Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Let's Get On a Pro-American Track
– and studied Fast Track plus its companion trade bill called Trans-Pacific Partnership, has compiled a list of objections to it that are … Here are some of the ways that Fast Track and TPP will betray us. The text of TPP emphasizes that it is a "living agreement." … TPP opens the door to more waves of illegal immigrants and allows Obama to make future changes without any congressional oversight…
Why Lindsey Graham Doesn't Have A Chance
– They are large, they are rich and they're entrenched." Hard as it is for many of us to admit it.  … I have bad news to share with you -- the radical Islamists are not tired of fighting you."  … Graham worked with his sidekick John McCain back in 2013 to draft a way for illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows and eventually…
Carlos Slim: The New York Times’ Sugar Daddy
– But the main way illegal immigrants benefit Slim is through their remissions. … out of America back to their relatives in Mexico each year.29 No wonder immigrants are so reliant on welfare—they’re sending so much … In the Times’ 2014 “Go Big” editorial—the one insisting that Obama grant permanent residence to illegal immigrants streaming across…
What Just Happened in Las Vegas, Nevada Could Destroy the GOP…happened-in-las-vegas-nevada-could-destroy-the-gop-n2010734
– Republicans are the stupid party. … Here are the 5 sins of the Nevada GOP. And trust me…they are coming to a state near you. … Wait it gets worse- California is so dumb they just voted to give Medicaid to illegal immigrants.…
Trump Towers in 'First Debate'
– The debate Trump won was the one dealing with illegal immigrants from Mexico that he started three weeks ago when he officially announced … Most - not " some" - of the 5.9 million illegal immigrants from Mexico who live in the USA are good people. … Because of him calling attention to criminality among illegal Mexican immigrants, the issue has become a hot media topic.…
Is Your Church Abetting Sanctuary Nation?
– And political phonies are doing nothing to stop them. … Fellow illegal alien Rosa Robles Loreto has been living at First Christian for nearly a year. … Capitol Hill's abdication of its duties to protect and defend our borders is bad enough.…
Yahoo News = Virtual News
– These guys are comedians whose shows are so boring that 90% of Americans have never even seen them.) … Illegal aliens are mothers and babies, not the gangbangers with tattoos over their faces and necks. … to grant amnesty to many millions of illegal aliens.”…
Border-ing on Insanity
– But unfortunately those individuals are equaled in number by the type of illegal aliens described by Donald Trump. … Policies that both political parties are responsible for. … Many of the new immigrants to our shores are here to take advantage of our social services, the opportunities offered by our free market…
Media Hide Facts, Call Everyone Else a Liar
– A curious media might also wonder why any immigrants are committing crimes in America. … It's bad enough that immigrants, both legal and illegal, are accessing government benefits at far above the native rate, but why would … In other words, the government hasn't the first idea how many prisoners are legal immigrants, illegal immigrants or anchor babies.…
In Defense of Donald Trump
Are the waves of illegal aliens flooding the southern border Ph.D.s with venture capital seed money walking into the United States … Or are they low- and no-skilled workers who are barely literate in their native tongue coming here to be hired by companies willing … But finding cases of illegal immigrants committing violent crimes are far more common than anything that drives masses of unshowered…
California's Latino Education Crisis
– Is this good news or bad news? The L.A. Times seems to think the former. … Latinos are the largest and most rapidly growing ethnic minority in the country, but, academically, they are lagging dangerously far … Illegal immigrants can get WIC and other welfare programs for their American-born children."…
UCLA to Hire Illegal Aliens As Interns
Illegal aliens are put up on a pedestal in California, and the state's education system makes certain of that. … Senate failed to pass the DREAM Act in 2010, which would have given a path to citizenship to illegal immigrants who came to the United … By only offering these paid internships to illegal immigrants UCLA is not only hurting law abiding citizens who are of all ethnicities…
Thoughts on Trump and His Critics
– On the other hand, if this is not their view; if they concede that there are criminals among Mexican immigrants and that some of them … Third, that immigrants from Mexico (and other Central and South American countries) are indeed bringing “lots of problems” with them … Immigrants, and illegal immigrants specifically, may be in America, but they are not of it.…
Donald Trump: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
– Americans not fond of Trump are not recoiling at his positions on issues; they are blanching at his approach, his bluntness, his ego … Any idiot knows his rapist reference was amid a rant on the crimes of illegal immigrants, a theme that resonates loudly as Kate Steinle … For now, he represents many things most candidates are not. He is courageous where others are cautious.…
Voters to G.O.P.: We're Just Not That Into Immigrants
– (Sometimes it seems as if political consultants are in the game only to make money.) … His current presidential website denounces "the Washington establishment" for trying to "reward illegal immigrants with amnesty and … All those high-priced campaign consultants are standing around scratching their heads.…
Documented Irresponsibility
– a bad joke. … Donald Trump's sweeping smear of immigrants does not need to be answered by an equally sweeping celebration of immigrants. … What are the crime rates, the disease rates, the automobile fatality rates, the educational records of the children of immigrants from…
Trump Opponents Take Nuanced View of Child Rape
– By contrast, less than 2 percent of births in the U.S. are to girls in that age group -- and most of those are Hispanics, who are seven … These websites aren't even counting legal immigrants. … Illegal immigrants are hard-working: One time, Perez-Valencia tried to rape the 11-year-old after taking her to work with him.…
Hollywood Stars So Stupid They Can’t Think Properly
– granting amnesty via executive order to millions of illegal immigrants. … Incredibly, the expanded executive powers of President Obama are not enough for Hollywood liberals. … Heaven help America if the wishes of Paltrow and Hollywood are ever achieved.…
Report: WH Lied About Releasing Illegal Immigrants Charged With Violent Crimes…sing-illegal-immigrants-charged-with-violent-crimes-n1909134
– So they cut loose thousands of detained illegal immigrants, while carefully assuring the public that those released were "low risk  … That detail was important, they reckoned, because releasing violent criminals of any sort, let alone illegal immigrants, would create … Then again, simply releasing thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal records is par for the course; you're just not supposed…
Why Is Hal Rogers Caving To Obama On Executive Amnesty?
– Obama's executive amnesty for illegal immigrants even received a direct rebuke in the deep blue state of Oregon where voters rejected … a ballot initiative that would have given illegal immigrants drivers licenses.  … Obama's amnesty would overturn the will of these voters by forcing states to give illegal immigrants drivers licenses. …
Why Saul Alinsky Would Deplore Amnesty By "Executive Action"…l-alinsky-would-deplore-amnesty-by-executive-action-n1923446
– "Executive Action" was a bad thing. It is still a bad thing. … Actually we the people are a lot smarter than you might think, Mr. President. … Executive Action will not end well for the immigrants who you seek to shelter from deportation.…
Amnesty Will Change The American Character
– In granting five million illegal immigrants amnesty, President Obama changed the country. … The people that are here illegally, and those that will come as America’s illegal alien population continues to grow, will eventually … Populations are on the move. Western countries’ borders are under attack everywhere.…
Global Deflation & Domestic Inflation = Market Pressure
– More well-off consumers are shopping as William Sonoma enjoyed comparable store sales of 8.7%. … As a political gambit, even Hispanics aren't fawning over the idea that 5 million illegal immigrants get rewarded while more than six … million people are trying to enter the country through the legal process.…
A White House Mass Pardon for Identity Thieves
– President Obama is poised to show his "compassion" this week by granting work cards to an estimated five million illegal immigrants … Their victims are about to get kicked in the teeth again. … "Even though a lot of them come to work, there are always bad apples.…
Obama’s Peculiar View of Economics and Law
– Here are four examples. 1. … Immigration Millions of immigrants are in America illegally, and ever conscious that Hispanic and Asian voters are critical … appease immigrants’ advocates by violating the law.…
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