Results for: they are all going to jail

Joe Biden's New Radical Position on Transgender Children
going on in our schools and gender clinics in order to protect children. … All of these issues are important to Americans and are currently being litigated. … As parents look to the future of America they should seek leaders with moral fortitude and conviction in their answers.…
What Voters Really Want
– If a campaign is going to win, it has to reach enough voters with a simple message that hits their hot buttons. … They are looking for safety from others, opportunity to build, and freedom from coercion. … Ultimately they are all part of the American Dream: the idea that you should be free to bust your butt to make a better life, and not…
Exactly Why Trump Will Win
– When they hear things such as ‘Medicare for all,’ or free college tuition for all, it drives them crazy. … Voting Like They Mean It  The whole scene comes at me so quickly that it’s challenging to absorb it all. … They rail on about how they didn't come to America only to find themselves in the midst of another socialist/communist country.…
Kamala Harris Was Right
– After assuring Joe Biden that she wasn’t going to call him a racist, she did just that saying, “it’s personal and it was hurtful to … Joe Biden and the entire Democratic Party are racist. … presidency: “I follow the data probably better than anyone: so yes, wages [went] through the roof compared to where they were.…
A Quick Compelling Bible Study Vol. 31: Helpful Wisdom from a ‘Hebrew Hero’…ible-study-vol-31-helpful-wisdom-from-a-hebrew-hero-n2578253
– “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. … "We are your slaves," they said. But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God?  … you with hope that brighter days are ahead because “God intended it all for good.”…
Biden's Ukraine Defense Rests on a Bogus Premise
– Vice President to demand that they fire their Prosecutor General, Victor Shokin, or lose $1 billion in aid solely because the United … He said, “I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars…I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours…If … In 2010, Lutsenko was charged with abuse of office and forgery and was later sentenced to four years in jail for embezzlement of some…
Kyle Rittenhouse's Mother Tears into Joe Biden for Smearing Her Son As a White Supremacist…e-biden-for-smearing-her-son-as-a-white-supremacist-n2580018
– And I’m not going to back down from him and he is not a white supremacist. He’s not a racist. … He went to Kenosha to help people and what Joe Biden did and showed my son’s picture, his image, and labeled him as a white supremacist … His mother said they need money to help pay for his $2 million bail. "You know, every day I think about my son.…
Biden's Drug Policies Are Still Oppressive
– But they are not required to do so, and assessments are supposed to "prioritize the self-identified needs of the client." … "I don't believe anybody should be going to jail for drug use," Biden said last month. … "They should be going into mandatory rehabilitation. We should be building rehab centers to have these people housed."…
Why Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Massive Pay Raise Won't Be Happening…after-receiving-flack-for-the-states-budget-defici-n2580347
– The worst part is all of this was done as the state faces a $63 billion budget deficit due to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. … "I am going to ask the commissioners, myself, the other electeds, not to take a raise this year,” he said during a press conference … "I'm going to ask them to defer their raises and not take a raise, given the overall financial picture."…
Kayleigh McEnany Rips into 'Orwellian' Thanksgiving COVID-19 Restrictions…ps-into-orwellian-thanksgiving-covid19-restrictions-n2580313
– might come to your house and arrest you, and you get 30 days of jail time? … We’re going to give the power to the governors to decide what to do. … It’s up to every state to do what they wanted to do, but there are consequences for those states.…
Correct Diagnostics Needed
– still going to have your abdominal pain. … They are much less likely than other students to major in science, technology, engineering and math, even though blacks in these fields … Furthermore, fatherless boys and girls are twice as likely to drop out of high school and twice as likely to end up in jail. Dr.…
Lawyer Indicted on Multiple Felonies? If You’re Connected on the Left, the State Bar Doesn’t Care.…ure-connected-on-the-left-the-state-bar-doesnt-care-n2580133
– This is because state bars are controlled by the left, and the majority of them across the states are mandatory, similar to unions. … On the other hand, they often allow liberal attorneys who are being prosecuted to keep their licenses to practice law. … , because they are less likely to have families and churches to occupy their free time. …
Biden’s Revenge Agenda
All they have to do is hold the House, flip a few Senate seats, and fool America into thinking that Grandpa Badfinger is still “Middle … Hey, if they can find a right to kill babies lurking under all those penumbras and emanations, they can find the ability to toss you … They will ban guns and they will try to confiscate them.…
Black Lives Don’t Matter To #BlackLivesMatter
– Of course, they wouldn’t do that because it would involve the police and sending people to jail, and they don’t want the police to … How much have they raised and where is it going? Who knows? When wrapped in “social justice,” no one seems to care. … , they were all on the same team. …
Missouri Governor Reveals What He'll Do If McCloskeys Are Indicted
– “My attorney advised me not to be on the show tonight because the rumor is that we are going to be indicted shortly,” McCloskey told … “A mob does not have the right to charge your property. They had every right to protect themselves,” he said. … they’re going to spend any time in jail.”…
If America Sucks So Bad, You’re Free to Leave
– You really seem to hate it here. So, we have a question: why are you still here?  … All you have to do is get them to accept you, and we’ll take care of the rest. … Since you can’t come back, not even to visit (Skype with your parents or they can go visit you, if they still talk to you), think of…
Pastor John MacArthur: We Were the Original Protesters
– “So why would you shut down the entire state and particularly when people are frightened and sometimes terrified that they’re going … Evangelical leaders have disagreed on whether they should resume church services, especially given that many attendees are in the older … He acknowledged that, while “Scripture does mandate careful, conscientious obedience to all governing authority,” that command extends…
WATCH: CNN's Latest Spin Over Mail-In Ballots Takes a Ridiculous Nosedive…t-spin-over-mailballots-takes-a-ridiculous-nosedive-n2574421
– @CNN derided what I "perceive to be problems" with what happened.20% of ballots were thrown out and people are going to jail! … give heft to retweet complaints, people who are noting what they perceive to be problems with the mail-in process," he explained. … @CNN derided what I "perceive to be problems" with what happened.20% of ballots were thrown out and people are going to jail!…
The Harris Problem
They would have us believe that Harris is pragmatic, to the right of Sen. … Some on the right are pointing to activists on the left who are unhappy with this pick. … they be freed to get a few more inches closer to power.…
One Story from the Night of Looting in Chicago That Doesn't Fit the Narrative…g-in-chicago-that-doesnt-fit-the-approved-narrative-n2574199
– If they think of Chicago at all, it is to bend Chicago to their narrative about Trump. … They don't have to deal with him. But Chicago has to deal with him. … It's predictable that they're going to do the same thing once they're released. It all sends a message. This has to stop."…
The Left’s School Choice Conundrum
– Online, distance-learning programs failed on a grand scale to provide quality education to students all across the globe in the spring … them to do online curriculum, and, furthermore, that there are safe and commonsense ways to educate within classroom walls.  … Are we to take these politically-motivated stunts seriously?…
Targeting the NRA
– She seeks to dissolve the NRA. James, a gun-control zealot, in 2018 campaigned on going after the organization. … Legal expert Rick Esenberg says James may be within her rights to go after NRA leaders, if they really are responsible for malfeasance … But to try to put the entire organization out of business “raises some really troubling concerns.”…
On All Fronts, President Trump Delivers a Knock Out Punch Against Biden…dent-trump-delivers-a-knock-out-punch-against-biden-n2575223
– ever going to stand up for you? … The fact is, this is where they are coming from. … They want to defund the police, while they have armed guards for themselves.…
The Five Reasons Trump Is Going to Crush Biden
– that minority communities that have spent decades wasting their votes on lying Democrat hacks are going to wake up and see that they … And if you believe that, you are not going to support Biden’s pro-dope legalization agenda because you already got yours. 5. … So, when Trump cruises to a handy victory and all the people who are right now trying desperately to re-inflate the Bidenburg are crying…
Excerpt: Abuse and Power—How an Innocent American Was Framed in an Attempted Coup Against the President…s-framed-in-an-attempted-coup-against-the-president-n2574838
– Should we look up to people for advice because they are movie stars, on TV, on a basketball court, or have large amounts of money in … the globe are beginning to develop a new perspective on how they can learn. … In the meantime, all good boxers need to get back in the ring to keep fighting.…
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