Results for: Republican National Committee

Nixon and Trump, Then and Now
– Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy, race riots in 100 cities, and street battles between cops and radicals at the Democratic National … Trump aides were charged with collusion with Vladimir Putin's Russia to disseminate stolen emails of the Democratic National Committee … He then won a 49-state landslide in 1972, creating a "New Majority," and setting the stage for Republican control of the presidency…
Clapper: Russians Also Collected Data on Republicans, Didn't Release It…also-collected-data-on-republicans-didnt-release-it-n2323893
– Speaking in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that … The Russians used cyber operations against both political parties, including hacking into servers used by the Democratic National Committee … "Russia also collected on certain Republican party affiliated targets, but did not release any Republican related data.…
House Oversight Committee Investigating How Obama Admin Misled Americans Over Iran Deal…ing-how-obama-admin-misled-americans-over-iran-deal-n2323401
– The New York Times reported last year that Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes helped push a "narrative" that Iran had adopted … In their May 5 letter, Republican Reps. … Republicans, and another to committee Democrats.…
Progressively Losing Freedom
– The former head of the Democratic National Committee now claims the horrifying things these “fascists” say qualify as “hate speech, … 82nd Avenue Rose Parade and Carnival scheduled for Saturday have been canceled because of threats against the Multnomah County Republican
Tee Hee: California Progressives Allege Voter Fraud in Democratic Party Election, Demand Voter ID…ege-voter-fraud-in-party-chair-vote-demand-voter-id-n2330955
– You may have heard that the state party's annual convention was marred by discord and vulgarity, with national DNC Chairman Tom "F-Bomb … Even California's beleaguered Republican Party couldn't whiff on this one. … Committee Chair Tom Perez after marching from the state Capitol to promote a universal heath care program.…
Senate Intelligence Committee: Flynn Isn't Getting Immunity And We Just Subpoenaed His Business…ence-committee-chairman-flyyn-isnt-getting-immunity-n2330791
– In March, former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn requested immunity through his attorney in exchange for testimony … Trump’s former national security adviser continues to stonewall lawmakers. … Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz strongly shot down the immunity request back when it was made.…
Surprise: California's Single-Payer Healthcare Plan Would Cost $400 Billion...Per Year…ayer-healthcare-plan-would-cost-400-billionper-year-n2330456
– And when I say "deep blue," I mean so blue that the Republican Party didn't even qualify a statewide candidate for the general election … The Senate Health Committee approved the measure on a 5-2 vote after a nearly three-hour hearing, but Democrats and Republicans alike … They argue that the national government would wield more power to negotiate lower prices for services and drugs.  …
Don't Bet Against Tax and Health Care Reform in 2017
– Former federal prosecutor and National Review contributor Andrew McCarthy says, "the basis for claiming at this point that President … And a Senate health care working group led by top Republican leaders, including Sens. … House Ways and Means Committee chair Kevin Brady just began expert tax hearings.…
RNC Chair Calls on Republicans to Unite Behind Trump
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel questioned reports Thursday that President Trump fired former FBI Director … James Comey because he wanted the agency to drop its investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.…
Lawyers: Michael Flynn Will Not Honor Subpoena
– Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's lawyers have indicated that their client will not comply with a subpoena to provide … documents related to the Russia investigation to the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to the Associated Press. … BREAKING: Top Republican on Senate intelligence panel says Michael Flynn's lawyers say he will not honor subpoena. — The Associated…
Dereliction of Duty
– not feel it necessary to immediately report this conversation with the president—or Trump’s request—to the House Intelligence Committee … leadership, is there a culture that says accountability to the people and supplying information to the congressional oversight committee … During that dispute, which concerned eavesdropping by the National Security Agency, Comey threatened to resign.…
Can the US Fix Afghanistan?
– Bush ultimately proposed a post-9/11 strategy that went beyond national defense. … The Worldwide Threat Assessment that Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats presented to the Senate intelligence committee last … In the coming months, Republicans in Congress working with a Republican in the White House will have the opportunity to take concrete…
Comey Firing Causes an Outcry from the Swamp
Republican Sen. … In May 2016, before Trump had won the Republican nomination, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence referred to the importance … "Russian interference" is the national-security version of "climate change."…
Hillary Could Use Mitt Romney's Advice About Gracefully Losing An Election…ds-to-take-a-play-from-the-romney-playbook-for-2016-n2335433
Committee, Wikileaks, The New York Times, low information voters, Barack Obama, The Republican Party, people wanting change, people … Hillary’s post-election sentiments are the polar opposite of 2012 Republican nominee for president Mitt Romney. … On her own party, specifically the Democratic National Committee, Clinton had no thank-you’s or compliments to the people who gave…
CNN’s John King Mocks Hillary: She Lost Because Russia Cloaked Wisconsin So She Couldn’t Find It…she-lost-because-russia-cloaked-wisconsin-so-she-c-n2334944
– She also shot inside the ship, blaming the Democratic National Committee for giving her a less than stellar data operation. … It was easy for the Republican Party to make her into a villain and the more she sticks around, the more she impedes the Left’s mission…
A Small, But Vocal Group Of Democrats To Pelosi: We're Tired Of Losing, We Want A Divorce…ts-to-pelosi-were-tired-of-losing-we-want-a-divorce-n2334544
– PAC’s candidates, recruit candidates that fit the bill, and give them a slogan to use to try to distinguish themselves from the national … West Virginia has not voted Democratic in national elections in nearly 20 years and Trump took the state with nearly 68 percent of … That includes these red state Democrats, who if bumped off, will most likely have their seat filled by a Republican.…
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell: Hillary Just Peddled A Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory…ry-just-peddled-a-russian-collusion-conspiracy-theo-n2334588
– The latest to join the club are The New York Times, who covered her email fiasco like it was Pearl Harbor, and the Democratic NationalCommittee, who left her a bankrupt and shoddy data operation. … As National Review’s David French noted, if Clinton and her entourage were active service members in the military, they’d all be in…
Clinton Whine Tour Part V: NYT Covered My ‘Nothing Burger’ Email Fiasco Like Pearl Harbor And The DNC Screwed Me Over…t-covered-my-email-fiasco-like-pearl-harbor-and-the-n2334421
– was interviewed at the Recode Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, where the former first lady tore in the Democratic NationalCommittee for leaving her more or less adrift, saying she inherited a data operation that was bankrupt. … Telling half the country they’re deplorable for supporting the Republican isn’t a good way to win.…
With Democrats Finally Scoring Special Elections Victories, Do They Still Think Winning Them Doesn't Matter…g-special-elections-victories-do-they-still-think-w-n2331115
– The New York race was a heavily Republican district: Dismissing these as minor blue state losses is spin. … And the New York race, won by a union-backed left-winger, flipped a heavily Republican seat in a legislative district Trump carried … The president did the same to Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence. Rogers reportedly drafted a memo on the incident.…
Montana Special Election: GOP Candidate Charged With Assaulting Reporter, Loses Newspaper Endorsements…candidate-charged-with-assaulting-reporter-loses-n-n2331562
– They will decide whether Democrat Rob Quist or Republican Greg Gianforte will succeed former Congressman Ryan Zinke, who left his elected … Gianforte, the Republican candidate for the state’s lone House seat, is scheduled to appear in court before June 7. … The Times added that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee called on Mr. Gianforte to withdraw from the race.…
RNC Chairwoman: It's Time to Put An End to Trump-Russia Investigations…irwoman-calls-for-end-to-trumprussia-investigations-n2339721
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel on Sunday called for an end to investigations into alleged Trump campaign … amp;amp;amp;gt; Russia investigations are underway among the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Senate Judiciary Committee
Trump's Palpable Fear of the Truth
– After Comey testified before a Senate committee, Marc Kasowitz released a letter stating, "Mr. … Comey testified that Trump said he hoped Comey would drop the investigation into his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn … The Washington Post reported that the president asked Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats to urge Comey to lay off Flynn and…
Comey Fallout: Ben Shapiro Has Some Solid Advice for Team Trump…ut-ben-shapiro-has-some-solid-advice-for-team-trump-n2338472
– Comey's prepared testimony and analyzed the former FBI Director's performance in front of the cameras -- then we saw both the RepublicanNational Committee and the president's private attorney respond to the hearing with a interesting mix of claimed vindication, and…
Mr. Nunes Went To Washington
– Was that a de facto dare for the committee to investigate what Nunes supposedly had blocked? … The House Intelligence Committee has not interviewed a single witness for more than two months. … Is that laxity because the committee so far has been unable to find concrete evidence of Trump-Russia collusion?…
Confirmed: Unmasking American Citizens For Political Purposes Is a Crime…american-citizens-for-political-reasons-is-a-crime-n2337773
– During an exchange with Republican Senator John Cornyn in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee Wednesday, Deputy Attorney General … Questions surrounding unmasking come after allegations former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, former UN Ambassador Samantha … Rice confirmed that she requested the demasking of Americans while she was National Security Adviser.…
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