Results for: national political news

Trump: Look, the RNC is Going to Have a 'Rough July' if it Doesn't Fix These 'Rigged' Rules
– And the current moment requires loud whining, so that's what Trump is doing: "The Republican National Committee, they'd better … But a new CBS News poll out of California breaks with the recent trend of surveys showing a relatively close statewide race: If … (2) John McCormack's analysis of how the political terrain in those contests looks at the moment, and how things may shake out.…
Bernie Sanders' Income Is Less Than One Of Clinton's Paid Speeches…ders-earned-less-than-one-of-clintons-paid-speeches-n2149167
– In 2014 alone, Clinton gave speeches to GE (for $225,500), the National Automobile Dealers Association ($325,500), Deutsche Bank AG … Yet, to give the former Secretary of State a little cover, this is a political development on the campaign trail–she had to do something … We saw this explicitly during Sanders’ disastrous editorial meeting with The New York Daily News editorial board.…
Before Grassroots Conservatives Take The Speck Out Of The Establishment’s Eye, We Should Take The Log Out Of Our Own…lishments-eye-we-should-take-the-log-out-of-our-own-n2149477
– During the last cycle, when we at Right Wing News researched PACs on our side, we found that the bottom 10 took in $54,318, 498 and … Did we do all we could have with that big national movement? … It’s as if some people hate political correctness so much that they think anything that’s not politically correct is good.…
White Woman Trying To Stay Relevant By Writing Book About Racial Identity…trying-to-stay-relevant-by-writing-book-about-race-n2147476
– The white woman who thinks she’s black is back in the news because she’s planning on writing a book about racial identity. … She became a national spectacle last spring when her parents told a local paper that their daughter was a white woman. … Isn’t this an egregious affront to the culture of political correctness?…
Obama Puts His Thumb on the Scale for Hillary
– presidential primary -- the president decided to play another kind of fantasy instrument: The presidential political scale, where … "I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America's national security," said the president. … Still, the president did guarantee that there would be no political interference from his end. "I guarantee it," he said.…
Germany’s Gold Repatriation Program
– request, there was a populist Swiss ballot initiative “Save our Swiss Gold” which, among other things, would have required the Swiss National … The announcement was surprising in that there had been no prior news that the Netherlands had made a repatriation request and that … No Substitute for Physical Bullion With global economic and political uncertainty and central banks engaging in multi-trillion…
Why is Obama Commenting on a Clinton Investigation He Claims to Know Nothing About?…n-an-investigation-he-claims-he-knows-nothing-about-n2146790
– “I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” Mr. Obama said Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” … Over the weekend, Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace asked the question again. … 1) Obama is discussing the case with DOJ and FBI, making it political or 2) is openly opining and putting his finger on the political
Uh Oh: US Extradites Romanian Hacker Tied to Hillary Email Scandal…dites-romanian-hacker-tied-to-hillary-email-scandal-n2146093
– Another potentially-meaningful revelation came via Fox News' Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne, who reported that the timing and … hacker is "not a coincidence" vis-a-vis the FBI's ongoing criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's national … A review of recent federal cases by Fox News found that Guccifer’s extradition appears to be an outlier.…
Those Pesky Conventions
– Republicans and Democrats - make their way to a major city for somewhere between five days and two weeks to attend their party's national … submitted bids, in competition with other major cities, promising to raise money, provide services, and generally be good hosts to the political … Then,four years later, there we are; at the next national convention seeing and being seen just before we vow never to do it again.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Trump, Clinton Pummel Opponents Along I-95 Corridor…p-trump-clinton-pummel-opponents-along-i95-corridor-n2154511
– With Trump, he will be one of the weakest frontrunners in modern political history. … unbound delegate count in the state of Pennsylvania, according to an ABC News analysis. … Of the 54 available free-agent delegates in the state, 39 of them told ABC News they will support Trump on the first ballot of the…
Ted and John Driving Off the Cliff in a GOP Convertible
– The long term involves a full national political realignment. … As the national focus is distracted by the politics of gender identification and public washrooms, Democrats have become the establishment … The economic nationalist isn't conservative, but he was entertaining, and he fed on the mother's milk of Fox News, getting fat with…
Like Sand Through the Hourglass
– I know that Trump winning on the first ballot in Cleveland next July will be a major disappointment to the news media who want to expand … popular vote) and the delegate selection process (actually getting people who will support you elected to attend the Republican National … Maybe she has made the calculation that she doesn't need to run away from Obama, but she doesn't need to put herself in political jeopardy…
Immoral America
– Much more reflective of the political system in the former DDR, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, The Socialist Party in America continues … Which pretty much falls directly in line with his own political philosophy, “what’s yours is mine.” … I’m not really sure if public safety and national security even make the list of priorities for socialists.…
Obama's Legacy Tour
– No, the best way to control "migration" and "the threats of terrorism" is to restore national sovereignty. … Even in our country, political correctness has prevented an open discussion of how immigration is changing our culture. … We need a president who restores national sovereignty and puts Americans first.…
Charles Koch Says 'It's Possible' Another Clinton Could Be Better Than A Republican…e-another-clinton-could-be-better-than-a-republican-n2153216
– Koch told ABC News’ Jonathan Karl that in some ways, Bill Clinton was a better president than George W. … ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos It’s not a secret that the two brothers, who have been at the receiving end of the political … Charles Koch told ABC News in an article published Monday, referring to the brothers' umbrella political organization, Freedom Partners…
Mosul: Iraq's National Battle Versus ISIS's Apocalyptic Battle…aqs-national-battle-versus-isiss-apocalyptic-battle-n2151236
– However, Iraqi political leaders see the collective opportunity Mosul offers. … In fact, it is a national effort. … Will Iraqi national unity emerge from this national effort?…
Up From Politics
– But conservatives seem stuck in an age that has passed us by and can't seem to get out of our post-Buckley rut, which is good news … 'Come on in,' National Review editorialized, 'the water's fine.' " In short, Bill Buckley was a gatekeeper of ideas. … In their place the political barbarians are not just in the streets but everywhere -- as far as the eye can see.…
Surreal: Black Reporter Interviews KKK Leader, Says Trump Is The Best Candidate For President…didate-for-presidentand-hes-not-a-white-supremacist-n2160464
– Now, we have Chris Thomas, a black reporter with the Richmond-based NBC12 news station, interviewing the Imperial Wizard of the Rebel … My photographer and I followed the Imperial Wizard into Jefferson National Forest. … Anyone with half a brain would denounce any overt endorsement from such groups in a political campaign.…
White House on Rhodes Fallout: We Never Lied About The Iran Deal…p-we-spun-the-media-on-the-iran-played-on-ignorance-n2160391
– In case you missed it last week, White House National Security advisor Ben Rhodes admitted the Obama administration took advantage … viral content and getting news for free? … Fox News correspondent Kevin Corke asked Earnest. "Yeah," Earnest responded.…
Well, THAT Happened
– On Tuesday morning, I gave a speech to the board of the National Association of Independent Business. … It was a political update. Ten hours later, everything had changed. That Donald Trump won was not a surprise. … sell advertising to help cover the chaos that would be the Republican National Convention.…
What Now? It's Panic Time on the Right
– He presented the great white hope of Republicans who wanted a contested national convention to save them from Trump. … In April, a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll asked voters whether they rated candidates favorably or unfavorably. … GOP political consultant Kevin Spillane told me he's bitter GOP voters rewarded Clinton's "dishonesty and cynicism" by going for Trump…
Who Killed Cock Robin
– At least that’s according to Donald Trump’s close friend David Pecker, chief executive of the National Enquirer supermarket tabloid … Enquirer has cut its journalistic teeth on similar “hard news” stories over the years since its founding in 1926. … Yes, it seems that the days of having true ‘statesman’ running for or serving in political office are long gone.…
Nominee Trump: Now What?
– At the time, I confidently and wrongly predicted on Fox News that there was no chance he'd become the Republican standard-bearer. … Clinton is indicted for her outrageous, national security-compromising email scheme, and if there's some sort of major terrorist attack … And she often has terrible political instincts.  As loathsome and amoral as he is, Trump can also be compelling and charming.  …
Mrs. Clinton, When You Tell People You’ll Ruin Their Lives; They’re Probably Not Going To Like You…n-their-lives-theyre-probably-not-going-to-like-you-n2157256
– Bernie Sanders’ remarks on climate change, alternative energy, and destroying coal (via Metro News): Bill Raney, president of … No one really trusts the national Democratic apparatus here, and they certainly do not like President Barack Obama. … She's a liar, though I know that's not news. But her shameless side is on display here–and it's quite explicit.…
The Incredible Shrinking Ann Coulter
– In these troublesome, frustrating political times, it seems to me that truth has become a commodity to be dispensed with, and media … Yet look over her latest articles over the past two years: America’s Favorite National Past-time: Hating Soccer I thought … How many of us remember her sudden termination from National Review following her explosive, offensive rants on Twitter?…
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