guess what? We've flattened it!…
'Cuties': Obama Silence = Violence
– If you had that on your computer, you're going to jail. If it's on Netflix, it's art??? … They tempt their most ardent followers to "get in people's faces" and to disrupt. … These things aren't opinions; they are undeniable facts. With regard to "Cuties," the Obama's silence = violence.…
What the Heck Did the CDC Director Just Say?
They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get them to care … "Face masks, these face masks, are the most important, powerful public health tool we have, and I will continue to appeal for all Americans … The experts, who also happen to be longtime Washington, D.C., bureaucrats, are either lying or they don't know what they're talking…
Leading Conservatives Issue Warning as Trump Indictment Allegedly Looms…nservatives-issue-warning-as-trump-indictment-looms-n2620888
They are salivating over the idea of baiting you into violence so they can lock you up and burn the key. … But getting arrested isn’t going to help him. … Ignore this. — Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 18, 2023If you are going to protest against Trump’s political…
'That's Obviously the Play Here': Matt Walsh Has an Interesting Theory on Why Trump Might Get Arrested
They know he isn’t going to exit the race, nor is he constitutionally required to. … But if there is any political strategy then that has to be it."They want Trump to be the Republican nominee. … to walk right into a fed trap with a "protest" on behalf of the banana republic they want to do to Trump, please at least be smart…
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