Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

If You Don’t Like Either Candidate, Then Vote for Trump’s Policies…like-either-candidate-then-vote-for-trumps-policies-n2234187
– I have read the Republican platform and the Democratic platform for this year. … Pence was outstanding when he debated Tim Kaine in the vice presidential debate. … It is about defeating the far left liberal agenda that any Democratic nominee would champion.…
A Better Choice
– The leading candidates' avarice is bad enough. Their ideas are worse. … I'd think a Republican presidential candidate would resist promising more "free" stuff. … I'd think Fortune writers and Democratic and Republican presidential candidates would understand that "free" benefits come with nasty…
Which Party Will Hold the Senate and House?
– Even if you regard the presidential contest as over -- a proposition for which there is powerful evidence, including Donald Trump's … Americans have been voting mostly straight party tickets for 20 years, as the major parties' presidential and congressional candidates … But it also shows Republican candidates gaining ground -- some a little, some a lot -- in 24 of the 26 states.…
Utah is Putting Evan McMullin on the Map
– What was more shocking – conservative independent candidate Evan McMullin essentially polling alongside the two main-party candidates … This is something that hasn’t happened since the presidential election of 1968 when George Wallace bucked the Democratic Party.…
Dark Election: Video Shows Possible Illegal Coordination Between Clinton Super PACs, Operatives Instigating Violence At Trump Events…acs-operatives-instigating-violence-at-trump-events-n2233490
– Pretty much it involves operatives arriving early at events in order to get close to the rope line to ask the candidates a series of … Both consultants and people from the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party apparatus and people from the campaign, the Clinton … plays a clip possibly showing illegal coordination between the Clinton campaign and the vast array of super PACs supporting her presidential
The Criminal Media: A Bunch of Drips
– Not one apology from the Democratic hatemongers or the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, etc. … This Sunday, Chuck Todd was discussing the presidential race with Nolan. … Some of these women are high-end Democratic operatives and donors, too.…
If You Think Electing Anti-Abortion Candidates to Office Achieves Nothing, Consider the Results of Electing Pro-Choicers…othing-consider-the-results-of-electing-prochoicers-n2241695
– It’s not just the Supreme Court where presidential appointments have an impact.  … Elect pro-abortion candidates and see what happens.  … Under this year’s Democratic Party Platform, all of the above laws and more would be subject to pro-abortion appointees wielding their…
The Voters Choices on Tuesday: Four More years of Obama, Or Vladimir Putin's Cheerleader…more-years-of-obama-or-vladimir-putins-cheerleader-n2241338
– thing: the two major contenders are the most disliked candidates in modern political history. … That wasn't the case in many of our past presidential contests when popular, well-respected candidates, win or lose, sought the highest … Either way, the voters are in for a rude awakening with these two candidates. We're in for a bumpy ride.…
Early Voting Is a Bad Idea
– against early voting, which has become used by most states in recent years, it is what has happened over the past week of this presidential … Modern democratic elections have traditionally been a snapshot in time of the electorate's preferences. … In 1845, Congress passed legislation mandating that presidential electors be chosen on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November…
Reuters National Poll: New FBI Probe Doesn't Damage Clinton
– percentage points among likely voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll released on Wednesday, the same advantage the Democraticpresidential nominee held before an FBI announcement that reignited the controversy about her email practices.The Oct. 28-Nov. 1 opinion … before Comey's announcement, Clinton led Trump by 43 percent to 37 percent.In a four-way poll that included alternative party candidates
John Kasich -- and Fellow Republican 'Never Trumpers'
– For his presidential vote on a mail-in ballot, he wrote in the failed 2008 Republican presidential candidate Sen. … For the umpteenth time, Donald Trump, out of 2016's 17 Republican candidates, placed 20th on my list. … Has any former Republican presidential candidate ever promised six weeks of paid family leave?…
Whoa: Trump Ahead By Three Over Clinton...In Virginia?
– poll is an outlier (right now), but it did have the former first lady up by a decisive 12 points last month (via CPP): DemocraticPresidential nominee Clinton had a two point lead before the email news story broke on Friday Oct. 28. … She is now trailing three points behind Republican Presidential nominee Trump.…
The “Ideals of 1776”
– He noted that America’s two major presidential candidates “are despised by 60 percent of Americans,” calling that an indicator that … all the undoubted genius of your Constitution, in 2016 it is no longer sustainable for Americans to say that they have the best democratic … The concept of “democratic values as worthy aspirations for modern society,” he said, “certainly is under serious threat globally from…
Clinton Fatigue Already
– The slogan of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, “Stronger Together” should really be changed to “Here We Go Again,” in light … The former Secretary of State and the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States is simply the most corrupt … You see, there’s a big difference between the two candidates for president of the two major parties.…
Final Week Drama: A State-by-State Guide to Who Will Win the Senate
– Democrats need to net four or five seats to retake the upper chamber, depending on the presidential race's outcome.  … His Democratic challenger's strong embrace of Obamacare is...not going well. Solid GOP hold. … But his ethically-challenged Democratic challenger has led narrowly in the last three public surveys in a state that appears poised…
The (Character) Assassination Of FBI Director James Comey By…Pretty Much Everyone–And It’s The Democrats’ Fault…y-bypretty-much-everyoneand-its-the-democrats-fault-n2238477
– Comey to leave the Bureau: Donald Trump's oft-repeated claim that the FBI's investigation of "Crooked Hillary" and the presidential … Of course it is since this is the first time major presidential candidate has been under FBI investigation. … Maybe this is new protocol for when the FBI will have to investigate future presidential candidates during an election season.…
The 5 Biggest Revelations About Hillary Clinton From WikiLeaks…st-revelations-about-hillary-clinton-from-wikileaks-n2238298
– . 1) Hillary Got Multiple Debate Questions In Advance: Debates are inevitably unfair for the Republican candidate in a presidential … “We have gotten intel that Neil Cavuto plans to ask a veterans question of the GOP candidates tonight. … As you can guess, the candidates are very likely to attack the Secretary in their answers.…
New Poll: Hillary Leads Trump By Only Four, Drops Eight Points In A Week…ads-trump-by-only-four-drops-eight-points-in-a-week-n2237965
– For Clinton, it’s an eight-point drop from last week (via The Hill): A new national poll released on Friday finds Democraticpresidential nominee Hillary Clinton with a 4-point advantage over her Republican opponent, Donald Trump. … With joke candidates, like Stein and Johnson, it seems some of their support went to Trump and Clinton as decision time draws nearer…
So Far, Trump Not Sinking Down-Ballot Republicans
– One reason for this has been the increasing congruence between each party's presidential and congressional candidates' issue positions … Dozens of Republican candidates, using various verbal formulations, have made clear their non-support of or distaste for the presidential … Both have large belts of Southern-accented ancestral Democratic voters and were dead heats in the 2008 presidential race.…
Polls Narrow In Missouri Senate Race As Election Day Nears…arrow-in-missouri-senate-race-as-election-day-nears-n2237802
– Roy Blunt (R-MO) has a single point lead in polls over Democrat challenger Jason Kander, putting both candidates in a last-ditch scramble … Republican nominee Donald Trump has a comfortable six-point lead in polls in the state, and Missouri has gone Republican in the presidential … served in the House of Representatives from 1997 until he was elected to the Senate in 2010) and has adopted a more moderate Democratic
An Honest Question for All Voting Americans
– Halfway through the episode, during a presidential debate, Homer Simpson reveals that both candidates are "hideous space reptiles," … If you must choose between two candidates, you choose the one who best reflects your policy priorities. … They'd simply say that Duke on policy would be better than his Democratic opponent. Why lose a Senate seat to prove a point?…
Odds and Ends: Three Election Outcomes You Probably Haven't Heard Much About…election-night-that-you-probably-havent-heard-about-n2245579
– Meanwhile, here are three lower-profile results that are worth noting: (1) Oregon's Democratic Secretary of State went down … In another interesting footnote, there were only three statewide office elections in Colorado last week: Democrats won the presidential … Among the top dozen vote-getters in the race, nearly 1.2 million Louisianans voted for Republican candidates, with fewer than 700,000…
Here We Go: The Electoral College Is Sexist and Racist...or Something
– He was certainly one of the most flawed and vulnerable candidates the Republicans have ever nominated in the modern era, maybe ever … Obama might have won twice, but his legacy only ended with the destruction of the Democratic Party. … Yes, New York is a reliably Democratic state, but the Electoral College forces candidates to campaign in states where they wouldn’t…
Why Voters Deserted Hillary Clinton
– IDB/TIPP had the most accurate presidential polling record of pollsters, and showed Trump pulling ahead during the last week. … Another sign was two college professors with excellent records at predicting presidential elections called it for Trump. … Allan Lichtman, a professor at American University, correctly predicted the last eight presidential elections.…
Losers: Clinton Campaign Ignored Bill’s Advice And Felt White Working Class Voters Weren’t Worth The Time…lt-white-working-class-voters-werent-worth-the-time-n2245095
– How is that presidential? It’s not. It’s possibly illegal. … It’s this mindset that I feel paints the Democratic Party as un-American. … Patrick’s Day gathering at the University of Notre Dame, an invitation that previous presidential candidates had jumped on.…
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