Results for: national political news

Cruz Surges in Florida While Rubio Loses His Way
– A new CBS News poll published Sunday shows Ted Cruz flying past Marco Rubio in the final stretch of Florida's race for the White House … There is only one candidate who can beat Donald Trump on the national stage: That person is Ted Cruz. … And in the majority of national polls, Ted Cruz is the only GOP candidate who soundly beats Hillary Clinton. …
Clinton and Sanders Migrate on Immigration
– It was a classic Clinton chameleon maneuver executed in the service of political expediency. Sen. … Democratic operatives may think their national committee was sly in agreeing to a limited number of political debates -- none of them … on Fox News Channel.…
Media Malpractice 2016
– One of the greatest challenges a human being can face is to find a "political strategist" on any cable news network who has actually … The pundits and pontificators on cable news cannot ignore Donald Trump. … That would be news to candidates in the past.…
Devastating: 12 Key Quotes from WaPo's Email Scandal Deep Dive…m-the-washington-posts-hillary-email-scandal-report-n2140038
– Department security, intelligence and technology specialists, along with five officials from the National Security Agency, gathered … Brenner, then chief of counterintelligence at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, on Feb. 24 at a hotel in Vienna, … Clinton got herself into this legal, ethical and political mess. …
It’s Time for Christians in the NFL to Threaten a Boycott…ime-for-christians-in-the-nfl-to-threaten-a-boycott-n2140428
– were thrilled with this last Super Bowl, Super Bowl 50, claiming it was the gayest Super Bowl yet, from Lady Gaga singing the National … And how did you feel when some of the biggest news of the draft focused on a 7th round draft pick while the NFL picture seen around … So, we’re asking you to quit threatening states for protecting our liberties and to quit using us as tools of a political agenda.…
Brussels and the Border
– Ohio Governor John Kasich said on Fox News, “We cannot afford to alienate all the Muslims in the world who, by the way, are condemning … That’s such a perfect example of political correctness, it’s no wonder Kasich has lost 30 out of 31 Republican primaries and caucuses … Even the New York Times, in its news report from Belgium, attributed terrorism to “poorly integrated Muslim immigrants.” …
Cracks In GOP SCOTUS Wall? Sen. Toomey Meeting With Garland, Sen. Moran Says There Should Be Hearings…ith-garland-sen-moran-says-there-should-be-hearings-n2139022
– Garland ought to be granted hearings, according to a news report. The Garden City Telegram reported that Sen. … It’s a photo-op; a facet of the Washington gymnastics­–the process of finding political escape hatches to give lawmakers an out if … Moreover, national Democrats are still mad that Sestak remained committed to mounting a primary challenge to the late Sen.…
It's Working: Chelsea Clinton Decries Obamacare's 'Crushing Costs'
– On the other hand, more than six years into the national debate, the law remains unpopular, largely because it is utterly failing to … plan was savaged by Obama on the campaign trail before he adopted it as it own upon assuming office -- is struggling with this political … Via CBS News: A new government report says the web portal for health insurance coverage under President Barack Obama’s law logged…
The Perfect Candidate
– Substance and superficiality are the yin and yang of our political minds, and we have entitled ourselves to want what we want, no matter … We get nutty about substance, too, and yet we allow State Media—progressive, “mainstream” news outlets—to selectively apply the standard … Trump appeals to the Dorian Gray side of our national psyche, with ugly, snarling, and unrestrained demands for a solution to every…
ICYMI: Mizzou Facing A Huge Budget Shortfall After Political Correctness Fiasco…budget-shortfall-after-political-correctness-fiasco-n2132491
– of Missouri (MU) is losing about 1500 students and is facing a huge $32 million budget shortfall four months after it attracted national … I wish I had better news,” said MU interim chancellor Hank Foley in a Wednesday letter to school staff [March 9] that was obtained … As you can see, political correctness, besides being mind-numbingly stupid and authoritarianism masked under the guise of diversity…
Trump vs. Democrats: Who Are the Real 'Racial Arsonists'?
– Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in 2011, said Republicans "want to literally drag us all the way … Donna Brazile, now a political commentator on CNN, was the campaign manager of Al Gore's 2000 presidential bid and served as interim … Bush's "executive branch has made it a practice to try and control and intimidate news organizations, from PBS to CBS to Newsweek.…
Brussels and Iraq: Battlegrounds in the Terrorists' Global War…and-iraq-battlegrounds-in-the-terrorists-global-war-n2138123
– It affected Spain's national elections and brought "Socialist peace candidate" Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero to power. … However, intelligence officers usually advise minimizing news of a capture until they have finished interrogating the terrorist and … That noted, the Paris attack seems to have been a sobering political watershed.…
Mack The Knife
– The Republican National Convention will officially be called to order on July 18. That is four months away. … Not to be intimidated by a story that may run for months, cable news channel hosts and their panels … I am a willing participant … in cable news panels on channels ranging from Al Jazeera America, to Fox Business, to CNN.…
Brutal: Former Defense Secretaries Openly Slam 'Inexperienced' Obama White House War Micromanagement…enly-discuss-war-micromanagent-of-obama-white-house-n2144666
– Now in an astonishing report from Fox News anchor Bret Baier, three former Obama Defense Secretaries are openly slamming him for his … "It was the operational micromanagement that drove me nuts of White House and NSC (National Security Council) staffers calling senior … "When I I was Deputy National Security Advisor, if I would have tried to, even as deputy, if I had tried to call a field commander,…
Moonies for Cruz
– This is great news for him, provided: (1) the general election is a caucus, and (2) the national media universally denounce Cruz's … Republicans used to be appalled by guttersnipe, lying political operators like the Clintons. … Now they are guttersnipe, lying political operators like the Clintons.…
My Chicago
– A glancing reference earlier to my time writing editorials for the late, and by the time I got there, not-so-great Chicago Daily News … And a piece of petrified wood from the Redwood National Park. All on display like three-dimensional postcards. … His biography and analysis of Mayor Daley I ("Boss") remains a masterpiece not just of journalism but political science.…
Rooftop Solar Companies Will Only Play if the Game Is Stacked in Their Favor…ill-only-play-if-the-game-is-stacked-in-their-favor-n2143813
– A news report about the founding of TASC states: “First and foremost, the group will work to protect net-energy metering (NEM) rules … fossil fuel industry has, for example, the American Petroleum Institute, the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the National … With the potential of a change in political winds—remember the solar supporters all seem to be left-leaning, big government believers…
McConnell: I Don't See Any 'Cracks' In GOP Opposition To Obama SCOTUS Nominee…ny-cracks-in-gop-opposition-to-obama-scotus-nominee-n2143774
– It’s a lot more fun to get ahead of the news rather than try and catch up with it. Let me ask you, Senator McConnell. … But national pressure against Senate Republicans has produced little in the way of actual momentum for confirmation hearings; just … Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), who is about to fight for her political life against Gov.…
Hmm: Despite Denials, Is Paul Ryan in the Mix for a Contested Convention?…is-paul-ryan-in-the-mix-for-a-contested-convention-n2143397
– delegates turn to Ryan — ergo, a 54 percent chance that Ryan, who’ll start the third week of July as chairman of the Republican National … to present a positive, forward-looking Republican message that might cut through the ugly noise of the presidential primary for a news … pot in either direction, instead working diligently to craft an agenda for House Republicans, while championing a Bizarro World political
The Trump Effect: Support for Border Wall Plummets 18 Points in Six Months…er-wall-with-mexico-falls-18-points-since-september-n2141742
– via Allahpundit, who wonders how this could possibly be the case, given the public's understandably heightened anxieties about national … You'd think that support for the border wall, which can easily be cast as a national security precaution, would've ticked up.   … And he's willing to sacrifice anything in order to pad his ego in the moment, settle petty scores, or win a fleeting news cycle. …
From Plato to NATO in a Dangerous World
– Hillary Clinton, the Democrat most likely to succeed, is criticized for building a private email system that could breach national … It's a reminder of what has been sacrificed to promote political correctness in our culture. … "In recognition of the unique role Western culture has had in shaping our political, economic and social institutions," the student…
Yes, The Cosmopolitan Video On Gun Ownership Is A Nightmare…on-gun-ownership-is-just-as-bad-as-you-would-expect-n2141278
– same falsehoods and stereotypes peddled by the anti-gun left are reinforced on the other side, according to Ericka Andersen of National … While young Americans have political views that often don’t make sense, their views on gun rights and abortion are more in line with … This is a bit puzzling, given that younger Americans are less Republican in their political leanings than older people and are also…
Obama's Inscrutable Immigration Policies
– The news these days reads like a poorly written B movie script. … On Easter Sunday, Breitbart News' Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein aired a radio interview with Abu al-Ayna al-Ansari, described … This is about national security.…
Missing Palestinian Youth Found, and Surprises Abound…issing-palestinian-youth-found-and-surprises-abound-n2150336
– When I heard reports throughout Israeli national media about three Palestinian Arab youth missing for nearly two weeks, I was concerned … We have other concerns and threats, so that when a child goes missing, or a missing child is found, it is indeed national news. … I was also concerned that somehow these missing Palestinian Arab youth might have been harmed by misguided Israelis for political reasons…
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