Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Dallas Morning News: Illegals Storming The Border Make The Case For Trump’s Wall…s-storming-the-border-make-the-case-for-trumps-wall-n2536575
– We have Democratic senators wondering if we’ve violated the chemical weapons convention by teargasing a bunch of illegal trying to … There are scores of criminals in this horde of illegals. They’re bad hombres, most are men, and they’re not looking for asylum. … Immigrants must respect our laws, just as we must.…
Mass Migration’s Hidden Cost: Runaway Housing Prices
– They are saying: enough, enough, enough. The roads are clogged, the buses and trains are full. … The schools are taking no more enrollments. I hear what you are saying. I hear you loud and clear.”  … Like Australia and Canada, legal (and illegal) immigrants coming to the U.S. tend to cluster in just a handful of cities, with around…
Piling on Racism Accusations to Take Down a Conservative State Legislator…ations-to-take-down-a-conservative-state-legislator-n2537207
– The left has a bad habit of labeling conservatives racist merely for being politically incorrect. … Stringer is a culture warrior, who is concerned about illegal immigrants and radical Islamists entering the country and changing the … He talks about how the demographics of the U.S. are changing as the country becomes more multicultural.…
It Was Always About the Wall
– A wall also would radically change the optics of illegal immigration. … Such imagery would remind the world that undocumented immigrants are not always noble victims but often selfish young adult males who … The wall would make illegal crossings almost impossible, saving lives.…
The Difference Between God And ‘Saint Nancy’ On The Border Wall Issue…etween-god-and-saint-nancy-on-the-border-wall-issue-n2538263
– You, unfortunately, are not. So pay attention as she explains once again — a border wall is immoral. Well, fine. … Morals that come from God are one thing. They are immutable, infallible, indisputable. … Humans have generally agreed over millennia that things like murder, stealing, and lying are wrong.…
Cop's Shooting Death May Upend Debate Surrounding Government Shutdown…th-may-upend-debate-surrounding-government-shutdown-n2538225
– crime on Thursday when he tweeted about the murder of a central California police officer at the hands of a man believed to be an illegal … Immigration and Customs Enforcement unless authorities are holding an undocumented immigrant convicted of certain felonies within 15 … Singh's death shows how a legal immigrant who did everything right can be the one who pays for bad laws.…
Blame Congress, Not the Border Patrol
– The liberal media are up to their usual dirty immigration tricks. … immigrants from Central America.It doesn't matter that the Border Patrol and other federal agencies are trying to process, house and … care for the 14,000 unaccompanied children that are among the 140,000 illegal Central American immigrants seeking asylum who've been…
Multiple GoFundMe Campaigns Were Established To Circumvent The Border Wall – And They're Rather Stupid…ircumvent-the-border-wall--and-theyre-rather-stupid-n2538103
– , who are fleeing violence and persecution and whose tragically-underpaid labor is essential to the U.S. economy. … Seems like a bad idea on countless levels for everyone involved.  … Our border patrol agents are a hell of a lot smarter than these people are giving them credit for.…
Stop the Bleeding
– There are very serious and complex questions to be confronted before immigration issues are laid to rest by new laws. … getting hard facts about illegal immigrants. … It may turn out that none of those things is as bad as some believe. Or it may turn out that they are far worse.…
National Q-Poll: Trump 27, Rubio 17, Carson 16, Cruz 16
– But guess whose backers are by far the most locked in? … The only major candidate whose numbers are as bad or worse on these fronts is...Donald Trump, whose general favorability registers … immigrants -- a stance he's embraced in the recent past.  …
UPDATE: Fearing 'Bad Public Relations,' Obama Administration Barred Officials From Screening Foreign Visa Applicants' Social Media…snt-routinely-review-social-media-to-vet-immigrants-n2093249
– As noted below, these are people applying for the privilege of entering our country. … And if that's true, are we allowed to suggest that either (a) maybe we should think about stemming the flow of immigrants to a rate … If these allegations are true, we most certainly are not: Haney was given an agency award for his work identifying potential…
The Conservative Case for Temporarily Stopping All Immigration To America…for-temporarily-stopping-all-immigration-to-america-n2090572
– "We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens." – Mark Levin Immigration is not good for America. … Perhaps even more disturbingly, the problem is nearly as bad with LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. … Given how many Americans are out of work, how many immigrants are on some form of government assistance and how poor our vetting system…
The Ugly Truth About Marco Rubio And His Gang-of-Eight Amnesty Bill…about-marco-rubio-and-his-gangofeight-amnesty-bill-n2095418
– We have existing immigration laws that are not being adequately enforced. … can accomplish the same thing if you go through the illegal process. … Furthermore, you cannot forget that many of Rubio’s establishment backers are behind him specifically because they are expecting him…
No, Accurately Fact-Checking Cruz on Immigration Isn't a 'Smear'…ng-ted-cruz-for-factchecking-his-immigration-claims-n2094577
– Given the mood of the grassroots, Cruz has the stronger primary campaign argument: This was a bad bill. I adamantly opposed it. … immigrants already in the United States.   … If the legislation's supporters were really interested in addressing the problem and helping illegal immigrants emerge "from the shadows…
Loser GOP Candidates Need To Stop Making Asterisks of Themselves…didates-need-to-stop-making-asterisks-of-themselves-n2098988
– To describe the unlawful acts of the illegal immigrants who are causing real economic and criminal pain to real Americans as an “act … Rick Santorum, why are you even running? … But he’s got a lot of people who support him and he’s driving messages the GOP needs, like “illegal immigration is bad because it hurts…
The 20 Best Quotes of 2015
– At most — and this is dubious — it’s a crisis for the illegal immigrants. … And you look at the questions—Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? … — Wayne LaPierre 1) “We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens.” – Mark Levin…
There Go The Media -- Again
– And a bad word. Not such a word as you hear regularly on "Grey's Anatomy" and "Master Chef." … Using the word "heartless," in the context of opposing in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, was plumb awful, as well as wrong on … They are bent, if not with perfect unanimity, on defining a new course for the country.…
Don’t Ask Him That! It Would Be Too Obvious
– Too bad Cruz isn’t a natural-born citizen. … I don’t think taxes are that big a deal to most people. … I would add that: For every illegal Ike deported, 10 more self-deported.…
Obamnesty Falls Apart. American Workers Win.
immigrants (the "DREAMers") and 4.3 million parents of an even broader class of illegal immigrants. … those classes who are authorized to work. … But if you thought these brazen usurpations of power were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. Both George W.…
Trump: Rhetoric vs. Record
– However, there are two reasons why this explanation fails to clear him. … Trump said that he supported an immigration system that would rid the country of the “badillegal immigrants while arranging for the … “good” illegal immigrants to remain.…
The Friday Filibuster: It Keeps Getting Worse
– Other Dems, however, are finding it a bit harder to defend the group. … This time Senate Democrats are asking gun dealers for help in expanding background checks. … And Black and Hispanics are lining up in droves for concealed carry permits in Chicago.…
Latino Group Aims to Cause Trouble for Trump on SNL
– Trump, who has dealt with such hate ever since calling illegal immigrants "rapists and murderers" during his presidential announcement … Young kids speaking that way "is a disgrace," he added, "and it totally backfired and people are actually going wild about it and they … "I think they’re using a bad word for a good cause." SNL producers knew full well that Trump would bring in "huge" ratings.…
Vicious Video Did Not Kill The TV Star
immigrants includes rapists and criminals. … Due to the increasing crime and other problems caused by illegal aliens, Americans are demanding that the federal government stop this … Montgomery contends that Trump’s illegal immigration position is based on a view that Hispanics are “second class because they’re brown…
Breaking: Obama Relaxing Deportation Policy
– stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding … for immigrants). … Per Napolitano's statement, the specific new criteria that immigrants must meet are as follows: Under this directive, individuals…
Supreme Court Sets Stage for Immigration Reform
– Barack Obama and his administration have taken heart that the court overturned Arizona's state penalties for illegal immigrants. … Large corporations are using eVerify, if only to protect themselves from bad publicity and expensive lawsuits. … And for years we were told that the tide of illegal immigrants would continue inexorably for years and decades to come.…
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